1 plain cement concrete
Общая лексика: неармированный цементобетон -
2 concrete
- concrete
- nбетон; бетонная смесь || бетонировать
concrete around reinforcing steel — бетон в зоне [между стержнями] арматуры
concrete compacted by jolting — бетонная смесь, уплотнённая ударным методом [трамбованием]
concrete cured at 20°C — бетон, выдерживаемый при температуре 20°C
concrete cured at elevated temperatures — бетон, выдержанный [отвердевший] в условиях повышенных температур
concrete in mass — массивный бетон, бетон, уложенный в большой массив
concrete in the structure — бетон в теле конструкции [сооружения] ( в отличие от бетона в контрольных образцах)
concrete placed in lifts — бетон, укладываемый слоями [послойно]
concrete placed in the work — бетон, уложенный в конструкцию
concrete strong enough to support its own weight — бетон, достигший прочности, достаточной для восприятия собственного веса
concrete strong enough to support superimposed loads — бетон, достигший прочности, позволяющей воспринимать приложенные [временные] нагрузки
concrete with a high cement factor — бетонная смесь с большим содержанием цемента, жирная бетонная смесь
- concrete of inadequate quality
- concrete of the required quality
- abrasion-resistant concrete
- acid-resisting concrete
- acrylic concrete
- aerated concrete
- air-entrained concrete
- air entrapped concrete
- air-placed concrete
- air-tight concrete
- alkali-resistant glass grain-reinforced concrete
- all-lightweight-aggregate concrete
- architectural concrete
- architectural exposed concrete
- architectural precast concrete
- asbestos foamed concrete
- as-mixed concrete
- asphaltic concrete
- asphalt concrete
- as-placed concrete
- autoclaved concrete
- backfill concrete
- basalt chippings concrete
- base course concrete
- base concrete
- belt-conveyed concrete
- biological shielding concrete
- bitumen concrete
- black concrete
- blended cement concrete
- blinding concrete
- board-finished concrete
- board marked concrete
- breeze concrete
- brick-look concrete
- brushed concrete
- bulk concrete
- bush hammered concrete
- calcium silicate concrete
- cast-in-place concrete
- cellular concrete
- cement concrete
- centrifugally cast concrete
- chloride-contaminated concrete
- cinder concrete
- clay concrete
- coarse-graded asphaltic concrete
- coarse asphaltic concrete
- coarse-graded asphalt concrete
- coarse asphalt concrete
- cold-laid asphaltic concrete
- cold asphaltic concrete
- cold-laid asphalt concrete
- cold asphalt concrete
- colloidal concrete
- colored concrete
- compacted concrete
- composite reinforced concrete
- constructional concrete
- continuously reinforced concrete
- conventional concrete
- corrosion-damaged concrete
- crushed concrete
- crushed brick concrete
- cryogenic concrete
- cured concrete
- custom concrete
- cyclopean concrete
- dense concrete
- densit concrete
- dingy concrete
- disintegrated concrete
- doubly prestressed concrete
- doubly reinforced concrete
- dry concrete
- dry mixture concrete
- dry mix concrete
- durable concrete
- earth-damp concrete
- electrically conductive concrete
- electrically heated concrete
- epoxy concrete
- exfoliated vermiculite concrete
- expanded concrete
- expanded-clay concrete
- expansive-cement concrete
- exposed aggregate concrete
- extra heavy concrete
- extreme lightweight concrete
- extruded concrete
- facing concrete
- fair-faced concrete
- fat concrete
- fiber reinforced concrete
- field concrete
- field-cured concrete
- fill concrete
- fine grained concrete
- fine grain concrete
- fire-proof concrete
- floated concrete
- flowing concrete
- flow concrete
- foamed concrete
- foamed slag concrete
- foam-gas concrete
- free-flowing concrete
- fresh concrete
- freshly laid concrete
- freshly mixed concrete
- freshly placed concrete
- fully consolidated concrete
- furnace cinder concrete
- gas concrete
- glass concrete
- glass-fiber reinforced concrete
- granolithic concrete
- green concrete
- grouted-aggregate concrete
- grouted concrete
- gunned concrete
- gypsum concrete
- gypsum fiber concrete
- hand mixed concrete
- hardened concrete
- harsh concrete
- hearting concrete
- heated concrete
- heat insulating concrete
- heat-resistant concrete
- heavyweight concrete
- weight concrete
- high-density concrete
- high-early-strength concrete
- high flowability concrete
- high-pressure steam cured concrete
- high-strength concrete
- high-temperature-resisting concrete
- high-temperature concrete
- high-workability concrete
- holdover concrete
- honeycombed concrete
- hot concrete
- hot-laid asphaltic concrete
- hot asphaltic concrete
- hot-laid asphalt concrete
- hot asphalt concrete
- hot weather concrete
- hydraulic concrete
- ice concrete
- improved quality concrete
- in-fill concrete
- initial concrete
- in-situ concrete
- insulating concrete
- integrally colored concrete
- iron-shot concrete
- latex modified concrete
- lean mix concrete
- lean concrete
- left-over concrete
- lightweight concrete
- lightweight aggregate concrete
- lime concrete
- low cement content concrete
- low-density concrete
- low-grade concrete
- low-heat concrete
- low-pressure steam cured concrete
- low-slump concrete
- low-slump dense concrete
- low workability concrete
- machine mixed concrete
- marine concrete
- mass concrete
- microsilica concrete
- monolithic concrete
- mushy concrete
- nailable concrete
- new concrete
- no-fines concrete
- no-fine concrete
- noncomplying concrete
- nonshrink concrete
- normal-weight concrete
- normal concrete
- no-slump concrete
- no-voids concrete
- ocrated concrete
- off-formwork concrete
- ordinary structural concrete
- ornamental concrete
- oversite concrete
- packaged concrete
- pattern stamped concrete
- pavement concrete
- perlite aggregate concrete
- perlite concrete
- perlite insulating concrete
- pfa concrete
- pigmented concrete
- plain concrete
- plant-mixed concrete
- plastic concrete
- plastic state concrete
- pneumatically placed concrete
- polyester resin concrete
- polyester concrete
- polymer concrete
- polymer-cement concrete
- polymer-impregnated concrete
- polymer-modified concrete
- polymer-modified glass-fiber-reinforced concrete
- polystyrene bead concrete
- polystyrene-foam concrete
- poor concrete
- popcorn concrete
- porous concrete
- Portland cement concrete
- post-tension concrete
- pourable concrete
- poured-in-place concrete
- pozzolana concrete
- precast concrete
- precast glass-fiber-reinforced concrete
- precast prestressed concrete
- precast reinforced concrete
- precast with cast-in-place concrete
- prefabricated reinforced concrete
- prefab reinforced concrete
- prepacked aggregate concrete
- prepacked concrete
- pre-post tensioned concrete
- prestressed concrete
- pretensioned concrete
- pretension concrete
- properly consolidated concrete
- pumice concrete
- pumpable concrete
- quality concrete
- quality controlled concrete
- radiation shielding concrete
- rammed concrete
- ready mixed concrete
- recycled concrete
- refractory concrete
- refractory insulating concrete
- regular concrete
- reinforced concrete
- reinforced polymer concrete
- resin concrete
- resin modified cement concrete
- returned concrete
- rich concrete
- roller compacted concrete
- rubble concrete
- salt water resistant concrete
- sand concrete
- sand blasted concrete
- sawdust concrete
- scale-resistant concrete
- scoria concrete
- sealed concrete
- seawater resisting concrete
- seawater concrete
- self-compacting concrete
- self-stressed concrete
- semidry concrete
- semilightweight concrete
- set concrete
- shielding concrete
- shrinkage compensating concrete
- shrink-mixed concrete
- shuttered concrete
- silica-fume concrete
- silicate concrete
- site concrete
- site mixed concrete
- site mixed ready mixed concrete
- slag concrete
- specialty concretes
- special concretes
- specified ready mixed concrete
- sprayed concrete
- sprayed steel fiber concrete
- spun concrete
- stabilized concrete
- stamped concrete
- standard concrete
- steam cured concrete
- steel fiber concrete
- steel fiber reinforced concrete
- steel fibrous concrete
- sticky concrete
- stiff consistency concrete
- stiff concrete
- stone concrete
- structural concrete
- structural lightweight aggregate concrete
- structural lightweight concrete
- structural precast concrete
- submerged concrete
- sulfate-resistant concrete
- sulfur concrete
- sulfur-modified concrete
- super concrete
- superplasticized concrete
- superplasticized flowing concrete
- tamped concrete
- tar concrete
- terrazzo concrete
- textured architectural concrete
- textured concrete
- textured concrete left as cast
- three component concrete
- tooled concrete
- transit-mix concrete
- translucent concrete
- tremie concrete
- trowelled concrete
- truck-mixed concrete
- two-component concrete
- ultra-high-strength concrete
- uncured concrete
- undersanded concrete
- underwater concrete
- uniform concrete
- unreinforced concrete
- unsurfaced exposed concrete
- vacuum treated concrete
- vacuum concrete
- vermiculate concrete
- vibrated concrete
- waterproofed concrete
- water-repellent concrete
- watertight concrete
- weak concrete
- wearproof concrete
- wet concrete
- white cement concrete
- white concrete
- wire prestressed precast concrete
- wire stressed precast concrete
- wood cement concrete
- wood fiber concrete
- zero slump concrete
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
3 cement
- cement
- n1. цемент; гидравлическое или минеральное вяжущее
2. клей
- adhesive cement
- air-entraining cement
- aluminous cement
- anchor cement
- antibacteria cement
- asbestos cement
- asphalt cement
- bagged cement
- baritic cement
- bauxite cement
- bituminous cement
- bituminous plastic cement
- blastfurnace cement
- bleeding cement
- blended cement
- blended Portland-PFA cement
- bonding cement
- bottled cement
- bottle cement
- calcium aluminate cement
- clay cement
- coarse ground cement
- coarse cement
- colored cement
- dry-packed concrete cement
- expanded cement
- extra-rapid hardening cement
- fast drying solvent cement
- fast-setting cement
- Ferrari cement
- fire cement
- flooring cement
- general purpose Portland cement
- gypsum cement
- high-alumina cement
- high-early-strength cement
- high-expansion cement
- high-grade cement
- high iron oxide cement
- high-strength cement
- hot cement
- hydrated cement
- hydraulic cement
- hydrophobic cement
- ice cement
- iron cement
- iron-ore cement
- iron-rust cement
- Keene's cement
- Lafarge cement
- lime-pozzolanic cement
- low-alkali cement
- low-grade cement
- low-heat-of-hydration cement
- low-heat cement
- magnesia cement
- magnesium oxychloride cement
- magnesium phosphate cement
- masonry cement
- natural cement
- nepheline cement
- nonshrinking cement
- normal Portland cement
- oil well cement
- ordinary Portland cement
- oxychloride cement
- Parker's cement
- phenolic-resin cement
- pigmented cement
- plain cement
- plastic roof cement
- polymer-modified cement
- Portland cement
- Portland-blastfurnace cement
- pozzolanic cement
- pozzolanic cement with pulverized-fuel ash
- quick-setting cement
- rapid-hardening cement
- rapid-setting cement
- refractory cement
- Roman cement
- roof cement
- rubber cement
- sacked cement
- slag cements
- slow setting cement
- soil cement
- specialty cements
- special cements
- sticky cement
- stove-lining asbestos cement
- sulfate resisting cement
- sulfoaluminate cement
- sulfur cement
- sulfur-asphalt cement
- trass cement
- type I cement
- type IA cement
- type II cement
- type IIA cement
- type III cement
- type IIIA cement
- type IV cement
- type V cement
- type Ip cement
- type Is cement
- underwater cement
- waterproofing cement
- waterproof cement
- white cement
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
4 concrete
1) бетон3) бетонный4) бетонировать; сращивать5) конкретный; определённый•to lay concrete in alternate bay — укладывать бетонное покрытие "через плиту" ( дорожное строительство)
to let into concrete — забетонировать; заделать в бетон
to mix concrete "en route" — перемешивать бетон в пути ( в автобетономешалке)
to prestress reinforced concrete by post-tensioning — предварительно напрягать железобетон натяжением на упоры
to transfer stress from the reinforcing steel to the concrete — обжимать бетон при предварительном напряжении в изделии
to strike off surplus concrete — снимать, срезать излишки бетона
- concrete of stiff consistency - above-water concrete - acid-resisting concrete - adjustment of concrete mixture - aerated concrete - ageing of concrete - agglomerate-foam concrete - air-entrained concrete - air-entraining concrete - air-entrapped concrete - air-hardening of concrete - airfree concrete - air-placed concrete - airtight concrete - antiseptic concrete - application of concrete mixture - architectural concrete - architectural exposed concrete - armoured concrete - articulated concrete - asbestos-foamed concrete - as cast concrete - ash concrete - asphalt concrete - asphaltic concrete - asphaltic-cement concrete - as-placed concrete - autoclaved concrete - autoclaved cellular concrete - awakened concrete - balancing of proposed concrete mix - arrangement of steel in reinforced concrete - ballast concrete - batching of concrete mix - batching of concrete mix by volume - batching of concrete mix by weight - belt-conveyed concrete - biological shielding concrete - bituminous concrete - bituminous concrete pavement - bleeding of concrete - blown-out concrete - bonded to the steel concrete - booted concrete - breakdown test for concrete sample - breeze concrete - broken concrete - build concrete - buried concrete - bush-hammered concrete - cassie concrete - cast concrete - cast-in-place concrete - cast-in-situ concrete - cell concrete - cellular concrete - cement concrete - cement concrete pavement - central-mixed concrete - ceramsite concrete - cinder concrete - close-up failures in concrete structure - coarse concrete - coarseness of concrete mixture grading - cinder cement concrete - coke cement concrete - cold weather concrete - colloidal concrete - coloured concrete - compacted concrete - continuous concrete - controlled-quality concrete - copper-bearing concrete - corrosion-damaged concrete - crack safety of reinforced concrete elements - crazed concrete - crushed concrete - crushed-stone concrete - cured concrete - curing of concrete by ponding - curing of concrete units - curing of test concrete specimens - custom concrete - dead load of concrete structure - de-aerated concrete - deformation of concrete mix - delayed-setting concrete - dense concrete - dense ballast concrete - deposing of concrete - dry-mix concrete - dry concrete - early-strength concrete - earth concrete - electrically conductive concrete - epoxy concrete - excess concrete - expansive concrete - exposed concrete - extra-heavy concrete - fast-hardening concrete - fat concrete - faulty concrete - fibrous concrete - field concrete - fine concrete - finished concrete - floated concrete - floating concrete mixture plant - fluating of concrete - fluid concrete - fly-ash concrete - foam concrete - folding concrete form - fresh concrete - fully consolidated concrete - gas concrete - glass concrete - glass-fibre reinforced concrete - granite concrete - gravel concrete - gravel-aggregated concrete - green concrete - grouted-aggregate concrete - guss concrete - hand-compacted concrete - gypsum concrete - gypsum fibre concrete - hard concrete - hard rock concrete - hardened concrete - hardening of concrete - harsh concrete - haydite concrete - hearting concrete - heat-insulating concrete - heat-resistant concrete - heavy concrete - high-slump concrete - high-strength concrete - hollow concrete - homogeneous concrete - honeycombing concrete - hooped concrete - hot-laid asphaltic concrete - hydraulic concrete - ingredients of concrete - in-situ concrete - integral waterproofing of concrete - iron-shot concrete - job-mixed concrete - job-placed concrete - jonquil concrete - lean concrete - light aggregate concrete - lightweight concrete - lightweight aggregate concrete - lilac concrete - lime concrete - liquid concrete - liquid glass concrete - loose concrete - low-porosity concrete - low-slump concrete - machine-mixed concrete - marine concrete - mass concrete - mushy consistency of concrete - nailable concrete - nailing concrete - normal concrete - normal heavy concrete - no-slump concrete - off-formwork concrete - ordinary dense concrete - overnight concrete - oversite concrete - pavement concrete - placeability of concrete - placement of concrete - plain concrete - polymer concrete - polypropylene-fibre reinforced concrete - polystyrene-foam concrete - poor concrete - poor-quality concrete - popcorn concrete - porous concrete - portland-cement concrete - portland-pozzolana concrete - poured-in-place concrete - post-stressed concrete - post-tensioned concrete - precast concrete - precast structural concrete - prepacked aggregate concrete - pressed concrete - prestressed concrete - prestressed concrete with anchor loops - prestressed concrete with anchor plates - pumice concrete - pump concrete - quality concrete - rammed concrete - reactive aggregate concrete - ready-mix concrete - ready-mixed concrete - refractory concrete - reinforced concrete - rich concrete - roller compacted concrete - rough concrete - rubble concrete - sample of concrete - sand and gravel concrete - sand-cinder concrete - sandwich concrete - sawdust concrete - segregated concrete - segregating concrete - self-stressed concrete - setting of concrete - site concrete - slag concrete - slag-foam concrete - slow-setting concrete - spread concrete - spreaded concrete - spun concrete - stamped concrete - steam-cured concrete - steamed concrete - steel concrete - steel-fibre reinforced concrete - stiff concrete - stone concrete - structural concrete - stuck concrete - subaqueous concrete - substandard concrete - sulphur concrete - sulphur modified concrete - tamped concrete - tar concrete - terazzo concrete - transit-mix concrete - transit-mixed concrete - tremie concrete - ultra-high-strength concrete - undersanded concrete - underwater concrete - unworkable concrete - vacuum concrete - vacuum-treated concrete - vermiculite concrete - water-cured concrete - waterproof concrete - watertight concrete - weather resistant concrete - wet concrete - wood-fibre concrete - workability of concrete - workable concreteto strike off excess concrete — снимать, срезать излишки бетона
* * *бетон; бетонная смесь || бетонироватьconcrete around reinforcing steel — бетон в зоне [между стержнями] арматуры
concrete compacted by jolting — бетонная смесь, уплотнённая ударным методом [трамбованием]
concrete cured at 20°C — бетон, выдерживаемый при температуре 20°C
concrete cured at elevated temperatures — бетон, выдержанный [отвердевший] в условиях повышенных температур
concrete in mass — массивный бетон, бетон, уложенный в большой массив
concrete in the structure — бетон в теле конструкции [сооружения] ( в отличие от бетона в контрольных образцах)
concrete placed in lifts — бетон, укладываемый слоями [послойно]
concrete placed in the work — бетон, уложенный в конструкцию
concrete strong enough to support its own weight — бетон, достигший прочности, достаточной для восприятия собственного веса
concrete strong enough to support superimposed loads — бетон, достигший прочности, позволяющей воспринимать приложенные [временные] нагрузки
- concrete of inadequate qualityconcrete with a high cement factor — бетонная смесь с большим содержанием цемента, жирная бетонная смесь
- concrete of the required quality
- abrasion-resistant concrete
- acid-resisting concrete
- acrylic concrete
- aerated concrete
- air-entrained concrete
- air entrapped concrete
- air-placed concrete
- air-tight concrete
- alkali-resistant glass grain-reinforced concrete
- all-lightweight-aggregate concrete
- architectural concrete
- architectural exposed concrete
- architectural precast concrete
- asbestos foamed concrete
- as-mixed concrete
- asphaltic concrete
- asphalt concrete
- as-placed concrete
- autoclaved concrete
- backfill concrete
- basalt chippings concrete
- base course concrete
- base concrete
- belt-conveyed concrete
- biological shielding concrete
- bitumen concrete
- black concrete
- blended cement concrete
- blinding concrete
- board-finished concrete
- board marked concrete
- breeze concrete
- brick-look concrete
- brushed concrete
- bulk concrete
- bush hammered concrete
- calcium silicate concrete
- cast-in-place concrete
- cellular concrete
- cement concrete
- centrifugally cast concrete
- chloride-contaminated concrete
- cinder concrete
- clay concrete
- coarse-graded asphaltic concrete
- coarse asphaltic concrete
- coarse-graded asphalt concrete
- coarse asphalt concrete
- cold-laid asphaltic concrete
- cold asphaltic concrete
- cold-laid asphalt concrete
- cold asphalt concrete
- colloidal concrete
- colored concrete
- compacted concrete
- composite reinforced concrete
- constructional concrete
- continuously reinforced concrete
- conventional concrete
- corrosion-damaged concrete
- crushed concrete
- crushed brick concrete
- cryogenic concrete
- cured concrete
- custom concrete
- cyclopean concrete
- dense concrete
- densit concrete
- dingy concrete
- disintegrated concrete
- doubly prestressed concrete
- doubly reinforced concrete
- dry concrete
- dry mixture concrete
- dry mix concrete
- durable concrete
- earth-damp concrete
- electrically conductive concrete
- electrically heated concrete
- epoxy concrete
- exfoliated vermiculite concrete
- expanded concrete
- expanded-clay concrete
- expansive-cement concrete
- exposed aggregate concrete
- extra heavy concrete
- extreme lightweight concrete
- extruded concrete
- facing concrete
- fair-faced concrete
- fat concrete
- fiber reinforced concrete
- field concrete
- field-cured concrete
- fill concrete
- fine grained concrete
- fine grain concrete
- fire-proof concrete
- floated concrete
- flowing concrete
- flow concrete
- foamed concrete
- foamed slag concrete
- foam-gas concrete
- free-flowing concrete
- fresh concrete
- freshly laid concrete
- freshly mixed concrete
- freshly placed concrete
- fully consolidated concrete
- furnace cinder concrete
- gas concrete
- glass concrete
- glass-fiber reinforced concrete
- granolithic concrete
- green concrete
- grouted-aggregate concrete
- grouted concrete
- gunned concrete
- gypsum concrete
- gypsum fiber concrete
- hand mixed concrete
- hardened concrete
- harsh concrete
- hearting concrete
- heated concrete
- heat insulating concrete
- heat-resistant concrete
- heavyweight concrete
- weight concrete
- high-density concrete
- high-early-strength concrete
- high flowability concrete
- high-pressure steam cured concrete
- high-strength concrete
- high-temperature-resisting concrete
- high-temperature concrete
- high-workability concrete
- holdover concrete
- honeycombed concrete
- hot concrete
- hot-laid asphaltic concrete
- hot asphaltic concrete
- hot-laid asphalt concrete
- hot asphalt concrete
- hot weather concrete
- hydraulic concrete
- ice concrete
- improved quality concrete
- in-fill concrete
- initial concrete
- in-situ concrete
- insulating concrete
- integrally colored concrete
- iron-shot concrete
- latex modified concrete
- lean mix concrete
- lean concrete
- left-over concrete
- lightweight concrete
- lightweight aggregate concrete
- lime concrete
- low cement content concrete
- low-density concrete
- low-grade concrete
- low-heat concrete
- low-pressure steam cured concrete
- low-slump concrete
- low-slump dense concrete
- low workability concrete
- machine mixed concrete
- marine concrete
- mass concrete
- microsilica concrete
- monolithic concrete
- mushy concrete
- nailable concrete
- new concrete
- no-fines concrete
- no-fine concrete
- noncomplying concrete
- nonshrink concrete
- normal-weight concrete
- normal concrete
- no-slump concrete
- no-voids concrete
- ocrated concrete
- off-formwork concrete
- ordinary structural concrete
- ornamental concrete
- oversite concrete
- packaged concrete
- pattern stamped concrete
- pavement concrete
- perlite aggregate concrete
- perlite concrete
- perlite insulating concrete
- pfa concrete
- pigmented concrete
- plain concrete
- plant-mixed concrete
- plastic concrete
- plastic state concrete
- pneumatically placed concrete
- polyester resin concrete
- polyester concrete
- polymer concrete
- polymer-cement concrete
- polymer-impregnated concrete
- polymer-modified concrete
- polymer-modified glass-fiber-reinforced concrete
- polystyrene bead concrete
- polystyrene-foam concrete
- poor concrete
- popcorn concrete
- porous concrete
- Portland cement concrete
- post-tension concrete
- pourable concrete
- poured-in-place concrete
- pozzolana concrete
- precast concrete
- precast glass-fiber-reinforced concrete
- precast prestressed concrete
- precast reinforced concrete
- precast with cast-in-place concrete
- prefabricated reinforced concrete
- prefab reinforced concrete
- prepacked aggregate concrete
- prepacked concrete
- pre-post tensioned concrete
- prestressed concrete
- pretensioned concrete
- pretension concrete
- properly consolidated concrete
- pumice concrete
- pumpable concrete
- quality concrete
- quality controlled concrete
- radiation shielding concrete
- rammed concrete
- ready mixed concrete
- recycled concrete
- refractory concrete
- refractory insulating concrete
- regular concrete
- reinforced concrete
- reinforced polymer concrete
- resin concrete
- resin modified cement concrete
- returned concrete
- rich concrete
- roller compacted concrete
- rubble concrete
- salt water resistant concrete
- sand concrete
- sand blasted concrete
- sawdust concrete
- scale-resistant concrete
- scoria concrete
- sealed concrete
- seawater resisting concrete
- seawater concrete
- self-compacting concrete
- self-stressed concrete
- semidry concrete
- semilightweight concrete
- set concrete
- shielding concrete
- shrinkage compensating concrete
- shrink-mixed concrete
- shuttered concrete
- silica-fume concrete
- silicate concrete
- site concrete
- site mixed concrete
- site mixed ready mixed concrete
- slag concrete
- specialty concretes
- special concretes
- specified ready mixed concrete
- sprayed concrete
- sprayed steel fiber concrete
- spun concrete
- stabilized concrete
- stamped concrete
- standard concrete
- steam cured concrete
- steel fiber concrete
- steel fiber reinforced concrete
- steel fibrous concrete
- sticky concrete
- stiff consistency concrete
- stiff concrete
- stone concrete
- structural concrete
- structural lightweight aggregate concrete
- structural lightweight concrete
- structural precast concrete
- submerged concrete
- sulfate-resistant concrete
- sulfur concrete
- sulfur-modified concrete
- super concrete
- superplasticized concrete
- superplasticized flowing concrete
- tamped concrete
- tar concrete
- terrazzo concrete
- textured architectural concrete
- textured concrete
- textured concrete left as cast
- three component concrete
- tooled concrete
- transit-mix concrete
- translucent concrete
- tremie concrete
- trowelled concrete
- truck-mixed concrete
- two-component concrete
- ultra-high-strength concrete
- uncured concrete
- undersanded concrete
- underwater concrete
- uniform concrete
- unreinforced concrete
- unsurfaced exposed concrete
- vacuum treated concrete
- vacuum concrete
- vermiculate concrete
- vibrated concrete
- waterproofed concrete
- water-repellent concrete
- watertight concrete
- weak concrete
- wearproof concrete
- wet concrete
- white cement concrete
- white concrete
- wire prestressed precast concrete
- wire stressed precast concrete
- wood cement concrete
- wood fiber concrete
- zero slump concrete -
5 cement
1) цемент, цементирующая среда; вяжущий материал ( в основном гидравлический), вяжущее вещество2) клей; паста; замазка3) цементировать; скреплять, облицовывать, замазывать цементным раствором4) связывать, склеивать; спекать; науглероживать•- additive cement - air-entraining cement - alumina cement - aluminous cement - anchor cement - antileak cement - asbestos cement - asphalt cement - asphaltic cement - begged cement - belt cement - bituminous cement - bituminized cement - bleeding cement - blended cement - bulk cement - calcium aluminate cement - clay cement - coarse-ground cement - coloured cement - early-strength cement - expanding portland cement - fast-setting cement - fibre cement - filling cement - fire cement - flooring cement - general purpose portland cement - grade of cement - gypsum cement - hardening of cement - high-early-strength cement - high-grade cement - high-speed cement - high-strength cement - hydraulic cement - hydraulic refractory cement - hydrophobic cement - ice cement - laboratory cement - leather cement - lime cement - liquid cement - loose cement - low-alkali cement - low-early-strength cement - low-grade cement - low-strength cement - masonry cement - mastic cement - mixed cement - moulded cement - natural cement - neat cement - nepheline cement - non-shrinking cement - nonstaining cement - normal portland cement - oil-well cement - oxychloride cement - pavement cement - plain cement - plastic roof cement - porcelain cement - portland masonry cement - portland-pozzolana cement - portland-pozzolanic cement - portland-slag cement - quick-setting cement - rapid-setting cement - refractory cement - resin emulsion cement - retarded cement - road cement - Roman cement - rubber cement - rust cement - sacked cement - sand cement - selenite cement - self-stressing cement - set cement - shrinking of cement - slag cement - slag-lime cement - slag portland cement - slow cement - soil cement - Sorel cement - special cement - staining cement - standard cement - straight cement - sub-standard cement - sulpho-aluminous cement - super-rapid hardening cement - trass cement - tufa cement - type I cement - type IA cement - type II cement - type III cement - type IV cement - type V cement - type IP cement - type IS cement - underwater cement - unsound cement - waterproof cement - water-repellent cement - water-retentive portland cement - weighted cement - white portland cement - wood cement* * *1. цемент; гидравлическое или минеральное вяжущее2. клей- adhesive cement
- air-entraining cement
- aluminous cement
- anchor cement
- antibacteria cement
- asbestos cement
- asphalt cement
- bagged cement
- baritic cement
- bauxite cement
- bituminous cement
- bituminous plastic cement
- blastfurnace cement
- bleeding cement
- blended cement
- blended Portland-PFA cement
- bonding cement
- bottled cement
- bottle cement
- calcium aluminate cement
- clay cement
- coarse ground cement
- coarse cement
- colored cement
- dry-packed concrete cement
- expanded cement
- extra-rapid hardening cement
- fast drying solvent cement
- fast-setting cement
- Ferrari cement
- fire cement
- flooring cement
- general purpose Portland cement
- gypsum cement
- high-alumina cement
- high-early-strength cement
- high-expansion cement
- high-grade cement
- high iron oxide cement
- high-strength cement
- hot cement
- hydrated cement
- hydraulic cement
- hydrophobic cement
- ice cement
- iron cement
- iron-ore cement
- iron-rust cement
- Keene's cement
- Lafarge cement
- lime-pozzolanic cement
- low-alkali cement
- low-grade cement
- low-heat-of-hydration cement
- low-heat cement
- magnesia cement
- magnesium oxychloride cement
- magnesium phosphate cement
- masonry cement
- natural cement
- nepheline cement
- nonshrinking cement
- normal Portland cement
- oil well cement
- ordinary Portland cement
- oxychloride cement
- Parker's cement
- phenolic-resin cement
- pigmented cement
- plain cement
- plastic roof cement
- polymer-modified cement
- Portland cement
- Portland-blastfurnace cement
- pozzolanic cement
- pozzolanic cement with pulverized-fuel ash
- quick-setting cement
- rapid-hardening cement
- rapid-setting cement
- refractory cement
- Roman cement
- roof cement
- rubber cement
- sacked cement
- slag cements
- slow setting cement
- soil cement
- specialty cements
- special cements
- sticky cement
- stove-lining asbestos cement
- sulfate resisting cement
- sulfoaluminate cement
- sulfur cement
- sulfur-asphalt cement
- trass cement
- type I cement
- type IA cement
- type II cement
- type IIA cement
- type III cement
- type IIIA cement
- type IV cement
- type V cement
- type Ip cement
- type Is cement
- underwater cement
- waterproofing cement
- waterproof cement
- white cement -
6 concrete
1) бетон || бетонировать; омоноличивать (напр. стыки бетоном)•to aerate concrete — вспенивать бетон;to bond fresh (new) concrete to hardened (set) concrete — обеспечивать сцепление ранее уложенного бетона с новым;to boot concrete — утаптывать бетон;to cast concrete — бетонировать; укладывать бетон;to convey concrete to job — подавать бетон к месту укладки;to encase in concrete — бетонировать;to mix concrete on job — приготавливать бетонную смесь на стройплощадке;to concrete on job — бетонировать на месте;to place concrete against forms — укладывать бетон в опалубку;to proportion concrete — подбирать состав бетонной смеси;to ram concrete in place — уплотнять бетон штыкованием;to rub (to screed) concrete — разравнивать бетон;to spin concrete — уплотнять бетон центрифугированием;to spread concrete — распределять бетон ( в опалубке);to strike off excess ( surplus) concrete — снимать (срезать) излишки бетона;-
acid-resisting concrete
aerated concrete
air-entrained concrete
air-placed concrete
architectural concrete
bituminous concrete
breeze concrete
bush-hammered concrete
cassie concrete
cast-in-place concrete
cellular concrete
cement concrete
central-mixed concrete
cinder concrete
coarse-aggregate concrete
coarse concrete
colloidal concrete
colored concrete
controlled-quality concrete
crushed-stone concrete
cyclopean concrete
dense concrete
dry concrete
expanded-clay concrete
exposed-aggregate concrete
fat concrete
fibrous concrete
fine-aggregate concrete
fine concrete
foamed concrete
foam concrete
gas concrete
glass concrete
gravel concrete
green concrete
gypsum concrete
gypsum fiber concrete
harsh concrete
heat-resistant concrete
heavy weight concrete
heavy concrete
high-density concrete
high-early-strength concrete
high-temperature concrete
hydraulic concrete
in-situ concrete
insulating concrete
iron shot concrete
jasmine concrete
job-mixed concrete
jonquil concrete
lean concrete
lightweight concrete
light concrete
lilac concrete
lily of the valley concrete
lime concrete
low-slump concrete
mass concrete
mimosa concrete
monolithic concrete
mushy concrete
nailable concrete
narcissus concrete
no-fines concrete
normal-weight concrete
no-sand concrete
no-slump concrete
open-textured concrete
ordinary concrete
orris concrete
pavement concrete
plain concrete
pneumatically applied concrete
polypropylene fiber-reinforced concrete
porous concrete
portland cement concrete
poured-in-place concrete
precast concrete
prepacked concrete
prestressed concrete
pumice concrete
pumped concrete
quaking concrete
ready-mixed concrete
refractory concrete
reinforced concrete
rich concrete
road concrete
rose concrete
rubble concrete
sand-gravel concrete
sawdust concrete
slag concrete
spun concrete
stiff concrete
stone concrete
structural concrete
sulfur concrete
tar concrete
transit-mixed concrete
tremie concrete
truck-mixed concrete
tuberose concrete
underwater concrete
unreinforced concrete
vacuum-treated concrete
vacuum concrete
vibrated concrete
water-resistant concrete
workable concrete -
7 concrete
1) бетон
2) бетонированный
3) бетонировать
4) бетонирующий
5) бетонный
6) забетонировать
7) конкретный
8) именованный
– above-water concrete
– acid-resisting concrete
– airfield-grade concrete
– autoclave concrete
– bloat concrete
– boot concrete
– bush-hammer concrete
– cellular concrete
– cement concrete
– clinker concrete
– coarse concrete
– cold-weather concrete
– compact concrete
– concrete bleeds
– concrete block
– concrete breaker
– concrete buggy
– concrete dam
– concrete definition
– concrete footing
– concrete forming
– concrete foundation
– concrete hardens
– concrete inundation
– concrete mix
– concrete mixer
– concrete mixing
– concrete number
– concrete pile
– concrete pipeline
– concrete pit
– concrete placer
– concrete raft
– concrete sets
– concrete slab
– concrete tie
– concrete trough
– controlled-quality concrete
– crushed-stone concrete
– cure concrete
– curing concrete
– curing of concrete
– cyclopean concrete
– demold concrete
– dense concrete
– dry concrete
– fatness of concrete
– fibrous concrete
– fine concrete
– finishing concrete
– float concrete
– foam concrete
– glass-reinforced concrete
– granite concrete
– gravel concrete
– green concrete
– hardening of concrete
– hardness of concrete
– heat-resistant concrete
– heavy-weight concrete
– high-temperature concrete
– honeycomb concrete
– honeycombing concrete
– ice concrete
– inhibit set of concrete
– insulating concrete
– lean concrete
– light-weight concrete
– light-weight-aggregate concrete
– lime concrete
– limestone concrete
– mobility of concrete
– monolithic concrete
– mushy concrete
– no-sand concrete
– no-slump concrete
– organic concrete
– place concrete
– plain concrete
– Portland-cement concrete
– poured concrete
– precast concrete
– prestressed concrete
– promote set of concrete
– reactive-aggregate concrete
– ready-mixed concrete
– refractory concrete
– reinforce concrete
– reinforced concrete
– render concrete
– retard set of concrete
– rich concrete
– road concrete
– sand-and-gravel concrete
– sandwich concrete
– sawdust concrete
– screed concrete
– slag concrete
– spread concrete
– spreading of concrete
– steam-cure concrete
– stone concrete
– structural concrete
– underground concrete
– underwater concrete
– watertight concrete
– weather-resistant concrete
cast-in-situ reinforced concrete — монолитный железобетонный мост
concrete delivery mixer — <constr.> автобетономешалка
exposed aggregate concrete — бетон с обнаженным заполнителем
proportions of concrete mix — соотношение составляющих бетонной смеси
two-way reinforced concrete — железобетон с перекрестной арматур
8 cement
1) цементировать
2) томить
3) цементирующее вещество
4) цементный
5) цементовать
6) цементовка
7) цементообжигательный
8) цементоупаковочный
9) <engin.> мастика
10) цементировочный
– acid-proof cement
– alumina cement
– anhydrite-alumina cement
– asbestos cement
– asphalt cement
– bag cement
– bakelite cement
– base cement
– bituminous-rubber cement
– blended cement
– cap cement
– carbinol cement
– cement activator
– cement bag packer
– cement brand
– cement clinker
– cement concrete
– cement hardens
– cement lense
– cement steel
– colored cement
– dental cement
– expanding cement
– finished cement
– high-alkali cement
– high-strength cement
– hydrophobic cement
– insulating cement
– Keene's cement
– lens cement
– low-alkali cement
– low-heat cement
– low-limed cement
– low-slag cement
– marble cement
– masonry cement
– mastic cement
– neat cement
– noncontracting cement
– oil-well cement
– plain cement
– plasticized cement
– porcelain cement
– portland cement
– rapid-setting cement
– red-lead cement
– refractory cement
– retarded cement
– road cement
– sand cement
– season cement
– self-stressing cement
– slag cement
– slag-lime cement
– slow-setting cement
– sodium-silicate cement
– sulphate-resistant cement
– sulphate-slag cement
– temper cement
– tufa cement
– water-proof cement
– waterproof cement
– weighted cement
plastificised portland cement — пластифицированный портландцемент
water-retentive portland cement — водоудерживающий портландцемент
9 plain
1) гладкий арматурный
2) неармированный
3) нешпунтованный
4) ясный
5) очевидный
6) простой
7) равнина
8) равнинный
9) обыкновенный
10) чистый
– abyssal plain
– in plain view
– plain agar
– plain card
– plain cement
– plain concrete
– plain edge
– plain flap
– plain gate
– plain gauge
– plain indexing
– plain linoleum
– plain mechanism
– plain milling
– plain roll
– plain roller
– plain rolls
– plain steel
– plain turning
– plain weave
– rolling plain
10 concrete
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > concrete
11 PCC
1) Общая лексика: plain cement concrete2) Американизм: Panama Canal Commission, Per Capita Capital, Postal Customer Council, President's Car Conference, President's Conference Committee, Press Complaints Commission3) Спорт: Playing Command And Conquer4) Военный термин: Chief Postal Clerk, POADS Computer Center, Percentage Of Correct Classification, Personnel Contingency Cell, President of Canteen Committee, Primary Control Center, Program Coordinating Committee, Pseudo City Code, performance criteria categories, personnel control center, personnel coordination center, planning coordination conference, platoon control central, positive control communications, postal and courier communications, postal and courier communications PCBS, positive control bombardment system, postal concentration center, precommand course, production control center, program change control, progress control clerk, project cost control, provisional control code5) Техника: plutonium concentrator concentrate, power control console, primary component cooling, process chemistry cell, program cost categories6) Химия: Precipitated Calcium Carbonate7) Религия: Praise Chapel Club8) Железнодорожный термин: Palouse River and Coulee City Railroad Incorporated9) Юридический термин: Prerogative Court Of Canterbury, Psychic Character Class, Pure Coke Club10) Дипломатический термин: Protocol Coordination Center11) Телекоммуникации: Protected Cell Company, Постоянный консультативный комитет12) Сокращение: Parochial Church Council, Partnership Co-ordination Cell (NATO), Polarity Coincidence Correlation receiver, Police Compact Carbine, Population Crisis Committee, Postal & Courier Communications, Postal Concentration Center (Miami, FL gathers APO/FPO mail), Presidents Conference Committee, peaceful chemical compound, point of compound curve13) Университет: Palmer College of Chiropractic, Pensacola Christian College, Piedmont Community College, Portland Community College, Pratt Community College14) Электроника: Personal Computer Controlled15) Вычислительная техника: program-controlled computer16) Литература: Petro-Canada Central Toastmasters Club17) Транспорт: Paver Compacted Concrete, Performance Concept Car, Portland Cement Concrete, Panama Channel Charge / сбор за прохождение Панамского канала18) Фирменный знак: Pacific Computer Consulting, Pennsylvania Council Of Cooperatives, Playboy Cyber Club, Professional Cultural Centre19) СМИ: Press Complaints Commission (a voluntary regulatory body for British printed newspapers and magazines, consisting of representatives of the major publishers)20) Деловая лексика: Price Check Committee, Project Contemporary Competitiveness21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: propped conical caisson22) Образование: Percent Correct Classification, Percentage Of Consonants Correct23) Океанография: Policy Coordination Council24) Безопасность: Poison Control Center25) Расширение файла: Peripheral Control Computer, Cutout picture vector graphics (ZSoft PC Paintbrush)26) Нефть и газ: Producer Companies Committee, КДК, Комитет добывающих компаний27) Военно-политический термин: Partnership Coordination Cell28) Электротехника: power control center, Point of Common Coupling29) Общественная организация: Pennsylvania Conservation Corps31) Правительство: Pima County Code32) НАСА: Power Converter for CDMU33) Программное обеспечение: Portable C Compiler34) AMEX. P M C Commercial Trust35) Оргтехника: Printer Carriage Control -
12 pcc
1) Общая лексика: plain cement concrete2) Американизм: Panama Canal Commission, Per Capita Capital, Postal Customer Council, President's Car Conference, President's Conference Committee, Press Complaints Commission3) Спорт: Playing Command And Conquer4) Военный термин: Chief Postal Clerk, POADS Computer Center, Percentage Of Correct Classification, Personnel Contingency Cell, President of Canteen Committee, Primary Control Center, Program Coordinating Committee, Pseudo City Code, performance criteria categories, personnel control center, personnel coordination center, planning coordination conference, platoon control central, positive control communications, postal and courier communications, postal and courier communications PCBS, positive control bombardment system, postal concentration center, precommand course, production control center, program change control, progress control clerk, project cost control, provisional control code5) Техника: plutonium concentrator concentrate, power control console, primary component cooling, process chemistry cell, program cost categories6) Химия: Precipitated Calcium Carbonate7) Религия: Praise Chapel Club8) Железнодорожный термин: Palouse River and Coulee City Railroad Incorporated9) Юридический термин: Prerogative Court Of Canterbury, Psychic Character Class, Pure Coke Club10) Дипломатический термин: Protocol Coordination Center11) Телекоммуникации: Protected Cell Company, Постоянный консультативный комитет12) Сокращение: Parochial Church Council, Partnership Co-ordination Cell (NATO), Polarity Coincidence Correlation receiver, Police Compact Carbine, Population Crisis Committee, Postal & Courier Communications, Postal Concentration Center (Miami, FL gathers APO/FPO mail), Presidents Conference Committee, peaceful chemical compound, point of compound curve13) Университет: Palmer College of Chiropractic, Pensacola Christian College, Piedmont Community College, Portland Community College, Pratt Community College14) Электроника: Personal Computer Controlled15) Вычислительная техника: program-controlled computer16) Литература: Petro-Canada Central Toastmasters Club17) Транспорт: Paver Compacted Concrete, Performance Concept Car, Portland Cement Concrete, Panama Channel Charge / сбор за прохождение Панамского канала18) Фирменный знак: Pacific Computer Consulting, Pennsylvania Council Of Cooperatives, Playboy Cyber Club, Professional Cultural Centre19) СМИ: Press Complaints Commission (a voluntary regulatory body for British printed newspapers and magazines, consisting of representatives of the major publishers)20) Деловая лексика: Price Check Committee, Project Contemporary Competitiveness21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: propped conical caisson22) Образование: Percent Correct Classification, Percentage Of Consonants Correct23) Океанография: Policy Coordination Council24) Безопасность: Poison Control Center25) Расширение файла: Peripheral Control Computer, Cutout picture vector graphics (ZSoft PC Paintbrush)26) Нефть и газ: Producer Companies Committee, КДК, Комитет добывающих компаний27) Военно-политический термин: Partnership Coordination Cell28) Электротехника: power control center, Point of Common Coupling29) Общественная организация: Pennsylvania Conservation Corps31) Правительство: Pima County Code32) НАСА: Power Converter for CDMU33) Программное обеспечение: Portable C Compiler34) AMEX. P M C Commercial Trust35) Оргтехника: Printer Carriage Control -
13 PC
1) Общая лексика: ПЭВМ, (Permanent Council) ПС (Постоянный совет) (ОБСЕ)2) Компьютерная техника: Painless Computing, Personal Computing, Personally Configured, Poor Communication, Proactive Computing, Processor Control, Programmable Calculator3) Геология: Pacific Coast, Pocket Computer4) Медицина: Prompt Care, primary cell, prenylcysteine5) Американизм: Penn Charter, Presidents Council, Privatization And Cuts6) Спорт: Paul's Chips, Pitch Class, Player Characteristic, Player Coach, Pre Christ, Punt Center, Республиканский Совет7) Латинский язык: Patres Conscripti8) Военный термин: II PROVIDE COMFORT II, Parallel Computing, Pass Certified, Patrol Coastal, Pay Corps, Paymaster-in-Chief, Pharmacy Corps, Police Corps, Postal Clerk, Power Converter, Procurement Command, Provide Comfort, pack code, panoramic camera, paralyzing concentration, parts catalog, past commander, patrol carrier, patrol commander, patrol craft, pay clerk, performance code, personnel carrier, plane captain, plane commander, port call, positive control, post commander, power control, predictor control, primary center, principal chaplain, procurement coordinator, production control, program change, program control, programmed check, project code, project control, project coordination, projector charge, prophylactic center, prototype concept, pseudocode, purchasing and contracting9) Техника: Personal Call, current price, paper chromatography, parity check, parity control, partly cash, pay card, perfectly conducting, peripheral controller, personal correction, phase center, photo-cathode, photoconductor, plant computer, plasma chromatography, polar crane, polymer concrete, power center, pressure chamber, prime contractor, private circuit, process computer, process control, process controller, production certificate, professional communication, program console, program coordinator, program costs, project charter, proportional counter, propulsive coefficient, protective clothing, protective coating, pulse counter, показатель концентрации солей10) Сельское хозяйство: post challenge, prime cost11) Шутливое выражение: Perfect Computer, Personal Confuser, Plastic Computer12) Химия: Propylene Carbonate, potential controller13) Математика: Perfectly Complex, Polar Cycloaddition, исчисление высказываний (propositional calculus), исчисление предикатов (predicate calculus), парное сравнение (paired comparison)14) Религия: Perfectly Created, Persecuted Christian15) Метеорология: Program Council16) Железнодорожный термин: Consolidated Rail Corporation17) Юридический термин: Partial Conversion, Personal Cause, Personal Copier, Personally Corrupt, Physical Containment, Plain Courtesy, Probable Cause18) Бухгалтерия: Per Capita, Premier Casting19) Астрономия: Planetary Contrast20) Ветеринария: Pet Chihuahua, Pony Club21) Грубое выражение: Piece Of Crap, Poncey Crap, Pretentious Crap, Pretty Crappy, Pushy Chick22) Металлургия: первичное охлаждение (primary cooling) (прямого коксового газа)23) Музыка: Polyphonic Collection24) Оптика: photoconductive25) Политика: Pitcairn Islands, Progressive Conservative, политкорректно, политкорректный26) Радио: Poor Connection, PALAPA-C, диапазон С-Палапа (спутниковый)27) Телекоммуникации: Path Control, Personal Communications, Program Counter, персональный компьютер28) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Patrol craft, Patrol Craft (River; R), Patrol Craft, Fast (USA; F), Peace Corps, PerCent; PerCentage, Personal Computer (IBM wants you to believe a specific kind), Physical Conditioning, Platoon Commander, Player Character, Post Card, Postal & Courier, Printed Circuit (electronics circuit board), Privileged Character, Privy Council, Providence College, Pulse Compression, paid cash, pitch circle, planned cost, plug cock, point of curve, police constable, private contract, production cost, тайный совет (Великобритания) (a privy council), Progressive Conservative party (Canada), Post Cibum (after meals), prime costs, privy councillor29) Текстиль: Pearl Cotton30) Университет: Partial Credit, Pomona College31) Физиология: After Meals, Perforated Cranium, Peripheral Clarity, Phone call, Posterior Cervical, Present Complaint32) Электроника: Powder Coating, Pre-emphasis Circuits33) Вычислительная техника: DOS personal computer disk operating system, Priority Control, Protocol Control, parameter checkout, photocell, primary cache, processing complexity, programmable controller, pulse code, pulse controller, punched card, Printed Circuit (IC), Player Character (see, Role-playing), персональный компьютер семейства IBM PC, указатель команд34) Нефть: photoclinometer, производственный сертификат (production certificate), Peзиcтивимeтpия35) Иммунология: Primitive Cell36) Биохимия: phosphatidylcholine37) Онкология: Prostate Cancer38) Картография: pilotage chart, point of curvature39) Банковское дело: мелкие деньги (petty cash), небольшая наличная сумма (petty cash), разменная монета (petty cash), сертификат участия (PC participation certificate)40) Биотехнология: Pockels cell41) Геофизика: персональная электронно-вычислительная машина42) Транспорт: Passenger Car, Politically Correct, Precious Cargo43) Пищевая промышленность: Pass The Corona, Plant Corn, Pork Chops44) Силикатное производство: photochromic, portland cement45) Фирменный знак: PCA Electronics, Prism Card46) Энергетика: (powderized coal) порошкообразный уголь48) Деловая лексика: Paper Copy, Paying Customer, Person Contacted, Personally Crafted, Planning And Control, Power Compact, Precedents Committee, Product Closure, Production Capability, Production Cup, Professional Corporation, Profit Choice, Profitability Constraint, Purchase Constantly, персональная вычислительная машина (personal computer), частичная загрузка, производственный контракт49) Бурение: портер-крик (Porter Creek; свита группы мидуэй палеоцена третичной системы), пэйнт-крик (Paint Creek; свита отдела честер миссисипской системы), укороченная бурильная труба (pony collar)50) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Pressure control, processing center51) Образование: Perfect For Child, Phrase Command, Physically Challenged, Polite And Courteous52) Инвестиции: participation certificate, petty cash53) Сетевые технологии: Personal Cluster, personal computer, ПК, персональный компьютер семейства54) Полимеры: polycarbonate, polychloroprene, post-chlorinated, potential corrosivity, pressure controller55) Автоматика: plug control, персональная ЭВМ, программируемый командоаппарат, программируемый контроллер56) Контроль качества: parameter check-out57) Химическое оружие: ( KHIMBIOKOM) -\> President's Committee for Conventional Problems of Chemical and Biological Weapons, Project coordinator59) Макаров: phase comparator, programmable control, programming center, поликарбонат, (plug control) цикловое ПУ60) Расширение файла: Parametric Cubic, Printed Circuit, Processor Controller, Program Computer, Punch Card, Text file containing IBM PC specific info61) Нефть и газ: process condensate, performance contract, (Production Crude) Добытая нефть62) Логистика: physical cases (кейсы, ящики, контейнеры)63) Военно-политический термин: Political Committee64) Электротехника: peaking capacity, phase control, power contactor, pulsating current, pulverized coal65) Имена и фамилии: Prince Charming66) Ebay. Piece (e.g., "2pc" means the auction comes with two total units)67) Печатные платы: production capable68) ООН: Peaceful Coexistance69) Цемент: plain cement, бездобавочный цемент, клинкерный цемент, цемент без добавок, чистый клинкерный цемент, straight cement70) Общественная организация: Population Connection, Population Council, Presidential Classroom, Programme Committee, Public Citizen71) Должность: Paper Carrier, Perfect Corner, Perfectly Comfortable, Personal Consultant, Poetic Chap, Privy Counsellor72) Чат: Past Caring, Post A Comment, Pretty Chancy, Pretty Cheap, Pretty Clever, Pretty Cool, Pretty Cute73) Правительство: Pacific Crest, Panama City, Florida, Pepper Canyon, Pine Creek74) NYSE. P C Holdings, S. A.75) Аэропорты: система количества мест (Piece Conсept:; as opposed to Weight Conсept)76) Программное обеспечение: Proof Checker77) Хобби: Platina Cards -
14 Pc
1) Общая лексика: ПЭВМ, (Permanent Council) ПС (Постоянный совет) (ОБСЕ)2) Компьютерная техника: Painless Computing, Personal Computing, Personally Configured, Poor Communication, Proactive Computing, Processor Control, Programmable Calculator3) Геология: Pacific Coast, Pocket Computer4) Медицина: Prompt Care, primary cell, prenylcysteine5) Американизм: Penn Charter, Presidents Council, Privatization And Cuts6) Спорт: Paul's Chips, Pitch Class, Player Characteristic, Player Coach, Pre Christ, Punt Center, Республиканский Совет7) Латинский язык: Patres Conscripti8) Военный термин: II PROVIDE COMFORT II, Parallel Computing, Pass Certified, Patrol Coastal, Pay Corps, Paymaster-in-Chief, Pharmacy Corps, Police Corps, Postal Clerk, Power Converter, Procurement Command, Provide Comfort, pack code, panoramic camera, paralyzing concentration, parts catalog, past commander, patrol carrier, patrol commander, patrol craft, pay clerk, performance code, personnel carrier, plane captain, plane commander, port call, positive control, post commander, power control, predictor control, primary center, principal chaplain, procurement coordinator, production control, program change, program control, programmed check, project code, project control, project coordination, projector charge, prophylactic center, prototype concept, pseudocode, purchasing and contracting9) Техника: Personal Call, current price, paper chromatography, parity check, parity control, partly cash, pay card, perfectly conducting, peripheral controller, personal correction, phase center, photo-cathode, photoconductor, plant computer, plasma chromatography, polar crane, polymer concrete, power center, pressure chamber, prime contractor, private circuit, process computer, process control, process controller, production certificate, professional communication, program console, program coordinator, program costs, project charter, proportional counter, propulsive coefficient, protective clothing, protective coating, pulse counter, показатель концентрации солей10) Сельское хозяйство: post challenge, prime cost11) Шутливое выражение: Perfect Computer, Personal Confuser, Plastic Computer12) Химия: Propylene Carbonate, potential controller13) Математика: Perfectly Complex, Polar Cycloaddition, исчисление высказываний (propositional calculus), исчисление предикатов (predicate calculus), парное сравнение (paired comparison)14) Религия: Perfectly Created, Persecuted Christian15) Метеорология: Program Council16) Железнодорожный термин: Consolidated Rail Corporation17) Юридический термин: Partial Conversion, Personal Cause, Personal Copier, Personally Corrupt, Physical Containment, Plain Courtesy, Probable Cause18) Бухгалтерия: Per Capita, Premier Casting19) Астрономия: Planetary Contrast20) Ветеринария: Pet Chihuahua, Pony Club21) Грубое выражение: Piece Of Crap, Poncey Crap, Pretentious Crap, Pretty Crappy, Pushy Chick22) Металлургия: первичное охлаждение (primary cooling) (прямого коксового газа)23) Музыка: Polyphonic Collection24) Оптика: photoconductive25) Политика: Pitcairn Islands, Progressive Conservative, политкорректно, политкорректный26) Радио: Poor Connection, PALAPA-C, диапазон С-Палапа (спутниковый)27) Телекоммуникации: Path Control, Personal Communications, Program Counter, персональный компьютер28) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Patrol craft, Patrol Craft (River; R), Patrol Craft, Fast (USA; F), Peace Corps, PerCent; PerCentage, Personal Computer (IBM wants you to believe a specific kind), Physical Conditioning, Platoon Commander, Player Character, Post Card, Postal & Courier, Printed Circuit (electronics circuit board), Privileged Character, Privy Council, Providence College, Pulse Compression, paid cash, pitch circle, planned cost, plug cock, point of curve, police constable, private contract, production cost, тайный совет (Великобритания) (a privy council), Progressive Conservative party (Canada), Post Cibum (after meals), prime costs, privy councillor29) Текстиль: Pearl Cotton30) Университет: Partial Credit, Pomona College31) Физиология: After Meals, Perforated Cranium, Peripheral Clarity, Phone call, Posterior Cervical, Present Complaint32) Электроника: Powder Coating, Pre-emphasis Circuits33) Вычислительная техника: DOS personal computer disk operating system, Priority Control, Protocol Control, parameter checkout, photocell, primary cache, processing complexity, programmable controller, pulse code, pulse controller, punched card, Printed Circuit (IC), Player Character (see, Role-playing), персональный компьютер семейства IBM PC, указатель команд34) Нефть: photoclinometer, производственный сертификат (production certificate), Peзиcтивимeтpия35) Иммунология: Primitive Cell36) Биохимия: phosphatidylcholine37) Онкология: Prostate Cancer38) Картография: pilotage chart, point of curvature39) Банковское дело: мелкие деньги (petty cash), небольшая наличная сумма (petty cash), разменная монета (petty cash), сертификат участия (PC participation certificate)40) Биотехнология: Pockels cell41) Геофизика: персональная электронно-вычислительная машина42) Транспорт: Passenger Car, Politically Correct, Precious Cargo43) Пищевая промышленность: Pass The Corona, Plant Corn, Pork Chops44) Силикатное производство: photochromic, portland cement45) Фирменный знак: PCA Electronics, Prism Card46) Энергетика: (powderized coal) порошкообразный уголь48) Деловая лексика: Paper Copy, Paying Customer, Person Contacted, Personally Crafted, Planning And Control, Power Compact, Precedents Committee, Product Closure, Production Capability, Production Cup, Professional Corporation, Profit Choice, Profitability Constraint, Purchase Constantly, персональная вычислительная машина (personal computer), частичная загрузка, производственный контракт49) Бурение: портер-крик (Porter Creek; свита группы мидуэй палеоцена третичной системы), пэйнт-крик (Paint Creek; свита отдела честер миссисипской системы), укороченная бурильная труба (pony collar)50) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Pressure control, processing center51) Образование: Perfect For Child, Phrase Command, Physically Challenged, Polite And Courteous52) Инвестиции: participation certificate, petty cash53) Сетевые технологии: Personal Cluster, personal computer, ПК, персональный компьютер семейства54) Полимеры: polycarbonate, polychloroprene, post-chlorinated, potential corrosivity, pressure controller55) Автоматика: plug control, персональная ЭВМ, программируемый командоаппарат, программируемый контроллер56) Контроль качества: parameter check-out57) Химическое оружие: ( KHIMBIOKOM) -\> President's Committee for Conventional Problems of Chemical and Biological Weapons, Project coordinator59) Макаров: phase comparator, programmable control, programming center, поликарбонат, (plug control) цикловое ПУ60) Расширение файла: Parametric Cubic, Printed Circuit, Processor Controller, Program Computer, Punch Card, Text file containing IBM PC specific info61) Нефть и газ: process condensate, performance contract, (Production Crude) Добытая нефть62) Логистика: physical cases (кейсы, ящики, контейнеры)63) Военно-политический термин: Political Committee64) Электротехника: peaking capacity, phase control, power contactor, pulsating current, pulverized coal65) Имена и фамилии: Prince Charming66) Ebay. Piece (e.g., "2pc" means the auction comes with two total units)67) Печатные платы: production capable68) ООН: Peaceful Coexistance69) Цемент: plain cement, бездобавочный цемент, клинкерный цемент, цемент без добавок, чистый клинкерный цемент, straight cement70) Общественная организация: Population Connection, Population Council, Presidential Classroom, Programme Committee, Public Citizen71) Должность: Paper Carrier, Perfect Corner, Perfectly Comfortable, Personal Consultant, Poetic Chap, Privy Counsellor72) Чат: Past Caring, Post A Comment, Pretty Chancy, Pretty Cheap, Pretty Clever, Pretty Cool, Pretty Cute73) Правительство: Pacific Crest, Panama City, Florida, Pepper Canyon, Pine Creek74) NYSE. P C Holdings, S. A.75) Аэропорты: система количества мест (Piece Conсept:; as opposed to Weight Conсept)76) Программное обеспечение: Proof Checker77) Хобби: Platina Cards -
15 pC
1) Общая лексика: ПЭВМ, (Permanent Council) ПС (Постоянный совет) (ОБСЕ)2) Компьютерная техника: Painless Computing, Personal Computing, Personally Configured, Poor Communication, Proactive Computing, Processor Control, Programmable Calculator3) Геология: Pacific Coast, Pocket Computer4) Медицина: Prompt Care, primary cell, prenylcysteine5) Американизм: Penn Charter, Presidents Council, Privatization And Cuts6) Спорт: Paul's Chips, Pitch Class, Player Characteristic, Player Coach, Pre Christ, Punt Center, Республиканский Совет7) Латинский язык: Patres Conscripti8) Военный термин: II PROVIDE COMFORT II, Parallel Computing, Pass Certified, Patrol Coastal, Pay Corps, Paymaster-in-Chief, Pharmacy Corps, Police Corps, Postal Clerk, Power Converter, Procurement Command, Provide Comfort, pack code, panoramic camera, paralyzing concentration, parts catalog, past commander, patrol carrier, patrol commander, patrol craft, pay clerk, performance code, personnel carrier, plane captain, plane commander, port call, positive control, post commander, power control, predictor control, primary center, principal chaplain, procurement coordinator, production control, program change, program control, programmed check, project code, project control, project coordination, projector charge, prophylactic center, prototype concept, pseudocode, purchasing and contracting9) Техника: Personal Call, current price, paper chromatography, parity check, parity control, partly cash, pay card, perfectly conducting, peripheral controller, personal correction, phase center, photo-cathode, photoconductor, plant computer, plasma chromatography, polar crane, polymer concrete, power center, pressure chamber, prime contractor, private circuit, process computer, process control, process controller, production certificate, professional communication, program console, program coordinator, program costs, project charter, proportional counter, propulsive coefficient, protective clothing, protective coating, pulse counter, показатель концентрации солей10) Сельское хозяйство: post challenge, prime cost11) Шутливое выражение: Perfect Computer, Personal Confuser, Plastic Computer12) Химия: Propylene Carbonate, potential controller13) Математика: Perfectly Complex, Polar Cycloaddition, исчисление высказываний (propositional calculus), исчисление предикатов (predicate calculus), парное сравнение (paired comparison)14) Религия: Perfectly Created, Persecuted Christian15) Метеорология: Program Council16) Железнодорожный термин: Consolidated Rail Corporation17) Юридический термин: Partial Conversion, Personal Cause, Personal Copier, Personally Corrupt, Physical Containment, Plain Courtesy, Probable Cause18) Бухгалтерия: Per Capita, Premier Casting19) Астрономия: Planetary Contrast20) Ветеринария: Pet Chihuahua, Pony Club21) Грубое выражение: Piece Of Crap, Poncey Crap, Pretentious Crap, Pretty Crappy, Pushy Chick22) Металлургия: первичное охлаждение (primary cooling) (прямого коксового газа)23) Музыка: Polyphonic Collection24) Оптика: photoconductive25) Политика: Pitcairn Islands, Progressive Conservative, политкорректно, политкорректный26) Радио: Poor Connection, PALAPA-C, диапазон С-Палапа (спутниковый)27) Телекоммуникации: Path Control, Personal Communications, Program Counter, персональный компьютер28) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Patrol craft, Patrol Craft (River; R), Patrol Craft, Fast (USA; F), Peace Corps, PerCent; PerCentage, Personal Computer (IBM wants you to believe a specific kind), Physical Conditioning, Platoon Commander, Player Character, Post Card, Postal & Courier, Printed Circuit (electronics circuit board), Privileged Character, Privy Council, Providence College, Pulse Compression, paid cash, pitch circle, planned cost, plug cock, point of curve, police constable, private contract, production cost, тайный совет (Великобритания) (a privy council), Progressive Conservative party (Canada), Post Cibum (after meals), prime costs, privy councillor29) Текстиль: Pearl Cotton30) Университет: Partial Credit, Pomona College31) Физиология: After Meals, Perforated Cranium, Peripheral Clarity, Phone call, Posterior Cervical, Present Complaint32) Электроника: Powder Coating, Pre-emphasis Circuits33) Вычислительная техника: DOS personal computer disk operating system, Priority Control, Protocol Control, parameter checkout, photocell, primary cache, processing complexity, programmable controller, pulse code, pulse controller, punched card, Printed Circuit (IC), Player Character (see, Role-playing), персональный компьютер семейства IBM PC, указатель команд34) Нефть: photoclinometer, производственный сертификат (production certificate), Peзиcтивимeтpия35) Иммунология: Primitive Cell36) Биохимия: phosphatidylcholine37) Онкология: Prostate Cancer38) Картография: pilotage chart, point of curvature39) Банковское дело: мелкие деньги (petty cash), небольшая наличная сумма (petty cash), разменная монета (petty cash), сертификат участия (PC participation certificate)40) Биотехнология: Pockels cell41) Геофизика: персональная электронно-вычислительная машина42) Транспорт: Passenger Car, Politically Correct, Precious Cargo43) Пищевая промышленность: Pass The Corona, Plant Corn, Pork Chops44) Силикатное производство: photochromic, portland cement45) Фирменный знак: PCA Electronics, Prism Card46) Энергетика: (powderized coal) порошкообразный уголь48) Деловая лексика: Paper Copy, Paying Customer, Person Contacted, Personally Crafted, Planning And Control, Power Compact, Precedents Committee, Product Closure, Production Capability, Production Cup, Professional Corporation, Profit Choice, Profitability Constraint, Purchase Constantly, персональная вычислительная машина (personal computer), частичная загрузка, производственный контракт49) Бурение: портер-крик (Porter Creek; свита группы мидуэй палеоцена третичной системы), пэйнт-крик (Paint Creek; свита отдела честер миссисипской системы), укороченная бурильная труба (pony collar)50) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Pressure control, processing center51) Образование: Perfect For Child, Phrase Command, Physically Challenged, Polite And Courteous52) Инвестиции: participation certificate, petty cash53) Сетевые технологии: Personal Cluster, personal computer, ПК, персональный компьютер семейства54) Полимеры: polycarbonate, polychloroprene, post-chlorinated, potential corrosivity, pressure controller55) Автоматика: plug control, персональная ЭВМ, программируемый командоаппарат, программируемый контроллер56) Контроль качества: parameter check-out57) Химическое оружие: ( KHIMBIOKOM) -\> President's Committee for Conventional Problems of Chemical and Biological Weapons, Project coordinator59) Макаров: phase comparator, programmable control, programming center, поликарбонат, (plug control) цикловое ПУ60) Расширение файла: Parametric Cubic, Printed Circuit, Processor Controller, Program Computer, Punch Card, Text file containing IBM PC specific info61) Нефть и газ: process condensate, performance contract, (Production Crude) Добытая нефть62) Логистика: physical cases (кейсы, ящики, контейнеры)63) Военно-политический термин: Political Committee64) Электротехника: peaking capacity, phase control, power contactor, pulsating current, pulverized coal65) Имена и фамилии: Prince Charming66) Ebay. Piece (e.g., "2pc" means the auction comes with two total units)67) Печатные платы: production capable68) ООН: Peaceful Coexistance69) Цемент: plain cement, бездобавочный цемент, клинкерный цемент, цемент без добавок, чистый клинкерный цемент, straight cement70) Общественная организация: Population Connection, Population Council, Presidential Classroom, Programme Committee, Public Citizen71) Должность: Paper Carrier, Perfect Corner, Perfectly Comfortable, Personal Consultant, Poetic Chap, Privy Counsellor72) Чат: Past Caring, Post A Comment, Pretty Chancy, Pretty Cheap, Pretty Clever, Pretty Cool, Pretty Cute73) Правительство: Pacific Crest, Panama City, Florida, Pepper Canyon, Pine Creek74) NYSE. P C Holdings, S. A.75) Аэропорты: система количества мест (Piece Conсept:; as opposed to Weight Conсept)76) Программное обеспечение: Proof Checker77) Хобби: Platina Cards -
16 pc
1) Общая лексика: ПЭВМ, (Permanent Council) ПС (Постоянный совет) (ОБСЕ)2) Компьютерная техника: Painless Computing, Personal Computing, Personally Configured, Poor Communication, Proactive Computing, Processor Control, Programmable Calculator3) Геология: Pacific Coast, Pocket Computer4) Медицина: Prompt Care, primary cell, prenylcysteine5) Американизм: Penn Charter, Presidents Council, Privatization And Cuts6) Спорт: Paul's Chips, Pitch Class, Player Characteristic, Player Coach, Pre Christ, Punt Center, Республиканский Совет7) Латинский язык: Patres Conscripti8) Военный термин: II PROVIDE COMFORT II, Parallel Computing, Pass Certified, Patrol Coastal, Pay Corps, Paymaster-in-Chief, Pharmacy Corps, Police Corps, Postal Clerk, Power Converter, Procurement Command, Provide Comfort, pack code, panoramic camera, paralyzing concentration, parts catalog, past commander, patrol carrier, patrol commander, patrol craft, pay clerk, performance code, personnel carrier, plane captain, plane commander, port call, positive control, post commander, power control, predictor control, primary center, principal chaplain, procurement coordinator, production control, program change, program control, programmed check, project code, project control, project coordination, projector charge, prophylactic center, prototype concept, pseudocode, purchasing and contracting9) Техника: Personal Call, current price, paper chromatography, parity check, parity control, partly cash, pay card, perfectly conducting, peripheral controller, personal correction, phase center, photo-cathode, photoconductor, plant computer, plasma chromatography, polar crane, polymer concrete, power center, pressure chamber, prime contractor, private circuit, process computer, process control, process controller, production certificate, professional communication, program console, program coordinator, program costs, project charter, proportional counter, propulsive coefficient, protective clothing, protective coating, pulse counter, показатель концентрации солей10) Сельское хозяйство: post challenge, prime cost11) Шутливое выражение: Perfect Computer, Personal Confuser, Plastic Computer12) Химия: Propylene Carbonate, potential controller13) Математика: Perfectly Complex, Polar Cycloaddition, исчисление высказываний (propositional calculus), исчисление предикатов (predicate calculus), парное сравнение (paired comparison)14) Религия: Perfectly Created, Persecuted Christian15) Метеорология: Program Council16) Железнодорожный термин: Consolidated Rail Corporation17) Юридический термин: Partial Conversion, Personal Cause, Personal Copier, Personally Corrupt, Physical Containment, Plain Courtesy, Probable Cause18) Бухгалтерия: Per Capita, Premier Casting19) Астрономия: Planetary Contrast20) Ветеринария: Pet Chihuahua, Pony Club21) Грубое выражение: Piece Of Crap, Poncey Crap, Pretentious Crap, Pretty Crappy, Pushy Chick22) Металлургия: первичное охлаждение (primary cooling) (прямого коксового газа)23) Музыка: Polyphonic Collection24) Оптика: photoconductive25) Политика: Pitcairn Islands, Progressive Conservative, политкорректно, политкорректный26) Радио: Poor Connection, PALAPA-C, диапазон С-Палапа (спутниковый)27) Телекоммуникации: Path Control, Personal Communications, Program Counter, персональный компьютер28) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Patrol craft, Patrol Craft (River; R), Patrol Craft, Fast (USA; F), Peace Corps, PerCent; PerCentage, Personal Computer (IBM wants you to believe a specific kind), Physical Conditioning, Platoon Commander, Player Character, Post Card, Postal & Courier, Printed Circuit (electronics circuit board), Privileged Character, Privy Council, Providence College, Pulse Compression, paid cash, pitch circle, planned cost, plug cock, point of curve, police constable, private contract, production cost, тайный совет (Великобритания) (a privy council), Progressive Conservative party (Canada), Post Cibum (after meals), prime costs, privy councillor29) Текстиль: Pearl Cotton30) Университет: Partial Credit, Pomona College31) Физиология: After Meals, Perforated Cranium, Peripheral Clarity, Phone call, Posterior Cervical, Present Complaint32) Электроника: Powder Coating, Pre-emphasis Circuits33) Вычислительная техника: DOS personal computer disk operating system, Priority Control, Protocol Control, parameter checkout, photocell, primary cache, processing complexity, programmable controller, pulse code, pulse controller, punched card, Printed Circuit (IC), Player Character (see, Role-playing), персональный компьютер семейства IBM PC, указатель команд34) Нефть: photoclinometer, производственный сертификат (production certificate), Peзиcтивимeтpия35) Иммунология: Primitive Cell36) Биохимия: phosphatidylcholine37) Онкология: Prostate Cancer38) Картография: pilotage chart, point of curvature39) Банковское дело: мелкие деньги (petty cash), небольшая наличная сумма (petty cash), разменная монета (petty cash), сертификат участия (PC participation certificate)40) Биотехнология: Pockels cell41) Геофизика: персональная электронно-вычислительная машина42) Транспорт: Passenger Car, Politically Correct, Precious Cargo43) Пищевая промышленность: Pass The Corona, Plant Corn, Pork Chops44) Силикатное производство: photochromic, portland cement45) Фирменный знак: PCA Electronics, Prism Card46) Энергетика: (powderized coal) порошкообразный уголь48) Деловая лексика: Paper Copy, Paying Customer, Person Contacted, Personally Crafted, Planning And Control, Power Compact, Precedents Committee, Product Closure, Production Capability, Production Cup, Professional Corporation, Profit Choice, Profitability Constraint, Purchase Constantly, персональная вычислительная машина (personal computer), частичная загрузка, производственный контракт49) Бурение: портер-крик (Porter Creek; свита группы мидуэй палеоцена третичной системы), пэйнт-крик (Paint Creek; свита отдела честер миссисипской системы), укороченная бурильная труба (pony collar)50) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Pressure control, processing center51) Образование: Perfect For Child, Phrase Command, Physically Challenged, Polite And Courteous52) Инвестиции: participation certificate, petty cash53) Сетевые технологии: Personal Cluster, personal computer, ПК, персональный компьютер семейства54) Полимеры: polycarbonate, polychloroprene, post-chlorinated, potential corrosivity, pressure controller55) Автоматика: plug control, персональная ЭВМ, программируемый командоаппарат, программируемый контроллер56) Контроль качества: parameter check-out57) Химическое оружие: ( KHIMBIOKOM) -\> President's Committee for Conventional Problems of Chemical and Biological Weapons, Project coordinator59) Макаров: phase comparator, programmable control, programming center, поликарбонат, (plug control) цикловое ПУ60) Расширение файла: Parametric Cubic, Printed Circuit, Processor Controller, Program Computer, Punch Card, Text file containing IBM PC specific info61) Нефть и газ: process condensate, performance contract, (Production Crude) Добытая нефть62) Логистика: physical cases (кейсы, ящики, контейнеры)63) Военно-политический термин: Political Committee64) Электротехника: peaking capacity, phase control, power contactor, pulsating current, pulverized coal65) Имена и фамилии: Prince Charming66) Ebay. Piece (e.g., "2pc" means the auction comes with two total units)67) Печатные платы: production capable68) ООН: Peaceful Coexistance69) Цемент: plain cement, бездобавочный цемент, клинкерный цемент, цемент без добавок, чистый клинкерный цемент, straight cement70) Общественная организация: Population Connection, Population Council, Presidential Classroom, Programme Committee, Public Citizen71) Должность: Paper Carrier, Perfect Corner, Perfectly Comfortable, Personal Consultant, Poetic Chap, Privy Counsellor72) Чат: Past Caring, Post A Comment, Pretty Chancy, Pretty Cheap, Pretty Clever, Pretty Cool, Pretty Cute73) Правительство: Pacific Crest, Panama City, Florida, Pepper Canyon, Pine Creek74) NYSE. P C Holdings, S. A.75) Аэропорты: система количества мест (Piece Conсept:; as opposed to Weight Conсept)76) Программное обеспечение: Proof Checker77) Хобби: Platina Cards -
17 bar
1) балка, потолочная стропильная балка; балочка ( цементная)3) связь, тяга4) брус, брусок5) полоса6) чушка, болванка7) засов, щеколда8) шлагбаум9) бур, штанга ( бура)10) шина ( цепной пилы)11) лом; вага12) запруда; отмель, гряда13) бар ( единица атмосферного давления)15) линейка, планка; рейка16) преграждать, загораживать; исключать17) набивать решётки ( на окна); забивать (железными полосами, досками)•- anchor bar - angle bar - arbitration bar - arch bar - bearing bar - bending moment bar - bent-down bar - bent-up bar - bolt bar - bonding bar - boom bar - boring bar - brake bar - building bar - bundled bars - camber bar - carrier bar - cement bar - channel bar - chimney bar - claw bar - cold-twisted bars - compound bar - compressed-bent bar - concrete reinforcing bars - connection bars - corrugated bar - coupling bar - cramp bar - cross bar - crow bar - crown bar - deformed bar - deformed reinforcing bar - diagonal bar - distance bar - distributing bars - dolly bar - draft bar - drag bar - draught bar - eccentric-compressed bar - fish bar - flat bar - forked bar - glazing bar - granny bar - grid bar - guiding bars - guard bar - H-bar - hinged bar - hitch bar - hooked bar - indented bar - iron bar - L-bar - lattice bar - lengthening bar - level bar - locking bar - loop bar - loose bar - marble bar - marginal bar - mortar bar - neat cement bar - notched steel bar - pinch bar - plain bar - plain bar of reinforcement - port bar - post-tensioning bar - pressure bar - profiled bar - pull bar - punch bar - reinforced bar - reinforced concrete bar - reinforcement bar - reinforcing bar - restrained steel bar - ripping bar - rivet bar - rocking bar - round bar - sash bar - segmental bar - shaped bars - sleeper bar - spacer bars - splice bar - spreader bar - square bar - standard meter bar - stiffening bar - steel bars - strip bar - stop bar - support bar - T-bar - tamping bar - tee-bar - tension bar - test bar - thin-walled bar - toothed bar - torsion bar - transom-bar - twin-twisted bars - twisted bar - vertical bar of truss - water bar - weather bar - weight bar - window bar - wiring bar* * *1. стержень; арматурный пруток; pl стержневая арматура2. полоса ( металла); брусок; слиток; болванка; лом3. преграда, препятствие4. pl решётка, заграждение, вал5. горбылёк ( оконного переплёта)6. бар; закусочная; буфет ( помещение)7. гряда из наносов, формирующаяся в русле вдоль его берегов или вблизи устья8. линия поперечных световых огней ( на аэродроме)9. световой горизонт ( системы огней ВПП)10. линейка, планка; рейка11. (электрическая) шина12. засов, щеколда13. бар ( врубовой машины)- bar of variable section
- adjustable bar
- anchor bar
- angle bar
- antisag bar
- arch bar
- banjo bar
- bearing bar
- bent-down bar
- bent-up bar
- boom bar
- bottom chord longitudinal bar
- bumper bar
- bundled bars
- channel bar
- chimney bar
- claw bar
- closure bar
- coffee bar
- cold-twisted bar
- compound bar
- compression bar
- connection bar
- continuity bars
- corner bar
- counterbalance hanger bars
- cross bar
- crown bar
- curved bar
- deformed bar
- distance bar
- distribution bars
- division bar
- double-tee bar
- dowel bar
- epoxy-coated reinforcing bar
- fire bar
- fish bar
- full toe bar
- glazing bar
- grab bar
- granny bar
- high-bond bar
- high tensile steel bar
- hooked bar
- indented bar
- jiggle bars
- joint bar
- lay bar
- lining bar
- locking bar
- longitudinal bar
- loose bar
- main reinforcement bar
- main bar
- notched metal bar
- notched bar
- pinch bar
- plain bar
- plain sinker bar
- post-tensioning bar
- protruding bar
- rack bar
- reinforcement bar
- restrained bar
- ripping bar
- round bar
- sag bar
- sash bar
- shatter bar
- sinker bar
- snack bar
- spacer bar
- spreader bar
- square bar
- starter bars
- steel tie bars
- steering bar
- strip bar
- subtense bar
- tamping bar
- tension bar
- test bar
- thin-walled bar
- threshold bar
- tie bar
- tommy bar of spanners
- tommy bar
- top bars
- towing bar
- truss bar
- trussed bar
- twin-twisted bar
- vertical bar
- water bar
- weather bar
- web bar
- window bar
- wing bar of lights
- wrecking bar
- Z bar -
18 pipe
1) труба; трубка; трубопровод3) бочка4) прокладывать трубопровод; пускать по трубам (напр. газ, воду)•- admission pipe - admitting pipe - air pipe - air-supply pipe - angle pipe - antisiphonage pipe - asbestos-cement pipe - ascending pipe - bare pipe - bent pipe - bifurcated pipe - bleeder pipe - blind pipe - blow-off pipe - branch pipe - branched pipe - brick culvert pipe - bulged-in pipe - buried pipe - bypass pipe - cash pipe - casing pipe - cast-in-place concrete pipe - ceramic pipe - channel pipe - charging pipe - circular pipe - circulation pipe - clay pipe - clogged pipe - coil pipe - cold-drawn pipe - collapsed pipe - collecting pipe - compensating pipe - concrete pipe - connecting pipe - cooling pipe - corrodible pipe - corrugated pipe - corrugated-iron pipe - cracky pipe - curved pipe - customer's service pipe - delivery pipe - discharge pipe - distributing pipe - double branch pipe - double-elbow pipe - down pipe - drag pipe - drain pipe - drawn pipe - dribble pipe - drill pipe - drive pipe - dropping pipe - drowning pipe - dry condensate return pipe - eduction pipe - elbow pipe - elbow bend pipe - electric-welded pipe - exhaust pipe - expansion pipe - expanding pipe - extraction pipe - fabricated pipe - fall pipe - feed pipe - filter pipe - fitting pipe - flanged pipe - flattened pipe - flexible pipe - flow pipe - flue pipe - flush pipe - force pipe - free-flow pipe - gas pipe - gas-cleaning pipe - gas-service pipe - gas-supply pipe - gilled pipe - glazed pipe - header pipe - hot pipe - hot-water pipe - influent pipe - inlet pipe - inserted-joint pipe - installation gas pipe - insulated pipe - intake pipe - knee pipe - land pipe - lavatory waste pipe - leader pipe - leaky pipe - line pipe - low-head pipe - main pipe - manifold pipe - mantle pipe - metal pipe - muffler pipe - network pipe - non-pressure pipe - offset pipe - open-jointed pipe - outfall pipe - outlet pipe - overflow pipe - overhead pipe - perforated pipe - plastic pipe - PPRC pipe - pressure pipe - puff pipe - pumpcrete pipe - PVC pipe - rainwater pipe - reducing pipe - reinforced-concrete pipe - return pipe - ribbed heating pipe - riser pipe - rolled pipe - run pipe - rust-eaten pipe - sag pipe - scour pipe - screen pipe - screwed pipe - seamed pipe - seamless pipe - serpentine pipe - service pipes - sewer pipe - shunt pipe - siphon pipe - slotter pipe - sludge discharge pipe - sluice pipe - smoke pipe - smooth pipe - socket pipe - soil pipe - soil and vent pipe - sparge pipe - spun pipe - stand pipe - stave pipe - steel pipe - steel galvanized pipe - stoneware pipe - stove pipe - suction pipe - supply pipe - surge pipe - swan-neck pipe - sweep-up pipe - take-off pipe - taper pipe - tee branch pipe - thick-walled pipe - thin-walled pipe - threaded pipe - three-way pipe - tile pipe - valve-controlled pipe - ventilation pipe - vitrified-clay pipe - warm-air pipe - warning pipe - wash pipe - waste-water pipe - water pipe - water-discharge pipe - water-distributing pipe - water-drain pipe - water-inlet pipe - water-service pipe - weep pipe - welded pipe - weldless drawn pipe - worm pipe* * *труба- air pipe
- antisiphonage pipe
- asbestos-cement pipe
- aspiration pipe
- balance pipe
- bare pipe
- bellmouth pipe
- bleed pipe
- bottom pipe
- Bourdon pipe
- branch pipe
- bypass pipe
- cast-iron drain pipe
- centrifugally-cast pipe
- circulation pipe
- clay pipe
- communication pipe
- concrete pipe
- condensate return pipe
- conductor pipe
- connecting pipe
- corrugated pipe
- customer's service pipe
- diminishing pipe
- discharge pipe
- distributing pipe
- double branch pipe
- drain pipe
- draw-off pipe
- dredging pipe
- drill pipe
- drive pipe
- drowning pipe
- dry condensate return pipe
- equivalent pipe
- exhaust steam pipe
- expansion pipe
- fall pipe
- filter pipe
- flexible pipe
- flow pipe
- flush pipe
- furred hot-water pipes
- furred pipes
- galvanized pipe
- gas pipe
- gas service pipe
- gilled pipe
- glazed stoneware pipe
- heat pipe
- ice pipe
- indirect drain pipe
- inspection pipe
- installation pipe
- instrument branch pipe
- intake pipe
- mantle pipe
- outfall pipe
- outlet pipe
- overflow pipe
- penstock pipe
- plain-ended pipe
- plastic pipe
- pressure pipe
- puff pipe
- pumpcrete pipe
- PVC pipe
- rainwater pipe
- ribbed pipe
- riser pipe
- sag pipe
- salt-glazed earthenware pipe
- screwed pipe
- seamless pipe
- service pipe
- sewer pipe
- shunt pipe
- single-hub pipe
- sludge extraction pipe
- sludge pipe
- snorer pipe
- socket pipe
- soil and vent pipe
- sparge pipe
- spray pipe
- stoneware pipe
- suction pipe
- sump pipe
- supply pipe
- supply pipe from source
- surge pipe
- tail pipe
- taper pipe
- thick-walled pipe
- thin-walled pipe
- vent pipe
- ventilating pipe
- ventilation pipe
- Venturi pipe
- vitrified ceramic drain pipe
- vitrified-clay pipe
- vitrified pipe
- warning pipe
- waste pipe
- water pipe
- water distributing pipe
- water service pipe
- well screen pipe
- wet condensate return pipe
- wood-stave pipe -
19 pipe
2) трубопровод || подавать [перекачивать\] по трубопроводу; транспортировать по трубопроводу3) усадочная раковина (в отливке, слитке) || образовывать усадочные раковины (в отливке, слитке)5) отдулина ( дефект проката)6) (скважинная) колонна труб7) мор. клюз8) волновод12) текст. отделывать кантом•to break down drill pipes — развинчивать свечи бурильных труб на однотрубки;to line pipes up end-to-end — укладывать трубы в нитку;to roll pipes — свинчивать трубы с помощью каната или цепи;to stab drill pipe — производить наращивание бурильной колонны;to stack drill pipes in the derrick — расставлять бурильные трубы в вышке;to strap drill pipes — измерять глубину скважины по длине бурильных труб, стоящих на подсвечнике;to string pipes — укладывать трубы в нитку;to strip pipes — извлекать трубы ( из скважины) сквозь закрытый универсальный превентор;to take a strain on pipe — натягивать колонну труб;to tong the pipes — свинчивать трубы ключами;to work pipes up and down — расхаживать колонну труб;to wrinkle a pipe — нарезать соединительную резьбу на трубе-
adapting pipe
additions pipe
admission pipe
air gap pipe
air pipe
air-supply pipe
air-vent pipe
angle pipe
antisiphon pipe
asbestos-cement pipe
ascending pipe
atmospheric pipe
auxiliary reservoir pipe
barometric discharge pipe
barometric pipe
bell-and-spigot pipe
bent pipe
bifurcated pipe
bleeder pipe
blind pipe
blowing pipe
blowoff pipe
blowout pipe
bottom pipe
brake cylinder pipe
brake pipe
branch pipe
branched pipe
breather pipe
breeches pipe
brine pipe
bulwark mooring pipe
buried pipe
bustle pipe
butt-welded pipe
bypass pipe
cargo pipe
casing pipe
casting pipe
cast-iron pipe
central pipe
centrifugal concrete pipe
ceramic pipe
channel pipe
charge pipe
charging pipe
circular pipe
circulation pipe
clay pipe
cleanout pipe
coated steel penstock pipe
coiled pipes
cold-air pipe
cold-drawn pipe
collapsed pipe
collecting pipe
compound pipe
concrete pipe
condensate pipe
condenser leg pipe
conductor pipe
conduit pipe
connecting pipe
cooling pipe
cooling-water pipe
crossover pipe
deck pipe
defrosting pipe
delivery pipe
digital pipe
discharge pipe
distributing pipe
double-wall pipe
downtake pipe
drag pipe
drain pipe
drill pipe
drip pipe
drive pipe
dropping pipe
earthenware pipe
eduction pipe
ejector pipe
elbow pipe
electric-welded pipe
electrohydrodynamic heat pipe
emergency reservoir pipe
exhaust pipe
expansion pipe
extremeline casing pipe
fabricated pipe
fall pipe
feed pipe
feedwater pipe
fitting pipe
flanged pipe
flange pipe
flexible pipe
flow pipe
flue pipe
flush pipe
force pipe
free-end pipe
free-flow pipe
freeze pipe
frozen pipe
fuel injection pipe
fuel pipe
fuel supply pipe
galvanized pipe
gas pipe
gas service pipes
gas-supply pipe
gate pipe
gilled pipe
glass pipe
gravity-assisted heat pipe
ground dump tail pipe
grout pipe
half-socket pipe
header pipe
heat pipe
heating pipe
heavy-end pipe
heavy-wall pipe
heavy-weight drill pipe
helical-welded pipe
hold-down pipe
hollow pipe
horizontal sparge pipe
horseshoe pipe
hose pipe
hot-water pipe
induction pipe
inner-finned pipe
insulated pipe
intake pipe
integral joint drill pipe
internal upset drill pipe
intertank balance pipe
irrigation pipe
isothermal heat pipe
jet pipe
junction pipe
kimberlite pipe
land pipe
lap-welded pipe
lead pipe
leader pipe
leak-off pipe
lift pipe
light pipe
line pipe
liquid stand pipe
liquid-metal heat pipe
little pipe
longitudinally welded pipe
looping pipe
low-head pipe
main air pipe
main feed pipe
main pipe
manifold pipe
metal pipe
mooring pipe with horns
mooring pipe with rollers
mooring pipe
navel pipe
network pipe
nodule pipe
oil discharge pipe
oil filler pipe
oil gage pipe
oil pipe
oil pressure pipe
oil pump suction pipe
oil return pipe
open pipe
osmotic heat pipe
outfall pipe
outlet pipe
overflow pipe
overhead pipe
Panama pipe
perforated pipe
plain end pipe
plain pipe
plastic pipe
precast reinforced-concrete pipe
precast pipe
pressure pipe
primary pipe
primary system pipe
puff pipe
pulverized fuel pipe
purge pipe
quick-screwed pipes
radiator filler pipe
rainwater pipe
reducing pipe
reel pipe
reinforced concrete pipe
return pipe
return water pipe
ribbed pipe
riser pipe
rising pipe
runner pipe
sag pipe
scour pipe
scupper pipe
seamless pipe
secondary pipe
service pipe
sewage pipe
sewer pipe
shaft pipe
shallow-well casing pipe
shore discharge pipe
siphon pipe
skid pipes
slotted pipe
sluicing pipe
socket pipe
sodium beat pipe
soil pipe
sounding pipe
sparge pipe
spill pipe
spiraled-wall casing pipe
spiral-welded pipe
spun pipe
spurling pipe
stand pipe
steam pipe
stoneware pipe
storm-down pipe
straight-air pipe
suction pipe
sump drain pipe
supply pipe
surge pipe
swan-neck pipe
tail pipe
takeoff pipe
tank filling pipe
tee branch pipe
telescopic pipe
thin-wall pipe
through brake pipe
thruster pipe
tile pipe
towing pipe
trainline pipe
tremie pipe
turning mooring pipe
ultra-high-test line pipe
upset pipe
variable conductance heat pipe
ventilation pipe
vertebra pipe
warm-air pipe
warping pipe
wash-gas pipe
waste pipe
water heat pipe
water pipe
water-jet pipe
weep pipe
weldless pipe
wickless heat pipe
Y-pipe -
20 work
1) работа; труд; действие; функционирование2) обработка3) обрабатываемая заготовка; обрабатываемая деталь; обрабатываемое изделие4) механизм5) конструкция6) мн. ч. завод; фабрика; мастерские; технические сооружения; строительные работы7) мн. ч. работающие части механизма, подвижные органы механизма8) работать; обрабатывать9) действовать, двигаться, поворачиваться ( о подвижных частях механизмов)10) коробиться•work performed with materials in a smaller quantity — работа, выполненная с недостаточным использованием материалов
work performed without the necessary diligence — работа, выполненная небрежно
work which is not in accordance with specifications — работа, не соответствующая техническим требованиям
work which is not in accordance with the requirements of the engineer — работа, не отвечающая требованиям инженера
to work down — 1) осаживать ( вниз); оседать 2) обрабатывать на меньший размер
to work in — вделывать, вмонтировать
to work into — углубляться во что-либо, уходить внутрь
to work off — 1) соскакивать, соскальзывать ( во время работы) 2) снимать (напр. стружку)
to work on — действовать на что-либо, оказывать влияние на что-либо
to work out — 1) разрабатывать (план, проект) 2) вырабатывать (что-либо) из чего-либо (напр. вытачивать, выстрагивать, выфрезеровывать) 3) выскакивать, выпадать во время работы
to work over — обрабатывать вторично, перерабатывать, подвергать переработке
to work upon — действовать на что-либо, оказывать влияние на что-либо
- work executed - work in process - work of acceleration - work of deformation - work of ideal cycle - work of resistance - work on arbour - works under way - access to works - actual progress of works - amendment of the date of completion of works - amount of the executed works - applied work - asphalt work - assessment of works - auxiliary work - bank work - bargain work - beat-cob work - betterment work - black and white work - bluff work - bonus work - bosh brick work - branch work - branched work - bright work - carpenter's work - cast steel work - cessation of works - chased work - check of works - checking of works - chequer work - chequered work - cindering work - civil works - civil and erection works - clay work - clearing work - commencement of works - completed works - completion of works - concrete work - diversion work - condensing works - construction works - consumed work - continuous execution of works - contract works - cost of works - cost of uncovering works - covered-up works - date of commencement of works - date of completion of works - day-to-day work - day wage work - dead work - defective works - delay in completion of works - delayed completion of works - demolition works - description of works - design and survey works - desilting works - diaper work of bricklaying - drainage work - dredge work - dressing works - drove work - earth works - effective work - embossed work - emergency works - engineering works - erecting works - erection works - examination of works - excavation works - execution of works - expected period of works - extension of the time for completion of works - external work - face work - fascine work - field works - finely finished work - finishing work - fitter's works - flat trellis work - float work - forming work - forthcoming works - frosted rustic work - gauge work - gauged work - geologic works - geological works - grading works - gunite work - heading work - health work - hot work - hydro-meteorologic works - hydro-meteorological works - inadequate progress of works - incomplete lattice work - indicated work - inlaid work - inspection of works - installation work - intake works - irrigation works - jack works - jobbing work - joggle work - ladder work - line work - link work - locksmith's work - machine work - main works - maintenance work - management of works - maritime works - metal work - milling work - motion work - multiple lattice work - nature of works - neat work - negative work - night work - no-load work - odd works - on the site works - order of execution of works - outlet work - outstanding works - overhead works - panel work - partially completed works - part of works - paternoster work - period of works - period of execution of works - permanent works - pilot-scale work - plane frame work - planer work - pneumatic work - port work - portion of works - pottery work - precision work - preliminary works - preparatory works - pressure cementing work - programme of works - progress of works - proper execution of works - prospecting works - public works - pump works - quantity of works - rag work - R and D work - random work - range work - reclamation work - recoverable-strain work - recuperated work - reflected work - reliability of works - relief work - remedial works - repair work - repairing work - required work - research work - resumption of works - retaining works - reticulated work - right of access to works - river training works - rustic work - safety of works - schedule of works - scope of work - shaper work - sheet metal work - shift work - smith and founder work - spillway works - starting work - step-by-step check of works - step-by-step checking of works - stick and rag work - stoppage of works - subcontract works - submarine work - substituted works - sufficiency of works - supervision for works - supervision for of works - survey work - survey and research works - suspension of works - taking over of works - task work - temporary work - test work - test-hole work - three-coat work - through-carved work - time for completion of works - timely completion of works - tool work - topiary work - topographic works - topographical works - track work - treatment works - trellis work - trench work - trestle work - turning work - uncompleted works - uncovering of works - upon completion of works - variations in works - variations of works - volume of works - wiring work - X-ray workto complete works (in the time stipulated in the contract) — завершать работы (в срок, оговорённый в контракте)
* * *1. работа2. изделие3. обработка4. возводимый объект (строительства) ( по подрядному договору); конструкция, сооружение5. работа, мощность6. pl сооружение, сооружения7. pl завод, фабрика, мастерскиеwork above ground — наземные работы ( в отличие от подземных и подводных); работы, производимые на поверхности земли
work below ground ( level) — подземные работы
work carried out on site — работы, выполненные на стройплощадке
work done in sections — работа, выполненная отдельными секциями [частями]
work in open excavations — работы в открытых выемках [горных выработках]
work in progress — (строительные) работы в стадии выполнения, выполняемые [производимые] (строительные) работы; объект в стадии строительства
work in water — работы, производимые в воде [под водой]
work near water — работы, производимые близ водоёмов или рек
- work of deformationwork on schedule — работы в процессе выполнения ( по графику); работы, предусмотренные планом [графиком]
- work of external forces
- work of internal forces
- above-ground works
- additional work
- agricultural works
- alteration work
- ashlar work
- auxiliary work
- avalanche baffle works
- axed work
- backfill work
- backing masonry work
- bag work
- bench work
- block work
- brewery works
- brick work
- broken-color work
- brush work
- building work
- building site works
- carcass work
- carpenter's work
- cement works
- chemical production works
- civil engineering work
- coast protection works
- cob work
- completed work
- complicated building work
- concrete work
- concrete block masonry work
- concrete masonry work
- constructional work
- construction work
- continuous shift work
- contract work
- coursed work
- crib work
- day work
- dead work
- defective work
- defence works
- deformation work
- demolition work
- development work
- diver's works
- diversion works
- donkey work
- drainage works
- earth work
- earth-moving work
- elastic work of a material
- electric work
- electricity production works
- emergency work
- enclosed construction works
- engineering works
- erection work
- erosion protection works
- excavation works
- experimental work
- external work
- extra work
- facing work
- factory work
- fascine work
- finishing work
- finish work
- floating construction works
- flood-control works
- flood-protection works
- floor work
- floor-and-wall tiling work
- floor covering work
- food industry production work
- foundation work
- funerary works
- further day's work
- gas works
- gauged work
- glazed work
- glazier's work
- half-plain work
- hammered work
- hand work
- handy work
- heat insulation work
- heavy work
- highly mechanized work
- hot work
- in-fill masonry work
- innovative construction work
- insulating work
- intake works
- internal work in the system
- ironmongery work
- joinery work
- land retention works
- landslide protection works
- loading works
- manual work
- marine works
- metallurgical processing works
- night work
- nonconforming work
- office work
- off-the-site work
- one-coat work
- open-air intake works
- open construction works
- ornamental works
- ornate work
- outlet works
- overhang work
- overhead work
- permanent works up to ground level
- petroleum extraction works
- piece work
- pitched work
- plaster work
- plumbing work
- power production works
- precast works
- production works
- promotion work
- protection works
- protective works
- public works
- random ashlar work
- refurbishment work
- refuse disposal works
- refuse incineration works
- regulation works
- reinforced concrete work
- research work
- reticulated work
- road transport works
- roof tiling work
- rubble ashlar masonry work
- sanitary works
- sea defence works
- sediment exclusion works
- sewage disposal works
- single construction works
- smillage-axed work
- solid plaster work
- steel construction works
- steel works
- steel plate work
- structural restoration work
- surface transport works
- temporary works
- textile work
- three-coat work
- tiling work
- training works
- transport works
- treatment works
- two-coat work
- underground work
- underwater work
- unloading works
- vermiculated work
- virtual work
- waste disposal works
- water works
- water treatment works
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Concrete — This article is about the construction material. For other uses, see Concrete (disambiguation). Outer view of the Roman Pantheon, still the largest unreinforced solid concrete dome.[1] … Wikipedia
Concrete sealers — are coatings applied to concrete to protect it from corrosion. They either block the pores in the concrete to reduce absorption of water and salts or form an impermeable layer which prevents such materials from passing.[1] Extensive research from … Wikipedia
concrete — concretely, adv. concreteness, n. concretive, adj. concretively, adv. /kon kreet, kong , kon kreet , kong / for 1 10, 11, 14, 15; /kon kreet , kong / for 12, 13, adj., n., v., concreted, concreting. adj. 1. constituting an actual thing or… … Universalium
Cement shoes — For the independent record label, see Cement Shoes Records. Cement shoes is a slang term adopted by the American Mafia crime world for a method of execution that involves weighting down a victim and throwing him or her into the water to drown. It … Wikipedia
concrete — adj 1. particular, specific, single, singular, certain, special, unique, sole, peculiar, individual, individualized; separate, isolated, distinct, discrete; exact, precise, direct, strict, minute; explicit, definite, express; plain, evident,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Reinforced concrete — is concrete in which reinforcement bars ( rebars ), reinforcement grids, plates or fibers have been incorporated to strengthen the concrete in tension. It was invented by French gardener Joseph Monier in 1849 and patented in 1867.[1] The term… … Wikipedia
Decorative concrete — Stamped Concrete in various patterns, highlighted with acid stain) Decorative concrete is the use of concrete as not simply a utilitarian medium for construction but as an aesthetic enhancement to a structure, while still serving its function as… … Wikipedia
Road surface — A road in the process of being resurfaced Road surface (British English) or pavement (American English) is the durable surface material laid down on an area intended to sustain vehicular or foot traffic, such as a road or walkway. In the past… … Wikipedia
architecture — /ahr ki tek cheuhr/, n. 1. the profession of designing buildings, open areas, communities, and other artificial constructions and environments, usually with some regard to aesthetic effect. Architecture often includes design or selection of… … Universalium
Pakistan — /pak euh stan , pah keuh stahn /, n. 1. Islamic Republic of, a republic in S Asia, between India and Afghanistan: formerly part of British India; known as West Pakistan from 1947 71 to distinguish it from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).… … Universalium
Composite material — A cloth of woven carbon fiber filaments, a common element in composite materials Composite materials, often shortened to composites or called composition materials, are engineered or naturally occurring materials made from two or more constituent … Wikipedia