1 piston-type compressor
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > piston-type compressor
2 piston-type compressor
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > piston-type compressor
3 piston-type compressor
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > piston-type compressor
4 piston (-type) compressor
Автоматика: поршневой компрессорУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > piston (-type) compressor
5 piston-type compressor
Техника: поршневой компрессорУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > piston-type compressor
6 piston-type compressor
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > piston-type compressor
7 piston compressor
= piston-type compressor поршневой компрессорEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > piston compressor
8 compressor
1) компрессор2) компрессор; устройство автоматического сжатия динамического диапазона3) вчт. уплотнитель ( информации)•-
accessible compressor
air brake compressor
air compressor
air scavenging compressor
air-cooled compressor
angle compressor
axial-flow compressor
birotating compressor
booster compressor
brake compressor
centrifugal-flow compressor
centrifugal compressor
closed crankcase compressor
compound compressor
counterflow compressor
diaphragm-type compressor
direct-flow compressor
double-acting compressor
dry piston compressor
dry screw compressor
field compressor
field service compressor
fractional horsepower compressor
gas turbine compressor
gas-engine driven compressor
gas-engine compressor
heavy-tonnage compressor
hermetic compressor
high-pressure compressor
high-side compressor
high-speed compressor
integral muted compressor
intermediate compressor
jet compressor
low-pressure compressor
low-side compressor
low-tonnage compressor
mixed-flow compressor
monoblock compressor
motor compressor
multistage compressor
multivane compressor
oil-flooded screw compressor
oilfree compressor
open crankcase compressor
open-type compressor
piston compressor
piston-type compressor
plant-air compressor
positive displacement compressor
propane compressor
radial flow compressor
reciprocating compressor
refrigerant compressor
return-flow compressor
rotary compressor
rotary screw compressor
rotary vane compressor
screw compressor
semihermetic compressor
single-stage compressor
slow-speed compressor
split compressor
starting compressor
steam-jet compressor
steam-turbine driven compressor
syllabic compressor
time compressor
turbine compressor
turbine-driven compressor
two-rotor compressor
two-spool compressor
uniflow compressor
vane compressor
vapor compressor
water-cooled compressor
well starting compressor
wet screw compressor -
9 piston
поршень (рис. 3); плунжер (рис. 144,7) ; пистон; шток поршня; ныряло; клапан; нфт. плавающая (понтонная) крыша резервуара - piston action - piston-actuated - piston actuated clutch - piston-actuated pressure switch - piston actuator - piston-air drill - piston air valve - piston alloy - piston-and-valve arrangement - piston area - piston attenuator - piston barrel - piston base plate - piston bearing - piston cam plate - piston cooling jet - piston cooling valve - piston core - piston crucible growth - piston cylinder - piston-cylinder assembly - piston damper - piston drill - piston-face area - piston force - piston face - piston filler - piston filling machine - piston flow - piston follower - piston groove - piston hydropneumatic accumulator - piston-in-cylinder clearance - piston knocking - piston-like - piston manometer - piston manufacturing line - piston meter - piston mirror - piston motor - piston nut - piston oil ring rails - piston-operated spool valve - piston operated valve - piston pin boss - piston pin circlip - piston pin drift - piston pin end cap - piston pin knock - piston pin lock ring - piston pin locking screw - piston pin set screw - piston pin with taper bore - piston play - piston ported engine - piston pressure - piston pressure gage - piston pressure gauge - piston puller - piston pull scale - piston pump - piston pump with cam drive - piston relief valve - piston-ring carrier - piston ring casting - piston-ring clamp - piston ring expander - piston ring gap in bore - piston ring grinding machine - piston ring groove - piston ring joint - piston ring side clearance - piston ring slot - piston-ring spreader - piston ring sticking - piston-ring tension - piston-ring width - piston rod - piston rod end - piston scaler - piston seal - piston seizure - piston separator - piston shoe - piston side thrust - piston skirt - piston skirt clearance - piston skirt expander - piston slap - piston slipper - piston speed - piston sticking - piston stripping - piston stroke - piston-suction sampler - piston supercharger - piston support washer - piston-swept volume - piston throttle - piston thrust - piston-to-head clearance - piston-to-wall clearance - piston top - piston travel - piston-turning lathe - piston-turning machine - piston-type compressor - piston-type damper - piston-type drill - piston-type pump - piston-type relief device - piston-type unit - piston valve - piston valve cylinder - piston varnish rating - piston with slipper - piston with struts - piston wrench - buffer piston - cast piston - choke piston - close-fitting piston - compensating piston - contact piston - contractor piston - control piston - dividing piston - dome-head piston - double-acting piston - dual area piston - flat-crown piston - forged piston - free piston - ground-in piston - high-pressure piston - hollow piston - hammer piston - intensifier piston - intermediate piston - lubricator piston - magnetic piston - mud piston - operating piston - pent crown piston - plunger piston - pot-type piston - pressure piston - pump piston - raised-crown piston - ramming piston - reaction piston - reciprocating piston - ribbed piston - rotary piston - rubber piston - sand piston - secondary piston - seized piston - seizing of piston rings - separating piston - shock absorber piston - short-circuiting piston - single-rod piston - skeleton-skirt piston - slack piston - sliding piston - slipper piston - slit-skirt piston - solid piston - spherical head piston - split piston - split skirt piston - standard piston - steel piston - steel-belted piston - steel-strut piston - step-head piston - step piston - stepped piston - sticking of piston rings - stock piston - strut-type piston - supported piston - suspended piston - T-slot piston - trunk piston - trunk-type piston - two-diameter piston - two-piece piston - U-slot piston - unsuspended piston - valve piston - vertical slot piston - waveguide piston -
10 compressor
- auxiliary compressor
- axial flow compressor
- birotating compressor
- centrifugal compressor
- compound compressor
- diaphragm-type compressor
- displacement compressor
- double-acting compressor
- double-acting piston compressor
- double-stage compressor
- emergency compressor
- fluid compressor
- four-stage compressor
- gas compressor
- high-pressure compressor
- information compressor
- intermediate pressure compressor
- low-pressure compressor
- mixed flow compressor
- multistage compressor
- piston compressor
- piston-type compressor
- positive displacement compressor
- radial compressor
- radial-flow compressor
- ram compressor
- reciprocal compressor
- reciprocating compressor
- refrigeration compressor
- rotary compressor
- screw compressor
- single-stage compressor
- slow-speed compressor
- standby compressor
- starting compressor
- three-spool compressor
- three-stage compressor
- twin compressor
- two-spool compressor
- two-stage compressor
- vane compressor
- wet-air compressorEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > compressor
11 compressor
компрессор- 1. Устройство для увеличения давления механическим путем. 2. Специальная машина, со вспомогательными принадлежностями или без них, для сжатия паров холодильного агента (ASMEB31.5).
Англо-русский словарь по кондиционированию и вентиляции > compressor
12 compressor
компрессор- 1. Устройство для увеличения давления механическим путем. 2. Специальная машина, со вспомогательными принадлежностями или без них, для сжатия паров холодильного агента (ASMEB31.5).
English-Russian dictionary of terms for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling air > compressor
13 compressor
компрессор (рис. 27,10); приспособление для сжатия - compressor-driving turbine - compressor-exit temperature - compressor flow - compressor governor - compressor gun - compressor inlet - compressor mounting - compressor turbine - compressor work - air conditioner compressor - air-cooled compressor - compound compressor - displacement compressor - double-acting compressor - piston compressor - double-entry compressor - double-stage compressor - engine-driven compressor - free-piston compressor - gas compressor - heavy-duty compressor - high-pressure compressor - hydraulic air compressor - jet compressor - jet-type compressor - light-duty compressor - low-pressure compressor - mounted compressor - multistage compressor - reciprocating compressor - piston ring compressor while inserting pistons into the cylinder - positive-displacement compressor - power take-off compressor - rotary compressor - single-action compressor - single-entry compressor - single-stage compressor - sliding-vane compressor - spring compressor for McPherson shock absorbers in combination with forks - trunk-piston compressor - wet-air compressor -
14 piston
1) поршень
2) поршневой
3) клапан
4) циллиндрический
5) плунжер
– balance piston
– differential piston
– disk piston
– dome-head piston
– double-acting piston
– double-rod piston
– floating piston
– oversize piston
– piston action
– piston actuator
– piston blower
– piston compressor
– piston depth
– piston engine
– piston filler
– piston head
– piston jig
– piston pin
– piston pump
– piston ring
– piston rod
– piston skirt
– pot-type piston
– pressure piston
– pump piston
– rotary piston
– split piston
– trunk piston
15 piston compressor
1) Нефть: поршневой компрессор2) Автоматика: (- type) поршневой компрессор -
16 поршневой компрессор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > поршневой компрессор
17 pump
2) насос; помпа; накачивание; нагнетание; выкачивание; откачивание (процесс действия насоса); II качать насосом; нагнетать; работать насосом; закачивать (воздух и пр.); накачивать (шины и пр.); откачивать; выкачивать; опорожнять- pump adjustment screw - pump-and-accumulator station - pump and injector unit filter - pump and injector unit follower - pump and injector unit nut - pump and injector unit plunger - pump basket - pump beam - pump blade - pump block - pump body - pump bonnet - pump bowl - pump box - pump braking - pump bucket - pump capacity per revolution - pump cavitation - pump cell - pumping circuit - pump circulation - pump control console - pump cradle- pump cup- pump current - pumping current - pump diameter - pump discharge - pump discharge pressure - pump discharge valve - pump disk - pump displacement - pump distribution gear unit - pump-down - pump-down time - pump duty - pump element - pump end thrust - pump-fed rocket - pump filter - pump flow - pump outputflow - pump for gas transporting - pump for injection of mortar - pump frequency - pumping frequency - pump fuel feed - pump governor - pump gun - pump-handle - pump head - pump house - pump housing - pump injection - pump-injector - pump inlet - pump inlet capability - pump inlet pressure - pump installation - pump intake - pump intake pressure - pump jet propeller - pump jet propulsion system - pump-jet propulsion unit - pump jig - pump kettle - pump leak - pump lift - pump line - pump liner - pump-lubricated - pump lubrication - pump main - pump manifold - pump mechanized - pump mode - pump motor - pump-motor - pump-motor unit - pump noise - pump off - pump open sliding side door - pump out - pump output - pump output flow - pump over - pump performance - pump pipelining - pump piping - pump plunger - pump power end - pump pressure - pump price - pump priming - pump priming characteristic - pump pulsation damper - pump ram - pump rate - pump rating - pump recirculation system - pump riser - pump rod - pump rod joint - pump room - pump runner - pump screen - pump seat - pump seating - pump shaft - pump shell - pump slippage - pump specifications - pump speed - pump speed indicator - pump spindle - pump-starving filter condition - pump station - pump stock reserve - pump strainer - pump stripping - pump stroke counter - pump stroke rate - pump suction - pump suction head - pump suction line - pump suction tube - pump suction-valve cage - pump-system water cooling - pump thrust - pump thrust plate - pump traveling valve cage - pump turbine - pump-type circulation lubrication - pump unit - pump unloading - pump unloading hydraulic circuit - pump up - pump vacuum rating - pump volume - pump volume indicator - pump warm-up line - pump water feed - pumped water feed - pump wheel - pump with external bearing - pump with internal bearing - pump with overhung impeller - pump withdrawal - pump working barrel valve seat - pump works - adsorption pump - adsorption vacuum pump - aeration jet pump- air pump- air-driven pump - air-operated pump - air-operated grouting pump- air pump- ammonia pump - annular casing pump - armored pump - aspirator pump - aspiring pump - axial flow pump - axial flow turbine pump - axially split pump - axial piston pump - axial-piston distribution pump - axial piston pump of the rotary cylinder-type - axial suction pump - backing vacuum pump - barrel insert pump - beam pump - blower pump - boom concrete pump - bore-hole pump - brine-circulating pump - canned pump - canned motor pump - cargo pump - cementing piston pump - centrifugal pump with shrouded impeller - circular casing pump - chain pump - combined vacuum pump - Common-Rail high-pressure pump - condensation pump - condensation return pump - constant discharge pump - constant volume pump - continuous-pressure pump - controlled capacity plunger pump - controlled-volume pump - coolant pump - cooled pump - cooling-water pump - corrosion-resistant water pump - cutter lubricant pump - deep-well pump - differential pump - discharge pump - disintegrating pump - dispensing pump - displacement pump - distributor fuel injection pump - donkey pump - dosing pump - double-acting pump - double-diaphragm pump - double-displacement pump - double-entry pump - double-plunger pump - double-suction pump - double-volute pump - Downton pump - drainline pump - dredge pump - dredging pump - drowned pump - ejector jet pump - electrically driven pump - electrical centrifugal pump - electromagnetic pump - electropneumatic tyre pump - electrosubmersible pump - elevator pump - emergency pump - end suction pump - entrapment pump - epitrochoidal pump - excavating pump - external gear pump - extraction pump - fixed pump - fixed-delivery pump - fixed displacement pump - fixed volume pump - flexible tube pump - flexible tubes for grease pump - flow-type pump - flow-type fuel pump - fluid pump - fluid-packed pump - flywheel pump - force pump - fractionating diffusion pump - fuel booster pump- gas pump- gas jet pump - gear-driven pump - gear-type pump - gear wheel pump - hand desoldering pump with antistatic teflon tip - hand-operated grouting pump - hand-priming pump - hand suction pump for battery liquid - hand vacuum-pressure pump for checking vacuum advance in conjunction and timing light - turbo wastengate control valve and etc. - heat pump - heated pump - helical rotor pump - high duty pump - high-flow pump - high-lift pump - high-low pressure pump - high-pressure pump - high-pressure fuel pump - high-vacuum pump - hot-oil pump - house service pump - impeller pump - in-line pump - in-line fuel injection pump - internal gear pump - internal spur gear pump - irrigating pump - jacketed pump- jet pump- jet vacuum pump - jury pump - kinetic pump - liquid jet pump - liquid-packed ring pump - liquid ring vacuum pump - liquid-sealed vacuum pump - lobular pump - low-lift pump - lubrication pump - main pump - make-up pump - manual pump - manual pump for injector testing - marine pump - mechanical pump - membrane pump - mine pump - monocylindrical fuel injection pump - motor pump - mud pump - multicellular pump - multicylinder pump - multicylinder fuel injection pump - multijet vacuum pump - multiple-piston pump - multiplunger pump - multiscrew pump- oil pump- oil-line pump - oil-refinery pump - oil scavenge pump - oil-sealed vacuum pump - oil suction pump - oil supply pump - oil-vapor vacuum pump - oscillating displacement pump - papermill pump - peripheral pump - peristaltic pump - port the pump - portable pump - positive-displacement pump - positive-displacement fuel pump - power-steering pump - power take-off mounted pump - precharge pump - press pump - pressure test pump - pressurizing pump - prime a pump - PTO-mounted pump - pulse-free pump - pusher pump - radial flow turbine pump - radial piston pump - radially split pump - rapid approach pump - rayon pump - reactor coolant pump - reciprocating pump - reciprocating fuel injection pump - reciprocating vacuum pump - recirculating pump - reciprocation pump - refrigerant pump - regulator pump - reversible pump - reversing pump - roller-cell pump - roller vane pump - roots vacuum pump - rotary pump - rotary air pump - rotary-displacement pump - rotary fuel injection pump - rotary gear pump - rotary lobe pump - rotary piston lobe-type pump - rotary plunger pump - rotary vane-type pump - rotodynamic pump - roughing-down pump - roughing vacuum pump - rough vacuum pump - sand pump - scavenge pump - scavenging pump - scoop pump - screw pump - scrum pump - self-bleeding pump - self-priming pump - self-purifying diffusion pump - semirotary pump - servo pump - service pump - sewage pump - sewage water pump - shallow well pump - side channel pump - side suction pump - simplex pump - single-acting pump - single-acting hand pump - single-acting piston pump - single-cylinder pump - single-stage pump - sinking pump - sliding vane pump - sliding vane rotary pump - slime pump - sludge pump - sluice pump - slush pump - small capacity pump - sorption pump - sorption vacuum pump - spur gear pump - sputter ion pump - stage chamber pump - stand-by pump - start a pump - stationary pump - stationary concrete pump - steam pump - steering pump - stripping pump - sublimation pump - sublimation vacuum pump - submerged pump - submersible pump - subsurface pump - sucking pump - suction pump - suds pump - supercharging pump - supply pump - surge pump - swash-plate pump - swash-plate operated pump - tank pump - tar-and-residuum pump - test pump - thermal pump - three-cylinder pump - three-screw pump - tire pump - truck-mounted concrete pump - torque flow pump - transfer pump - trim pump - triplex pump - triplex plunger pump - trochoid pump - turbine pump - turbine-driven pump - turn on a pump - tyre pump - twin pump - two-cylinder pump - two-screw pump - two-stage pump - two-volume pump - unbalanced pump - unit construction pump - V-type pump - V-type piston pump - vacuum pump - valveless pump - vane pump - vane-type pump - vapor jet pump - variable capacity pump - variable-delivery pump - variable displacement pump - variable speed pump - variable volume pump - vee fuel injection pump - volute pump - water pump - water-jet pump - well pump - wet-air pump - wet motor pump - wet-pit pump - wide-spray fire pump - windmill pump - windshield washer pump - wing pump - work a pump -
18 double
двойное количество; II удваивать; дублировать; складывать вдвое; двойной; сдвоенный; сложенный вдвое; II двойной; сдвоенный- double-acting forcemeter - double-acting regulator - double-acting rotary engine - double amplitude - double angular ball bearing - double-arm - double-arm lever - double-back - double-ball pitman arm - double-bank - double-bank radial engine - double-beat - double-bend - double-bolted schackle - double-braid covering - double-chain drive - double-charge - double-chart recorder - double-check - double-cheek snow plough - double-clutch method - double-concave - double-cylinder engine - double-deck - double-deck bridge - double-dial - double dipole - double-drive bogie - double drop frame - double-drum hoist - double duty - double-edge - double elliptic spring - double-ended spanner - double ender - double-flange wheel - double-flanged - double flat - double-fork lever - double-gap - double governor - double-heading - double-head wrench - double helical gear - double helical tooth - double-hook piston ring - double-hulled - double-hung - double ignition - double-level bridge - double-lift cam - double-line traffic - double-motor drive - double over - double-piston - double-piston engine - double-piston-type engine - double-pitch roller chain - double-rate meter - double-reduction gear - double-reduction shaft - double-reduction spur pinion - double-row - double-seal bearing - double-sealed bearing - double seam - double-seat valve - double-shaft drive - double-sided impeller - double-side tipping - double-slot piston ring - double-spark ignition - double spiral gear - double-stage - double staining - double steering - double stroke - double swing door - double T-section - double-taper-faced piston ring - double thread - double-throw - double-tracked - double tread - double-tube tyre - double-type - double-tyre wheel - double universal joint - double-V engine - double-V joint - double-walled piston - double-way - double wing door - double-wire system - double-wound -
19 sliding
скольжение; соскальзывание; проскальзывание (напр. колеса); сдвиг (напр. грунтового массива); сползание; II скользящий; проскальзывающий; двигающийся; дифференциальный; плавно двигающийся по поверхности; поступательный (о перемещении)- sliding angle - sliding bar - sliding block - sliding bolt - sliding calipers - sliding calliper - sliding cam - sliding channel - sliding clamp - sliding cluster - sliding contact packing - sliding couple - sliding crownblock - sliding eye - sliding factor - sliding failure - sliding feed - sliding fifth wheel - sliding fracture - sliding friction wheel - sliding gate - sliding-gate measuring valve - sliding gear headstock - sliding gear ranges - sliding gear shifter lever - sliding guard door - sliding head - sliding hinge - sliding hub - sliding jaw - sliding lid - sliding load - sliding lock gate - sliding member - sliding mode control - sliding piece - sliding plate valve - sliding pressure foot - sliding prismatic key - sliding pulse generator - sliding rail - sliding rail of door - sliding ram - sliding reflection - sliding-rolling line contact - sliding scoop tube - sliding seat - sliding shaft - sliding shoe - sliding shutter assembly - sliding sleeve - sliding-sleeve nipple - sliding slotted link - sliding socket joint - sliding spool valve - sliding stop - sliding strap - sliding-strap clamp - sliding strength - sliding sunroof - sliding support - sliding surface - sliding surface of soil - sliding temperature - sliding thrust bearing - sliding universal joint - sliding valve - sliding weight - sliding window - frictional sliding -
20 engine
двигатель (внутреннего сгорания); машина; мотор- engine analyzer - engine and gearbox unit - engine area - engine assembly - engine assembly shop - engine bonnet - engine braking force - engine breathing - engine-building - engine capacity - engine cleansing agents - engine column - engine component - engine conk - engine control - engine-cooling - engine-cooling thermometer - engine cowl flap - engine cross-drive casing - engine cutoff - engine cycle - engine data - engine deck - engine department - engine details - engine diagnostic connector - engine-driven air compressor - engine-driven industrial shop truck - engine dry weight - engine efficiency - engine failure - engine fan pulley - engine flameout - engine flywheel - engine for different fuels - engine frame - engine front - engine front area - engine front support bracket - engine fuel - engine gearbox - engine-gearbox unit - engine-generator - engine-governed speed - engine governor - engine gum - engine hatch - engine hoist - engine hood - engine house - engine idles rough - engine in situ - engine installation - engine is smooth - engine is tractable - engine knock - engine lacquer - engine life - engine lifetime pecypc - engine lifting bracket - engine lifting fixture - engine lifting hook - engine location - engine lubrication system - engine lug - engine management - engine management system - engine map - engine misfires - engine model - engine motoring - engine mount - engine-mounted - engine mounted longitudinally - engine mounted transversally - engine mounting - engine-mounting bracket - engine nameplate - engine noise - engine number - engine off - engine oil - engine oil capacity - engine oil filler cap - engine oil filling cap - engine oil tank - engine on - engine operating temperature - engine out of work - engine output - engine overhaul - engine pan - engine peak speed - engine performance - engine picks up - engine pings - engine piston - engine plant - engine power - engine pressure - engine primer - engine rating - engine rear support - engine reconditioning - engine renovation - engine repair stand - engine retarder - engine revolution counter - engine rig test - engine room - engine roughness - engine rpm indicator - engine run-in - engine runs rough - engine runs roughly - engine shaft - engine shed - engine shield - engine shop - engine shorting-out - engine shutdown - engine sludge - engine snubber - engine speed - engine speed sensor - engine stability - engine stalls - engine start - engine starting system - engine starts per day - engine stroke - engine subframe - engine sump - engine sump well - engine support - engine temperature sensor - engine test stand - engine testing room - engine throttle - engine timing case - engine-to-cabin passthrough aperture - engine-transmission unit - engine torque - engine trends - engine trouble - engine tune-up - engine turning at peak revolution - engine under seat - engine unit - engine vacuum checking gauge - engine valve - engine varnish - engine vibration - engine wash - engine water inlet - engine water outlet - engine wear - engine weight - engine weight per horsepower - engine winterization system - engine with supercharger - engine wobble - engine works - engine yard - engine's flexibility - aero-engine - atmospheric engine - atmospheric steam engine - atomic engine - augmented engine - AV-1 engine - aviation engine - back-up engine - birotary engine - blast-injection diesel engine - blower-cooled engine - bored-out engine - boxer engine - bull engine - car engine - charge-cooled engine - crank engine - crankcase-scavenged engine - crude engine - crude-oil engine - diaphragm engine - diesel-electric engine - Diesel engine - Diesel engine with air cell - Diesel engine with antechamber - Diesel engine with direct injection - Diesel engine with mechanical injection - direct injection engine - divided-chamber engine - double-flow engine - double-overhead camshaft engine - drilling engine - driving engine - drop-valve engine - ducted-fan engine - duofuel engine - emergency engine - explosion engine - external combustion engine - external-internal combustion engine - F-head engine - failed engine - fan engine - federal engine - field engine - fire-engine - five-cylinder engine - fixed engine - flame engine - flat engine - flat-four engine - flat twin engine - flexibly mounted engine - forced-induction engine - four-cycle engine - four-cylinder engine - four-stroke engine - free-piston engine - free-piston gas generator engine - front-mounted engine - free-turbine engine - fuel-injection engine - full-load engine - gas engine - gas blowing engine - gas-power engine - gas-turbine engine - gasoline engine - geared engine - heat engine - heavy-duty engine - heavy-oil engine - high-by-pass-ratio turbofan engine - high-compression engine - high-efficiency engine - high-performance engine - high-power engine - high-speed engine - hoisting engine - hopped-up engine - horizontal engine - horizontally opposed engine - hot engine - hot-air engine - hot-bulb engine - hydrogen engine - I-head engine - in-line engine - inclined engine - indirect injection engine - individual-cylinder engine - industrial engine - inhibited engine - injection oil engine - injection-type engine - intercooled diesel engine - intermittent-cycle engine - internal combustion engine - inverted engine - inverted Vee-engine - jet engine - jet-propulsion engine - kerosene engine - knock test engine - L-head engine - launch engine - lean-burn engine - left-hand engine - lift engine - light engine - liquid-cooled engine - liquid propane engine - locomotive engine - longitudinal engine - long-stroke engine - low-compression engine - low-consumption engine - low-emission engine - low-performance engine - low-speed engine - marine engine - modular engine - monosoupape engine - motor engine - motor an engine round - motor-boat engine - motor-fire engine - motorcycle engine - motored engine - multibank engine - multicarburetor engine - multicrank engine - multicylinder engine - multifuel engine - multirow engine - naturally aspirated engine - non-compression engine - non-condensing engine - non-exhaust valve engine - non-poppet valve engine - non-reversible engine - nuclear engine - oil engine - oil-electric engine - oil well drilling engine - one-cylinder engine - operating engine - opposed engine - opposed cylinders engine - Otto engine - out-board engine - overcooled engine - overhead valve engine - oversquare engine - overstroke engine - pancake engine - paraffin engine - paraffine engine - petrol engine - Petter AV-1 Diesel engine - pilot engine - piston engine - piston blast engine - port engine - precombustion chamber engine - prime an engine - producer-gas engine - production engine - prototype engine - pumping engine - pushrod engine - quadruple-expansion engine - qual-cam engine - racing engine - radial engine - radial cylinder engine - radial second motion engine - railway engine - ram induction engine - ram-jet engine - reaction engine - rear-mounted engine - rebuilt engine - reciprocating engine - reciprocating piston engine - reconditioned engine - regenerative engine - regular engine - reheat engine - research-cylinder engine - reversible engine - reversing engine - right-hand engine - rocket engine - rotary engine - rough engine - row engine - run in an engine - scavenged gasoline engine - scavenging engine - sea-level engine - second-motion engine - self-ignition engine - semidiesel engine - series-wound engine - servo-engine - short-life engine - short-stroke engine - shorted-out engine - shunting engine - shunt-wound engine - side-by-side engine - side-valve engine - simple-expansion engine - single-acting engine - single-chamber rocket engine - single-cylinder engine - single-cylinder test engine - single-row engine - six-cylinder engine - skid engine - slanted engine - sleeve-valve engine - sleeveless engine - slide-valve engine - slope engine - slow-running engine - slow-speed engine - small-bore engine - small-displacement engine - solid-injection engine - spark-ignition engine - spark-ignition fuel-injection engine - split-compressor engine - square engine - square stroke engine - stalled engine - stand-by engine - start the engine cold - start the engine light - start the engine warm- hot- starting engine - static engine - stationary engine - steam engine - steering engine - Stirling engine - straight-eight engine - straight-line engine - straight-type engine - stratified charge engine - stripped engine - submersible engine - suction gas engine - supercharged engine - supercompression engine - supplementary engine - swash-plate engine - switching engine - tandem engine - tank engine - thermal engine - three-cylinder engine - traction engine - triple-expansion engine - tractor engine - transversally-mounted engine - truck engine - trunk-piston Diesel engine - turbine engine - turbo-jet engine - turbo-charged engine - turbo-compound engine - turbo-prop engine - turbo-ramjet engine - turbo-supercharged engine - turbocharged-and-aftercooled engine - turbofan engine - turboprop engine - twin engine - twin cam engine - twin crankshaft engine - twin six engine - two-bank engine - two-cycle engine - two-cylinder engine - two-spool engine - two-stroke engine - unblown engine - uncooled engine - underfloor engine - undersquare engine - uniflow engine - unsupercharged engine - uprated engine - V-engine - V-type engine - valve-in-the-head engine - valveless engine - vaporizer engine - vaporizing-oil engine - variable compression engine - variable-stroke engine - variable valve-timing engine - vee engine - vertical engine - vertical turn engine - vertical vortex engine - W-type engine - Wankel engine - warm engine - waste-heat engine - water-cooled engine - winding engine - windshield wiper engine - woolly-type engine - worn engine - X-engine - Y-engine - yard engine
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См. также в других словарях:
piston-type compressor — A compressor in an air conditioning system with one or more pistons arranged in either an in line, axial, radial, or V configuration … Dictionary of automotive terms
compressor — [1] A mechanism in a refrigerator or air conditioner that pumpsvaporizedrefrigerant out of the evaporator, compresses it to a relatively high pressure and then delivers it to the condenser. [2] A tool for compressing a coil spring, such as a… … Dictionary of automotive terms
compressor — /keuhm pres euhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that compresses. 2. Anat. a muscle that compresses some part of the body. 3. Surg. an instrument for compressing a part of the body. 4. a pump or other machine for reducing volume and increasing pressure … Universalium
Piston — For other uses, see Piston (disambiguation). Components of a typical, four stroke cycle, DOHC piston engine. (E) Exhaust camshaft, (I) Intake camshaft, (S) Spark plug, (V) Valves, (P) Piston, (R) Connecting rod, (C) Crankshaft, (W) Water jacket… … Wikipedia
Gas compressor — A gas compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume. Compressors are similar to pumps: both increase the pressure on a fluid and both can transport the fluid through a pipe. As gases are… … Wikipedia
Free-piston engine — The free piston engine is a linear, crankless combustion engine, in which the piston motion is not controlled by a crankshaft but determined by the interaction of forces from the combustion cylinder gases, a rebound device and a load device.The… … Wikipedia
Swing-piston engine — A swing piston engine is a type of internal combustion engine in which the pistons move in a circular motion inside a ring shaped cylinder , moving closer and further from each other to provide compression and expansion. Generally two sets of… … Wikipedia
Axial compressor — Axial compressors are rotating, aerofoil based compressors in which the working fluid principally flows parallel to the axis of rotation. This is in contrast with centrifugal, axi centrifugal and mixed flow compressors where the air may enter… … Wikipedia
Scroll compressor — A scroll compressor (also called spiral compressor , scroll pump and scroll vacuum pump) is a device for compressing air or refrigerant. It is used in air conditioning equipment, as an automobile supercharger (where it is known as a scroll type… … Wikipedia
Hydrogen compressor — A hydrogen compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of hydrogen by reducing its volume. Compression of hydrogen gas naturally increases its temperature, due to Charles Law. Hydrogen embrittlement occurs.Hydrogen compressors… … Wikipedia
Centrifugal-type supercharger — For more details on this topic, see centrifugal compressor. World War II Daimler Benz DB60X series aircraft engine showing centrifugal blower intake at right. This engine is a DB601 model. The centrifugal type supercharger is an engine driven… … Wikipedia