1 piss someone off
1. выгнать кого-либо вон;2. сильно раздражать кого-либо -
2 piss someone off
1. выгнать кого-либо вон;2. сильно раздражать кого-либо -
3 tick or piss someone off
Американский английский: выводить из себяУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > tick or piss someone off
См. также в других словарях:
piss someone off — ► piss someone off annoy someone. Main Entry: ↑piss … English terms dictionary
piss someone off — tv. to make someone angry. (Potentially offensive, even though it is widely used. See also pissed (off).) □ She really pissed me off! CD That’s enough to piss off anybody … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
piss someone off — annoy someone. → piss … English new terms dictionary
piss someone off — annoy someone … Useful english dictionary
fuck someone off — verb a) To snub. , As for her boss, she decided to fuck him off instead of meet with him under such unjustifiable circumstances. b) To annoy someone greatly; to piss someone off … Wiktionary
bitch someone off — tv. to make someone very angry. (See also piss someone off. Usually objectionable.) □ You know what bitches me off? Soggy French fries, that’s what! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
piss — vulgar slang ► VERB ▪ urinate. ► NOUN 1) urine. 2) an act of urinating. ● be on the piss Cf. ↑be on the piss ● piss about/around Cf. ↑ … English terms dictionary
piss — /pɪs / (say pis) Colloquial (taboo) –verb (i) 1. to urinate. –noun 2. urine. 3. an act of passing water; urination. 4. a. any alcoholic drink, especially a weak one. b. beer. –phrase 5. all piss and wind (or piss n wind) …
piss — vulgar slang verb urinate. ↘discharge (something, especially blood) when urinating. noun urine. ↘an act of urinating. Phrases be (or go) on the piss Brit. be engaged in (or go on) a heavy drinking session. a piece of piss Brit. a very easy thing… … English new terms dictionary
piss off — vb to leave, go away. This vulgarism was in use throughout the 20th century, par ticularly in British speech. The word piss has no specific significance, but adds intensity and often overtones of exasperation, both where used descrip tively and… … Contemporary slang
piss — 1 verb 1 (I) informal an impolite word meaning to urinate 2 piss all over sb spoken an impolite expression meaning to thoroughly defeat a person or a team 3 piss in the wind spoken an impolite expression meaning to waste time or effort trying to… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English