1 pink cockatoo
Биология: какаду-инка (Cacatua leadbeateri) -
2 pink cockatoo
3 cockatoo
great black cockatoo чёрный какаду, Probosciger aterrimuspink cockatoo какаду-инка, Kakatoe leadbeaterired-tailed black cockatoo рыжехвостый чёрный какаду, Caoyptorhynchus magnificusrose-breasted cockatoo розовый какаду, Kakatoe roseicapillasulhu-crester cockatoo желтохохлый какаду, Kakatoe galeritaEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > cockatoo
4 cockatoo
какаду; какаду ( Cacatua)- black cockatoo
- blue-eyed cockatoo
- Ducorp's cockatoo
- funereal cockatoo
- glossy blackcockatoo
- glossy cockatoo
- goliath cockatoo
- great black cockatoo
- great white cockatoo
- greater sulphur-crested cockatoo
- greater white-crested cockatoo
- helmeted cockatoo
- Leadbeater's cockatoo
- lesser sulphur-crested cockatoo
- long-billed cockatoo
- palm cockatoo
- pink cockatoo
- red-vented cockatoo
- rose-breasted cockatoo
- rosy cockatoo
- salmon-crested cockatoo
- slender-billed cockatoo
- slender-billed white cockatoo
- sulphur-crested cockatoo
- umbrella cockatoo
- white cockatoo
- white-tailed black cockatoo
- white-tailed cockatoo
- yellow-eared cockatoo* * *• какаду -
5 cockatoo, pink desert
—1. LAT Cacatua leadbeateri ( Vigors)2. RUS какаду m инка3. ENG (major) Mitchell’s cockatoo, Leadbeater’s [pink desert] cockatoo, Wee Juggler cocklerina, chockallot4. DEU Inkakakadu m, Leadbeaters Kakadu m5. FRA cacatoès m de Leadbeater [à huppe tricolore]ПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > cockatoo, pink desert
6 cockatoo, Leadbeater’s
—1. LAT Cacatua leadbeateri ( Vigors)2. RUS какаду m инка3. ENG (major) Mitchell’s cockatoo, Leadbeater’s [pink desert] cockatoo, Wee Juggler cocklerina, chockallot4. DEU Inkakakadu m, Leadbeaters Kakadu m5. FRA cacatoès m de Leadbeater [à huppe tricolore]ПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > cockatoo, Leadbeater’s
7 cockatoo, (major) Mitchell’s
—1. LAT Cacatua leadbeateri ( Vigors)2. RUS какаду m инка3. ENG (major) Mitchell’s cockatoo, Leadbeater’s [pink desert] cockatoo, Wee Juggler cocklerina, chockallot4. DEU Inkakakadu m, Leadbeaters Kakadu m5. FRA cacatoès m de Leadbeater [à huppe tricolore]ПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > cockatoo, (major) Mitchell’s
8 cockatoo, (major) Mitchell’s
—1. LAT Cacatua leadbeateri ( Vigors)2. RUS какаду m инка3. ENG (major) Mitchell’s cockatoo, Leadbeater’s [pink desert] cockatoo, Wee Juggler cocklerina, chockallot4. DEU Inkakakadu m, Leadbeaters Kakadu m5. FRA cacatoès m de Leadbeater [à huppe tricolore]ПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > cockatoo, (major) Mitchell’s
9 Leadbeater's cockatoo
English-russian biological dictionary > Leadbeater's cockatoo
10 chockallot
—1. LAT Cacatua leadbeateri ( Vigors)2. RUS какаду m инка3. ENG (major) Mitchell’s cockatoo, Leadbeater’s [pink desert] cockatoo, Wee Juggler cocklerina, chockallot4. DEU Inkakakadu m, Leadbeaters Kakadu m5. FRA cacatoès m de Leadbeater [à huppe tricolore] -
11 cocklerina, Wee Juggler
—1. LAT Cacatua leadbeateri ( Vigors)2. RUS какаду m инка3. ENG (major) Mitchell’s cockatoo, Leadbeater’s [pink desert] cockatoo, Wee Juggler cocklerina, chockallot4. DEU Inkakakadu m, Leadbeaters Kakadu m5. FRA cacatoès m de Leadbeater [à huppe tricolore]ПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > cocklerina, Wee Juggler
12 2516
1. LAT Cacatua leadbeateri ( Vigors)2. RUS какаду m инка3. ENG (major) Mitchell’s cockatoo, Leadbeater’s [pink desert] cockatoo, Wee Juggler cocklerina, chockallot4. DEU Inkakakadu m, Leadbeaters Kakadu m5. FRA cacatoès m de Leadbeater [à huppe tricolore]
См. также в других словарях:
pink cockatoo — noun white Australian cockatoo with roseate tinged plumage • Syn: ↑Kakatoe leadbeateri • Hypernyms: ↑cockatoo * * * noun : a white Australian cockatoo (Kakatoe leadbeateri) with the plumage flushed roseate and a large showy barred crest * * *… … Useful english dictionary
Cockatoo — For other uses, see Cockatoo (disambiguation). Cockatoo … Wikipedia
cockatoo — [käk′ə to͞o΄, käk΄ə to͞o′] n. pl. cockatoos [Du kaketoe < Malay kakatua; prob. echoic in orig., but < ? kakak, brother, sister + tua, old; sp. infl. by COCK1] any of a number of crested parrots (esp. genus Cacatua) of Australia and the East … English World dictionary
cockatoo — /kok euh tooh , kok euh tooh /, n., pl. cockatoos. 1. any of numerous large, noisy, crested parrots of the genera Cacatua, Callocephalon, Calyptorhynchus, etc., of the Australasian region, having chiefly white plumage tinged with yellow, pink, or … Universalium
Major Mitchell's Cockatoo — With crest raised in Queensland, Australia Conservation status … Wikipedia
Lead|beat|er's cockatoo — «LEHD BEE tuhrz», a white Australian cockatoo with a salmon pink inner wing; pink cockatoo. ╂[< J. Leadbeater, an Australian naturalist of the 1800 s] … Useful english dictionary
Salmon-crested Cockatoo — At Cincinnati Zoo Conservation status … Wikipedia
Goffin's Cockatoo — Taxobox name = Goffin s Cockatoo status = NT | status system = IUCN3.1 image width = 225px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Psittaciformes familia = Cacatuidae subfamilia = Cacatuinae genus = Cacatua subgenus = Licmetis… … Wikipedia
Palm Cockatoo — At Melaka Zoo, Malaysia Conservation status … Wikipedia
Eleonora Cockatoo — Conservation status … Wikipedia
Citron-crested Cockatoo — Conservation status Critically Endangered … Wikipedia