1 pine bunting
Биология: белошапочная овсянка (Emberiza leucocephala) -
2 pine bunting
3 bunting
black-headed bunting черноголовая овсянка, Emberiza melanocephalacinereous bunting серая овсянка, Emberiza cineraceacirl bunting огородная овсянка, Emberiza cirluscommon bunting просянка, Emberiza calandracorn bunting просянка, Emberiza calandraCretzschmar's bunting красноклювая овсянка, Emberiza caesiagray bunting сизая овсянка, японская овсянка, Emberiza variabilisgray-hooded bunting ошейниковая овсянка, Emberiza fucatagray-necked bunting скалистая овсянка, каменная овсянка, Emberiza buchananiJankowskii's bunting овсянка Янковского, Emberiza jankowskiiJapanese reed bunting рыжешейная овсянка, Emberiza yessoensisLapland bunting лапландский подорожник, Calcarius lapponicuslazuli bunting овсянка-красотка, Passerina amoenalittle bunting овсянка-крошка, Emberiza pusillamasked bunting седоголовая овсянка, Emberiza spodocephalameadow bunting красноухая овсянка, Emberiza cioidesortolan bunting садовая овсянка, Emberiza hortulanaPallas' reed bunting полярная овсянка, Emberiza pallasipine bunting белошапочная овсянка, Emberiza leucocephalosred-headed bunting жёлтая овсянка, Emberiza brunicepsreed bunting камышовая овсянка, болотная овсянка, Emberiza schoeniclusrock bunting горная овсянка, Emberiza ciarufous bunting рыжая овсянка, Emberiza rutilarustic bunting овсянка-ремез, Emberiza rusticaSiberian meadow bunting красноухая овсянка, Emberiza cioidessnow bunting пуночка, Plectrophenax nivalisTristram's bunting таёжная овсянка, черноголовая овсянка, Emberiza tristramiwhite-capped bunting овсянка Стюарта, Emberiza stewartiyellow bunting обыкновенная овсянка, Emberiza citrinellayellow-browed bunting желтобровая овсянка, Emberiza chrysophrysyellow-throated bunting желтогорлая овсянка, Emberiza elegansEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > bunting
4 bunting
орнит.овсянка ( Emberiza); pl овсянковые ( Emberizidae)- black-headed bunting
- cinereous bunting
- cirl bunting
- common bunting
- corn bunting
- golden bunting
- gray bunting
- gray-hooded bunting
- gray-necked bunting
- Japanese reed bunting
- Lapland bunting
- lazuli bunting
- little bunting
- long-tailed bunting
- masked bunting
- meadow bunting
- ortolan bunting
- Pallas' reed bunting
- pine bunting
- red-headed bunting
- reed bunting
- rock bunting
- rufous bunting
- rustic bunting
- Siberian meadow bunting
- snow bunting
- Tristram's bunting
- white-capped bunting
- yellow bunting
- yellow-breasted bunting
- yellow-browed bunting
- yellow-throated bunting* * *• овсянка -
5 bunting, pine
—1. LAT Emberiza leucocephala ( Gmelin)2. RUS белошапочная овсянка f3. ENG pine bunting4. DEU Fichtenammer f5. FRA bruant m à calotte blancheПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > bunting, pine
6 9179
1. LAT Emberiza leucocephala ( Gmelin)2. RUS белошапочная овсянка f3. ENG pine bunting4. DEU Fichtenammer f5. FRA bruant m à calotte blanche
См. также в других словарях:
Pine Bunting — Taxobox name = Pine Bunting status = LC | status system = IUCN3.1 status ref = [IUCN2006|assessors= [BirdLife International|year=2004|id=53507|title=Emberiza leucocephalos|downloaded=12 May 2006 Database entry includes justification for why this… … Wikipedia
pine bunting — baltagalvė starta statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Emberiza leucocephalos angl. pine bunting vok. Fichtenammer, f rus. белошапочная овсянка, f pranc. bruant à calotte blanche, m ryšiai: platesnis terminas – tikrosios… … Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas
Bunting (bird) — For other uses, see bunting. Buntings Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Pine thistle — Thistle This tle, n. [OE. thistil, AS. [thorn]istel; akin to D. & G. distel, OHG. distila, distil, Icel. [thorn]istill, Sw. tistel, Dan. tidsel; of uncertain origin.] (Bot.) Any one of several prickly composite plants, especially those of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lark Bunting — Conservation status Least Concern ( … Wikipedia
Yellow bunting — Yellow Yel low (y[e^]l l[ o]), a. [Compar. {Yellower} (y[e^]l l[ o]*[ e]r); superl. {Yellowest}.] [OE. yelow, yelwe, [yogh]elow, [yogh]eoluw, from AS. geolu; akin to D. geel, OS. & OHG. gelo, G. gelb, Icel. gulr, Sw. gul, Dan. guul, L. helvus… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
White pine — White White (hw[imac]t), a. [Compar. {Whiter} (hw[imac]t [ e]r); superl. {Whitest}.] [OE. whit, AS. hw[imac]t; akin to OFries. and OS. hw[=i]t, D. wit, G. weiss, OHG. w[=i]z, hw[=i]z, Icel. hv[=i]tr, Sw. hvit, Dan. hvid, Goth. hweits, Lith.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Yellow pine — Yellow Yel low (y[e^]l l[ o]), a. [Compar. {Yellower} (y[e^]l l[ o]*[ e]r); superl. {Yellowest}.] [OE. yelow, yelwe, [yogh]elow, [yogh]eoluw, from AS. geolu; akin to D. geel, OS. & OHG. gelo, G. gelb, Icel. gulr, Sw. gul, Dan. guul, L. helvus… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sibley-Monroe checklist 18 — The Sibley Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds. Passeriformes (continued)Fringillidae* Peucedramus taeniatus Olive… … Wikipedia
List of birds in Canada and the United States — This list of birds in Canada and the United States is a comprehensive listing of all the bird species known from the North American continent north of Mexico as of July 2008.North American birds most closely resemble those of Eurasia, which was… … Wikipedia
List of United States birds — This list of United States birds is a comprehensive listing of all the bird species known from the United States as of July, 2008. It does include species recorded in all 50 states.Continental United States birds most closely resemble those of… … Wikipedia