1 pincushion distortion
подушечное искажение
Искажение изображения на экране дисплея, при котором границы изображения искривляются в направлении к центру экрана.
[ http://www.morepc.ru/dict/]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > pincushion distortion
2 pincushion distortion
опт. подушкообразная дисторсия -
3 pincushion distortion
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > pincushion distortion
4 pincushion distortion
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > pincushion distortion
5 pincushion distortion
[ʹpınkʋʃ(ə)ndıʹstɔ:ʃ(ə)n] опт. -
6 pincushion distortion
<phot.> искажение подушкообразное -
7 pincushion distortion
['pɪnkʊʃ(ə)ndɪ'stɔːʃ(ə)n]1) Техника: подушкообразная дисторсия, подушкообразное искажение (растра), положительная дисторсия2) Кино: подушкообразные искажения3) Телекоммуникации: подушкообразные искажения изображения -
8 pincushion distortion
подушкообразная дисторсия, положительная дисторсияEnglish-russian dictionary of physics > pincushion distortion
9 pincushion distortion
подушкообразная дисторсия, положительная дисторсия; подушкообразные искаженияEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > pincushion distortion
10 pincushion distortion
подушкообразная дисторсия, положительная дисторсия; подушкообразные искаженияThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > pincushion distortion
11 pincushion distortion
12 pincushion distortion
13 pincushion distortion
English-Russian scientific dictionary > pincushion distortion
14 pincushion distortion
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > pincushion distortion
15 pillow(-shaped) [pincushion] distortion
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > pillow(-shaped) [pincushion] distortion
16 pillow(-shaped) [pincushion] distortion
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > pillow(-shaped) [pincushion] distortion
17 distortion
1) искажение
2) дисторзия
3) дисторсия
4) дисторционный
5) дисторция
6) искажение формы
7) искаженность
8) коверкание
9) перекашивание
10) перекос
11) искривление
12) деформационный
13) деформация
14) деформирование
15) извращение
16) искажаемость
– amplitude distortion
– amplitude-frequency distortion
– anisotropic distortion
– aperture distortion
– barrel distortion
– barrel-shaped distortion
– barrel-type distortion
– bias distortion
– compensate for distortion
– correction of distortion
– curvilinear distortion
– delay distortion
– dialing distortion
– distortion analyzer
– distortion factor
– distortion in angle
– distortion in scale
– distortion meter
– distortion proper
– distortion theorem
– distortion transformer
– envelope distortion
– field distortion
– fortuitous distortion
– frame distortion
– frequency distortion
– geometric distortion
– hole distortion
– image distortion
– keystone distortion
– lattice distortion
– lens distortion
– line distortion
– linear distortion
– local distortion
– low distortion
– modulation distortion
– non-linear distortion
– phase distortion
– pin cushion distortion
– pincushion distortion
– pocket-hadkerchief distortion
– pulse distortion
– pulse-shape distortion
– quantization distortion
– raster distortion
– sending-end distortion
– service distortion
– shape distortion
– spatial distortion
– spot distortion
– tolerable distortion
– tracking distortion
– transient distortion
amplitude frequency distortion — амплитудно-частотное искажение
audio-frequency harmonic distortion — < radio> искажение тембра
bias telegraph distortion — <commun.> укорочение телеграфных импульсов
nonlinear distortion factor — <electr.> клиррфактор
18 distortion
1) искажение (напр. кристаллической решётки); деформация (напр. симметричного тела); перекашивание (напр. платы)2) искажение, искажения (напр. сигнала); воспроизведение с искажениями (напр. объекта на экране дисплея)3) искажения звукового сигнала, имитирующие эффект перегрузки аналогового усилителя, проф. "дистошн" ( цифровой звуковой спецэффект)4) дисторсияа) тлв опт. подушкообразные или бочкообразные искажения изображенияб) фтт градиент вектора смещенияв) фтт механическая дисторсия•- aliasing distortion
- amplifier distortion
- amplitude distortion
- amplitude-amplitude distortion
- amplitude-frequency distortion
- anisotropic distortion
- aperture distortion
- asymmetrical distortion
- attenuation distortion
- audio-frequency harmonic distortion
- barrel distortion
- bias distortion
- bias telegraph distortion
- bubble-domain elliptical distortion
- characteristic distortion
- characteristic telegraph distortion
- cosine tapered distortion
- cross-modulation distortion
- crossover distortion
- cross-product distortion
- delay distortion
- delay-frequency distortion
- deviation distortion
- dial distortion
- end distortion
- envelope-delay distortion
- fading distortion
- field distortion
- fortuitous telegraph distortion
- frequency distortion
- geometric distortion
- geometrical distortion
- granular distortion
- group-delay distortion
- harmonic distortion
- higher-order distortion
- hysteresis distortion
- IM distortion
- image distortion
- in-band distortion - isochronous distortion
- Jahn-Teller distortion
- keystone distortion
- lattice distortion
- limit distortion
- line distortion
- linear distortion
- modulation distortion
- multipath distortion
- nonlinear distortion
- optical distortion
- origin distortion
- overshoot distortion
- overthrow distortion
- parallelogram distortion
- peak distortion
- percent harmonic distortion
- phase-delay distortion
- phase-frequency distortion
- pillow distortion
- pincushion distortion
- quantization distortion
- radio wavefront distortion
- ratio distortion
- ray distortion
- recording/reproducing harmonic distortion
- RF intermodulation distortion
- rise-time distortion
- S-distortion
- sawtooth distortion
- scalloping distortion
- shooting distortion
- single-harmonic distortion
- size distortion
- slope overload distortion
- spacing end distortion
- spiral distortion
- spot distortion
- start-stop distortion
- telegraph distortion
- telegraph bias distortion
- telegraph signal distortion
- teletypewriter end distortion
- teletypewriter signal distortion
- total distortion
- total harmonic distortion
- total harmonic distortion + noise
- tracing distortion
- tracking distortion
- transient distortion
- trapezium distortion
- trapezoidal distortion
- triangular distortion
- underthrow distortion
- velocity distortion
- waveform-amplitude distortion
- wavefront distortion -
19 distortion
1) искажение (напр. кристаллической решётки); деформация (напр. симметричного тела); перекашивание (напр. платы)2) искажение, искажения (напр. сигнала); воспроизведение с искажениями (напр. объекта на экране дисплея)3) искажения звукового сигнала, имитирующие эффект перегрузки аналогового усилителя, проф. "дистошн" ( цифровой звуковой спецэффект)4) дисторсияа) тлв.; опт. подушкообразные или бочкообразные искажения изображенияб) фтт. градиент вектора смещенияв) фтт. механическая дисторсия•- amplifier distortion
- amplitude distortion
- amplitude-amplitude distortion
- amplitude-frequency distortion
- anisotropic distortion
- aperture distortion
- asymmetrical distortion
- attenuation distortion
- audio-frequency harmonic distortion
- barrel distortion
- bias distortion
- bias telegraph distortion
- bubble-domain elliptical distortion
- characteristic distortion
- characteristic telegraph distortion
- cosine tapered distortion
- cross-modulation distortion
- crossover distortion
- cross-product distortion
- delay distortion
- delay-frequency distortion
- deviation distortion
- dial distortion
- distortion of focal length
- end distortion
- envelope-delay distortion
- fading distortion
- field distortion
- fortuitous telegraph distortion
- frequency distortion
- geometric distortion
- geometrical distortion
- granular distortion
- group-delay distortion
- harmonic distortion
- higher-order distortion
- hysteresis distortion
- IM distortion
- image distortion
- in-band distortion
- intermodulation distortion
- irregular distortion
- isochronous distortion
- Jahn-Teller distortion
- keystone distortion
- lattice distortion
- limit distortion
- line distortion
- linear distortion
- modulation distortion
- multipath distortion
- nonlinear distortion
- optical distortion
- origin distortion
- overshoot distortion
- overthrow distortion
- parallelogram distortion
- peak distortion
- percent harmonic distortion
- phase-delay distortion
- phase-frequency distortion
- pillow distortion
- pincushion distortion
- quantization distortion
- radio wavefront distortion
- ratio distortion
- ray distortion
- recording/reproducing harmonic distortion
- RF intermodulation distortion
- rise-time distortion
- sawtooth distortion
- scalloping distortion
- S-distortion
- shooting distortion
- single-harmonic distortion
- size distortion
- slope overload distortion
- spacing end distortion
- spiral distortion
- spot distortion
- start-stop distortion
- telegraph bias distortion
- telegraph distortion
- telegraph signal distortion
- teletypewriter end distortion
- teletypewriter signal distortion
- total distortion
- total harmonic distortion + noise
- total harmonic distortion
- tracing distortion
- tracking distortion
- transient distortion
- trapezium distortion
- trapezoidal distortion
- triangular distortion
- underthrow distortion
- velocity distortion
- waveform-amplitude distortion
- wavefront distortionThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > distortion
20 distortion
1) искажение; искривление•- amplitude distortion
- amplitude-versus-frequency distortion
- aperture distortion
- barrel distortion
- bias telegraph distortion
- block distortion
- characteristic distortion
- correction distortions
- cosine-tapered distortion
- crossover distortions
- cyclic distortion
- delay-frequency distortion
- deviation distortion
- dial distortion
- end distortions
- envelope distortion
- envelope-delay distortion
- fading distortion
- feedback distortion
- fortuitous distortion
- frequency distortions
- geometric distortion
- harmonic distortion
- intermodal distortion
- intermodal-delay distortion
- intermodulation distortion
- intramodal distortion
- keystone distortion
- limit distortion
- line distortion
- linear distortions
- line-characteristic distortion
- marking end distortion
- multimode distortion
- noise distortion
- nonlinear distortions
- overthrow distortion
- peak distortion
- percent distortion
- phase distortions
- pillow distortion
- pincushion distortion
- quantization distortion
- quantizing distortion
- quantumization distortion
- radio wavefront distortion
- recording/reproducing harmonic distortion
- rectangle pulse distortion
- scalloping distortion
- shooting distortion
- sigmoid distortion
- single-harmonic distortion
- spacing end distortion
- spiral distortion
- spot distortion
- statistic distortion
- telegraph distortion
- teletypewriter signal distortion
- time-delay distortion
- total distortion
- total harmonic distortion
- transient distortion
- voltage distortion
- zero-order hold distortionEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > distortion
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
pincushion distortion — noun : distortion (as by an optical instrument or television receiver) in which the image of a straight line appears to be curved convexly toward the axis compare barrel distortion * * * Optics. a distortion produced by a lens in which the… … Useful english dictionary
pincushion distortion — įgaubtasis iškreipis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. pillow distortion; pincushion distortion vok. Kissenverzerrung, f rus. подушкообразное искажение, n pranc. distorsion en coussin, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
pincushion distortion — inward bowing of gridded straight lines in an image as a result of lens distortion, the image of a square object thus resembling a pincushion or pillow. Cf. barrel d … Medical dictionary
pincushion distortion — Optics. a distortion produced by a lens in which the magnification increases toward the edge of the field. Cf. barrel distortion. [1890 95] * * * … Universalium
horizontal pincushion distortion — gulsčiasis įgaubtasis iškreipis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. horizontal pillow shaped distortion; horizontal pincushion distortion vok. horizontale Kissenverzeichnung, f rus. подушкообразное искажение по горизонтали, n… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Distortion (disambiguation) — Distortion denotes the alteration of the original shape of an object, image, sound, or waveform. Distortion may also refer to: In science and technology: Distortion (optics), including barrel distortion and pincushion distortion Cognitive… … Wikipedia
Distortion (optics) — v · d · e Optical aberration … Wikipedia
distortion — distortional, distortionary, adj. /di stawr sheuhn/, n. 1. an act or instance of distorting. 2. the state of being distorted or the relative degree or amount by which something is distorted or distorts. 3. anything that is distorted, as a sound,… … Universalium
Pincushion — A pincushion (or less commonly pin cushion) is a small cushion, typically 3 5 cm across, which is used in sewing to store pins or needles with their heads protruding so as to take hold of them easily.Pincushions are typically filled tightly, so… … Wikipedia
pincushion — ► NOUN 1) a small pad for holding pins. 2) optical distortion in which straight lines along the edge of a screen or lens bulge towards the centre … English terms dictionary
distortion — 1. In psychiatry, a defense mechanism that helps to repress or disguise unacceptable thoughts. 2. In dental impressions, the permanent deformation of the impression material after the registration of an imprint. 3. A twisting out of normal shape… … Medical dictionary