1 pilot-light
noun (a small gas light eg on a gas cooker, which burns continuously and is used to light the main gas jets when they are turned on.) spia (luminosa) -
2 pilot light
n(on cooker etc) fiammella di sicurezza -
3 ♦ pilot
♦ pilot /ˈpaɪlət/A n.1 (aeron.) pilota: automatic pilot, pilota automatico; test pilot, pilota collaudatore; fighter pilot, pilota da combattimento; pilota di caccia2 (naut.) pilota3 (miss.) pilota5 (tecn.) fiammella pilota6 (fig. arc.) guida; consigliere8 (TV) episodio pilota; programma pilota12 (naut. arc.) timoniere; nocchieroB a. attr.pilota; sperimentale; pilot plant, impianto pilota (o sperimentale); pilot survey, indagine pilota; pilot balloon, pallone pilota● (mecc.) pilot bit, punta (o tagliatore) pilota □ pilot boat, battello pilota; pilotina □ (naut.) pilot bridge, ponte di comando; plancia □ pilot burner, fiamma pilota, fiamma spia ( di apparecchio a gas) □ (stat.) pilot census, censimento di prova (o d'assaggio) □ (aeron.) pilot chute, paracadute pilota; pilotino □ pilot-cloth, stoffa blu, di lana pesante ( per soprabiti) □ (naut.) pilot cutter, pilotina □ (ferr.) pilot engine, locomotiva staffetta □ (zool.) pilot fish ( Naucrates ductor), pesce pilota □ (naut.) pilot-house, timoniera; casotto del timone □ (elettr.) pilot lamp (o pilot light), lampada spia; spia luminosa □ pilot light, ( di bruciatore a gas) = pilot burner ► sopra □ (naut.) pilot master, capo pilota □ (aeron. mil., in GB) pilot officer, sottotenente ( d'aviazione) □ (mecc.) pilot pin, perno di guida □ (aeron.) pilot trainer, istruttore di volo □ (zool.) pilot whale ( Globicephala melaena), globicefalo □ (fam. antiq.) to drop the pilot, abbandonare un fido consigliere □ (fig.) to be on automatic pilot, essere ancora addormentato, essere ancora intontito.(to) pilot /ˈpaɪlət/v. t.1 (aeron., naut., miss.) pilotare2 (fig.) guidare; condurre; dirigere; pilotare (fam.). -
4 pilot
I 1. ['paɪlət]1) aer. mar. pilota m. e f.2) rad. telev. (programme) trasmissione f. pilota3) (anche pilot light) (gas) fiamma f. pilota; (electric) spia f. luminosa2.1) comm. ind. [course, project] pilota; [ TV programme] sperimentale, pilota2) aer. [instruction, training] dei piloti; [ error] di pilotaggioII ['paɪlət]1) aer. mar. pilotareto pilot sb. through — fig. pilotare o guidare qcn. attraverso [crowd, streets]
2) (test) mettere alla prova [course, system]* * *1. noun1) (a person who flies an aeroplane: The pilot and crew were all killed in the air crash.) pilota2) (a person who directs a ship in and out of a harbour, river, or coastal waters.) pilota2. adjective(experimental: a pilot scheme (= one done on a small scale, eg to solve certain problems before a larger, more expensive project is started).) pilota3. verb(to guide as a pilot: He piloted the ship/plane.) pilotare* * *I 1. ['paɪlət]1) aer. mar. pilota m. e f.2) rad. telev. (programme) trasmissione f. pilota3) (anche pilot light) (gas) fiamma f. pilota; (electric) spia f. luminosa2.1) comm. ind. [course, project] pilota; [ TV programme] sperimentale, pilota2) aer. [instruction, training] dei piloti; [ error] di pilotaggioII ['paɪlət]1) aer. mar. pilotareto pilot sb. through — fig. pilotare o guidare qcn. attraverso [crowd, streets]
2) (test) mettere alla prova [course, system] -
5 light ***
I [laɪt] lit or lighted vb: pt, pp1. n1) (gen) luce felectric light — illuminazione f or luce elettrica
by the light of the moon — alla luce della luna, al chiaro di luna
to hold sth up to or against the light — tenere qc controluce
2) figto come to light — venire in luce, emergere
to cast or shed or throw light on — gettare or far luce su
I was hoping that you could shed some light on it (for me) — speravo che tu potessi darmi dei chiarimenti su questo
to see the light Rel — convertirsi, fig ravvedersi
to reveal sb/sth in a new light — mostrare qn/qc sotto una nuova luce
3) (single light) luce f, (lamp) luce, lampada, Auto Aer fanale m, faro, luceto turn the light on/off — accendere/spegnere la luce
4) (flame) fiammapilot light — (on stove, water heater) fiammella di sicurezza
have you got a light? — (for cigarette) hai da accendere?
1) (bright) chiaro (-a)to get lighter — rischiararsi, schiarirsi
2) (colour, skin, hair, room) chiaro (-a)light yellow — giallo chiaro inv
3. vt1) (illuminate) illuminare, rischiarare2) (cigarette, fire, candle) accendere4. vi(ignite) accendersi•- light upII [laɪt](gen) leggero (-a)to make light of sth fig — prendere alla leggera qc, non dar peso a qc
2. adv(travel) leggero, con poco bagaglio
См. также в других словарях:
Pilot light — Pilot lamp Pilot lamp or Pilot light Pilot light (Elec.) 1. A small incandescent telltale lamp on a dynamo or battery circuit to show approximately by its brightness the voltage of the current. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. a small light on an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pilot light — ► NOUN 1) a small gas burner kept alight permanently to light a larger burner when needed. 2) an electric indicator light or control light … English terms dictionary
pilot light — n. 1. a small gas burner which is kept burning for use in lighting a main burner when needed: also pilot burner 2. PILOT LAMP … English World dictionary
pilot light — pilot lights N COUNT A pilot light is a small gas flame in a cooker, stove, boiler, or fire. It burns all the time and lights the main large flame when the gas is turned fully on … English dictionary
Pilot light — Pi lot light , n. a small gas flame kept burning continuously on a stove, water heater, or other gas burning device, so as to allow immediate ignition of the main flame when the gas flow is turned on. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pilot light — pilot ,light noun count 1. ) a small flame that burns continuously, used for lighting something such as a gas oven, STOVE, or FURNACE 2. ) a small light on a piece of electrical equipment that shows when the equipment is switched on … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pilot light — n a small gas flame that burns all the time and is used for lighting larger gas burners … Dictionary of contemporary English
Pilot light — A pilot light is a small gas flame, usually natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas, which is kept alight in order to serve as an ignition source for a more powerful gas burner.UsesCommon applications include household water heaters, central… … Wikipedia
pilot light — noun 1. small auxiliary gas burner that provides a flame to ignite a larger gas burner (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑pilot burner, ↑pilot • Hypernyms: ↑gas burner, ↑gas jet 2. indicator consisting of a light to indicate whether power is on or a motor is in… … Useful english dictionary
pilot light — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms pilot light : singular pilot light plural pilot lights 1) a small flame that burns continuously, used for lighting something such as a gas oven, cooker, or boiler 2) a small light on a piece of electrical… … English dictionary
pilot light — /ˈpaɪlət laɪt/ (say puyluht luyt) noun 1. a small light kept burning continuously, as beside a large gas burner, to relight a main light whenever desired. 2. → pilot lamp. Also, pilot burner …