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pilot scheme

  • 1 pilot scheme

    pilot scheme GEN Pilotprogramm n

    Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > pilot scheme

  • 2 pilot scheme

    ˈpi·lot scheme
    n BRIT, AUS
    AM ˈpi·lot pro·gram
    n Testreihe f; (model project) Pilotprojekt nt

    English-german dictionary > pilot scheme

  • 3 pilot scheme

    'pi·lot scheme n (Brit, Aus), (Am) 'pi·lot pro·gram n
    Testreihe f; ( model project) Pilotprojekt nt

    English-German students dictionary > pilot scheme

  • 4 pilot

    1. noun
    1) (Aeronaut.) Pilot, der/Pilotin, die
    2) (Naut.; also fig.): (guide) Lotse, der
    2. adjective
    Pilot[programm, -studie, -projekt usw.]
    3. transitive verb
    1) (Aeronaut.) fliegen
    2) (Naut.; also fig.): (guide) lotsen
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a person who flies an aeroplane: The pilot and crew were all killed in the air crash.) der/die Pilot(in)
    2) (a person who directs a ship in and out of a harbour, river, or coastal waters.) der/die Lotse(in)
    2. adjective
    (experimental: a pilot scheme (= one done on a small scale, eg to solve certain problems before a larger, more expensive project is started).) Versuchs-...
    3. verb
    (to guide as a pilot: He piloted the ship/plane.) lotsen
    - academic.ru/117905/pilot-light">pilot-light
    * * *
    I. n
    1. AVIAT Pilot(in) m(f); NAUT Lotse, Lotsin m, f
    2. TV Pilotfilm f
    3. TECH (pilot light) Kontrolllampe f; (flame) Zündflamme f
    II. vt
    1. AVIAT, NAUT
    to \pilot an aircraft ein Flugzeug fliegen
    to \pilot a ship ein Schiff lotsen
    2. ( fig: guide)
    to \pilot sth etw durchbringen
    to \pilot a bill through Parliament einen Gesetzesentwurf durch das Parlament bringen
    3. (test)
    the test was \piloted in schools eine erste Testreihe wurde an Schulen durchgeführt
    to \pilot a project ein Pilotprojekt durchführen
    III. adj usu attr, inv Pilot-
    \pilot study Pilotstudie f
    a \pilot test ein erster Test
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (AVIAT) Pilot(in) m(f), Flugzeugführer(in) m(f)

    pilot's licenceFlugschein m, Flugzeugführererlaubnis f (form)

    2) (NAUT) Lotse m, Lotsin f
    3) (= pilot light) Zündflamme f
    4) (US on train) Schienenräumer m
    5) (TV)

    pilot ( episode) — Pilotfilm m

    2. vt
    plane führen, fliegen; ship lotsen; (fig) führen, leiten
    * * *
    pilot [ˈpaılət]
    A s
    1. SCHIFF Lotse m, Lotsin f:
    licensed pilot seeamtlich befähigter Lotse
    2. FLUG Pilot(in):
    a) Flugzeugführer(in)
    b) Ballonführer(in):
    pilot instructor Fluglehrer(in);
    pilot’s licence (US license) Flug-, Pilotenschein m
    3. a) Führer(in), Leiter(in) (beide auch fig)
    b) Berater(in):
    drop the pilot den Berater in die Wüste schicken
    4. BAHN US Schienenräumer m
    5. TECH
    a) Betätigungselement n, Kraftglied n
    b) Führungszapfen m
    6. pilot wire
    7. a) RADIO, TV Pilotsendung f
    b) TV Pilotfilm m
    B v/t
    1. SCHIFF lotsen ( auch AUTO), fig auch führen, leiten:
    pilot through durchlotsen (a. fig);
    pilot a bill through Congress einen Gesetzentwurf durch den Kongress bringen
    2. FLUG steuern, lenken, fliegen
    C adj
    1. Versuchs…, Probe…:
    pilot experiment Vorversuch m;
    pilot film TV Pilotfilm m;
    pilot model Versuchsmodell n;
    pilot scheme Versuchs-, Pilotprojekt n;
    pilot study Pilot-, Leitstudie f
    2. Hilfs…:
    3. TECH Steuer…, Kontroll…, Leit…
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (Aeronaut.) Pilot, der/Pilotin, die
    2) (Naut.; also fig.): (guide) Lotse, der
    2. adjective
    Pilot[programm, -studie, -projekt usw.]
    3. transitive verb
    1) (Aeronaut.) fliegen
    2) (Naut.; also fig.): (guide) lotsen
    * * *
    (film) n.
    Pilotfilm m. n.
    Haupt Häupter n.
    Lotse -n m.
    Pilot -en m.

    English-german dictionary > pilot

  • 5 pilot program

    ˈpi·lot scheme
    n BRIT, AUS
    AM ˈpi·lot pro·gram
    n Testreihe f; (model project) Pilotprojekt nt

    English-german dictionary > pilot program

  • 6 'pilot program

    'pi·lot scheme n (Brit, Aus), (Am) 'pi·lot pro·gram n
    Testreihe f; ( model project) Pilotprojekt nt

    English-German students dictionary > 'pilot program

См. также в других словарях:

  • pilot scheme — pilot project or pilot scheme noun A scheme serving as a guide on a small scale to a full scale scheme • • • Main Entry: ↑pilot …   Useful english dictionary

  • pilot — pi‧lot [ˈpaɪlət] noun [countable] a test that is done to see if an idea, product etc will be successful: • If the pilots are successful, he hopes to go into full production next year. • The company has no plans to participate in a pilot project… …   Financial and business terms

  • scheme — noun 1 plan for getting an advantage, etc. for yourself ADJECTIVE ▪ crazy, hare brained ▪ She s come up with a hare brained scheme for getting her novel published. ▪ elaborate ▪ get rich quick …   Collocations dictionary

  • pilot — [[t]pa͟ɪlət[/t]] ♦♦♦ pilots, piloting, piloted 1) N COUNT A pilot is a person who is trained to fly an aircraft. He spent seventeen years as an airline pilot. ...fighter pilots of the British Royal Air Force. 2) N COUNT A pilot is a person who… …   English dictionary

  • scheme — scheme1 W1 [ski:m] n [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: schema arrangement, figure , from Greek, from echein to have, hold, be in a condition ] 1.) BrE an official plan that is intended to help people in some way, for example by providing… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • pilot project — noun activity planned as a test or trial they funded a pilot project in six states • Syn: ↑pilot program • Hypernyms: ↑test, ↑trial, ↑run * * * pilot project or pilot scheme …   Useful english dictionary

  • pilot — pi|lot1 W3 [ˈpaılət] n [Date: 1500 1600; : French; Origin: pilote, from Italian pedota, from Greek pedon oar ] 1.) someone who operates the controls of an aircraft or spacecraft ▪ an airline pilot ▪ a fighter pilot ▪ The official repo …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • pilot — noun 1》 a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft. 2》 a person with expert local knowledge qualified to take charge of a ship entering or leaving a harbour.     ↘archaic a guide or leader. 3》 [often as modifier] something done or… …   English new terms dictionary

  • pilot — / paɪlət/ adjective used as a test, which if successful will then be expanded into a full operation ● The company set up a pilot project to see if the proposed manufacturing system was efficient. ● The pilot factory has been built to test the new …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • pilot — ► NOUN 1) a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft. 2) a person with local knowledge qualified to take charge of a ship entering or leaving a harbour. 3) something done or produced as an experiment or test before wider… …   English terms dictionary

  • pilot — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ experienced, licensed, professional, qualified, trained ▪ inexperienced, trainee ▪ instructor …   Collocations dictionary

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