1 pig's arse
Австралийский сленг: восклицание, выражающее презрение (пренебрежение, отрицание, отказ, насмешку, несогласие и т.п.) -
2 pig's arse!
Австралийский сленг: I don't agree with you -
3 Pig's arse!
4 pig's arse
восклицание, выражающее презрение, пренебрежение, отрицание, отказ, насмешку, несогласие и т.п. -
5 pig's arse
восклицание, выражающее презрение, пренебрежение, отрицание, отказ, насмешку, несогласие и т.п. -
6 pig's ear
«Свиное ухо». To make a pig's ear of something («делать свиное ухо из чего-либо») значит всё испортить, сделать что-либо неумело. Предполагают, что ear ухо — эвфемизм от слова arse задница. Часто можно услышать выражение you've made a right pig's ear of it!All I asked you to do was to sew a button on for me, but you've made a right pig's ear of it. Have you never done anything like this before? — Я только попросил тебя пришить пуговицу, но ты это сделала отвратительно. Ты что, никогда не делала этого раньше?
См. также в других словарях:
Pig's arse! — Australian, very informal something that you say when you do not believe what someone has just told you. She told you she was pregnant? Pig s arse! don t believe a word she says … New idioms dictionary
pig's arse — n British a mess, an outrageous failure, a com plete disaster. Most often heard in statements such as you ve made a right pig s breakfast of that! . 2) See pig s … Contemporary slang
Pig's arse! — 1) I don t agree with you ; No way! ; That s bullshit! ; 2) Rhyming slang: a glass … Dictionary of Australian slang
pig's arse! — Australian Slang 1. I don t agree with you ; No way! ; That s bullshit! ; 2. Rhyming slang: a glass … English dialects glossary
pig's (pig's ear) — n British 1. beer. A London rhyming slang term that is still heard. (The dismissive exclamatory phrase in a pig s ear! is unconnected, being a euphemism for in a pig s arse! ). ► I ll have a pint of pig s. 2. an alternative version of pig s break … Contemporary slang
pig — I. /pɪg / (say pig) noun 1. the common domesticated swine, Sus scrofa, descended from the wild boar, widely distributed with humans and bred into many varieties to provide meat and fat; feral populations in Australia cause great ecological damage …
Hair like a bush pig's arse — unmanageable hair … Dictionary of Australian slang
hair like a bush pig's arse — Australian Slang unmanageable hair … English dialects glossary
in a pig's arse — exclamation an all purpose expression of violent negation; usually denial, refusal or dis missal. The first two versions are euphe mistic alternatives to the third … Contemporary slang
Pig slaughter — Schematic representation of the main pork cuts. Pig slaughter is the work of slaughtering domestic pigs which is both a common economic activity as well as a traditional feast in some European countries. Contents … Wikipedia
pig's breakfast (arse/ear) — n British a mess, an outrageous failure, a com plete disaster. Most often heard in statements such as you ve made a right pig s breakfast of that! . 2) See pig s … Contemporary slang