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  • 1 pie-eater

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > pie-eater

  • 2 pie-eater

    1. кратковременная неудача, испытание судьбы;
    2. незначительный, второсортный человек; 3. австралиец англо-кельтского происхождения

    Australian slang > pie-eater

  • 3 pie-eater

    1. кратковременная неудача, испытание судьбы;
    2. незначительный, второсортный человек; 3. австралиец англо-кельтского происхождения

    English-Russian australian expression > pie-eater

  • 4 at odds

    1) (of smb.) в ссоре, не в ладах (с)

    I admire you, too, though we have been at odds with each other. (M. West, ‘The Ambassador’, ch. VIII) — Восхищаюсь я и вами, хотя мы с вами не очень ладим.

    There was no one so stubborn as a Catholic at odds with his conscience. (M. West, ‘The Devil's Advocate’, ch. III) — Нет большего упрямца, чем католик, который не в ладах со своей совестью.

    And at last he fell asleep, at odds with himself and with the whole world and above all, with Jean. (S. Chaplin, ‘The Watchers and the Watched’, ch. 3) — И Тигр уснул в конце концов - злой на себя и на весь мир, а пуще всего на Джин.

    2) (of smth.) в противоречии, в дисгармонии (с)

    In the passage they encountered Mr. Mould the undertaker: a little elderly gentleman... with... a face in which a queer attempt at melancholy was at odds with a smirk satisfaction... (Ch. Dickens, ‘Martin Chuzzlewit’, ch. XIX) — В коридоре их встретил гробовщик мистер Моулд, коротенький пожилой человечек... с... несколько странным выражением лица, на котором попытка выразить печаль боролась с довольной улыбкой...

    His mouth was full lipped and jovial and completely at odds with his long and villainously beaked nose. (J. Steinbeck, ‘The Pastures of Heaven’, ch. 9) — Его толстые губы и веселая улыбка совершенно не гармонировали с длинным, крючковатым, злодейского вида носом.

    The apple pie looked very good too: it was not one of those pies in which the crust and the fruit are still leading separate existences and continue being at odds inside the eater... (J. B. Priestley, ‘The Doomsday Men’, ch. 6) — Этот яблочный пирог тоже имел очень аппетитный вид: он был не из тех пирогов, у которых корочка и содержимое враждуют между собой и, попав в желудок голодного человека, начинают настоящую войну.

    Esther's geography was at odds with the facts... Londoners always minimize the distance between themselves and a park. (S. Chaplin, ‘Sam in the Morning’, ch. 7) — Географические представления Эстер расходились с действительностью... Лондонцы ведь всегда уменьшают расстояние между собой и парком.

    3) в невыгодном положении, в неблагоприятных условиях

    What warrior was there, however famous and skilful, that could fight at odds with him? (W. Thackeray quoted in EI) — Какой воин, сколь бы знаменит и искусен он ни был, мог бы сражаться с ним, находясь в таком невыгодном положении?

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > at odds

  • 5 be at odds (with)

       1) (of smb.) быть в ccope, нe в лaдax, нe лaдить (c кeм-л.)
        I admire you, too, though we have been at odds with each other (M. West). And at last he fell asleep, at odds with himself and with the whole world and above all, with Jean (S. Chaplin)
       2) (of smth.) нe гapмoниpoвaть (c чём-л.), нe cooтвeтcтвoвaть (чeму-л.), pacxoдитьcя c (чeм-л.)
        His mouth was full lipped and jovial and completely at odds with his long and villainously beaked nose (J. Steinbeck). The apple pie looked very good too: it was not one of those pies in which the crust and the fruit are still leading separate existences and continue being at odds inside the eater (J. B. Priestley)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > be at odds (with)

См. также в других словарях:

  • pie-eater — noun a person from Wigan in northern England or the surrounding area 2005 mdash; Wiganers do like pies, but the term Pie eaters is actually an insult, dating back to a pit strike when Wigan miners were starved back to work before their St Helens… …   Wiktionary

  • pie-eater — n a fat and/or greedy person. The derisive terms, used by adolescents in particular, coincided with national concerns over obesity in the US and UK since 2002. Pie wagon was a synonym heard in the U S in 2004 …   Contemporary slang

  • pie-eater — /ˈpaɪ itə/ (say puy eetuh) noun Colloquial 1. a small time crook. 2. an insignificant, second rate person. 3. (derogatory) (racist) an Anglo Australian. {def. 3 from a supposed preference for meat pies, seen as a characteristic Australian dish}… …  

  • Pie-eater — an Australian; foolish person …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • pie-eater — Australian Slang an Australian; foolish person …   English dialects glossary

  • pie eater — Scottish Vernacular Dictionary Person of stinted intellect or low social expectation …   English dialects glossary

  • pie-eater — Noun. 1. A simpleton. Derog. Orig. Aust. 2. A person from Wigan and surrounding area …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • pie — 1. n. 1 a baked dish of meat, fish, fruit, etc., usu. with a top and base of pastry. 2 anything resembling a pie in form (a mud pie). Phrases and idioms: easy as pie very easy. pie chart a circle divided into sectors to represent relative… …   Useful english dictionary

  • PIE — 1. n. 1 a baked dish of meat, fish, fruit, etc., usu. with a top and base of pastry. 2 anything resembling a pie in form (a mud pie). Phrases and idioms: easy as pie very easy. pie chart a circle divided into sectors to represent relative… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pie-wagon — n American a pie eater Joe s scored himself a real pie wagon this time …   Contemporary slang

  • Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater — Desarrolladora(s) Konami Computer Entertainment Japan / Kojima Productions Di …   Wikipedia Español

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