1 реактив для травления
Русско-английский новый политехнический словарь > реактив для травления
2 раствор для травления
Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > раствор для травления
3 травление
4 травление
5 травление
1. etching2. pickling -
6 реактив
1. chemical agent[lang name="Russian"]химическое вещество, реактив; реагент — chemical agent
2. reagent -
7 травильная добавка
1) Engineering: pickling agent2) Makarov: pickling restrainerУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > травильная добавка
8 травитель
etch, etchant* * *трави́тель м.1. (средство для обработки материалов с целью выяснения их структуры, получения рисунка на стекле и т. п.) etching agent, etchant2. ( средство для очистки металлических полуфабрикатов от окалины) pickling agent* * * -
9 реактив для травления
1) Engineering: etch, etchant, etching agent, etching medium2) Metallurgy: etching reagent, pickling agent3) Makarov: etchandУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > реактив для травления
10 травитель
1) Engineering: etch, etchant, mordant, pickling agent (для очистки от окалины), stain2) Metallurgy: dip3) Electronics: etching agent, etching chemical4) Microelectronics: etch solution, etchant solution, etching material5) Makarov: etchand, etching solution6) Electrochemistry: etching medium, etching reagent -
11 реактив для травления
etching agent, pickling agent, etch, etchant, etching mediumРусско-английский политехнический словарь > реактив для травления
12 травитель
1. м. etching agent, etchant2. м. pickling agent -
13 травильное вещество
1) Makarov: pickling agent2) Cement: etching reagentsУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > травильное вещество
14 травящее вещество
1) General subject: mordant2) Chemistry: etchant3) Metallurgy: pickling agent4) Makarov: mordant (при гравировании)5) Cement: etching reagents -
15 сосуд для реактивов
См. также в других словарях:
Pickling (metal) — Pickling is a treatment of metallic surfaces in order to remove impurities, stains, rust or scale with a solution called pickle liquor, containing strong mineral acids, before subsequent processing, such as extrusion, rolling, painting,… … Wikipedia
Food preservation — Canadian World War I poster encouraging people to preserve food for the winter … Wikipedia
Hydrochloric acid — IUPAC name Hydrochloric acid[ … Wikipedia
Sodium acetate — Sodium acetate … Wikipedia
Sake kasu — nihongo|Sake kasu|酒粕| are the lees left over from sake production. It can be used as a pickling agent, a cooking paste to add flavor to food and as a marinade.ee also* Sake * Kasuzuke … Wikipedia
Tanning — For other uses, see Tanning (disambiguation). For human tanning, see Sun tanning. Tannery redirects here. For other uses, see Tannery (disambiguation). Tanned leather in Marrakech … Wikipedia
food preservation — Any method by which food is protected against spoilage by oxidation, bacteria, molds, and microorganisms. Traditional methods include dehydration, smoking, salting, controlled fermentation (including pickling), and candying; certain spices have… … Universalium
Vinegar — is a liquid substance consisting mainly of acetic acid and water, the acetic acid being produced through the fermentation of ethanol by acetic acid bacteria.[1]. Commercial vinegar is produced either by fast or slow fermentation processes. Slow… … Wikipedia
vegetable processing — Introduction preparation of vegetables (vegetable) for use by humans as food. Vegetables consist of a large group of plants consumed as food. Perishable when fresh but able to be preserved by a number of processing methods, they are… … Universalium
Acetic acid — Acetic redirects here. It is not to be confused with Ascetic. Acetic acid … Wikipedia
Mixed pickle — Mixed pickles Mixed pickles are pickles made from a variety of vegetables mixed together in the same pickling process. Mixed pickles are eaten much like other pickles: in small amounts to add flavor and to accent a meal. Mixed pickles occur in… … Wikipedia