1 photographic field lens
Картография: объектив фототеодолитаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > photographic field lens
2 photographic field lens
English-Russian cartography dictionary > photographic field lens
3 lens
1) линза
2) антенна-линза
3) линзовый
4) объектив
5) окуляр
6) лупа
7) чечевица
– accessory lens
– achromatic lens
– acoustic lens
– adapter lens
– anamorphotic lens
– antenna lens
– apochromat lens
– astigmatic lens
– back lens
– Bertrand lens
– biconcave lens
– biconvex lens
– bifocal lens
– bipotential lens
– catadioptric lens
– cathode lens
– center of lens
– cinematography lens
– coated lens
– collecting lens
– composite lens
– concave lens
– concave-convex lens
– concavo-convex lens
– condenser lens
– condensing lens
– contact lens
– converging lens
– convex lens
– convex-concave lens
– distortion-free lens
– diverging lens
– divided lens
– doublet lens
– drum lens
– electromagnetic lens
– electron lens
– equipotential lens
– fast lens
– field lens
– flat-concave lens
– flat-convex lens
– Fresnel lens
– front lens
– immersion lens
– lens aberration
– lens adapter
– lens antenna
– lens aperture
– lens barrel
– lens cap
– lens cement
– lens distortion
– lens hood
– lens is cloudy
– lens mount
– lens pyrometer
– lens space
– lens spectrometer
– long-focus lens
– low-speed lens
– meniscus lens
– narrow-angle lens
– normal lens
– objective lens
– ocular lens
– oil immersion lens
– overlay lens
– panoramic lens
– photographic lens
– projection lens
– quadrupole lens
– quartz lens
– saddle-field lens
– short-focus lens
– simple lens
– slit lens
– slow lens
– spectacle lens
– taking lens
– thick lens
– three-element lens
– ultrasonic lens
– varifocal lens
– welder's lens
– wide-angle lens
– wire lens
– zoom lens
Billet split lens — <phot.> билинза Бийе
correct a lens for aberration — исправлять линза на аберрацию
double convex lens — <opt.> линза двояковыпуклая
zoning of a lens antenna — < radio> выравнивание фазового фронта линзовой антенны
4 lens
1) линза || линзовый2) лупа; объектив; окуляр3) радио линзовая антенна4) геол. чечевица ( форма залегания пласта)•- rotationally symmetric lensto lens out — геол. выклиниваться
5 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
6 hologram
aberrated hologram
aberration-free hologram
absorption hologram
achromatic fringe hologram
acoustical hologram
acoustic hologram
addressing hologram
amplitude-modulation hologram
amplitude hologram
amplitude-phase hologram
analog hologram
angularly encoded holograms
aplanatic hologram
astigmatic hologram
axial hologram
back-reference beam hologram
bandwidth reduced hologram
beat frequency hologram
bichromated gelatin hologram
binary hologram
black-and-white hologram
bleached hologram
Bragg-effect hologram
Bragg hologram
bright-field hologram
carrier frequency hologram
coded hologram
code-transform hologram
coding reference beam hologram
coherent hologram
color encoded hologram
color encode hologram
colored hologram
color hologram
complementary hologram
complex hologram
composite hologram
compound-image hologram
computed hologram
contact-copy hologram
continuous-exposure hologram
contour hologram
copied hologram
coupling hologram
dark-field hologram
data hologram
deep hologram
deflecting hologram
Denisyuk hologram
denser hologram
developed hologram
dichromatic hologram
difference frequency hologram
diffused hologram
diffuse hologram
digitally generated hologram
digitized hologram
diminished hologram
discrete-point hologram
discriminating hologram
displacement hologram
Doppler-imaged hologram
double-exposed hologram
double-exposure hologram
double-pulse hologram
double-recorded hologram
duplicated hologram
electrically erasable hologram
electron hologram
embossed hologram
encoded hologram
enlarged hologram
erasable hologram
evanescent waves hologram
evanescent hologram
exposed hologram
far-field hologram
ferroelectric hologram
filtered hologram
fine detailed hologram
flat substrate hologram
focused-image hologram
Fourier-transform hologram
Fourier hologram
Fraunhofer diffraction hologram
Fraunhofer hologram
frequency encoded hologram
Fresnel diffraction hologram
Fresnel hologram
frozen-fringe hologram
full channel hologram
full color hologram
full view hologram
Gabor-type hologram
Gabor hologram
gamma-ray hologram
ghost hologram
gray hologram
high bit-density hologram
high storage-density hologram
high-contrast hologram
high-efficiency hologram
highly redundant hologram
high-resolution hologram
horizontal parallax only hologram
horizontal parallax hologram
image hologram
image plane hologram
incoherent hologram
infinite fringe hologram
in-focus hologram
infrared hologram
in-line hologram
in-situ developing hologram
instant hologram
interference hologram
ionic hologram
isoplanatic hologram
large-aperture hologram
laser hologram
latent hologram
Leith-Upatnieks hologram
lens-assisted hologram
lensless hologram
light hologram
line hologram
linearly recorded hologram
Lippmann-Bragg hologram
liquid hologram
liquid-crystal hologram
low-noise hologram
magnetic hologram
magnetooptic hologram
magnified hologram
master hologram
memory hologram
microscopic hologram
microwave hologram
mixed hologram
monochrome hologram
multichannel hologram
multicolor hologram
multiexposed hologram
multiple-exposed hologram
multiple hologram
multiple-exposure hologram
multiple-object beam hologram
multiple-phase hologram
multiplexed hologram
multiplex hologram
multiplexing hologram
near-field hologram
nonlinearly recorded hologram
nonoptical hologram
nonredundant hologram
object-beam coded hologram
off-axis hologram
offset hologram
on-axis hologram
optical hologram
optically erasable hologram
optically formed hologram
optically generated hologram
optically recorded hologram
original hologram
overdeveloped hologram
overexposed hologram
panoramic hologram
phase hologram
phase-contrast hologram
phase-modulated hologram
phase-modulating hologram
photochromic hologram
photoetched hologram
photographic hologram
photopolymer hologram
photoreduced hologram
planar hologram
plane hologram
polarization hologram
postexposure hologram
preexposure hologram
primary color hologram
processed hologram
pulsed laser hologram
radar hologram
rainbow hologram
readable hologram
reconstructed hologram
recorded hologram
reduced bandwidth hologram
redundant hologram
reference hologram
reflectance hologram
reflection-reconstructed hologram
reflection hologram
reflection-reflection hologram
reflection-transmission hologram
reflective-type hologram
reflective hologram
refractive beam hologram
relief hologram
replicated hologram
ring hologram
sampled hologram
sample hologram
sampling hologram
scalar hologram
scaled hologram
scale hologram
scanned detector hologram
scanned source hologram
secondary hologram
sector-scan hologram
self-developing hologram
sequentially exposed hologram
single-color hologram
single-exposed hologram
single-layer hologram
slightly overlapping holograms
slit hologram
sound wave hologram
sound hologram
space-division multiplexed hologram
spatial carrier hologram
spatial frequency encoded hologram
speckle-free hologram
spectroscopic hologram
spherical substrate hologram
split-beam hologram
stereographic hologram
strip hologram
strobed hologram
stroboscopic hologram
subchannel hologram
superimposed holograms
surface hologram
surface-relief hologram
thermally developed hologram
thermally erasable hologram
thermochromic hologram
thermoplastic hologram
thick film hologram
thick hologram
thick-coated hologram
thin film hologram
thin hologram
three-dimensional hologram
three-exposure hologram
time-averaged hologram
time-multiple-exposure hologram
total internal reflection hologram
total reflection hologram
transmission-reflection hologram
transmission-transmission hologram
transmissive hologram
transparent hologram
true color hologram
two-beam hologram
two-color hologram
two-dimensional hologram
two-exposure hologram
unbleached hologram
underdeveloped hologram
underexposed hologram
undersampled hologram
uniaxial hologram
visible-light hologram
volume hologram
white-light hologram
wide-angle hologram
xerographic hologram
X-ray hologram
zone plate hologram -
7 speed
2) частота вращения; число оборотов4) быстродействие || быстродействующий7) кфт. частота смены кадров8) светосила9) двигаться с большой скоростью, идти полным ходом•to speed up — 1. ускорять; разгонять 2. увеличивать частоту вращения или число оборотов 3. запускать-
above-synchronous speed
absolute speed
acoustic speed
actual speed
adjustable speed
advance speed
air speed
all engines speed
allowable speed
angular speed
approach speed
arc speed
armature speed
ASA speed
backing-out speed
blade speed
block speed
boring speed
boundary speed
breakdown speed
breaker speed
calm water speed
camera speed
cascading speed
circuit speed
circumferential speed
climbing speed
climb speed
closing speed
collecting speed
commercial speed
computation speed
computer speed
condenser speed
continuous cruising speed
control speed
conveying speed
copying speed
cranking speed
crawl speed
creep speed
creep-feed speed
critical buildup speed
critical speed
cruising speed
cutter feed speed
cutting speed
dead slow speed
dead speed
design speed
development speed
digging speed
drift speed
drilling speed
driving speed
economical speed
economic speed
emergency descent speed
emergency speed
emulsion speed
engine speed
fair speed
film speed
filming speed
finishing speed
flank speed
flitting speed
foilborne speed
forward speed
free-route speed
full speed
full-field speed
full-load speed
functional speed
gaging speed
gob speed
grinding speed
ground speed
half speed
head speed
headwheel speed
hull-borne speed
hump speed
hypersonic speed
idle speed
indexing speed
infinitely adjustable speed
input speed
instantaneous speed
landing approach speed
landing gear operating speed
landing speed
leading-in speed
lens speed
level-flight speed
light speed
line speed
linear speed
load speed
loaded speed
loading speed
low speed
machining speed
marker-horizon speed
marker speed
mean speed
milling speed
motor speed
movement speed
navigable speed
near-sonic speed
noload speed
nominal speed
normal speed
operating speed
operation speed
output speed
penetrating speed
peripheral speed
permanent noload speed
photographic speed
plowing speed
power-off speed
power-on speed
preset speed
press speed
primary draw-off speed
printout speed
process speed
projection speed
pulling speed
pump speed
rated speed
reading speed
reaming speed
recording speed
related speeds
relative speed
resonant speed
response speed
resultant speed
retraction speed
return speed
rig total operating speed
rim speed
robot speed
rod speed
rope speed
rotary speed
rotor speed
runaway speed
running speed
sawing speed
scanning speed
sea speed
service speed
shaft speed
shaper speed
shutter speed
sinking speed
slow speed
sonic speed
sound speed
specific speed
speed of discharge
speed of kiln
speed of loading
speed of photographic emulsion
speed of rotation
speed of wave propagation
spot speed
steady-flight speed
steady-state speed
stream speed
subsonic speed
supersonic speed
surface speed
sweep speed
swing speed
switching speed
synchronous speed
tailwind speed
take-home speed
takeoff speed
take-up speed
taking speed
tapping speed
threading speed
tip speed
tool-changing speed
top speed
touchdown speed
towing speed
tracing speed
tracking speed
track speed
transmission speed
transonic speed
traverse speed
trial-trip speed
trial speed
true ground speed
tunneling speed
turning speed
ultrasonic speed
variable speed
vertical gust speed
vertical speed
walking speed
water speed
wind speed
winding speed
wind-up speed
wire feed speed
wire speed
working speed
write speed
writing speed
zero speed -
8 camera
2) киносъёмочный аппарат, киноаппарат, кинокамера6) архит. сводчатое покрытие•to thread camera — заряжать киносъёмочный аппарат- 6×6 cm camera -
accelerated motion-picture camera
aerial camera
aerophotographic camera
all-sky camera
amateur camera
animation camera
astrographic camera
astronomical camera
auto camera
autofocusing camera
autoprocess camera
background camera
ball camera
ballistic camera
battery-powered camera
bellows-type camera
bellows camera
bipack camera
blimped camera
borehole camera
box-type camera
box camera
broadcast camera
caption camera
cartographic camera
cartoon camera
cartridge loading camera
cartridge camera
cassette camera
CCD camera
cine camera
cinefluorographic camera
cinematographic X-ray recording camera
cineradiology camera
closed-circuit TV camera
close-up camera
cloud camera
collapsible camera
color camera
color television camera
color-slide camera
combination single film camera
compact-size camera
composite electronic and film camera
continuous-motion camera
copying camera
copy camera
darkroom camera
data-recording camera
Debye-Scherrer camera
deep-water camera
discontinuously writing camera
documentary camera
double-eight camera
double-extension camera
double-frame camera
drum camera
dual-gage camera
easily handled camera
EFP camera
electric eye camera
electric-driven camera
electric camera
electronic camera
electron camera
electronic news gathering camera
endoscopic camera
ENG camera
environmentally protected camera
fast pulldown camera
field camera
film camera
film developing camera
film recording camera
fixed camera
fixed-focus camera
fixed-pin registration camera
flash camera
flow camera
folding camera
foreground camera
framing camera
full-frame format camera
gallery camera
graphic arts camera
graphics camera
grid camera
ground glass focusing camera
ground glass camera
Guinier camera
gyroscope camera
half-format camera
hand camera
hand-held camera
HDTV camera
high-frequency camera
high-resolution camera
high-speed camera
hologram camera
horizontal camera
image compensation camera
image-converter camera
image-dissection camera
industrial-type camera
industrial camera
industrial-type television camera
industrial television camera
infrared camera
instant camera
instant-load camera
instrumentation camera
interchangeable camera
intermittent camera
Kerr cell camera
kinescope recording camera
kinescope camera
large-format camera
laser camera
Laue camera
left-eye camera
lenticular screen camera
live camera
log camera
low-speed recording camera
low-speed camera
magnetic video camera
manual camera
mapping camera
mask camera
measuring camera
medium format camera
microfiche camera
microfilm camera
miniature camera
monoblock camera
monochrome camera
motion-picture camera
motor-driven camera
movie camera
moving-image camera
narrow-gage camera
newsreel camera
news camera
one-piece camera
one-tube camera
optical compensation camera
outside broadcast camera
overhead camera
paging camera
panoramic camera
photo-finish camera
photogrammetric camera
photographic camera
photomechanical camera
photomicrographic camera
photoreproduction camera
photostat camera
phototheodolite camera
pickup camera
picosecond framing camera
picture-taking camera
picture camera
pilot camera
pinhole camera
plain camera
planetary camera
plate camera
platemaker camera
plotting camera
pocket camera
portable camera
precision camera
press camera
process camera
professional camera
programmed camera
projecting camera
rangefinder camera
recording camera
reduction camera
reflex camera
reporter camera
reproduction camera
right-eye camera
robot camera
rotary camera
Sauter camera
scanning camera
scientific camera
seismic camera
self-contained camera
self-developing camera
self-threading camera
semiautomatic camera
shoulder-operated camera
shoulder camera
silent camera
single-film camera
single-frame camera
single-lens reflex camera
slate camera
slave camera
slow-motion camera
sound motion-picture camera
sound-film camera
sound-on-film camera
spectrographic camera
stand camera
step-and-repeat camera
stop-motion camera
streak camera
studio camera
subminiature camera
taking camera
technical camera
telecine camera
television camera
time-lapse motion camera
time-lapse camera
topographical camera
traveling matte camera
trick camera
twin-lens camera
two-piece camera
vertical process camera
video camera
video still camera
view camera
viewfinder camera
Weissenberg camera
wide-angle camera
X-ray diffraction camera
X-ray camera -
9 hologram
- 3-D hologram
- acoustical hologram
- acoustically formed hologram
- aerial image hologram
- amplitude hologram
- amplitude-contrast hologram
- amplitude-phase hologram
- bichromatic hologram
- binary hologram
- black-and-white hologram
- blazed hologram
- bleached hologram
- Bragg-effect hologram
- coded hologram
- coded reference beam hologram
- coherent hologram
- color hologram
- colored hologram
- complementary hologram
- composite hologram - conical hologram
- control hologram
- copied hologram
- copying hologram
- cylindrical hologram
- Denisyuk hologram
- desensitized hologram
- dichromated gelatin hologram
- difference hologram
- diffuse hologram
- discriminating hologram
- double-beam hologram
- double-exposure hologram
- double-recorded hologram
- electronic hologram
- erasable hologram
- exponential hologram
- far-field hologram
- focused-image hologram
- Fourier-transform hologram
- Fraunhofer hologram
- Fraunhofer diffraction hologram
- frequency swept hologram
- Fresnel-diffraction hologram
- Fresnel-transform hologram
- Gabor-type hologram
- gas-laser hologram
- giant-pulse hologram
- gray hologram
- half-tone hologram
- high-efficiency hologram
- highly redundant hologram
- high-resolution hologram
- image hologram
- improved-efficiency hologram
- incoherent hologram
- infrared hologram
- in-line hologram
- intensity mapping hologram
- interferometric hologram
- laser hologram
- Leight-Upatnieks hologram
- lens-assisted hologram
- lensless hologram
- light hologram
- Lippmann-Bragg-Denisyuk hologram
- liquid hologram
- liquid-crystal hologram
- liquid-surface hologram
- local reference beam hologram
- long-wave hologram
- low-noise hologram
- magnetic hologram
- magnetooptic hologram
- microwave hologram
- monochrome hologram
- moving-target hologram
- multicolor hologram
- multiple-exposed hologram
- multiple-exposure hologram
- multiple-object beam hologram
- multiplexed hologram
- noncoherent hologram
- nondiffused hologram
- nondiffused illumination hologram
- nonlinearly recorded hologram
- nonoptical hologram
- ocular hologram
- off-axis hologram
- off-axis reference-beam hologram
- offset hologram
- offset reference hologram
- on-axis hologram
- on-axis reference-beam hologram
- optical hologram
- optically generated hologram
- original hologram
- panoramic hologram
- phase hologram
- phase-contrast hologram
- phase-only hologram
- photochromic hologram
- photoetched hologram
- photographic hologram
- photopolymer hologram
- planar hologram
- point hologram
- point-source hologram
- polarization hologram
- product hologram
- pulsed-laser hologram
- quasi-Fourier hologram
- rainbow hologram
- real-time hologram
- reconstructed hologram
- reflecting hologram
- reflection hologram
- replicated hologram
- sideband hologram
- single-beam hologram
- single-exposed hologram
- single-exposure hologram
- solid-state hologram
- space-division holograms
- spatial carrier hologram
- still hologram
- superimposed hologram
- synthesized hologram
- synthetic hologram
- temporal reference hologram
- thermomagnetic hologram
- thermoplastic hologram
- thick hologram
- thick-emulsion hologram
- thin hologram
- thin-emulsion hologram
- three-dimensional hologram
- time-average hologram
- transmission hologram
- transmitting-type hologram
- two-beam hologram
- two-color hologram
- two-dimensional hologram
- ultrasonic hologram
- ultraviolet hologram
- unbleached hologram
- uniaxial hologram
- variable-attenuation hologram
- variable-transparency hologram
- volume hologram
- white-light hologram
- wide-angle hologram
- xerographic hologram -
10 hologram
- 3-D hologram
- acoustical hologram
- acoustically formed hologram
- aerial image hologram
- amplitude hologram
- amplitude-contrast hologram
- amplitude-phase hologram
- bichromatic hologram
- binary hologram
- black-and-white hologram
- blazed hologram
- bleached hologram
- Bragg-effect hologram
- coded hologram
- coded reference beam hologram
- coherent hologram
- color hologram
- colored hologram
- complementary hologram
- composite hologram
- computer-generated hologram
- computer-synthesized hologram
- conical hologram
- control hologram
- copied hologram
- copying hologram
- cylindrical hologram
- Denisyuk hologram
- desensitized hologram
- dichromated gelatin hologram
- difference hologram
- diffuse hologram
- discriminating hologram
- double-beam hologram
- double-exposure hologram
- double-recorded hologram
- electronic hologram
- erasable hologram
- exponential hologram
- far-field hologram
- focused-image hologram
- Fourier-transform hologram
- Fraunhofer diffraction hologram
- Fraunhofer hologram
- frequency swept hologram
- Fresnel-diffraction hologram
- Fresnel-transform hologram
- Gabor-type hologram
- gas-laser hologram
- giant-pulse hologram
- gray hologram
- half-tone hologram
- high-efficiency hologram
- highly redundant hologram
- high-resolution hologram
- image hologram
- improved-efficiency hologram
- incoherent hologram
- infrared hologram
- in-line hologram
- intensity mapping hologram
- interferometric hologram
- laser hologram
- Leight-Upatnieks hologram
- lens-assisted hologram
- lensless hologram
- light hologram
- Lippmann-Bragg-Denisyuk hologram
- liquid hologram
- liquid-crystal hologram
- liquid-surface hologram
- local reference beam hologram
- long-wave hologram
- low-noise hologram
- magnetic hologram
- magnetooptic hologram
- microwave hologram
- monochrome hologram
- moving-target hologram
- multicolor hologram
- multiple-exposed hologram
- multiple-exposure hologram
- multiple-object beam hologram
- multiplexed hologram
- noncoherent hologram
- nondiffused hologram
- nondiffused illumination hologram
- nonlinearly recorded hologram
- nonoptical hologram
- ocular hologram
- off-axis hologram
- off-axis reference-beam hologram
- offset hologram
- offset reference hologram
- on-axis hologram
- on-axis reference-beam hologram
- optical hologram
- optically generated hologram
- original hologram
- panoramic hologram
- phase hologram
- phase-contrast hologram
- phase-only hologram
- photochromic hologram
- photoetched hologram
- photographic hologram
- photopolymer hologram
- planar hologram
- point hologram
- point-source hologram
- polarization hologram
- product hologram
- pulsed-laser hologram
- quasi-Fourier hologram
- rainbow hologram
- real-time hologram
- reconstructed hologram
- reflecting hologram
- reflection hologram
- replicated hologram
- sideband hologram
- single-beam hologram
- single-exposed hologram
- single-exposure hologram
- solid-state hologram
- space-division holograms
- spatial carrier hologram
- still hologram
- superimposed hologram
- synthesized hologram
- synthetic hologram
- temporal reference hologram
- thermomagnetic hologram
- thermoplastic hologram
- thick hologram
- thick-emulsion hologram
- thin hologram
- thin-emulsion hologram
- three-dimensional hologram
- time-average hologram
- transmission hologram
- transmitting-type hologram
- two-beam hologram
- two-color hologram
- two-dimensional hologram
- ultrasonic hologram
- ultraviolet hologram
- unbleached hologram
- uniaxial hologram
- variable-attenuation hologram
- variable-transparency hologram
- volume hologram
- white-light hologram
- wide-angle hologram
- xerographic hologramThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > hologram
11 effect
эффект, влияние, явление@effect of clustering of galaxiesпроявление тенденции к скучиванию галактик@effects of windэффект ветра (при искажении результатов наблюдений)@absolute magnitude effectэффект абсолютной величины, эффект светимости@altitude effect of cosmic raysвысотный эффект космических лучей@atmospheric effectвлияние атмосферы@atmospheric refraction effectsвлияние атмосферной рефракции@blanketing effectэффект затенения@blurring effectразмывание (изображения)@cloud effectэффект облаков@color effectцветовой эффект@cosmological effects of distancesэффекты релятивистской космологии@crossover effectкроссовер-эффект (в магнитных переменных звездах)@Doppler effectэффект Допплера@edge effectsкраевые эффекты@extraterrestrial effectsвнеземные явления@geophysical effect1.геофизические явления 2.геофизические воздействия@gravitational field effectвлияние гравитационного поля@gravitational lens effectэффект гравитационной линзы (гравитационное линзирование)@greenhouse effectпарниковый эффект@halo effectгало, ореол@insrumental effectинструментальный эффект@ionospheric effectвлияние ионосферы@libration effectявление либрации@limb effectэффект края диска@local seeing effectместные эффекты, влияющие на качество изображения@opposition effectэффект противостояния@optical effectоптические явления@photographic effectфотографический эффект@radiation effectдействие излучения@red-shift effectэффект красного смещения@refraction effectвлияние рефракции@Schröter’s effectэффект Шретера@scintillation effectэффект мерцания@Scott effectСкотт-эффект@seeing effects1.эффекты, влияющие на качество астрономического изображения 2.эффекты нестабильности астрономических изображений@space radiation effectвлияние космического излучения@Wilson effectэффект Уилсона@Wilson-Bappu effectэффект Уилсона-Баппу@Yarkovsky effectэффект Ярковского@
См. также в других словарях:
Photographic lens — A photographic lens (also known as objective lens or photographic objective) is an optical lens or assembly of lenses used in conjunction with a camera body and mechanism to make images of objects either on photographic film or on other media… … Wikipedia
Lens speed — refers to the maximum aperture diameter, or minimum f number, of a photographic lens. A lens with a larger maximum aperture (that is, a smaller minimum f number) is a fast lens because it delivers more light intensity (illuminance) to the focal… … Wikipedia
Photographic processing — is the chemical means by which photographic film and paper is treated after photographic exposure to produce a negative or positive image. Photographic processing transforms the latent image into a visible image, makes this permanent and renders… … Wikipedia
Field of view — The field of view (also field of vision) is the angular extent of the observable world that is seen at any given moment.Different animals have different fields of view, depending on the placement of the eyes. Humans have an almost 180 degree… … Wikipedia
Lens (optics) — For other uses, see Lens. A lens. Lenses can be used to focus light. A lens is an optical device with perfect or approximate axial symmetry which tra … Wikipedia
Photographic filter — Four photographic filters. Clockwise, from top left, an infrared hot mirror filter, a polarising filter, and a UV filter. The larger filter is a polariser for Cokin style filter mounts. In photography and videography, a filter is a camera… … Wikipedia
Photographic Alliance of Great Britain — The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (known as the PAGB) is the umbrella organisation that provides benefits and co ordinates specific events for the majority of photographic clubs and societies in England, Scotland, Wales Northern… … Wikipedia
Photographic developer — In the processing of photographic films, plates or papers, the photographic developer (or just developer) is a chemical that makes the latent image on the film or print visible. It does this by reducing the silver halides that have been exposed… … Wikipedia
field — [[t]fild[/t]] n. 1) agr. a piece of open or cleared land, esp. one suitable for pasture or tillage 2) spo a) a piece of ground devoted to sports or contests; playing field b) an area in which field events are held 3) a sphere or branch of… … From formal English to slang
Telephoto lens — Portal|Photography|Large format camera lens.jpg created by a telephoto lens is the same as that created by an ordinary lens of the same specified focal length. Construction If a camera lens were to be constructed from a single lens of 200 mm… … Wikipedia
Depth of field — The area within the depth of field appears sharp, while the areas in front of and beyond the depth of field appear blurry … Wikipedia