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  • 1 pet

    [pet] 1. noun
    1) (a tame animal etc, usually kept in the home: She keeps a rabbit as a pet; ( also adjective) a pet rabbit/goldfish.) domáce zvieratko
    2) ((especially of children) a delightful or lovely person (used also as a term of affection): Isn't that baby a pet?; Would you like some ice-cream, pet?) miláčik
    2. adjective
    (favourite; greatest: What is your pet ambition/hate?) obľúbený, najväčší
    3. verb
    past tense, past participle petted)
    1) (to stroke or caress (an animal) in a loving way: The old lady sat by the fire petting her dog.) maznať sa
    2) ((slang) to kiss, hug and caress: They were petting (each other) in the back seat.) maznať sa, objímať sa, bozkávať sa
    * * *
    • domáci milácik

    English-Slovak dictionary > pet

  • 2 pet name

    (a particular name used to express affection: His pet name for her was `Kitten'.) prezývka

    English-Slovak dictionary > pet name

  • 3 canary

    plural - canaries; noun
    (a type of small, yellow, singing bird, kept as a pet.) kanárik
    * * *
    • veselý tanec
    • zlatá minca
    • sopranistka
    • udavac
    • kanár
    • kanárik
    • kanárske víno
    • bledožltý diamant
    • orchestrálna spevácka
    • plynová maska

    English-Slovak dictionary > canary

  • 4 cat

    1) (a small, four-legged, fur-covered animal often kept as a pet: a Siamese cat.) mačka
    2) (a large wild animal of the same family (eg tiger, lion etc): the big cats.) (mačkovitá) šelma
    - catcall
    - catfish
    - catgut
    - catsuit
    - cattail
    - let the cat out of the bag
    * * *
    • traktor
    • džezový hudobník
    • falošná žena
    • dievca
    • pásový traktor
    • pohyblivý kryt
    • macka
    • kotvový žeriav

    English-Slovak dictionary > cat

  • 5 competitive

    1) ((of a person) enjoying competition: a competitive child.) súťaživý
    2) ((of a price etc) not expensive, therefore able to compete successfully with the prices etc of rivals.) konkurenčný
    3) ((of sport etc) organised in such a way as to produce a winner: I prefer hill-climbing to competitive sports.) športy, v ktorých sa súťaží
    * * *
    • sútažný
    • konkurencie schopný
    • konkurencný

    English-Slovak dictionary > competitive

  • 6 guinea-pig

    1) (a small animal, like a rabbit, with short ears and often kept as a pet.) morča
    2) (a person used as the subject of an experiment: He was used as a guinea-pig for the new drug.) pokusný králik
    * * *
    • pokusná osoba
    • pokusný králik
    • morca

    English-Slovak dictionary > guinea-pig

  • 7 hamster

    (a small animal, rather like a fat rat without a tail, often kept as a pet.) škrečok
    * * *
    • škrecok

    English-Slovak dictionary > hamster

  • 8 hate

    [heit] 1. verb
    (to dislike very much: I hate them for their cruelty to my father; I hate getting up in the morning.) nenávidieť
    2. noun
    1) (great dislike: a look of hate.) nenávisť
    2) (something disliked: Getting up in the morning is one of my pet (= particular) hates.) nenávidená vec
    - hatefully
    - hatefulness
    - hatred
    * * *
    • nemat rád
    • nenávidiet

    English-Slovak dictionary > hate

  • 9 neck

    I [nek] noun
    1) (the part of the body between the head and chest: She wore a scarf around her neck.) krk
    2) (the part of an article of clothing that covers that part of the body: The neck of that shirt is dirty.) golier
    3) (anything like a neck in shape or position: the neck of a bottle.) hrdlo
    - neckline
    - necktie
    - neck and neck
    II [nek] verb
    (to kiss, hug and caress (passionately); to pet.) objímať (sa), maznať sa
    * * *
    • úzky prieliv
    • úzky priesmyk
    • úžina
    • výstrih
    • zapichnutie
    • zaškrtenie
    • zúženie
    • šija
    • prieliv
    • golier
    • hrdlickovat
    • hrdlo
    • krk
    • krkovicka
    • obtulkávat (sa)
    • obtulkat (sa)
    • objat

    English-Slovak dictionary > neck

  • 10 rabbit

    (a type of small long-eared burrowing animal, found living wild in fields or sometimes kept as a pet.) králik
    * * *
    • zajac (amer.)
    • padavka
    • polovat na králiky
    • králik
    • lovit králiky

    English-Slovak dictionary > rabbit

  • 11 repetitive

    adjective (doing, saying, the same thing too often: His speeches are very repetitive; My job is a bit repetitive.) opakujúci sa
    * * *
    • repeticný
    • opakovaný
    • opakovací

    English-Slovak dictionary > repetitive

  • 12 tame

    [teim] 1. adjective
    1) ((of animals) used to living with people; not wild or dangerous: He kept a tame bear as a pet.) krotký, skrotený
    2) (dull; not exciting: My job is very tame.) nudný
    2. verb
    (to make tame: It is impossible to tame some animals.) skrotiť
    - tameness
    - tameable
    * * *
    • skrotit
    • skrotený
    • poddajný
    • otravný
    • pokorný
    • potlácat
    • poslušný
    • podrobit si
    • krotký
    • mierny
    • neškodný
    • ochotný
    • nudný

    English-Slovak dictionary > tame

  • 13 budgerigar

    (abbreviation budgie ['bа8i]) noun
    (a type of small (originally Australian) brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet.) andulka

    English-Slovak dictionary > budgerigar

  • 14 goldfish

    plural - goldfish; noun (a small golden-yellow fish often kept as a pet: The child kept a goldfish in a bowl.)

    English-Slovak dictionary > goldfish

  • 15 lap dog

    (a small pet dog.) psík

    English-Slovak dictionary > lap dog

См. также в других словарях:

  • pet — pet …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • pet — [ pɛ ] n. m. • v. 1260; lat. peditum I ♦ Fam. Gaz intestinal qui s échappe de l anus avec bruit. ⇒ flatuosité, vent; prout. Pet sans bruit. ⇒ vesse. Lâcher, faire un pet. ⇒ péter. Pet foireux, entraînant des excréments. ♢ Loc. fam. Avoir… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • PET — /pet/ positron emission tomography. Cf. PET scan. * * * Any animal kept by humans for companionship or pleasure rather than for utility. The main distinction between pets and domesticated livestock is the degree of contact between owner and… …   Universalium

  • pet — pet·al·age; pet·aled; pet·al·ine; pet·al·ism; pet·al·ite; pet·al·less; pet·a·loc·er·ous; pet·al·odont; pet·al·o·don·ti·dae; pet·a·lo·dus; pet·a·lo·dy; pet·al·oid; pet·a·lon; pet·a·lo·ste·mon; pet·al·ous; …   English syllables

  • Pet — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}}   Sigles d une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • PET — 〈Chem.; Zeichen für〉 (Chemiefasern aus) Polyethylenterephthalat * * * PET: 1) DIN Kurzzeichen für Poly(ethylenterephthalat); 2) [Abk. für Positronen Emissionstomographie]: ↑ Positron. * * * PET [pɛt], das; : Poly …   Universal-Lexikon

  • pet — pȇt br. DEFINICIJA 1. (glavni) broj koji se obilježava brojkom 5; (redni) peti = 5. 2. razg. posljednji najmanji broj u kombinaciji brojeva u zn. neodređene velike količine, bezbroj puta, usp. sto, tisuću, milijun, milijardu FRAZEOLOGIJA fali ti… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • pet — pet1 [pet] n. [orig. Scot dial., prob. back form. < ME pety, small: see PETTY] 1. an animal that is tamed or domesticated and kept as a companion or treated with fondness 2. a person who is treated with particular affection or indulgence;… …   English World dictionary

  • pet — pet, a. Petted; indulged; admired; cherished; as, a pet child; a pet lamb; a pet theory; a pet animal. [1913 Webster] Some young lady s pet curate. F. Harrison. [1913 Webster] {Pet cock}. [Perh. for petty cock.] (Mach.) A little faucet in a water …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pet*/ — [pet] noun [C] I an animal that you keep in your home and look after a pet dog[/ex] II adj pet [pet] liked more than anything else Getting kids to do more sport is one of his pet projects.[/ex] III verb pet [pet] 1) [T] to touch an animal in a… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • pet — m. pet gaz, vent; claquement bruit. Pet de monja : pet de nonne. expr. Faire un pet a la luna : faire une folie. Cridar coma un pet quand naisse …   Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu

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