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См. также в других словарях:

  • perspective — ► NOUN 1) the art of representing three dimensional objects on a two dimensional surface so as to convey the impression of height, width, depth, and relative distance. 2) a view or prospect. 3) a particular way of regarding something. 4)… …   English terms dictionary

  • perspective — noun 1 in art ADJECTIVE ▪ distorted ▪ horizontal, vertical PREPOSITION ▪ in perspective, out of perspectiv …   Collocations dictionary

  • perspective — noun 1 (C) a way of thinking about something which is influenced by the kind of person you are or by your experiences (+ on): His father s death gave him a whole new perspective on life. | from the perspective of: The novel is written from the… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • perspective, prospective — Perspective is primarily a noun referring to various techniques for representing three dimensional objects and depth relationships. Perspective also refers to a picture or object using this technique: an architect s perspective of a building.… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • perspective plane — noun The surface on which the picture of the objects to be represented in perspective is drawn • • • Main Entry: ↑perspective …   Useful english dictionary

  • perspective — noun 1》 the art of representing three dimensional objects on a two dimensional surface so as to convey the impression of height, width, depth, and relative distance.     ↘the appearance of viewed objects with regard to their relative position,… …   English new terms dictionary

  • perspective — noun 1) her perspective on things had changed Syn: outlook, view, viewpoint, point of view, POV, standpoint, position, stand, stance, angle, slant, attitude, frame of mind, frame of reference, approach, way of looking, inter …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • perspective — I noun angle of vision, attitude, conception, distance, eyereach, feeling, field of view, field of vision, framework, impression, inclination, leaning, line of sight, mental view, orientation, outlook, point of observation, point of view,… …   Law dictionary

  • perspective — noun Syn: outlook, view, viewpoint, point of view, standpoint, position, stand, stance, angle, slant, attitude …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • perspective formula — noun : a structural formula representing three dimensions and used primarily to distinguish among optical isomers compare projection formula …   Useful english dictionary

  • perspective transformation — noun : the collineation set up in a plane by projecting on it the points of another plane from two different centers of projection …   Useful english dictionary

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