1 persoonlijkheid
1 [iemand met een zeer persoonlijk karakter] personality♦voorbeelden:zij is een persoonlijkheid • she's got personalityVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > persoonlijkheid
2 alterego
n. alter ego, alternate personality, second personality -
3 bondsbons
adj. big shot, well-known personality, highly respected personality, gifted person, person of influence, person with a reputation (Slang) -
4 bondsbonze
adj. big shot, well-known personality, highly respected personality, gifted person, person of influence, person with a reputation (Slang) -
5 bonze
n. big shot, well-known personality, highly respected personality, gifted person, person of influence, person with a reputation (Slang) -
6 persoonsverheerlijking
Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > persoonsverheerlijking
7 rechtspersoonlijkheid
1 legal/corporate personality ⇒ corporate existence/capacity♦voorbeelden:1 rechtspersoonlijkheid hebben/verkrijgen • possess/acquire corporate personality/rightseen vereniging met rechtspersoonlijkheid • an incorporated societyVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > rechtspersoonlijkheid
8 aard
n. nature, personality, character; sort, mold, type; complexion -
9 anima
n. anima, soul, psyche, spirit; existence; feminine part of the male personality (according to Jungian psychology); true inner self -
10 charismatisch
adj. charismatic, having a magnetic personality, having leadership ability -
11 frenoloog
n. phrenologist, one who analyzes personality traits according to the shape of one's skull -
12 gespletenheid
n. schizophrenia, severe psychotic disorder characterized by a loss of contact with reality and disintegration of the personality (Psychology) -
13 identiteit
n. identity, individuality, personality -
14 karakterloos
adj. characterless, ordinary; lacking character, lacking personality or flair--------adv. weakly, limply -
15 kleur bekennen
v. show one's true personality, show one's colors -
16 persoonlijkheid
n. personality, individuality, identity, selfhood -
17 allure
2 [met betrekking tot zaken] style♦voorbeelden:allure hebben • have styleiemand van allure • a striking personality -
18 beroemdheid
♦voorbeelden: -
19 dynamisch
1 [met betrekking tot de dynamica] dynamic(al)2 [met betrekking tot de dynamiek] dynamic♦voorbeelden:1 dynamische druk/elektriciteit • dynamic pressure/electricity2 dynamische tekens • dynamic marks/markings -
20 een dynamische persoonlijkheid
een dynamische persoonlijkheidVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > een dynamische persoonlijkheid
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Personality — • It is proposed in this article to give an account: (1) of the physical constituents of personality in accordance with the scholastic theory; (2) of concepts of personality that conflict with the theory; (3) of abnormalities of consciousness… … Catholic encyclopedia
Personality — is the particular combination of emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral response patterns of an individual. Contents 1 Psychology 2 Sociology 3 Literature 4 Media … Wikipedia
personality — per‧son‧al‧i‧ty [ˌpɜːsəˈnælti ǁ ˌpɜːr ] noun personalities PLURALFORM 1. [countable] LAW an organization that from a legal point of view is separate from the people who own it or manage it: • A company has a separate legal personality, and its… … Financial and business terms
personality — per·son·al·i·ty n pl ties 1: the quality, state, or fact of being a person the corporation has legal personality 2: the totality of an individual s behavioral and emotional characteristics a personality disorder Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of… … Law dictionary
Personality — Per son*al i*ty, n.; pl. {Personalities}. [Cf. F. personnalit[ e]. Cf. {Personality}.] 1. That which constitutes distinction of person; the externally evident aspects of the character or behavior of a person; individuality. [1913 Webster +PJC]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
personality — late 14c., quality or fact of being a person, from M.L. personalitatem (nom. personalitas), from L. personalis (see PERSONAL (Cf. personal)). Sense of a distinctive character is first recorded 1795, from Fr. personnalité. Personality is the… … Etymology dictionary
personality — character, individuality, temperament, *disposition, temper, complexion … New Dictionary of Synonyms
personality — ► NOUN (pl. personalities) 1) the characteristics or qualities that form an individual s character. 2) qualities that make someone interesting or popular. 3) a celebrity … English terms dictionary
personality — [pʉr΄sə nal′ə tē] n. pl. personalities [ME personalite < LL personalitas < personalis, personal] 1. the quality or fact of being a person 2. the quality or fact of being a particular person; personal identity; individuality 3. a) habitual… … English World dictionary
personality — /perr seuh nal i tee/, n., pl. personalities. 1. the visible aspect of one s character as it impresses others: He has a pleasing personality. 2. a person as an embodiment of a collection of qualities: He is a curious personality. 3. Psychol. a.… … Universalium
personality — One of several concepts used by social scientists to refer to the individual (others include self and identity ). The concept has its origins in the Latin word persona (meaning ‘mask’), and refers to the set of more or less stable characteristics … Dictionary of sociology