1 permanently frozen ground
- permanently frozen ground
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > permanently frozen ground
2 permanently frozen ground
1) Строительство: многолетнемёрзлый грунт2) Макаров: многолетнемёрзлые породыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > permanently frozen ground
3 permanently frozen ground
Англо-русский гидрогеологический словарь > permanently frozen ground
4 permanently frozen ground
Англо-русский строительный словарь > permanently frozen ground
5 permanently-frozen ground
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and missile bases > permanently-frozen ground
6 ground
- ground
- n1. грунт; местность; участок земли, площадка
2. пробка ( в кладке)
3. штукатурный маяк
4. заземляющая [нулевая] линия электросети, «земля»
5. донная морена
6. поверхность под покраску
on the ground — проф. персонал службы технического надзора за строительством
- children's play ground
- constantly frozen ground
- dumping ground
- electrical ground
- equipment ground
- eternally frozen ground
- loose ground
- made ground
- melting ground
- open ground
- open storage ground
- patterned ground
- perennially frozen ground
- permanently frozen ground
- recreational ground
- recreation ground
- seasonally frozen ground
- seasonal frozen ground
- sloping ground
- sports ground
- supporting ground
- testing ground
- thawed ground
- uneven ground
- water-bearing ground
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
7 ground
1) грунт; местность; площадка2) почва; основание3) область, район, местность, территория, участок5) заземляющая, нулевая линия электросети; заземляющий провод6) мн. ч. маяки; рейки, заделанные в стене для прикрепления деревянной обшивки; пробки7) юр. основание8) открытый (напр. склад)9) шлифовать; заземлять10) юр. обосновывать•- boggy ground - broken ground - building ground - clayey ground - clearing ground - compact ground - contamination of ground - dumping ground - feeding ground - filled-up ground - float stone ground - gathering ground - legal ground - parade ground - quick ground - reasonable ground - recreation ground - rocky ground - rolling ground - sandy ground - slimy ground - sports ground - uneven ground - waste ground - water-bearing ground - watered ground - water-saturated ground* * *1. грунт; местность; участок земли, площадка2. пробка ( в кладке)3. штукатурный маяк4. заземляющая [нулевая] линия электросети, «земля»5. донная морена6. поверхность под покраску- children's play groundon the ground — проф. персонал службы технического надзора за строительством
- constantly frozen ground
- dumping ground
- electrical ground
- equipment ground
- eternally frozen ground
- loose ground
- made ground
- melting ground
- open ground
- open storage ground
- patterned ground
- perennially frozen ground
- permanently frozen ground
- recreational ground
- recreation ground
- seasonally frozen ground
- seasonal frozen ground
- sloping ground
- sports ground
- supporting ground
- testing ground
- thawed ground
- uneven ground
- water-bearing ground -
8 ground
грунт; почва, земля
См. также в других словарях:
ground ice — noun 1. : anchor ice 2. : clear ice in permanently frozen ground * * * ground ice noun The ice formed at the bottom of a body of water • • • Main Entry: ↑ground * * * ground ice, ice formed at the bottom of a river or other body of wat … Useful english dictionary
arctic — arctically, adv. /ahrk tik/ or, esp. for 7, /ahr tik/, adj. 1. (often cap.) of, pertaining to, or located at or near the North Pole: the arctic region. 2. coming from the North Pole or the arctic region: an arctic wind. 3. characteristic of the… … Universalium
Cryosphere — Overview of the Cryosphere and its larger components, from the UN Environment Programme Global Outlook for Ice and Snow. The cryosphere (from the Greek κρύος cryos cold , frost or ice ) is the term which collectively describes the portions of the … Wikipedia
tjaele — ˈchālēˌ lə noun ( s) Etymology: Swedish; akin to Old Norse theli frozen ground, Old English thel board, plank, Latin tellus earth more at thill : frozen ground; especially : permanently frozen ground … Useful english dictionary
National Snow and Ice Data Center — The National Snow and Ice Data Center, or NSIDC, is a United States information and referral center in support of polar and cryospheric research. NSIDC archives and distributes digital and analog snow and ice data and also maintains information… … Wikipedia
mammoth — /mam euhth/, n. 1. any large, elephantlike mammal of the extinct genus Mammuthus, from the Pleistocene Epoch, having hairy skin and ridged molar teeth. adj. 2. immensely large; huge; enormous: a mammoth organization. [1690 1700; < Russ mam(m)ot… … Universalium
Dark slope streak — Slope Streaks in Acheron Fossae in 2010 … Wikipedia
permafrost — noun ˈpɝməˌfrɔst Permanently frozen ground, or a specific layer thereof. Nevertheless, the water molecule is present, as ice, in a solid form in frozen soils or permafrosts, which cover large regions characterised by a polar climate … Wiktionary
mollisol — ˈmäləˌsäl noun ( s) Etymology: Latin mollis soft + solum ground more at melt, soil : the surface layer of permanently frozen ground in which the ice melts during the summer … Useful english dictionary
Криолитозона — (от крио (См. Крио...)..., греч. lithos камень и Зона) часть криосферы (См. Криосфера), самый верхний слой земной коры, характеризующийся в течение всего года или хотя бы короткое время (но не менее суток) отрицательной температурой почв… … Большая советская энциклопедия
Многолетняя криолитозона — верхний слой земной коры, характеризующийся устойчивой в течение многих лет отрицательной или нулевой температурой, обеспечивающей круглогодичное и длительное (не менее двух лет подряд) сохранение подземного льда. Верхняя часть М. к.… … Большая советская энциклопедия