1 permanent resident card
амер. карточка постоянного жителя (разг. гринкарта)Your Permanent Resident Card will be mailed to you directly from the INS Service Center servicing your state of residence. — Ваша карточка постоянного жителя будет выслана Вам по почте непосредственно из центра Службы по гражданству и иммиграции, обслуживающей Ваш штат пребывания.
Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > permanent resident card
2 permanent resident card
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > permanent resident card
3 resident alien
Иностранец [ alien], получивший разрешение жить и работать в США, то есть имеющий статус легального иммигранта.тж permanent resident alien, Lawful Permanent Resident Alien (LPRA), lawful permanent resident (LPR)English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > resident alien
4 state of residence
штат пребыванияYour Permanent Resident Card will be mailed to you directly from the INS Service Center servicing your state of residence. — Ваша карточка постоянного жителя будет выслана Вам по почте непосредственно из центра Службы по гражданству и иммиграции, обслуживающей Ваш штат пребывания.
Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > state of residence
1) Общая лексика: Permitting, Regulatory and Compliance Group2) Американизм: Postal Rate Commission, Protocol Review Committee3) Спорт: Player Resource Consortium4) Военный термин: Permanent Record Card, Physical Review Council, Prevention Retention Contingency, permanent regular commission, personnel readiness center, personnel records center, personnel reporting code, planned requirements, conversion, portable radio, communications, power reflection coefficient, procedure review committee, program review committee, pyrotechnic rocket container, Peoples Republic of China (Communist China), (I) Policy Review Committee (сейчас SIG(I); Intelligence), КЗС (Private Channel), ЧКС, канал засекреченной связи, частный канал связи6) Шутливое выражение: Peoples Republic Of Cambridge, Please Remember Crystal, Progressive Republic Of China7) Юридический термин: Prevention Retention And Contingency8) Бухгалтерия: Peer Review Committee9) Автомобильный термин: pressure regulator control10) Ветеринария: Permanent Resident Cat, Pesticide Residues Committee (of DEFRA)11) Грубое выражение: Pretty Rotten Communists12) География: КНР (Китайская Народная Республика)13) Музыка: Producers Releasing Corporation14) Оптика: photorefractive crystal15) Радио: Personal Radio Communication16) Телекоммуникации: Primary Reference Clock17) Сокращение: People's Republic of China, Personal Radio Communications, Phase Rate of Change, Phased Rate of Change, Planning Research Corporation, Postal Regulatory Commission (2007), Prices Regulation Committee, Program Review Committee (USA), pierce, point of reverse curve18) Университет: Packaging Research Center, Population Research Center, Professional Referral Committee19) Нефть: permitting and regulatory compliance group, pressure recorder control, pseudo range correction20) Иммунология: primed responder cell21) Транспорт: Pilot Radio Code, Porsche Replica Club22) Фирменный знак: Poverty Row Cinema23) СМИ: Pre Recorded Cassette24) Деловая лексика: Product Review Center, Project Resource Centre25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: поправка на псевдодальность (Pseudo Range Correction)26) Образование: Prodigy Refugee Camp, Pupil Rotation Compensation27) Сетевые технологии: Palm Resource Code, Palm Resource Collection28) Полимеры: pressure recorder controller29) Сахалин Р: Pseudo Range Correction30) Сахалин Ю: performance review committee, project recognition ceremony, project resources company31) Макаров: реверсивный импульсный ток32) Расширение файла: Rational Rose Processes file33) Нефть и газ: pressure recovery curve, КВД, кривая восстановления давления, PBU, pressure build-up curve34) Электротехника: peak rectified current36) Общественная организация: Parkinson's Research Center, Primate Rescue Center37) Должность: Professional Rodeo Cowboy38) Правительство: People's Republic Of Cambridge, People's Republic of California39) Аэропорты: Prescott, Arizona USA40) НАСА: Physical Review C41) Программное обеспечение: Project Reviewer Compressed -
6 prc
1) Общая лексика: Permitting, Regulatory and Compliance Group2) Американизм: Postal Rate Commission, Protocol Review Committee3) Спорт: Player Resource Consortium4) Военный термин: Permanent Record Card, Physical Review Council, Prevention Retention Contingency, permanent regular commission, personnel readiness center, personnel records center, personnel reporting code, planned requirements, conversion, portable radio, communications, power reflection coefficient, procedure review committee, program review committee, pyrotechnic rocket container, Peoples Republic of China (Communist China), (I) Policy Review Committee (сейчас SIG(I); Intelligence), КЗС (Private Channel), ЧКС, канал засекреченной связи, частный канал связи6) Шутливое выражение: Peoples Republic Of Cambridge, Please Remember Crystal, Progressive Republic Of China7) Юридический термин: Prevention Retention And Contingency8) Бухгалтерия: Peer Review Committee9) Автомобильный термин: pressure regulator control10) Ветеринария: Permanent Resident Cat, Pesticide Residues Committee (of DEFRA)11) Грубое выражение: Pretty Rotten Communists12) География: КНР (Китайская Народная Республика)13) Музыка: Producers Releasing Corporation14) Оптика: photorefractive crystal15) Радио: Personal Radio Communication16) Телекоммуникации: Primary Reference Clock17) Сокращение: People's Republic of China, Personal Radio Communications, Phase Rate of Change, Phased Rate of Change, Planning Research Corporation, Postal Regulatory Commission (2007), Prices Regulation Committee, Program Review Committee (USA), pierce, point of reverse curve18) Университет: Packaging Research Center, Population Research Center, Professional Referral Committee19) Нефть: permitting and regulatory compliance group, pressure recorder control, pseudo range correction20) Иммунология: primed responder cell21) Транспорт: Pilot Radio Code, Porsche Replica Club22) Фирменный знак: Poverty Row Cinema23) СМИ: Pre Recorded Cassette24) Деловая лексика: Product Review Center, Project Resource Centre25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: поправка на псевдодальность (Pseudo Range Correction)26) Образование: Prodigy Refugee Camp, Pupil Rotation Compensation27) Сетевые технологии: Palm Resource Code, Palm Resource Collection28) Полимеры: pressure recorder controller29) Сахалин Р: Pseudo Range Correction30) Сахалин Ю: performance review committee, project recognition ceremony, project resources company31) Макаров: реверсивный импульсный ток32) Расширение файла: Rational Rose Processes file33) Нефть и газ: pressure recovery curve, КВД, кривая восстановления давления, PBU, pressure build-up curve34) Электротехника: peak rectified current36) Общественная организация: Parkinson's Research Center, Primate Rescue Center37) Должность: Professional Rodeo Cowboy38) Правительство: People's Republic Of Cambridge, People's Republic of California39) Аэропорты: Prescott, Arizona USA40) НАСА: Physical Review C41) Программное обеспечение: Project Reviewer Compressed -
7 temporary evidence
временное подтверждениеIf you need temporary evidence of your permanent resident status prior to receiving your card, you may make an INFOPASS appointment to bring this letter to our Information Counter, located at the above address, to receive a stamp reflecting your new status in your passport. — Если Вам понадобится временное подтверждение Вашего статуса постоянного жителя до того, как Вы получите карточку, Вы можете сделать назначение в «Инфопасс» для того, чтобы принести данное письмо в наш Информационную контору, расположенную по вышеуказанному адресу, чтобы получить штамп в Ваш паспорт, отражающий Ваш новый статус.
Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > temporary evidence
8 key
1) (криптографический) ключ2) ключ к замку или запирающему устройству, механический ключ- base key- candidate key- card key- code key- data key- DES key- fake key- file key- good key- hex key- host key- link key- lost key- node key- numeric key- numerical key- pass key- PRN key- safe key- seed key- test key- true key- used key- user key- weak key- work key- zone key
См. также в других словарях:
Permanent Resident Card — may refer to: *United States Permanent Resident Card *Canada Permanent Resident Card … Wikipedia
Permanent Resident Card — ˌPermanent ˈResident Card 7 [Permanent Resident Card] noun an official card that shows that sb from another country is allowed to live and work in Canada … Useful english dictionary
Canada Permanent Resident Card — The Permanent Resident Card (PR Card) was introduced on 28 June 2002 upon the implementation of Canada s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act . It was originally billed as the Maple Leaf Card It is the primary method by which Canadian permanent … Wikipedia
Permanent resident (Canada) — A Permanent Resident in Canada is someone who is not a Canadian citizen but who has been granted permission to live and work in Canada without any time limit on his or her stay. A permanent resident must live in Canada for two years out of every… … Wikipedia
Declaration Form for Holders of the Macau SAR Permanent Resident Identity Card to Hong Kong SAR — The Declaration Form for Holders of the Macau SAR Permanent Resident Identity Card to Hong Kong SAR is a form available free of charge that must be completed by holders of a Macau Special Administrative Region Resident Identity Card (for… … Wikipedia
lawful permanent resident — (LPR) A non U.S. citizen who has been given permission to make a permanent home (and work) in the United States. Permanent residents are given green cards (not really green) to prove their status. U.S. permanent residents may travel as much as… … Law dictionary
Permanent residence (United States) — [ thumb|A United States Permanent Resident Card (green card)] A United States Permanent Resident Card, also known as a green card, is an identification card attesting to the permanent resident status of an alien in the United States of America.… … Wikipedia
Résident permanent (Canada) — Un résident permanent au Canada est un individu originairement pas citoyen Canadien ayant reçu la permission de vivre et travailler au Canada sans aucune limite de temps sur son séjour. Un résident permanent doit vivre au Canada pendant deux ans… … Wikipédia en Français
Permanent residency — refers to a person s visa status: the person is allowed to reside indefinitely within a country despite not having citizenship. A person with such status is known as a permanent resident. Countries with permanent residency systems Not every… … Wikipedia
Resident Alien — A foreigner who is a permanent resident of the country in which he or she resides but does not have citizenship. To fall under this classification in the U.S., you need to either currently have a green card or have had one in the last calendar… … Investment dictionary
List of identity card policies by country — This is a list of identity documents by country.Identity card policies by countryCountries with compulsory identity cardsAccording to Privacy International, as of|1996|lc=on, around 100 countries had compulsory identity cards… … Wikipedia