1 peripheral memory
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > peripheral memory
2 peripheral memory
3 peripheral memory
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > peripheral memory
4 peripheral memory
внешняя [периферийная\] память; внешнее [периферийное\] ЗУАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > peripheral memory
5 peripheral memory
1) Техника: внешнее ЗУ, внешнее запоминающее устройство, внешняя память, периферийная память, периферийное ЗУ2) Вычислительная техника: периферийное запоминающее устройство -
6 peripheral memory
периферийная память, периферийное запоминающее устройствоEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > peripheral memory
7 peripheral memory
8 peripheral memory
внешняя память, периферийная памятьEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > peripheral memory
9 peripheral memory
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > peripheral memory
10 peripheral memory
периферийная память; периферийное запоминающее устройство -
11 peripheral
1. n вчт. внешнее устройство, периферийное устройство2. a периферийный3. a второстепенный, частныйmatters of peripheral interest — вопросы, представляющие второстепенный интерес
4. a тех. подсобный, вспомогательный; дополнительныйperipheral equipment — вспомогательное оборудование; приставки
5. a вчт. внешний, относящийся к внешнему оборудованиюperipheral storage — внешняя память, внешнее запоминающее устройство
Синонимический ряд:1. outer (adj.) ambient; encircling; environing; marginal; on the edge; on the rim; outer; outlying; surrounding2. unimportant (adj.) beside the point; dispensable; minor; not worth mentioning; superficial; unessential; unimportant; unnecessaryАнтонимический ряд:central; major -
12 memory
- use up almost all of memory- acoustic memory
- active memory
- activity memory
- add-in memory
- add-on memory
- addressable memory
- addressed memory
- address-map memory
- adequate memory
- analog memory
- annex memory
- artificial memory
- associative memory
- auxiliary memory
- available memory
- backing memory
- beam-addressable memory
- bipolar memory
- bit-organized memory
- block-oriented memory
- bootstrap memory
- braid memory
- braided-wire memory
- bubble memory
- buffer memory
- bulk memory
- byte-organized memory
- byte-wide memory
- cache memory
- capacitor memory
- card memory
- carousel memory
- carrousel memory
- cassette memory
- catalog memory
- cathode-ray tube memory
- cathode-ray memory
- central memory
- character format memory
- character-organized memory
- charge-coupled device memory
- charge-storage memory
- chemical memory
- circulating memory
- C-MOS memory
- color-coded memory
- common memory
- computer memory
- content addressed memory
- content-addressable memory
- continuous sheet memory
- control memory
- conventional memory
- core memory
- cryoelectric memory
- cryogenic continuous film memory
- cryogenic memory
- cryosar memory
- cryotron memory
- current-access memory
- cyclic memory
- cylindrical magnetic film memory
- cylindrical film memory
- cylindrical domain memory
- data addressed memory
- data memory
- dedicated memory
- delay-line memory
- delay memory
- demand-paged memory
- destructive read-out memory
- destructive memory
- destructive readout memory
- dicap memory
- direct access memory
- direct addressable memory
- disk memory
- display-list memory
- distributed logic memory
- distributed memory
- domain memory
- domain-tip memory
- DOS memory
- DOT memory
- DRO memory
- dual port memory
- dual-ported memory
- duplex memory
- dynamic memory
- eddy-card memory
- electrically alterable read-only memory
- electrostatic memory
- energy-conscious memory
- expanded memory
- external cache memory
- external memory
- fast memory
- fast-access memory
- ferrite core memory
- ferrite memory
- ferrite plate memory
- ferrite sheet memory
- ferroelectric memory
- fiber-optic memory
- field-access memory
- FIFO memory
- file memory
- film memory
- finite memory
- first-in first-out memory
- fixed memory
- fixed-head disk memory
- fixed-tag associative memory
- flip-flop memory
- floating-head disk memory
- floppy disk memory
- frame memory
- frame-buffer memory
- frequency memory
- fully associative memory
- fully interrogable associative memory
- general-purpose memory
- ghostable memory
- glitch memory
- global memory
- graphics memory
- head-per-track disk memory
- heap-allocated memory
- hierarchical memory
- high memory
- high-capacity memory
- high-density memory
- high-performance memory
- high-speed memory
- holographic memory
- honeycomb memory
- hybrid associative memory
- image memory
- immediate-access memory
- immediate memory
- inernal cache memory
- instantaneous memory
- insufficient memory
- integrated circuit memory
- intelligent memory
- interleaved memory
- intermediate memory
- intermediate storage memory
- internal memory
- keystroke memory
- large-capacity memory
- large memory
- laser memory
- laser-addressed memory
- least frequently used memory
- least recently used memory
- LFU memory
- linkage memory
- local memory
- logic-in memory
- long-access memory
- long-term memory
- long-time memory
- low memory
- low-capacity memory
- LRU memory
- magnetic bubble domain memory
- magnetic card memory
- magnetic core memory
- magnetic disk memory
- magnetic drum memory
- magnetic film memory
- magnetic memory
- magnetic plate memory
- magnetic rod memory
- magnetic strip memory
- magnetic tape memory
- magnetooptic memory
- mainframe memory
- main memory
- MAS memory
- massive memory
- mass memory
- matrix memory
- medium-capacity memory
- medium-speed access memory
- megabit memory
- memory shortage
- memory stack
- memory upgrade
- memory width
- metal-alumina-semiconductor memory
- metal-oxide-semiconductor memory
- microassociative memory
- microinstruction memory
- microprogram memory
- MNOS memory
- modular memory
- MOS memory
- MOS transistor memory
- movable-head disk memory
- multibank memory
- multibit-per-pixel display memory
- multidrive disk memory
- multiple-coincidence magnetic memory
- multiple-fixed tag associative memory
- multiport memory
- name memory
- n-channel MOS memory
- NDRO memory
- nesting memory
- nonaddressable memory
- nondestructive readout memory
- nondestructive memory
- nonvolatile memory
- no-wait memory
- no-wait-state memory
- N-wire memory
- off-chip memory
- off-screen memory
- on-board memory
- on-chip memory
- one-level memory
- optical memory
- optically accessed memory
- optically read memory
- optoelectronic memory
- orthogonal memory
- out of memory
- overlay memory
- page memory
- paged memory
- parallel memory
- parallel-access memory
- parallel-by-bit parallel-by-word associative memory
- parallel-search memory
- partial tag memory
- patch memory
- peripheral memory
- permanent memory
- persistent current memory
- phantom memory
- phased memory
- photoelectric memory
- photo-optic memory
- piggyback memory
- plant's memory
- plated-wire memory
- primary memory
- private memory
- program memory
- programmable read-only memory
- protected memory
- pseudostatic memory
- push-down memory
- quick-access memory
- R/W memory
- random-access memory
- rapid memory
- rapid-access memory
- rapid-random-access memory
- read/write memory
- read-mostly memory
- read-only memory
- real memory
- redial memory
- refresh memory
- regenerative memory - reprogrammable memory
- rotating memory
- rule memory
- Schottky bipolar memory
- scratch-pad memory
- screen memory
- search memory
- secondary memory
- secure memory
- segmentable memory
- segmented memory
- semiconductor memory
- semipermanent memory
- semirandom-access memory
- sequential access memory
- serial memory
- serial-access memory
- shareable memory
- shared memory
- sheet memory
- short-access memory
- short-term memory
- short-time memory
- slave memory
- slow memory
- small memory
- small-capacity memory
- smart memory
- special-purpose memory
- speech memory
- stable memory
- staged memory
- static memory
- static n-channel MOS memory
- structure memory
- superconducting memory
- switch memory
- symbol memory
- system configuration memory
- system memory
- table memory
- tag memory
- teaching memory
- tertiary memory
- text memory
- thermomagnetic writing memory
- thermooptic memory
- thin-film memory
- three-dimensional memory
- time-varying memory
- token memory
- trace memory
- translation memory
- tunnel-diode memory
- twistor memory
- two-dimensional memory
- two-dimensional word selection memory
- two-level memory
- ultrahigh-access memory
- ultraviolet erasable read-only memory
- unsecure memory
- user memory
- user-available memory
- variable-tag associative memory
- vector memory
- video memory
- virtual memory
- volatile memory
- word memory
- word-organized memory
- word-wide memory
- working memory
- woven plated-wire memory
- woven wire memory
- writable memory
- write-once memory
- write-protected memory
- zero-access memoryEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > memory
13 memory
память; запоминающее устройство, ЗУ-
acoustic memory
addressed memory
analog memory
annex memory
associative memory
automatic refresh dynamic memory
auxiliary memory
backing memory
backup memory
beam-addressable holographic memory
bipolar memory
bit-organized memory
block-oriented memory
bootstrap memory
bubble memory
buffer memory
byte-organized memory
cache memory
chalcogenide memory
charge-coupled device memory
charge-coupled memory
clocked memory
complementary MOS memory
computer memory
content-adressable memory
control memory
core memory
cryoelectronic memory
current access memory
data memory
destructive-readout memory
destructive memory
direct-addressable memory
disk memory
dynamic memory
electrically alterable read-only memory
electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
erasable programmable read-only memory
external memory
feed memory
field programmable memory
file memory
film memory
fixed memory
fusible-link programmable readonly memory
fusible programmable readonly memory
graphics memory
high-speed memory
image-oriented memory
image memory
inherent memory
input memory
instruction memory
internal memory
keystroke memory
loop status memory
magnetic memory
main memory
mask-programmable read-only memory
microprogram memory
nondestructive memory
nonvolatile memory
off-screen memory
optical memory
output memory
ovonic memory
page memory
paged memory
peripheral memory
permanent memory
program memory
programmable read-only memory
push-down memory
push-up memory
random-access memory
read/write memory
read-mostly memory
read-only memory
refresh memory
reserved memory
reserve memory
robot's control memory
scratch pad memory
screen memory
scroll memory
search memory
self-refreshing memory
semiconductor disk memory
sequential access memory
serial-access memory
stack memory
static memory
tape memory
ultraviolet erasable programmable read-only memory
video memory
virtual memory
volatile memory
word-organized memory
working memory
work memory -
14 memory
1) память; запоминающее устройство, ЗУ•- add-in memory
- alphabetic-numerical memory
- anti-shock memory
- auxiliary memory
- backing memory
- best-tuning memory
- bipolar memory
- bubble memory
- buffer memory
- capacitive memory
- cash memory
- charge-coupled device memory
- charge-coupled memory
- control memory
- core memory
- counter memory
- data memory
- dynamic memory
- electrically-alterable read-only memory
- external memory
- extra memory
- ferrite-core memory
- flash memory
- frequency memory
- global memory
- high-speed memory
- inherent memory
- input memory
- integrated-circuit memory
- internal memory
- laser memory
- magnetic-bubble memory
- n-message memory
- n-mode AV memory
- off-screen memory
- one-day backup memory
- optical memory
- pager memory
- peripheral memory
- programmable memory
- random-access memory
- read-only memory
- read-write memory
- self-refreshing memory
- semiconductor memory
- shock-resistant memory
- slow memory
- source-tone memory
- standard memory
- static memory
- superconducting memory
- system memory
- upgradable memory
- video memory
- virtual memory
- working memoryEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > memory
15 peripheral grinding speed
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > peripheral grinding speed
16 peripheral speed
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > peripheral speed
17 peripheral interface
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > peripheral interface
18 peripheral speed
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > peripheral speed
19 внешнее ЗУ
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > внешнее ЗУ
20 внешнее ЗУ
См. также в других словарях:
peripheral memory — išorinė atmintinė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. external memory; external storage; peripheral memory; peripheral storage vok. externer Speicher, m; Externspeicher, m; peripherer Speicher, m; Peripheriespeicher, m; äußerer… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
peripheral storage — išorinė atmintinė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. external memory; external storage; peripheral memory; peripheral storage vok. externer Speicher, m; Externspeicher, m; peripherer Speicher, m; Peripheriespeicher, m; äußerer… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Memory and trauma — Memory is described by psychology as the ability of an organism to store, retain, and subsequently retrieve information. When an individual experiences a traumatic event, whether physically or psychologically traumatic, his or her memory can be… … Wikipedia
Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group — Ein PCI Steckplatz (32 Bit) 64 Bit PCI X Steckplätze. Peripheral Component Interconnect, meist PCI abgekürzt, ist ein Bus Standard zur Verbindung von Peripheriegeräten mit dem … Deutsch Wikipedia
Memory-mapped I/O — For more generic meanings of input/output port, see Computer port (hardware). MMIO redirects here. For the airport serving Saltillo, Mexico, assigned the ICAO code MMIO, see Plan de Guadalupe International Airport. Memory mapped I/O (MMIO) and… … Wikipedia
Peripheral Component Interconnect — Infobox Computer Hardware Bus name = PCI fullname = peripheral component interconnection caption = Five 5V 32 bit PCI expansion slots on a motherboard invent date = July 1993 invent name = Intel super date = 2004 super name = PCI Express width =… … Wikipedia
Peripheral Component Interconnect — Ein PCI Steckplatz (32 Bit) 64 Bit PCI 2.0 Steckplätze. Peripheral … Deutsch Wikipedia
Peripheral device — In computer hardware, a peripheral device is any device attached to a computer in order to expand its functionality (basically input and output devices together are known as peripherals). Some of the more common peripheral devices are printers,… … Wikipedia
memory — n. (pl. ies) 1 the faculty by which things are recalled to or kept in the mind. 2 a this faculty in an individual (my memory is beginning to fail). b one s store of things remembered (buried deep in my memory). 3 a recollection or remembrance… … Useful english dictionary
Memory B cell — For other uses, see Memory cell (disambiguation). B lymphocytes are the cells of the immune system that make antibodies to invading pathogens like viruses. They form memory cells that remember the same pathogen for faster antibody production in… … Wikipedia
Memory mapping — In computing, memory mapping may refer to: Memory mapped file, also known as mmap() Memory mapped I/O, an alternative to port I/O; a communication between CPU and peripheral device using the same instructions, and same bus, as between CPU and… … Wikipedia