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peripheral device

См. также в других словарях:

  • Peripheral Device —   [engl.], Peripheriegerät …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Peripheral device — In computer hardware, a peripheral device is any device attached to a computer in order to expand its functionality (basically input and output devices together are known as peripherals). Some of the more common peripheral devices are printers,… …   Wikipedia

  • peripheral device — noun (computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer disk drives and printers are important peripherals • Syn: ↑peripheral, ↑computer peripheral • Topics: ↑computer science, ↑computing …   Useful english dictionary

  • peripheral device — išorinis įrenginys statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. external device; external unit; peripheral device; peripheral unit vok. Anschlußgerät, n; externe Einheit, f; externes Gerät, n; periphere Einheit, f; peripheres Gerät, n rus.… …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • peripheral device — išorinis įtaisas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Įtaisas, prijungtas prie kompiuterio ir valdomas kompiuterio ↑procesoriaus (pvz., ↑spausdintuvas, ↑pelė, ↑vairasvirtė, ↑modemas), bet esantis jo išorėje. atitikmenys: angl. external… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • peripheral device — /pəˈrɪfərəl dəvaɪs/ (say puh rifuhruhl duhvuys) noun a device attached to a computer which transfers information to or from the computer, as a printer, scanner, keyboard, etc. Also, peripheral, peripheral unit …  

  • Peripheral Device —   A computer device which are capable of some level of independent functioning when not connected to the computer system. An example of a peripheral is an input device which can store data temporarily before transmitting it to the computer system …   International financial encyclopaedia

  • peripheral device — noun A device that is outside the computers system unit, such as a printer or a scanner. Syn: peripheral …   Wiktionary

  • peripheral device — equipment that is connected to a computer (printer, keyboard, etc.) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • SCSI Peripheral Device Type — A SCSI Peripheral Device Type is a way of describing what capabilities are provided by a SCSI device. It is a five bit field which can be found in the Standard Inquiry Data provided in response to an Inquiry Command. This field was defined in the …   Wikipedia

  • peripheral device or equipment —    Equipment that works in conjunction with a computer or processor and provides the system with outside communication …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

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