1 periodic control
2 periodic control
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > periodic control
3 periodic control
4 periodic control
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > periodic control
5 periodic control
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > periodic control
6 control
1. n1) управление, руководство2) контроль, проверка; контролирование; надзор3) управление; регулирование; регулировка
- accounting control
- administrative control
- air traffic control
- arms control
- automatic control
- biological control
- birth control
- border control
- budgetary control
- central control
- check-in control
- complete control
- computer control
- constant control
- consumer credit control
- contamination control
- continuous control
- cost control
- credit control
- crop pest control
- currency control
- current control
- customs control
- cycle control
- day-to-day control
- depletion control
- direct control
- economic control
- effective control
- environmental control
- exchange control
- export control
- feedback control
- financial control
- fiscal control
- follow-up control
- foreign control
- foreign exchange control
- functional control
- government control
- humidity control
- import control
- inadequate control
- individual control
- inflation control
- information control
- insurance control
- internal control
- international control of liquidity
- internal administrative control
- interoperational control
- inventory control
- labour control
- lax control
- machine control
- managerial control
- mandatory control
- manual control
- manufacturing control
- market control
- marketing control
- material control
- material quality control
- maximum-minimum inventory control
- monetary control
- monetary base control
- monopoly control
- nongovernmental control
- numerical control
- on-site control
- operating control
- operational control
- order control
- ordering and stock control
- order intake control
- output control
- outside control
- overall control
- partial control
- passport control
- percentage control
- periodic control
- pest control
- pollution control
- population control
- price control
- process control
- product control
- production control
- product quality control
- product status control
- profitability control
- programme control
- progress control
- property control
- public control
- quality control
- quantity control
- regular control
- remote control
- rent control
- routine control
- running control
- selection control
- selective control
- selective credit control
- selective price control
- sequential control
- shipping control
- shop floor control
- shortage control
- social control
- special control
- spending control
- standard control
- standard cost control
- state control
- statistical control
- statutory control
- stock control
- stores control
- strict control
- stringent control
- supervisory control
- supplier control
- technical control
- tight control
- traffic control
- uniform control
- unit stock control
- vehicle exhaust control
- wage control
- wage-price control
- work control
- workers' control
- working control
- control of goods received
- control of investment
- control of materials and supplies inventories
- control over export and import
- control over prices
- under the control of
- assume control
- bring under control
- carry out control
- drop control
- effect control
- ensure effective control
- establish control
- exercise control
- exert control
- gain control of a company
- get beyond control
- get out of control
- have control
- impose control
- keep under control
- lift control
- lose control
- maintain control
- perform control
- place under control
- put under control
- relinquish control
- set up control
- strengthen control
- take out of control
- take under control2. v1) управлять, руководить2) контролировать, проверять3) регулировать, контролироватьEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > control
7 control
1. управление; регулирование; управляемость; стабилизация/ управлять; регулировать2. управляющее устройство; регулятор; орган управления, средство управления; рычаг управления; поверхность управления, руль3. <pl> система управления; система регулирования4. управляющее воздействие, управление; отклонение органа управления; перемещение рычага управления5. контроль6. подавление <напр. колебаний>; предотвращениесм. тж. control,control in the pitch axis4-D controlacceleration controladaptable controladaptive controlaerodynamic controlaeroelastic controlaileron controlair traffic controlairborne controlaircraft controlairspeed controlall-mechanical controlsantispin controlsapproach controlarea controlarrival controlattitude controlaugmented controlsautopilot controlbang-bang controlbank-to-turn controlbimodal controlboundary layer controlbounded controlBTT controlbuoyancy controlbus controlCG controlcable controlcable-operated controlscamber controlcaptain`s controlscenter-of-gravity controlchattering controlclearance controlclosed-loop controlclosed-loop controlscockpit controlcockpit controlscollective controlcollective-pitch controlcolocated controlcompensatory controlconfiguration controlcontinuous controlcooperative controlcoordinated controlscorrosion controlcross controlscrowd controlcruise camber controlcyclic controlcyclic pitch controldamper-induced controldamping controldecentralized controldecoupled controldeformable controlsdeformation controldescent controldifferential controldigital controldirect force controldirect lateral force controldirect lift controldirect lift controlsdirect sideforce controldirect sideforce controlsdirectional controldirectional attitude controldirectional flight path controldiscontinuous controldiscrete controldisplacement controldistributed controldivergence controldrag controldual controlelastic mode controlelectrical signalled controlelevator controlen route air traffic controlengine controlserror controlevader controlFBW controlsfeedback controlfighter controlfinal controlfine controlfinger-on-glass controlfingertip controlfinite-time controlfixed-wing controlflap controlFlettner controlflight controlflight controlsflight path controlflow controlfluidic controlflutter controlflutter mode controlfly-by-glass controlfly-by-light controlsfly-by-wire controlsflying controlflying controlsforce controlforce sensitive controlforce sensitive controlsforebody controlsfountain controlfracture controlfriend/foe controlfuel controlfuel distribution controlfuel efficient controlfuel feed controlfull controlfull nose-down controlfull nose-down to full nose-up controlfull-authority controlfull-authority controlsfull-state controlfull-time fly-by-wire controlgain-scheduled controlglide path controlglideslope controlground-based controlharmonized controlshead-out controlhead-up controlheading controlheld controlshierarchical controlhigh-alpha controlhigh-angle-of-attack controlhigh-bandpass controlhigh-bandwidth controlhigh-speed controlhigher harmonic controlhigher harmonic controlshighly augmented controlsHOTAS controlshover mode controlhovering controlhydromechanical controlin-flight controlindividual blade controlindividual flap cruise camber controlinfra-red emissions controlinner-loop controlinput controlinput/output controlintegral controlintegrated controlinteractive controlsintercom/comms controlsirreversible controljet reaction controlkeyboard controlkeyboard controlsknowledge-based controllaminar flow controllateral controllateral-directional controlleading-edge controlsleft controlLiapunov optimal controllinear quadratic Gaussian controllinear quadratic regulator controlload factor controllongitudinal controllongitudinal cyclic controllow-bandwidth controllow-speed controlLQG controlLyapunov optimal controlmaneuver controlmaneuver camber controlmaneuver load controlmaneuvering controlmanual controlmass-flow controlmicroprocessor based controlMIMO controlminimax optimal controlminimum time controlminimum variance controlmisapplied controlsmission-critical controlmixing controlmodal controlmode controlsmodel-following controlmotion controlmultiaxis controlmultiple model controlmultiple-axis controlmultiple-input/multiple-output controlmultisurface controlmultivariable controlneutral controlsnoise controlnoninertial controlnonlinear feedback controlnonunique controlnose-down controlnose-down pitch controlopen-loop controlopen-loop controlsoptimal controlouter-loop controloxygen controlsperformance seeking controlperiodic controlperturbational controlpilot controlpilot-induced oscillation prone controlpiloting controlpiloting controlspitch controlpitch plane controlpitch-recovery controlpneumatic controlpneumodynamic controlpointing controlpositive controlpost stall controlpower controlpowered controlpredictive controlpressurization controlpreview controlpro-spin controlspropeller controlpropeller controlsproportional plus integral controlpropulsion controlspropulsion system controlspursuer controlpursuit controlradio controlsrate controlrate controlsratio-type controlsreaction controlreconfigurable controlsrecovery controlrecovery controlsreduced order controlrelay controlremote pilot controlresponsive controlrestructurable controlreverse controlreversed controlride controlrigid body controlrobust controlroll controlroll attitude controlroll-axis controlrotational controlrotor controlrudder controlrudder controlsrudder-only controlsea controlself-tuning controlsequence controlservo controlservo-flap controlservo-flap controlsshock controlshock wave/boundary layer controlshort period response controlsideforce controlsidestick controlsidestick controlssight controlssignature controlsingle-axis controlsingle-engine controlsingle-lever controlsingular perturbation optimal controlsix degree-of-freedom controlslew controlslewing controlsliding mode controlssmoothed controlsnap-through controlsoftware-intensive flight controlsspace structure controlstation keeping controlstepsize controlstiffness control of structurestochastic controlstructural controlstructural mode controlsuboptimal controlsuction boundary layer controlsuperaugmented controlswashplate controlsweep controlsystems controltactical controlstail controltail rotor controltailplane controltask-oriented controltask-tailored controltaxying controlterminal controlthin controlthree-surface controlthrottle controlthrust controlthrust magnitude controltight controltilt controltime-of-arrival controltime-optimal controltime/fuel optimal controltip clearance controlto regain controltorque controltorque controlstrailing-edge controlstransient controltranslational controltri-surface controltrim controlturn coordination controlupfront controlupward-tilted controlvariable structure controlvectorial controlvehicular controlvelocity controlvertical controlvibration controlvoice actuated controlsvortex controlvortex manipulation controlvortex-lift controlwing-mounted controlsyaw control -
8 control
управление; регулирование; контроль; орган [рычаг] управления; руль; pl. система управления или регулирования; управлять; регулироватьback seat flight control — управление ЛА из задней кабины [с места заднего лётчика]; pl. дублирующие органы управления в задней кабине
be out of control — терять управление [управляемость]; выходить из-под управления [контроля]
continuously variable thrust control — плавное [бесступенчатое] регулирование тяги
control c.g. control — регулирование центровки (ЛА)
control of missile attitude — стабилизация ракеты; управление пространственным положением ракеты
control of the air — превосходство или господство в воздухе; превосходство в области авиации [в авиационной технике]; контроль воздушного пространства
control of the yoke — разг. управление штурвалом
control of thrust orientation — управление ориентированием [направлением вектора] тяги
flight deck lighting controls — органы управления [ручки регулировки] освещением кабины экипажа
fling the controls over — перебрасывать органы управления (в противоположную сторону),
flow control with altitude compensation — регулятор расхода [подачи] с высотным корректором
fuel dump valve control — кран [рычаг крана] аварийного слива топлива
gas jet attitude control — управление пространственным положением с помощью системы газоструйных рулей
go out of control — терять управление, выходить из-под управления [контроля]
ground rollout rudder steering control — управление пробегом [на пробеге] с помощью руля направления
interconnected fuel and propeller controls — объединённая система регулирования подачи топлива и шага винта
jet tab thrust vector control — управление вектором тяги с помощью газовых рулей; дефлекторное управление вектором тяги
jet(-deflection, -direction) control — реактивное [струйное] управление; управление изменением направления тяги; струйный руль
manual mixture shut-off control — рычаг отсечки подачи горючей смеси, рычаг останова [выключения] двигателя
maximum boundary layer control — управление пограничным слоем при наибольшей эффективности [производительности, интенсивности работы] системы
recover the control — восстанавливать управление [управляемость]
respond to the controls — реагировать [отвечать] на отклонение рулей [органов управления]
space shuttle orbiter control — управление орбитальной ступенью челночного воздушно-космического аппарата
throttle and collective pitch control — верт. рычаг «шаг — газ»
9 control
1) управление; регулирование; регулировка || управлять; регулировать; задавать2) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять3) орган управления; орган регулировки, регулятор; орган настройки4) устройство управления; блок управления6) рукоятка или рычаг управления7) профилактические мероприятия, надзор•"operation is under control" — всё предусмотрено для нормальной работы;to gain control — вчт. получать управление:to go out of control — становиться неуправляемым;to operate ( to handle) the flight controls — оперировать органами управления полётом;to pass control — вчт. передавать управление;to return control — вчт. возвращать управление;to take over control — брать управление на себя;to transfer control — вчт. передавать управление-
cascaded control-
cathode control-
CO/O2 combustion control-
communications control-
computer control-
contactor-type control-
continuous-path control-
course gage control-
current-mode control-
dispatcher control-
focusing control-
holding control-
horizontal-frequency control-
hue range control-
long-distance control-
managerial control-
microprogramming control-
numerical program control-
on-off action control-
position-based control-
slide control-
step-by-step control-
time-pattern control -
10 control structure
1. структура управляющей логики; управляющая структура2. управляющая структураstructure of capital — структура капитала; строение капитала
11 control structure
structure of capital — структура капитала; строение капитала
12 periodic automatic gain control
временная автоматическая регулировка усиления, ВАРУБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > periodic automatic gain control
13 periodic automatic gain control
временная автоматическая регулировка усиления, ВАРУАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > periodic automatic gain control
14 periodic automatic gain control
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > periodic automatic gain control
15 periodic batch control
управление (запасами) путем периодической подачи заказовThe English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > periodic batch control
17 structure
структура (1. строение; внутренняя организация 2. схема; система; конструкция 3. интегральная структура; интегральная схема 4. форма; вид) || образовывать структуру; структурировать; организовывать || структурный- air-isolation monolithic structure
- antiasperomagnetic structure
- antiferromagnetic structure
- array structure
- asperomagnetic structure
- asymmetric-chevron bubble propagating structure
- backward-wave structure
- band structure
- base-centered structure
- beam-lead structure
- bias-pin resonator structure
- biperiodic structure
- BIST structure
- block structure
- branch control structure
- bubble array structure
- bubble-domain array structure
- bucket-brigade structure
- built-in self-test structure
- built-in self-testing structure
- buried-collector structure
- BW structure
- canted magnetic structure
- CCD structure
- cell structure
- charge-coupled-device structure
- charge-sloshing structure
- charge-transfer structure
- chevron layer structure
- cholesteric structure
- class structure
- close-packed structure
- cluster spin glass structure
- collinear structure
- comb structure
- commensurate magnetic structure
- complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor structure
- computing structure
- conceptual structure
- cone magnetic structure
- contiguous data structure
- continuous slow-wave structure
- control structure
- coordination structure
- coplanar-electrode structure
- crystal structure
- cubic structure
- current-induced magnetic-flux structure
- data structure
- decision structure
- deep structure
- dendrite structure
- diamagnetic structure
- dielectric-anisotropic electrooptic crystal sandwich structure
- dielectric-isolated structure
- directory structure
- disordered structure
- dissipative structure
- distributed data structure
- domain structure
- domain-wall structure
- double-drift structure
- dual-base structure
- electronic band structure
- endohedral structure
- energy-band structure
- epitaxial structure
- extended-interaction structure
- face-centered structure
- FAMOS structure
- fan magnetic structure
- feed-backward lattice structure
- feed-forward lattice structure
- ferrimagnetic spiral structure
- ferrimagnetic structure
- ferromagnetic spiral structure
- ferromagnetic structure
- file structure
- fine structure
- flat antiferromagnetic spiral structure
- floating-gate avalanche-injection MOS structure
- forward-wave structure
- fractal structure
- generic structure
- graded-base structure
- graphic data structure
- gross crystal structure
- guard-ring structure
- half-disk bubble propagating structure
- Hamiltonian structure
- helicoidal magnetic structure
- heterodesmic structure
- heterojunction structure
- hexagonal structure
- hill-and-valley structure
- homodesmic structure
- honeycomb domain structure
- honeycomb structure
- hybrid ferromagnet-semiconductor structure
- hyperfine structure
- I2-PLASA structure
- ideal spin glass structure
- IF-THEN-ELSE structure
- incommensurate magnetic structure
- integrated-circuit structure
- intellectual structure
- interdigital structure
- interdigitated structure
- internally striped planar structure
- intracell charge-transfer structure
- inverted structure
- ion-implanted planar mesa structure
- ion-implanted structure
- island structure
- isomorphic structures
- iteration control structure
- junction-isolated structure
- ladder-line slow-wave structure
- lag structure
- lateral complementary-transistor structure
- lattice structure
- leapfrog multi-feedback structure
- light-guiding structure
- line injecting structure
- linear structure
- local periodic structure
- logic control structure
- logic structure
- log-periodic structure
- long-periodic magnetic structure
- loop structure
- LP structure
- lyotropic structure
- major-minor loop memory structure
- MAS structure
- meander-line slow-wave structure
- merged structure
- mesa structure
- mesh structure
- metal-alumina-semiconductor structure
- metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor structure
- metal-insulator-metal structure
- metal-insulator-metal-insulator-metal structure
- metal-insulator-metal-insulator-semiconductor structure
- metal-insulator-oxide-semiconductor structure
- metal-insulator-semiconductor annular structure
- metal-insulator-semiconductor structure
- metal-insulator-semiconductor-insulator-semiconductor structure
- metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor structure
- metal-nitride-semiconductor structure
- metal-oxide-metal structure
- metal-oxide-semiconductor structure
- metal-oxide-silicon structure
- metal-silicon nitride-silicon oxide-silicon structure
- metal-thick oxide-nitride-silicon structure
- metal-thick oxide-silicon structure
- MFS structure
- microwave structure
- mictomagnetic structure
- MIM structure
- MIMIM structure
- MIMIS structure
- MIOS structure
- MIS annular structure
- MIS structure
- MISIS structure
- MNOS structure
- MNS structure
- modular structure
- modulated magnetic structure
- modulated structure
- molecular structure
- monoclinic structure
- monolithic structure
- MOS structure
- MQW structure
- MSNSOS structure
- multidomain structure
- multiemitter structure
- multijunction structure
- multilevel structure
- multilevel-metallized structure
- multimode structure
- multiple-base structure
- multiple-junction structure
- multipole structure
- multiquantum-well structure
- n on p structure
- n on p substrate structure
- narrow-gap structure
- nematic structure
- nested structure
- n-i-p-i structure
- noncollinear structure
- non-contiguous data structure
- nonuniform-base structure
- n-p-n structure
- object structure
- one-element failure permissible structure
- optical-waveguide structure
- ordered structure
- organizational structure
- orthorhombic structure
- overlapping-gate structure
- overlay structure
- p on n structure
- p on n substrate structure
- paramagnetic structure
- percolation structure
- periodic domain structure
- periodic magnetic focusing structure
- periodic permanent-magnet structure
- perovskite structure
- phase slip structure
- photoconductor-elastomer structure
- planar structure
- plane-injection structure
- p-n structure
- p-n-i-p structure
- pnotojunction structure
- p-n-p structure
- polycrystalline structure
- position-dependent zone structure
- PPM structure
- program structure
- p-si-n structure
- punch-through structure
- radar absorbing structure
- Read structure
- rearrangeable multistage structure
- record structure
- redundant structure
- reflexive structure
- relational structure
- rhombohedral structure
- RM structure
- sandwich structure
- sectorial structure of crystal
- selection structure
- self-referent structure
- self-similar structure
- semiconductor-metal-semiconductor structure
- sequence structure
- sequential data structure
- signal structure
- silicon-on-insulated substrate structure
- silicon-on-insulator structure
- silicon-on-spinel structure
- simple cubic structure
- simple spiral magnetic structure
- slowing structure
- slow-wave propagation structure
- slow-wave structure
- smectic structure
- SMS structure
- social structure
- space-antenna support structure
- sperimagnetic structure
- speromagnetic structure
- spin structure
- spin-screw structure
- spiral magnetic structure
- spiral structure
- staggered-electrode structure
- standard buried-collector structure
- star structure
- stripe domain structure
- structure of management information
- sub-band structure
- supercritically doped structure
- superlattice structure
- surface structure
- symbol structure
- tape helix slow-wave structure
- technical structure
- tesselation structure
- test structure
- tetragonal structure
- T-I-bar structure
- transverse-tape slow-wave structure
- tree structure
- triclinic structure
- trigonal structure
- twin structure
- two-element failure permissible structure
- two-sleeve spiral magnetic structure
- umbrella magnetic structure
- undercut mesa structure
- uniform-base structure
- unipolar structure
- vertical p-n-p structure
- V-groove metal-oxide-semiconductor structure
- volume-centered structure
- vortex structure
- wide-gap structure
- Y-bar structure
- Y-I-bar structure
- zig-zag line slow-wave structureThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > structure
18 test
1. испытание, проверка; опыт; проба; исследование, анализ || испытывать, проверять; исследовать; производить анализ2. опробование ( скважины) || опробоватьrule of thumb test — грубый [приближенный] метод оценки
— ball indentation test— Charpy impact test— DAP test— dry test— hydraulic pressure test— Izod impact test— shearing test— torsional test— wearing test
* * *
1. испытание, испытания; проверка; контроль2. исследование; анализ3. критерийdrill stem formation test — исследование пласта пластоиспытателем, спускаемым на бурильных трубах
— use test
* * *
исследование; испытание; опыт; проверка
* * *
опыт; испытание, проверка; проверять
* * *
1) испытание, испытания; проба; проверка; контроль2) исследование; анализ4) опробование ( скважины) || опробовать6) критерий•test for color stability — испытания ( бензина) на стабильность цвета;
test for defect — проверка на наличие дефектов;
test for soundness — испытания ( цемента) на равномерность изменения объёма;
test for suitability — испытания на пригодность (); испытания на соответствие заданным требованиям;
to test a core for shows of oil — исследовать керн на признаки нефти;
to test a well — измерять дебит скважины;
to apply boring test — применять бурение при поисковых работах;
test to destruction — испытания до разрушения ( образца), разрушающие испытания;
test to failure — испытания до отказа;
to put to test — подвергать испытаниям;
test with recovery — испытания с восстановлением;
- abrasion testtest without destruction — испытания без разрушения ( образца), неразрушающие испытания;
- accelerated test
- accelerated aging test of gasoline
- acceleration inertia load test
- acceptance test
- acid heat test
- activity test
- adhesion test
- air pressure test
- alkali test
- angularity test
- aniline test
- appraisal test
- assessment test
- ASTM test
- audit test
- availability acceptance test
- azimuth test
- back-pressure test
- back-pressure formation test
- bailing test
- bearing test
- bedrock test
- blowdown test
- bottle test
- breakdown test
- burn-in reliability test
- carbon test
- carbon color test
- casing-packer formation test
- centrifuge test
- certification test
- charcoal test
- charcoal weight test
- checkout test
- cloud test of petroleum oil
- coke test
- coking test
- cold test
- combined environment reliability test
- complete destructive test
- complete functional test
- cone penetrometer test
- confirmation test
- confirmatory test
- consumption test
- contact test
- contamination test
- control test
- controlled test
- copper dish gum evaporation test
- copper dish residue test
- copper strip test
- corrosion test
- corrosive wear test
- cracking test
- crankcase oil dilution test
- crankcase oil foaming test
- crosstalk test
- current production rate test
- damaging test
- deep test
- deep pool test
- definitive test
- demulsibility test
- demulsification test
- development test
- diammonium phosphate test
- diesel-fuel distillation test
- diesel-fuel gravity test
- dilution test of fuel
- dip test
- direct oxidation test
- distillation test
- doctor test
- double casing-packer formation test
- double wall-packer formation test
- drawdown test
- drift test
- drilling mud density test
- drilling mud fluidity test
- drill-off test
- drill-stem formation test
- dry test
- eddy-current test
- emulsification test
- endurance test
- engineering design test
- engineering evaluation test
- equipment operation test
- evaporation test of gasoline
- evaporation gum test
- exploratory test
- extension test
- fail-safe test
- failure test
- failure-producing test
- failure-rate test
- failure-terminated test
- failure-truncated test
- failure-under-load test
- falling weight test
- fatigue test
- field test
- field compression test
- field maintenance test
- filter test
- filtration test
- final malfunction test
- fire test
- firing time test
- flammability test
- float test
- floc test
- flood pot test
- flow test
- flowing bottom hole pressure test
- fluid test
- foam test
- forced failure test
- formation test
- formation productivity test
- friability test
- fuel dilution test
- full-scale test
- full-scale fatigue test
- gas test
- gas flow test
- gas impermeability test
- gasoline precipitation test
- gasoline sulfur test
- gasoline tetraethil lead test
- gasoline volatility test
- gel strength test
- glass dish evaporation test
- glass dish gum test
- Green test
- guarantee test
- gum test
- gumming test
- hammer test
- hand test
- heavy-duty test
- hot test
- hot filtration test
- hydraulic-pressure test
- hydro test
- hydrogen-in-petroleum test
- hydrostatic test
- immersion test
- in-place test
- in-use life test
- inflammability test
- initial well potential test
- injectivity test
- injectivity-index test
- interference test
- intermodulation test
- kauri-butanol solvency test
- knock test
- laboratory test on crude
- laboratory test on oil
- lacquer test
- lamp burning test
- lamp sulfur test
- lead acetate test
- leak test
- leakage test
- leakage test of weld seams
- length-of-life test
- life test
- life-certification test
- line test
- logging-cable formation test
- longevity test
- lubricating oil emulsion test
- lubricating oil metal test
- magnetic polarity test
- maintainability test
- maintenance test
- marine explosure test
- mercurization test
- mercury freezing test
- mixing water test
- motor method test
- multirate flow test
- neutralization test
- nitrating test
- nonfoaming test
- nonreplacement test
- oil cold test
- oil corrosion test
- oil emulsion test
- oil well potential test
- Oliensis spot test
- on-site test
- open-flow test
- open-hole formation test
- operability test
- operating life test
- operational test
- operational readiness test
- operational readiness and reliability test
- operational readiness inspection test
- operational suitability test
- oven test
- overflow test
- overspeed test
- overstress reliability test
- oxidation test
- oxygen absorption test
- pass-fail test
- penetration test
- performance test
- periodic potential test
- periodic well potential test
- permeability test
- pipeline immersion test
- plam test
- porcelain dish test
- postcompletional flow test
- potential test
- predemonstration test
- preliminary qualification test
- preoverhaul test
- prepilot mining test
- prequalification test
- pressure test
- pressure building test
- pressure drawdown test
- pressure transient test
- producing test
- production test
- production reliability test
- productivity test
- product-proof test
- proof test
- pulling test
- pulse test
- qualification test
- quality verification test
- reaction test
- reflection test
- refraction test
- reliability test
- reliability assurance test
- reliability audit test
- reliability demonstration test
- reliability field test
- reliability growth test
- reliability production test
- reliability verification test
- repair test
- repeated bending stress test
- repeated compression test
- repeated direct stress test
- repeated dynamic stress test
- repeated impact tension test
- repeated stress test
- repeated tensile stress test
- repeated tension test
- repeated torsion test
- replacement test
- reservoir limit test
- reversion test of kerosene
- rheometric test
- ring test
- road knock test
- rock specimen test
- running test
- sampling reliability test
- seawater corrosion test
- sediment-and-water test
- sedimentometric test
- seismic test
- selective flow test of well
- sequential reliability test
- service test
- serviceability test
- service-life evaluation test
- setting-time test
- settlement test
- severe-duty test
- shallover pay test
- short-time well test
- shut-in pressure test
- sieving test
- silica test
- silicotungstic acid test
- sludge test
- sludging test
- smell test
- smoke test
- soap hardness test
- soundness-and-fineness test
- spot test
- spot quality test
- stability test
- standard test
- standard acid test
- standard distillation test
- steady-state test of well
- steam soak test
- step-rate test
- straddle test
- straddle packer drill stem test
- straight-hole test
- strata test
- submersion test
- suitability test
- sulfated residue test
- sulfur test
- sulfuric acid heat test
- system operation test
- tap test
- tensile test
- tensile-and-compression test
- tensile-fatigue test
- tensile-impact test
- tensile-shock test
- tension test
- thickening-time test
- through-casing formation test
- time-terminated reliability test
- torque test
- torsion test
- torsion impact test
- toughness test
- trial test
- tribotechnical test
- Tutwiler test
- twisting test
- type test
- undestructive test
- upsetting test
- up-the-hole test
- use test
- vane test
- varnish test
- verification life test
- viscosity test
- volatilization test
- wall building test
- wall-packer formation test
- warranty test
- water test
- water-and-oil content test
- waterflood core test
- water-loss test
- wear test
- weld test
- weldability test
- welding test
- well test
- well potential test
- winterization test
- wireline formation test
- withdrawal test* * * -
19 system
система; комплекс; средство; способ; метод; сеть (напр. дорог) ;aiming-navigation system (analog, digital) — прицельно-навигационная система (аналоговая, цифровая)
air observation, acquisition and fire control system — (бортовая) система воздушной разведки, засечки целей и управления огнем
air support aircraft ECM (equipment) system — (бортовая) система РЭП для самолетов авиационной поддержки
airborne (ground) target acquisition and illumination laser system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и подсветки (наземных) целей
airborne (ground) targeting and laser designator system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и целеуказания (наземных целей)
airborne laser illumination, ranging and tracking system — ав. бортовая система лазерной подсветки, определения дальности и сопровождения цели
artillery (nuclear) delivery system — артиллерийская система доставки (ядерного) боеприпаса (к цели)
C2 system — система оперативного управления; система руководства и управления
C3 system — система руководства, управления и связи; система оперативного управления и связи
channel and message switching (automatic) communications system — АСС с коммутацией каналов и сообщений
country-fair type rotation system (of instruction) — метод одновременного обучения [опроса] нескольких учебных групп (переходящих от одного объекта изучения к другому)
dual-capable (conventional/nuclear) weapon delivery system — система доставки (обычного или ядерного) боеприпаса к цели
electromagnetic emitters identification, location and suppression system — система обнаружения, опознавания и подавления источников электромагнитных излучений [излучающих РЭС]
field antimissile (missile) system — полевой [войсковой] ПРК
fire-on-the-move (air defense) gun system — подвижный зенитный артиллерийский комплекс для стрельбы в движении [на ходу]
fluidic (missile) control system — ркт. гидравлическая [струйная] система управления полетом
forward (area) air defense system — система ПВО передового района; ЗРК для войсковой ПВО передового района
graduated (availability) operational readiness system — Бр. система поэтапной боевой готовности (частей и соединений)
high-resolution satellite IR detection, tracking and targeting system — спутниковая система с ИК аппаратурой высокой разрешающей способности для обнаружения, сопровождения целей и наведения средств поражения
ICBM (alarm and) early warning satellite system — спутниковая система обнаружения пусков МБР и раннего предупреждения (средств ПРО)
information storage, tracking and retrieval system — система накопления, хранения и поиска информации
instantaneous grenade launcher (armored vehicle) smoke system — гранатомет (БМ) для быстрой постановки дымовой завесы
Precision Location [Locator] (and) Strike system — высокоточная система обеспечения обнаружения и поражения целей; высокоточный разведывательно-ударный комплекс
rapid deceleration (parachute) delivery system — парашютная система выброски грузов с быстрым торможением
real time, high-resolution reconnaissance satellite system — спутниковая разведывательная система с высокой разрешающей способностью аппаратуры и передачей информации в реальном масштабе времени
received signal-oriented (output) jamming signal power-adjusting ECM system — система РЭП с автоматическим регулированием уровня помех в зависимости от мощности принимаемого сигнала
sea-based nuclear (weapon) delivery system — система морского базирования доставки ядерного боеприпаса к цели
small surface-to-air ship self-defense (missile) system — ЗРК ближнего действия для самообороны корабля
Status Control, Alerting and Reporting system — система оповещения, контроля и уточнения состояния [боевой готовности] сил и средств
surface missile (weapon) system — наземный [корабельный] РК
target acquisition, rapid designation and precise aiming system — комплекс аппаратуры обнаружения цели, быстрого целеуказания и точного прицеливания
— ABM defense system— antimissile missile system— central weapon system— countersurprise military system— laser surveying system— tank weapon system— vertical launching system— weapons system -
20 point
1) точка2) балл, очко3) деление (шкалы); румб; лимб4) заострение, остриё, острый конец || заострять, затачивать5) полигр. пункт ( единица измерения в типографской системе мер)6) пост, пункт, место7) мыс8) наконечник9) предмет11) указывать•about a point — мат. в окрестности точки
point at infinity — мат. несобственный элемент, бесконечно удалённая точка
point covers a line — т. граф. вершина покрывает ребро
point in infinity — мат. точка в бесконечности
winding number of curve with respect to point — мат. порядок кривой относительно точки (число оборотов вектора, соединяющего данную точку с точкой кривой при обходе кривой)
right two points — мор. на два румба вправо
with a point as a center — мат. с центром в точке…
- bisecting point of a segment - conditionally stable point - division point - essentially singular point - general point - generic point - horizontal control point - infinitely remote point point - material point - minimal fixed point - negatively stable point - nonessential singular point - optimum point - piercing point of a line - point of greatest concentration - positively normal point - positively stable point - right singular point - single mass point - strongly recurrent point - strongly singular point - triply rational point - uniplanar double point - unstable nodal point - upper significance pointwith respect to point — мат. относительно точки
См. также в других словарях:
control — CONTRÓL, controale, s.n. 1. Analiză permanentă sau periodică a unei activităţi, a unei situaţii etc. pentru a urmări mersul ei şi pentru a lua măsuri de îmbunătăţire. ♢ Lucrare de control = lucrare scrisă prin care se verifică periodic… … Dicționar Român
Periodic abstinence — may refer to: *The use of fertility awareness as birth control *Following the Roman Catholic Church s teachings on natural family planning … Wikipedia
Periodic current reversal — (PCR) is a current modulation technique that can be used in various electrochemical processes.In the most basic sense PCR simply means that the electrical current applied to the cell is reversed periodically but unlike pure AC the average (nett)… … Wikipedia
Control of chaos — This article is about a non linear system. For the technique in the Sonic the Hedgehog games, see Chaos Control. In chaos theory, control of chaos is based on the fact that any chaotic attractor contains an infinite number of unstable periodic… … Wikipedia
Periodic graph (crystallography) — For other uses, see Periodic graph. A (large) unit cell of Diamond crystal net; the balls represent carbon atoms and the sticks represent covalent bonds … Wikipedia
Periodic paralysis — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = DiseasesDB = ICD10 = ICD10|G|72|3|g|70 ICD9 = ICD9|359.3 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = D010245 Periodic paralysis is a group of rare genetic diseases that lead to… … Wikipedia
Periodic fever syndrome — The periodic fever syndromes (also known as autoinflammatory syndromes) are a set of disorders, many of which are genetic disorders in which the mechanisms which initiate and control inflammation are disturbed, leading to uncontrolled… … Wikipedia
Control system — For other uses, see Control system (disambiguation). A control system is a device, or set of devices to manage, command, direct or regulate the behavior of other devices or system. There are two common classes of control systems, with many… … Wikipedia
Control (management) — Controlling is one of the managerial functions like planning, organizing, staffing and directing. It is an important function because it helps to check the errors and to take the corrective action so that deviation from standards are minimized… … Wikipedia
Periodic abstinence — Also known as fertility awareness, natural family planning, and the rhythm method, this approach entails not having sexual intercourse on the days of a woman s menstrual cycle when she could become pregnant or using a barrier method (such as a… … Medical dictionary
birth control — regulation of the number of children born through the deliberate control or prevention of conception. Cf. family planning (def. 1). [1914, Amer.] * * * Voluntary limiting of human reproduction, using such means as contraception, sexual abstinence … Universalium