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  • 1 Undone

    P. and V. γένητος, V. ἀργός, P. ἄπρακτος.
    Unfinished: P. and V. τελής; see Unaccomplished.
    Untouched, not put in hand: P. ἀργός (Plat., Euthy. 272A).
    Ruined: Ar. and V. φροῦδος; see Ruined.
    Be undone, be ruined: P. and V. πολωλέναι (2nd perf. of ἀπολλύναι), ἐξολωλέναι (2nd perf. of ἐξολλύναι) (Plat.), σφάλλεσθαι, οἴχεσθαι (Plat.), φθείρεσθαι, V. διόλλυσθαι, ὀλωλέναι (2nd perf. of ὀλλύναι), διαπεπορθῆσθαι (perf. pass. of διαπορθεῖν), διαπεπράχθαι (perf. pass. of διαπράσσειν), ἐξειργάσθαι (perf. pass. of ἐξεργάζεσθαι), ἐξεφθάρθαι (perf. pass. of ἐκφθείρειν). ἔρρειν (rare P.), Ar. and V. διοίχεσθαι, οὐκέτʼ εἶναι, οὐδὲν εἶναι.

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  • 2 Lose

    v. trans.
    P. and V. πολλύναι, μαρτνειν (gen.) (rare P.), σφάλλεσθαι (gen.). Ar. and P. ποβάλλειν, P. διαμαρτάνειν (gen.), V. ὀλλύναι, ἀμπλακεῖν ( 2nd aor. infin.) (gen.).
    Lose ( by death): P. and V. πολλναι (Eur., Hel. 408). Ar. and P. ποβάλλειν, V. μαρτνειν (gen.), ἀμπλακεῖν ( 2nd aor. infin.) (gen.). σφάλλεσθαι (gen.).
    Lose an opportunity: P. παριέναι καιρόν, ἀφιέναι καιρόν.
    Be deprived of: P. and V. ποστερεῖσθαι (gen.); see Deprive.
    Be driven from: P. and V. ἐκπίπτειν (ἐκ gen.; V. gen. alone). V. ἐκπίτνειν (gen.).
    Lose a battle: P. and V. ἡσσᾶσθαι.
    Lose in addition: Ar. and P. προσαποβάλλειν (Xen.).
    Lose one's case: Ar. and P. δκην ὀφλισκνειν.
    Lose one's senses: P. and V. ἐξίστασθαι; see be mad.
    Lose one's temper: P. and V. ὀργῇ ἐκφέρεσθαι.
    Lose one's way: P. and V. πλανᾶσθαι, P. διαμαρτάνειν τῆς ὁδοῦ, Ar. τῆς ὁδοῦ μαρτνειν.
    Lose sight of land: P. ἀποκρύπτειν γῆν (Plat.).
    Suffer loss: P. ἐλασσοῦσθαι, P. and V. ζημιοῦσθαι.
    The losing side: P. and V. οἱ ἥσσονες, V. οἱ λελειμμένοι.
    Be lost, disappear: P. and V. φανίζεσθαι, φανὴς γίγνεσθαι.
    Be ruined: P. and V. σφάλλεσθαι, πολωλέναι (Eur., Phoen. 922) (perf. of ἀπολλύναι), ἐξολωλέναι (Plat.) (perf. of ἐξολλύναι), V. ὀλωλέναι (perf. of ὀλλύναι), διαπεπορθῆσθαι (perf. pass. of διαπορθεῖν), ἔρρειν (rare P.); see be undone (Undone).
    They thought that all was lost: P. τοῖς ὅλοις ἡσσᾶσθαι ἐνόμιζον (Dem. 127).
    All was lost: P. and V. παντʼ πώλετο.
    Why are you lost in thought: V. τί... ἐς φροντίδας ἀπῆλθες (Eur., Ion, 583).
    Give oneself up for lost: P. προΐεσθαι ἑαυτόν.

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  • 3 Ruin

    Destruction: P. and V. ὄλεθρος, ὁ, φθορά, ἡ, διαφθορά, ἡ, V. ποφθορά, ἡ.
    Overthrow: P. and V. νάστασις, ἡ, κατασκαφή, ἡ, P. καθαίρεσις, ἡ, V. ναστροφή, ἡ.
    Loss: P. and V. ζημία, ἡ, βλαβή, ἡ, βλβος, τό.
    That which ruins: P. and V. ὄλεθρος, ὁ, κακόν, τό, V. πῆμα, τό, τη, ἡ, σνος, τό.
    Ruins, fallen buildings: P. οἰκίαι καταπεπτωκυῖαι.
    Wreckage ( of ships): P. and V. ναυγια, τά, V. γαί, αἱ; ( of other things besides): V. ἐρείπια, τά, ναυγια, τά.
    Ruins of, all that is left of: P. and V. λείψανον, or pl. (gen.).
    Lay in ruins, v.: P. and V. ἐξανιστναι, κατασκάπτειν.
    Fall in ruins: Ar. and P. καταρρεῖν, P. περικαταρρεῖν; see Fall.
    A doom of utter ruin: V. πάμφθαρτος μόρος (Æsch., Choe. 296).
    You unhappy city are involved in this ruin: V. σύ τʼ ὦ τάλαινα συγκατασκάπτει πόλις (Eur., Phoen. 884).
    ( I seemed to see) all the house dashed in ruins to the ground from top to bottom: V. πᾶν ἐρείψιμον στέγος βεβλημένον πρὸς οὖδας ἐξ ἄκρων σταθμῶν (Eur., I.T. 48).
    v. trans.
    Destroy: P. and V. φθείρειν, διαφθείρειν, καταφθείρειν (Plat. but rare P.), πολλύναι, διολλύναι, ἐξολλύναι, ποφθείρειν (Thuc. but rare P.), V. ὀλλύναι, ἐξαπολλναι, διεργάζεσθαι, ἐξεργάζεσθαι, Ar. and P. ἐπιτρβειν; see Destroy.
    Mar, spoil: P. and V. διαφθείρειν, λυμαίνεσθαι (acc. or dat.), Ar. and V. διαλυμαίνεσθαι.
    Injure: P. and V. βλάπτειν, κακοῦν, διαφθείρειν; see Injure, Corrupt.
    Corrupt: P. and V. διαφθείρειν, λυμαίνεσθαι (acc. or dat.); see Corrupt.
    Be ruined: P. and V. πολωλέναι (2nd perf. ἀπολλύναι), ἐξολωλέναι (2nd perf. ἐξολλύναι) (Plat.), σφάλλεσθαι, V. ὀλωλέναι (2nd perf. ὀλλύναι), διαπεπορθῆσθαι (perf. pass. διαπορθεῖν), ἔρρειν (rare P.); see Undone.
    Be brought to ruin: V. τᾶσθαι.

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  • 4 Expedience

    v. trans.
    Meet with: P. and V. χρῆσθαι (dat.).
    Encounter: P. and V. τυγχνειν (gen.), ἐντυγχνειν (dat.), ἐμπίπτειν (εἰς, acc.), περιπίπτειν (dat.), Ar. and V. κυρεῖν (gen.), V. συγκυρεῖν (dat.), ἀντᾶν (dat.).
    Experience ( a feeling): P. and V. ἔχειν, χρῆσθαι (dat.).
    To have had experience of: P. and V. γεγεῦσθαι (gen.) (perf. infin. pass. of γεύειν), πεπειρᾶσθαι (gen.) (perf. infin. mid. of πειρᾶν) (Eur., frag.), P. διαπεπειρᾶσθαι (gen.) (perf. infin. mid. of διαπειρᾶν).
    Be acquainted with: P. and V. ὁμιλεῖν (dat.).

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  • 5 Foretaste

    met., experience, proof: P. and V. πεῖρα, ἡ, P. πρόπειρα, ἡ.
    Give a foretaste of: P. and V. γεύειν (τινά τινος).
    To have had a foretaste of: P. and V. γεγεῦσθαι (gen.) (perf. infin. pass. of γεύειν), πεπειρᾶσθαι (gen.) (perf. infin. pass. of πειρᾶν) (Eur., frag.), P. διαπεπειρᾶσθαι (gen.) (perf. infin. pass. of διαπειρᾶν).

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  • 6 Agape

    Ar. and P. κεχηνώς (perf. part. of χάσκειν).
    Astonished: P. and V. ἐκπεπληγμένος (perf. part. pass. of ἐκπλήσσειν).

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  • 7 Brace

    P. and V. δεσμός, ὁ, Ar. and P. τόνος, ὁ.
    v. trans.
    Tighten: P. ἐπιτείνειν.
    met., encourage: P. ἐπιρρωνναι, P. and V. θρασνειν, θαρσνειν.
    Brace oneself, v.: P. and V. ἐρρῶσθαι (perf. pass. of ῥωννύναι), P. ἐπερρῶσθαι (perf. pass. of ἐπιρρωνύναι).
    Make an effort: P. and V. τείνειν, P. διατείνεσθαι, συντείνεσθαι, ἐντείνεσθαι, V. ἐντείνειν.

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  • 8 Break

    v. trans.
    P. and V. πορρηγνναι, καταρρηγνναι, καταγνναι, ῥηγνναι (P. generally compounded), V. ἀγνναι.
    Shiver: P. and V. συντρβειν (Eur., Cycl.), Ar. and V. θραύειν (also Plat. but rare P.), V. συνθραύειν, συναράσσειν, ἐρείκειν, P. διαθραύειν (Plat.); see Shatter.
    Transgress: P. and V. παραβαίνειν, συγχεῖν, περβαίνειν, P. λύειν, ὑπερπηδᾶν, διαλύειν, παρέρχεσθαι, V. περτρέχειν, παρεξέρχεσθαι.
    Break ( the ranks of an army): P. παραρρηγνναι.
    Break ( a seal): P. and V. λειν, V. νιέναι.
    V. intrans. P. and V. ῥήγνυσθαι, καταρρήγνυσθαι, πορρήγνυσθαι, κατάγνυσθαι, V. ἄγνυσθαι.
    Be shivered: Ar. and V. θραύεσθαι (also Plat. but rare P.), V. συνθραύεσθαι (also Xen.), διαρραίεσθαι.
    Of day, to dawn: P. ὑποφαίνειν.
    The left wing at once broke and fled: P. τὸ εὐώνυμον κέρας εὐθὺς ἀπερραγὲν ἔφυγε (Thuc. 5, 10).
    When they saw their line broken and not cosily brought into order: P. ὡς ἑώρων σφίσι τὸ στράτευμα διεσπασμένον τε καὶ οὐ ῥᾳδίως συντασσόμενον (Thuc. 6, 98).
    The ranks broke: P. ἐλύθησαν αἱ τάξεις (Plat., Laches. 191C).
    Be broken in health: P. ἀποθρύπτεσθαι, διαθρύπτεσθαι.
    Be broken in spirit: P. ἐπικλασθῆναι (aor. pass. ἐπικλᾶν), P. and V. ἡσσᾶσθαι.
    Have one's collar-bone broken: P. τὴν κλεῖν κατεαγέναι (Dem. 247).
    I hove got my head broken: V. τὸ κρνιον... κατέαγα (Eur., Cycl. 683).
    Break one's neck: Ar. and P. ἐκτραχηλίζεσθαι.
    Break camp: P. ἀνιστάναι τὸ στρατόπεδον; see under Camp.
    Break away, v. intrans.: see Escape.
    Break down, v. trans.: P. and V. καθαιρεῖν; see Destroy.
    A bridge: P. λειν.
    V. intrans. Fail in strength: P. and V. πειπεῖν, προκάμνειν (rare P.); see Faint.
    Be unmanned: P. ἐπικλασθῆναι (aor. pass. ἐπικλᾶν); see under Unman.
    Fall short: P. and V. ἐλλείπειν.
    Fail, not succeed: P. and V. οὐ προχωρεῖν.
    Break forth: see break out.
    Break in, tame: V. δαμάζειν, πωλοδαμνεῖν.
    Be broken in: P. and V. καταρτεσθαι (Plat.).
    Newly broken in: V. νεοζυγής.
    Break in, interrupt talk, v. intrans.: P. ὑπολαμβάνειν.
    Break into ( of attack), v. trans.: P. and V. εἰσβάλλειν (εἰς, acc.; V. also acc. alone), εἰσπίπτειν (εἰς, acc.; V. also acc. alone); see burst into.
    Break loose, v.: see Escape.
    Break off, put end to, v. trans.: Ar. and P. διαλειν, P. and V. λειν; see Discontinue.
    Break short off: P. and V. πορρηγνναι, ποκαυλίζειν, P. ἀνακλᾶν, κατακλᾶν, Ar. and V. ποθραύειν, Ar. συγκλᾶν.
    Break off, v. intrans.: use pass. of trans. verbs.
    Cease speaking: P. and V. παύεσθαι; see Cease.
    Break open: P. and V. ναρηγνναι, διαρρηγνναι.
    A seal: P. and V. λειν, V. νιέναι.
    A door: Ar. and P. κατασχίζειν, V. διαπαλνειν.
    Break cut, v. intrans.: see Escape.
    Of war, etc.: Ar. and P. συνίστασθαι, καθίστασθαι, P. συνερρωγέναι (perf. of συρρηγνύναι), V. ναρρηγνναι, ἐκρηγνναι (or pass.), ἐρρωγέναι (perf. of ῥηγνύναι), Ar. καταρρήγνυσθαι.
    The plague broke out there too and caused much trouble to the Athenians: P. ἐπιγενομένη ἡ νόσος καὶ ἐνταῦθα δὴ πάνυ ἐπίεσε τοὺς Ἀθηναίους (Thuc. 2, 58).
    Break out into eruptions ( of the skin): P. ἕλκεσιν ἐξανθεῖν (Thuc. 2, 49; cf. also Soph., Trach. 1089).
    Break out into (lamentations, etc.): P. and V. καθίστασθαι (εἰς, acc.).
    Break through, v. trans.: P. διακόπτειν, a wall, etc. P. διαιρεῖν.
    V. intrans.: see Escape.
    Break up, v. trans.: lit. Ar. and P. διαλειν; see Destroy.
    A meeting, army: P. and V. διαλειν, Ar. and P. λειν (Xen.), P. καταλειν.
    V. intrans.: Ar. and P. διαλεσθαι.
    Of a meeting, army, etc.: P. and V. διαλεσθαι (Eur., I.A. 495).
    Break with, rid oneself of, v.: P. and V. παλλάσσεσθαι (pass.) (gen.).
    Stand aloof from: P. and V. φίστασθαι (gen.).
    Pause: P. and V. νάπαυλα, ἡ, παῦλα, ἡ.
    Cessation: P. and V. διλυσις, ἡ.
    Respite: P. and V. ναπνοή, ἡ, V. ἀμπνοή, ἡ.
    Division: P. διαφυή, ἡ.
    Fracture: P. ῥῆγμα, τά. See also gap.
    Without a break: see Continuously.

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  • 9 Certain

    To be relied on: P. and V. βέβαιος, πιστός, ἀσφαλής, φερέγγυος (Thuc. but rare P.), V. ἔμπεδος.
    Clear: P. and V. σαφής, δῆλος, ἐμφανής; see Clear.
    It is practically certain: P. σχεδόν τι δῆλον (Plat., Crit. 53B).
    Not to be disputed: P. ἀναμφισβήτητος.
    Hastening to certain death: V. ὁρμώμενος εἰς προὖπτον Ἅιδην (Soph., O.C. 1439).
    Accurate, exact: P. and V. ἀκριβής.
    Not false: P. and V. ἀψευδής (Plat.).
    Fixed upon, arranged: P. and V. προκείμενος, P. ῥητός.
    A certain (Latin, quidam): P. and V. τις.
    Be certain, positive: P. and V. πεπεῖσθαι (perf. pass. πείθειν), πιστεύειν, V. πιστοῦσθαι, Ar. and V. πεποιθέναι ( 2nd perf. act. πείθειν).
    Be certain to: P. and V. μέλλειν (infin.).
    For certain: see Certainly.

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  • 10 Exult

    v. intrans.
    P. and V. χαίρειν, γάλλεσθαι (also Ar. but rare P.), γεγηθέναι (also Ar. but rare P.) (perf. of γηθεῖν).
    Exult in: P. and V. ἥδεσθαι (dat.), τέρπεσθαι (dat.), εὐφραίνεσθαι (dat.), γάλλεσθαι (dat.) (also Ar. but rare P.), V. καταυχεῖν (dat.).
    Exult over: P. and V. χαίρειν (dat. or ἐπ, dat.), ἐπιχαίρειν (dat.), γεγηθέναι (dat. or ἐπ, dat.) (also Ar. but rare P.) (perf. of γηθεῖν), V. περχαίρειν (dat.), γαυροῦσθαι (dat.), χλιδᾶν (dat. or ἐπ, dat.), P. ἐφήδεσθαι (dat. or absol.); see also Mock.

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  • 11 Hide

    v. trans.
    P. and V. κρύπτειν, ποκρύπτειν, συγκρύπτειν, ἐπικρύπτεσθαι, κλέπτειν, Ar. and V. καλύπτειν, V. στέγειν, συγκαλύπτειν (rare P.), κεύθειν, ἐκκλέπτειν, ἀμπέχειν (rare P.), ἀμπίσχειν, συναμπέχειν, P. κατακρύπτειν, ἐπικαλύπτειν, ἐπηλυγάζεσθαι.
    Easy to hide, adj.: V. εὔκρυπτος.
    Hide oneself: Ar. and P. ποκρύπτεσθαι (pass.).
    Hide ( a thing from a person): P. and V. κρύπτειν (τί τινα), P. ἀποκρύπτεσθαί (τί τινα).
    Help in hiding: V. συνεκκλέπτειν (acc.).
    V. intrans. Be in hiding: P. and V. κρύπτεσθαι (pass.).
    Lie hid: V. κεύθειν, κεκευθέναι (perf. infin.), Ar. and P. καταδεδυκέναι (perf. of καταδύειν).
    Hide under the bed: P. ὑποδύεσθαι ὑπὸ κλίνην.
    Skin: P. and V. δορά, ἡ (Plat.), δέρμα, τό, βύρσα, ἡ, V. δέρος, τό, δέρας, τό, ῥινός, ἡ (Eur., Rhes.).
    Undressed hides: P. δέρρεις, αἱ.
    Dressed hides: P. and V. διφθέραι, αἱ (Eur., frag.).
    Shield of hide: Ar.ινός, ἡ.
    Cover with hides: P. καταβυρσοῦν (acc.).
    Made of seven-fold hide, adj.: V. ἑπτβοιος, Ar. ἑπταβόειος.

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  • 12 Impend

    v. intrans.
    P. and V. ἐφίστασθαι, P. ἐπικρέμασθαι, ἐπηρτῆσθαι (perf. pass. of ἐπαρτᾶν), Ar. and P. ἐνεστηκέναι (perf. of ἐνιστάναι).
    Some of the dangers were impending, others were already upon us: P. τὰ μὲν ἤμελλε τῶν δεινῶν τὰ δʼ ἤδη παρῆν (Dem. 292).

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  • 13 Loom

    P. and V. ἱστός, ὁ ( Plat, Lys. 208D).
    Ply the loom, v.: V. ἱστουργεῖν (absol.).
    Preside at the loom: V. κερκίσιν ἐφεστάναι (Eur., Hec. 363).
    v. intrans.
    Appear: P. and V. φαίνεσθαι.
    Impend: P. and V. ἐφίστασθαι. P. ἐπικρέμασθαι, ἐπηρτῆσθαι (perf. pass. of ἐπαρτᾶν), Ar. and P. ἐνεστηκέναι (perf. of ἐνιστάναι).

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  • 14 Lurk

    v. intrans.
    Lie hid: V. κεύθειν, κεκευθέναι (perf.), Ar. and P. καταδεδυκέναι (perf. of καταδύειν).
    Lie in ambush: P. ἐνεδρεύειν, ἐλλοχᾶν, P. and V. λοχᾶν; see Ambush.
    Lie: P. and V. κεῖσθαι.
    Lie in wait for, met.: P. ὑποκεῖσθαι (dat.).
    Escape notice: P. and V. λανθνειν, V. λήθειν.
    Lurking like a snake: V. ὡς ἔχιδνʼ ὑφειμένη (Soph., Ant. 531).

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  • 15 Over

    P. and V. περ (acc. or gen.).
    Upon: P. and V. ἐπ (dat.).
    Throughout: P. and V. δι (gen.), κατ (acc.), ν (acc.) (rare P.).
    All over: P. κατὰ πάντα.
    Over a wide space: P. ἐπὶ πολύ.
    Across: P. and V. πέρ (gen.), δι (gen.).
    Beyond: P. and V. πέρ (acc.); see Beyond.
    met., about: P. and V. πέρ (gen.). περ (acc. or gen.).
    (Exult, etc.) over: P. and V. ἐπ (dat.).
    Of authority: P. and V. ἐπ (dat.).
    Set over: P. and V. ἐφιστναι (τινά τινι).
    He pronounces over them a fitting eulogy: P. λέγει ἐπʼ αὐτοῖς ἔπαινον τὸν πρέποντα (Thuc. 2, 34).
    Beyond, more than: P. and V. πέρ (acc.).
    Fall over: P. ἐπιπίπτειν (dat.).
    Get over, surmount: P. and V. περβαίνειν; see Surmount.
    Get over an illness: see Recover.
    It is all over with me: use P. and V. οἴχομαι (Plat.), πόλωλα (perf. of ἀπολλύναι), V. ὄλωλα (perf. of ὀλλύναι); see be undone (Undone).
    Be over, be finished: P. and V. τέλος ἔχειν, τέλος λαμβνειν, παρελθεῖν ( 2nd aor. of παρέρχεσθαι), τελευτᾶν; see End.
    Be over, remain over: P. and V. περιλείπεσθαι, λείπεσθαι, P. περιεῖναι, Ar. and P. περιγίγνεσθαι.
    Hand over: P. and V. παραδιδόναι.
    Excessively, too much: P. and V. γαν, λαν, περισσῶς; see Excessively.
    In compounds: P. and V. πέρ.
    Overmuch: P. and V. πέρπολυς.
    Over and above, in addition to: P. and V. πρός (dat.), ἐπ (dat.).
    In addition: Ar. and V. προσέτι, V. καὶ πρός, πρός (rare P.).
    Over again: see Again.
    Over against: see Near, Opposite.
    Over and over: see Repeatedly.

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  • 16 Own

    v. trans.
    Have: P. and V. ἔχειν.
    Possess: P. and V. κεκτῆσθαι (perf. of κτᾶσθαι)
    Ar. and V. πεπᾶσθαι (perf. of πάεσθαι) (also Xen. but rare P.).
    Confess: P. and V. ὁμολογεῖν (Soph., Phil. 980; Eur., I.A. 1142), P. προσομολογεῖν, συνομολογεῖν.
    Personal, private: P. and V. οἰκεῖος, διος.
    Love one's own productions: P. and V. τὰ ἑαυτοῦ φιλεῖν.
    Of one's own accord: use adj., P. and V. ἑκών, αὐτεπάγγελτος; see under Accord.
    Take as one's own, v.: P. οἰκειοῦν (or mid.), σφετερίζεσθαι.
    From one's own powers: use adv. P. and V. οἴκοθεν.

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  • 17 Possess

    v. trans.
    P. and V. ἔχειν κεκτῆσθαι (perf. of κτᾶσθαι), Ar. and V. πεπᾶσθαι (perf. of πάεσθαι) (also Xen.).
    Be master of: P. and V. κρατεῖν (gen.), V. κρατνειν (gen.).
    Possess oneself of: P. and V. ἐφάπτεσθαι (gen.); see Seize.
    Be possessed ( by a god): P. and V. κατέχεσθαι, ἐνθουσιᾶν, βακχεύειν (Plat.), V. δαιμονᾶν (also Xen. but rare P.).
    She was possessed by Bacchus: V. ἐκ Βακχίου κατείχετο (Eur., Bacch. 1124).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Possess

  • 18 Sell

    v. trans.
    Ar. and P. πωλεῖν, (aor., Ar. and P. ποδόσθαι, perf., P. πεπρακέναι, pass. also P. πιπράσκεσθαι, aor., P. and V. πραθῆναι, perf., P. and V. πεπρᾶσθαι), Ar. and V. περνναι, (found in pres. part. περνάς (Eur., Cycl. 271), 3rd sing. pres. pass. πέρναται (Ar., Eq. 176).)
    Traffic in: Ar. and V. ἐμπολᾶν, πεμπολᾶν, διεμπολᾶν, V. ὁδᾶν (Eur., Cycl.), ἐξοδᾶν (Eur., Cycl.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Sell

  • 19 Stick

    Staff: Ar. and P. ῥάβδος, ἡ, βακτηρία, ἡ, V. βάκτρον, τό, σκῆπτρον, τό. Ar. σκπων, ὁ. βακτήριον, τό.
    Twig: P. and V. κλών, ὁ; see Brushwood.
    Dry sticks for lighting fires: P. and V. πυρεῖα, τά (Plat. and Soph.).
    He raised his stick against him: P. ἐπανήρατο τὴν βακτηρίαν (Thuc. 8, 84).
    v. trans.
    Glue: Ar. and P. κολλᾶν.
    Fasten, attach: P. and V. συνάπτειν, προσάπτειν; see Fasten.
    Fix: P. and V. πηγνύναι.
    Pierce: see Pierce, Wound.
    V. intrans.
    Remain: P. and V. μένειν.
    Be fixed: P. and V. πεπηγέναι ( 2nd perf. act. of πηγνύναι).
    Stick in: Ar. ἐμπεπηγέναι ( 2nd perf. of ἐμπηγνύναι).
    Hesitate, scruple: P. and V. ὀκνεῖν, κατοκνεῖν.
    Be embarrassed: P. and V. πορεῖν.
    Stick at, hesitate at: P. and V. ὀκνεῖν (acc.), φίστασθαι (gen.); see shrink from.
    Stick at nothing: P. and V. πᾶν ποιεῖν, πανουργεῖν.
    Stick out, stretch out, v. trans., P. and V. προτείνειν; v. intrans., project: P. and V. προὔχειν, Ar. and P. ἐξέχειν.
    Stick to, cling to: P. and V. ἔχεσθαι (gen.), ἀντέχεσθαι (gen.).
    Abide by: P. and V. ἐμμένειν (dat.).
    Attach to: P. and V. προσεῖναι (dat.), προσγίγνεσθαι (dat.), προσκεῖσθαι (dat.).
    Stick together: Ar. and P. συνίστασθαι.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Stick

  • 20 Strong

    Mighty: P. and V. μέγας.
    Powerful: P. and V. δυνατός, Ar. and V. μεγασθενής, ἄλκιμος (rare P.).
    Physically strong: P. and V. ἰσχυρός, V. κραταῖος, ὄβριμος, ἐγκρατής (in P. used of defences), σθεναρός, Ar. and V. παγκρατής, καρτερός (in P. used of defences), P. ἐρρωμένος.
    Stronger: use also V. φέρτερος no positive.
    Stout, solid: P. στεριφός; see Solid.
    Firm., secure: P. and V. βέβαιος.
    Trustworthy: P. and V. βέβαιος, ἀσφαλής, P. ἐχυρός.
    Of defences, ground, etc.: P. and V. ὀχυρός, ἰσχυρός, ἐρυμνός, P. καρτερός, ἐχυρός.
    Cogent: P. ἀναγκαῖος.
    Energetic: P. and V. ἔντονος, σύντονος.
    Efficacious: P. and V. δραστήριος.
    Vehement: P. σφοδρός.
    Of natural phenomena: P. and V. πολύς, μέγας.
    Of a smell: use P. βαρύς.
    A strong wind: P. ἄνεμος μέγας.
    A strong proof: P. μέγα τεκμήριον.
    Be strong, powerful, v.: P. and V. δύνασθαι, ἰσχειν, ἐρρῶσθαι (perf. pass. of ῥωννύναι), Ar. and V. σθένειν.
    Be strong ( in body): P. and V. ἰσχειν, ἐρρῶσθαι (perf. infin. of ῥωννύναι), Ar. and V. εὐσωματεῖν, V. εὐσθενεῖν (Eur., Cycl.); see be vigorous, under Vigorous.
    With a strong hand: use P. and V. βίᾳ.
    Strong points: P. τὰ ἰσχυρότατα (Thuc. 5, 111).
    Take strong measures: use P. and V. νήκεστόν τι δρᾶν.
    Have strong views on: P. and V. σπουδάζειν περ (gen.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Strong

См. также в других словарях:

  • Perf — Gewässerkennzahl DE: 25814 Lage Landkreis Marburg Biedenkopf, Mittelhessen, Deutschland Flusssystem Rhein …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • perf — perf; perf·ins; …   English syllables

  • perf — abbrev. 1. perfect 2. Philately perforated * * * …   Universalium

  • perf — (performance) theater or movie show (Slang) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • perf — abbrev. 1. perfect 2. Philately perforated …   English World dictionary

  • perf — perfusion [ pɛrfyzjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1912; « action de répandre, d asperger » 1374; de per, d apr. transfusion ♦ Méd. Injection lente et continue de sérum. Être sous perfusion. Abrév. fam. (1975) PERF [ pɛrf ]. Pied de, à perfusion; abrév. pied de, à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Perf — perfusion or perfusionist * * * perf abbr perforated; perforation …   Medical dictionary

  • perf — perforation * * * perf abbr perforated; perforation …   Medical dictionary

  • Perf — PP Short for perforation. Square holes in the side of a roll of film that are used to wind it through the camera or projector s mechanism. Standard 35mm has 4 perfs per frame but sometimes a 3 perf configuration is used. See also sprockets …   Audio and video glossary

  • perf — See hi Perf …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • perf. — 1. perfect. 2. perforated. 3. performance. * * * abbrev Perfect * * * perf., 1. perfect. 2. perforated (of stamps). 3. performance. 4. performed …   Useful english dictionary

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