1 percentage reduction
Англо-русский словарь по прокатке металлов > percentage reduction
2 percentage reduction
(относительное) обжатие в процентах, процент обжатияБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > percentage reduction
3 percentage reduction
Англо-русский металлургический словарь > percentage reduction
4 percentage reduction
5 percentage reduction
2) Металлургия: относительное обжатие в процентах3) Экология: снижение загрязнения в процентах4) Реклама: сокращение в процентном выражении5) Кабельные производство: обжатие в процентах (относительное) -
6 percentage reduction
обжатие в процентах ( относительное); относительное обжатие в процентахEnglish-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > percentage reduction
7 percentage reduction
• обжатие n относительное -
8 percentage reduction of area
- percentage reduction of area
- nотносительное уменьшение [сужение] поперечного сечения ( образца при растяжении), выраженное в процентах
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > percentage reduction of area
9 percentage reduction of area
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > percentage reduction of area
10 percentage reduction of area
1) Морской термин: относительное сужение2) Техника: остаточное относительное сужение3) Строительство: относительное уменьшение поперечного сечения, выраженное в процентах4) Автоматика: относительное сужение поперечного сечения (после разрыва)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > percentage reduction of area
11 percentage reduction of area
English-Russian marine dictionary > percentage reduction of area
12 percentage reduction of area
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > percentage reduction of area
13 percentage reduction of area
относительное уменьшение [сужение] поперечного сечения ( образца при растяжении), выраженное в процентахАнгло-русский строительный словарь > percentage reduction of area
14 discard percentage reduction
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > discard percentage reduction
15 discard percentage reduction
относительное (в процентах) снижение запаса прочности подъемного каната, при котором канат считается непригодным к дальнейшей эксплуатацииEnglish-Russian mining dictionary > discard percentage reduction
16 reduction
- reduction
- n1. снижение; уменьшение; ослабление; редукция
2. преобразование, приведение
reduction in area — уменьшение [сужение] поперечного сечения; образование шейки
reduction in rigidity — снижение [уменьшение] жёсткости
- reduction of bleeding
- reduction of forces
- BOD reduction
- cost reduction
- crest reduction
- noise reduction
- percentage reduction of area
- redundancy reduction
- sound reduction
- stress reduction
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
17 reduction
1) уменьшение, снижение; понижение; сокращение, редукция; редуцирование3) обжатие4) восстановление; раскисление5) дробление; измельчение6) концентрирование ( нефтепродуктов) перегонкой7) ослабление9) матем. приведение; сведение; упрощение10) сжатие ( информации); уменьшение избыточности12) экол. разложение ( вещества)14) пищ. размольный процесс, размол15) пищ. размольная система•reduction in pass — обжатие за проход при прокатке;reduction per die — единичное обжатие ( за проход) в волоке или матрице;reduction to flux — перегонка до гудрона;reduction to mean sea level — приведение (напр. давления) к среднему уровню моря-
acid reduction
adsorption reduction of strength
alkaline reduction
arc-plasma reduction
articulation reduction
bacterial reduction
bandwidth reduction
carbon reduction
catalyst reduction
catalytic reduction
cathodic reduction
coarse reduction
coke reduction
cold reduction
cold-drawing reduction
color reduction
crest reduction
curve reduction
dark reduction
data reduction
duet reduction
edge reduction
electrochemical reduction
electrolytic reduction
flood peak reduction
full reduction
gage reduction
grade reduction
gradual reduction
head reduction
hot reduction
hum reduction
in-flight plasma reduction
in-line reduction
network reduction
noise reduction
oil reduction
operating life reduction
ore reduction
overall reduction
percentage reduction
percent reduction
photographic reduction
post reduction
power reduction
proportional reduction
rate reduction
reduction of cross-sectional area
reduction of levels
redundancy reduction
rimpull reduction
segregation reduction
size reduction
sizing reduction
step-and-repeat reduction
strength reduction through external adsorption
strength reduction through internal adsorption
tailings reduction
thickness reduction
torque reduction
total reduction
vacuum reduction -
18 reduction
1) уменьшение; сокращение3) редукция•- reduction of area at fracture - reduction of bleeding - reduction of cross-section area - reduction of drying shrinkage - reduction of lift - coefficient of reduction - data reduction - dust reduction - grade reduction - noise reduction - overall reduction - rate reduction - size reduction - stress reductionreduction in rigidity — сокращение, уменьшение жёсткости
* * *1. снижение; уменьшение; ослабление; редукция2. преобразование, приведениеreduction in area — уменьшение [сужение] поперечного сечения; образование шейки
- reduction of bleedingreduction in rigidity — снижение [уменьшение] жёсткости
- reduction of forces
- BOD reduction
- cost reduction
- crest reduction
- noise reduction
- percentage reduction of area
- redundancy reduction
- sound reduction
- stress reduction -
19 reduction
обжатие, уменьшение (сечения или толщины проката)□ reduction in area — относительное обжатие [уменьшение] площади сечения металла (при прокатке)
□ reduction per pass — обжатие за проход (металла через валки)
- cold-rolling reduction□ reduction of cross-sectional area — относительное обжатие [уменьшение] площади поперечного сечения (металла)
- cumulative reduction
- data reduction
- edge reduction
- gauge reduction
- heavy reduction
- light reduction
- maximum reduction
- overall reduction
- pass reduction
- percent reduction
- percentage reduction
- sizing reduction
- total reduction -
20 reduction
1) редуцирование; редукция; понижение; уменьшение; ослабление2) передаточное отношение, передаточное число3) сжатие; обжатие; сужение4) измельчение5) восстановление; раскисление•- data reductionreduction in metal thickness — утонение металлической стенки; утонение металла
- fatigue-strength reduction
- gear reduction
- inventory reduction
- percent reduction of area
- percentage reduction of area
- pressure reduction
- reduction of materials
- reduction of system of forces
- scale reduction
- two-stage data reductionEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > reduction
См. также в других словарях:
reduction — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, considerable, great, large, major, marked, significant, substantial ▪ The changes may result in a greater reduction in employee numbers than we had previously … Collocations dictionary
Percentage point — Percentage points (pp) are the unit for the arithmetic difference of two percentages. Consider the following hypothetical example: in 1980, 40 percent of the population smoked, and in 1990 only 30 percent smoked. We can thus say that from 1980 to … Wikipedia
percentage — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, high, huge, large, overwhelming, significant, sizeable, substantial ▪ The area has a high percentage of unemployed men … Collocations dictionary
percentage — Synonyms and related words: abatement, absolute interest, adjunct, advantage, advantageousness, advisability, agio, allotment, allowance, appropriateness, arithmetical proportion, avail, bait, bank discount, behalf, behoof, beneficialness,… … Moby Thesaurus
reduction — Synonyms and related words: abasement, abatement, abbreviation, about face, abridgment, abstract, acetification, acidification, acidulation, addition, agio, alchemy, alkalization, allayment, alleviation, allowance, analgesia, anesthesia,… … Moby Thesaurus
reduction of area — 1) the decrease in a cross section of a product by rolling or drawing. This is a measure of the temper of metal in the cold worked condition. 2) the difference between the original cross section area of a tension test specimen and the area of its … Mechanics glossary
Polkey reduction — Also known as Polkey deduction after the House of Lords decision in Polkey v AE Dayton Services Ltd [1987] IRLR 503. A reduction in the compensatory award made to an employee in a successful claim for unfair dismissal to reflect the chance that… … Law dictionary
Immigration reduction — refers to movements that advocate a reduction in the amount of immigration allowed into their country. This can include a reduction in the numbers of legal immigrants, advocating stronger action be taken to prevent illegal entry and illegal… … Wikipedia
Arms Reduction Coalition — The Arms Reduction Coalition (ARC) is a United Kingdom based non profit non governmental organization which campaigns for a reduction in the resources spent on arms and the military and for those resources to be divereted to programmes that… … Wikipedia
Noise Reduction Coefficient — The Noise Reduction Coefficient (commonly abbreviated NRC) is a scalar representation of the amount of sound energy absorbed upon striking a particular surface. An NRC of 0 indicates perfect reflection; an NRC of 1 indicates perfect absorption.In … Wikipedia
Tax Reduction Act of 1975 — The United States Tax Reduction Act of 1975 provided a 10 percent rebate on 1974 tax liability ($200 cap) and created a temporary $30 general tax credit for each taxpayer and dependent.The investment tax credit was temporarily increased to 10… … Wikipedia