1 payment of the initial fee
Экономика: уплата первоначального взносаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > payment of the initial fee
2 payment of the initial fee
Англо-русский экономический словарь > payment of the initial fee
3 payment of the initial fee
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > payment of the initial fee
4 payment of the initial fee
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > payment of the initial fee
5 payment
1) платеж, плата, уплата, оплата; погашение (долга)2) взнос4) pl платежный оборот•- make payments "by the first run"There are various internet projects to provide B2B payments without bank intermediation. — Существуют различные проекты использования интернета для осуществления межфирменных платежей без посредничества банков.
6 payment
n1) погашение (долга)2) взнос4) pl платежный оборот
- additional payment
- advance payment
- alimony payment
- allowance payment
- amortization payment
- annual payment
- annuity payment
- anticipated payment
- average payment
- back payment
- balloon payment
- benefit payment
- bi-annual payment
- bilateral payments
- bonus payment
- budgetary payments
- cash payment
- cash down payment
- cash payments in advance
- cashless payment
- cheque payment
- clearing payment
- collection payment
- commercial payments
- commission payment
- compensation payment
- compensatory payment
- compulsory payment
- consignment payments
- contractual payments
- contractual termination payments
- coupon payments
- credit payments
- cross-border payments
- currency payments
- current payments
- cyclic interest payment
- debt service payment
- deductible alimony payment
- deferred payment
- delayed payment
- demurrage payment
- direct payment
- direct bonus payment
- direct financial payment
- dividend payment
- dividend payments on equity issues
- down payment
- due payment
- early bird payment
- easy payments
- electronic payments for goods and services
- encouragement payment
- end-of-year payment
- entitlement payment
- excess payment
- exchange payments
- excise payment
- ex gratia payment
- extended payment
- external payments
- extra payment
- facilitation payments
- final payment
- financial payment
- first payment
- fixed payments
- fixed-rate payment
- foreign payment
- franked payments
- freight payment
- full payment
- golden parachute payment
- guarantee payment
- guaranteed payment
- hire payments from leasing of movable property
- housing and communal utilities payments
- immediate payment
- incentive payment
- inclusive payment
- incoming payments
- initial payment
- installment payment
- insufficient payment
- insurance payment
- interest payment
- interim payment
- intermediate payment
- internal payments
- international payments
- irregular payments
- job work payment
- late payment
- lease payment
- licence fee payment
- lump-sum payment
- minimum payment
- monetary payment
- monthly payment
- multilateral payments
- mutual payments
- net payment
- noncash payment
- noncommercial payment
- nontax payment
- obligatory payment
- one-off payment
- one-time payment
- onward payment
- other payments
- outstanding payment
- overdue payment
- overtime payment
- paperless payment
- partial payment
- past due payment
- patent licence payments
- payroll payment
- pension payment
- periodical payments
- preferential payment
- premium payment
- pressing payment
- previous payment
- principal payment
- progress payments
- prolonged payment
- prompt payment
- proportionate payments
- public welfare payments
- punctual payment
- quarter payment
- quarterly payment
- recovering payment
- redundancy payment
- rental payment
- requited payment
- royalty payment
- semi-annual payment
- seniority benefits payment
- separation payment
- settlement payments
- severance payment
- short payment
- sight payment
- single payment
- sinking fund payment
- social payments
- social security payments
- stop payment
- stopped payment
- subsequent payment
- subsidy payment
- successive payments
- sundry payments
- superannuation payments
- supplementary payment
- tax payment
- taxable payments
- terminal payment
- threshold payment
- time payment
- timely payment
- token payment
- transfer payments
- unpaid payment
- unreimbursed payment
- up-front payment
- wage payment
- warranty payment
- weekly payment
- welfare payment
- wrongful payments
- yearly payment
- payment after delivery
- payment against a bank guarantee
- payment against delivery of documents
- payment against dock receipt
- payment against documents
- payment against drafts
- payment against an invoice
- payment against a L/C
- payment against indebtedness
- payment against payment documents
- payment against presentation of documents
- payment against shipping documents
- payment against statement
- payment ahead of schedule
- payment ahead of time
- payment as per tariff
- payment at destination
- payment at sight
- payment before delivery
- payment by acceptance
- payment by cable transfers
- payment by cash
- payment in cash
- payment by cheque
- payment by deliveries of products
- payment by drafts
- payment by the hour
- payment in installments
- payment by installments
- payment by the job
- payment by a L/C
- payment by money transfers
- payment by the piece
- payment by postal transfers
- payment by remittance
- payment by results
- payment by the time
- payment by transfers
- payment for auditing services
- payment for breakage
- payment for carriage of goods
- payment for collection
- payments for credits
- payment for deliveries
- payment for documents
- payment for goods
- payment for honour
- payment for services
- payment for shipments
- payment for technical documentation
- payment forward
- payment for work
- payment from abroad
- payment in advance
- payment in and out of the current account
- payment in anticipation
- payment in arrears
- payment in cash
- payment in clearing currency
- payment in dollars
- payment in due course
- payment in favour of smb
- payment in foreign currency
- payment in full
- payment in gold
- payment in kind
- payment in lieu of vacation
- payment in local currency
- payment in national currency
- payment in part
- payments in settlement
- payment in specie
- payment into an account
- payment into the bank
- payment in total
- payment of an account
- payment of an advance
- payment of an amount
- payment of arrears
- payment of arrears of interest
- payment of an award
- payment of the balance
- payment of a bill
- payment of a bonus
- payment of charges
- payment of charter hire
- payment of a cheque
- payment of claims
- payment of a collection
- payment of a commission
- payment of compensation
- payment of costs
- payment of coupon yield
- payment of customs duties
- payment of damages
- payment of a debt
- payment of demurrage
- payment of a deposit
- payment of dismissal wage
- payment of dispatch
- payment of dividends
- payment of a draft
- payment of dues
- payment of a duty
- payment of expenses
- payment of fees
- payment of a fine
- payment of freight
- payment of gains obtained
- payment of a guarantee sum
- payment of hospital expenses
- payment of an indemnity
- payment of the initial fee
- payment of insurance indemnity
- payment of insurance premium
- payment of interest
- payment of interest on coupons
- payment of interest on deposits
- payment of an invoice
- payment of a margin
- payment of medical expenses
- payment of money
- payment of a note
- payment of past-due interest
- payment of the penalty
- payment of a premium
- payment of principal
- payment of principal and interest
- payment of profits
- payment of property taxes
- payment of remuneration
- payment of restitution
- payment of retention money
- payment of royalty
- payment of salary
- payment of a sum
- payment of taxes
- payment of transportation charges
- payment of unemployment benefits
- payment of wages
- payment on account
- payment on cheque
- payment on a clearing basis
- payment on a collection basis
- payment on a deferred basis
- payment on delivery
- payment on demand
- payment on dividends
- payment on due date
- payment on an invoice
- payment on mortgages
- payment on an open account
- payment on open account billing
- payments on orders
- payment on presentation
- payment on request
- payment on the spot
- payment supra protest
- payment through a bank
- payment through clearing
- payment to the state budget
- payments under a contract
- payments under loans
- failing payment
- in payment
- payment received
- accelerate payment
- accept as payment
- adjust payments
- anticipate payment
- apply for payment
- approve payment
- arrange payment
- authorize payment
- be behind with one's payments
- cease payments
- claim payment
- collect payment
- complete payments
- default on mortgage payments
- defer payment
- delay payment
- demand payment
- do payment
- effect payment
- enforce payment
- exempt from payment
- expedite payment
- fix payment
- forgo payment of a dividend
- forward payment
- fulfil payment
- guarantee payment
- hold up payment
- impose payment
- make payment
- make a cash payment
- miss interest and dividend payments
- negotiate payment of fees
- outlaw payment of bribes
- pass for payment
- postpone payment
- present for payment
- press for payment
- process payment
- prolong payment
- put off payment
- receive payment
- refuse payment
- release from payment
- remit payment
- request payment
- require payment
- reschedule pledged payments
- restructure payments
- resume payments
- secure payment
- settle payments
- speed up payment
- spread payments
- stop payments
- stretch out payments
- suspend payments
- transact payment
- transfer payment
- waive dividend payments
- withhold paymentEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > payment
7 fee
n1) гонорар; вознаграждение; комиссия, плата за услуги2) взнос3) сбор, пошлина4) земельная собственность или недвижимость, которые могут продаваться или передаваться по наследству
- additional fee
- administration fee
- administrative fee
- admission fee
- advance fee
- agency fee
- agent's fee
- annual fee
- application fee
- appraisal fee
- arbitration fee
- arbitrator's fee
- arrangement fee
- assignment fee
- auction fee
- booking fee
- broker's fee
- business filing fees
- busines registration fee
- cargo fee
- chartering fee
- clearing fee
- C.O.D.
- collection fee
- commission fee
- commitment fee
- consular fee
- consultancy fee
- consultant fee
- consultation fee
- contractor fee
- counsel fees
- court fees
- current fees
- customs fees
- director's fees
- discharging fee
- doctor's fee
- entrance fee
- exchange commission fee
- exit fee
- extra fee
- facility fee
- factoring fee
- filing fee
- finder's fee
- fixed fee
- flat fee
- franchise fee
- front end fees
- guarantee fees
- handling fee
- import fee
- incentive fee
- initial fee
- installation fee
- insurance fee
- insurance survey fee
- issue fee
- landing fee
- late payment fee
- legal fee
- licence fee
- listing fee
- litigation fee
- management fee
- membership fee
- nonrefundable fee
- notarial fee
- official's fee
- oil import fees
- origination fee
- packaging fee
- packing fee
- parcel fee
- parcel registration fee
- participation fee
- passport fee
- patent fee
- pick-up fee
- pilot fee
- pilotage fee
- port fees
- procuration fee
- professional fee
- protest fee
- public accounting fees
- publication fee
- quarantine fee
- reasonable fee
- registration fee
- remittance fee
- renewal fee
- rental fee
- revival fee
- safe custody fee
- sanitary fee
- school fees
- service fee
- stand fee
- standard fee
- storage fee
- submission fee
- subscription fee
- survey fees
- tax return preparation fees
- transfer fee
- tuition fee
- unloading fee
- warehouse fee
- weighing fee
- fees for arbitration services
- fees for consultancy services
- fee for a design
- fee for granting an import licence
- fee for a patent
- fee for paying a cheque
- fee for the return of deposit
- fee for a trademark
- fee for the use
- fees in a case
- fee of an average adjuster
- fee on a loan
- fee per article
- at a nominal fee
- for a fee
- fees paid to practise a profession
- fees payable to the bank
- fees receivable
- apportion fees
- be liable to a fee
- be remunerated with a fee
- charge a fee
- collect fees
- estimate a fee
- pay fees -
8 уплата
только ед. payment, paying уклоняться от уплаты ≈ (долгов) bilk порядок уплаты взносов ≈ contributory scheme уплата по векселю уплата долга произвести уплату в счет уплаты остается к уплатеупла|та - ж. payment, pay;
(по счёту) cover, settlement;
~ арбитражного сбора payment of the arbitration fee;
~ долга payment of a debt;
окончательная ~ долга final repayment of a debt;
полная ~ долга complete discharge of a debt;
досрочная ~ early settlement;
~ займа redemption/repayment of a loan;
~ налогов payment of taxes;
~ первоначального взноса payment of the initial fee;
~ процентов payment of interest;
~ крупной суммы substantial payment;
освобождение от ~ы exemption from payment;
освобождение от ~ы штрафа remission of a penalty;
расписка об ~е долга acquittance;
уклонение от ~ы налогов tax evasion/dodging;
производить ~у make*/effect payment;
с ~ой вперёд prepaid;
с ~ой при доставке payable on delivery. -
9 charge
1. сущ.1) общ. нагрузка, загрузка2)а) общ. обязанности, ответственность; руководствоCOMBS:
to be in charge of smth. — отвечать за что-л.
He is in charge of recruitment. — Он отвечает за набор персонала.
No one is in charge of council spending. — Никто не отвечает за расходы совета.
She was put in charge of the council reorganization. — Ее назначили руководить процессом реорганизации совета.
to take charge of smth. — заботиться о чем-л., контролировать что-л.
See:б) общ. забота, попечение; надзор, наблюдение (за кем-л.); хранение (какого-л. имущества)COMBS:
Mary was put in charge of the child. — Мери поручили присматривать за ребенком.
3)а) общ. подопечныйyoung charges — дети на попечении (кого-л.)
See:б) религ. паства4)а) общ. указание, предписание; приказ; наказSyn:command 1. 1) а), injunction 1. 1) а)б) юр. напутствие судьи присяжным5)ATTRIBUTES:
additional charge, extra charge — дополнительная плата, надбавка
annual charge — годовая плата, годовой сбор
hourly charge — часовая плата, почасовая ставка
one-time charge — разовая плата, разовый сбор
minimum charge — минимальная плата, минимальный сбор
reduced charge — сниженная [пониженная\] плата
exorbitant charge — очень высокая цена, чрезмерная [непомерная\] цена; очень высокая плата
base charge — базовая плата, основная расценка
Member charge is $60. Non-member charge is $70. — Цена [плата\] для членов — $60. Цена [плата\] для лиц, не являющихся членами, — $70.
editing charge — плата за редактирование [за редакторскую обработку\] (материала)
interest charge — проценты, платежи по процентам, процентные платежи
shipping charge — плата за перевозку [транспортировку\]
charge(s) for (smth.) — плата за (что-л.)
There will be no charge for installation. — Установка будет осуществлена бесплатно.
at no charge, free of charge — бесплатно, даром
at a charge of $30.00 — за плату в размере $30.00
at a moderate charge — за умеренную плату, по умеренной цене
charge for/to (smb.) — плата [цена\] для (кого-л.)
The charge for students is $8. — Плата для студентов — $8.
charge per person — плата с (одного) человека, цена на (одного) человека, цена с человека
The maximum charge per day is $70. — Максимальная плата за день [в день\] составляет $70.
door charge, charge at the door, charge at the gate — плата при входе, плата на месте
The charge at the door for those not registered is $20.00. — Для незарегистрированных плата при входе составляет $20.00.
to reverse [transfer\] (the) charges — сделать звонок за счет другой стороны
to levy charges — взимать платежи, взыскивать платежи
See:accessorial charges, activity charge, additional colour charge, administrative charge 1), 2), 3), admission charge, allowable charge, bank charges, banking charges, bounced check charge, brokerage charge, broker's charge, carrying charge 2), charge for storage, charges for delivery 2), charges forward, commission charge, commodity charge, community charge, congestion charge, contingent deferred sales charge, cost of insurance charge, cover charge, customer charge, deferred sales charge, delinquency charge, delivery charge, demand charge, demurrage charge, detention charge, distribution charge 1), early redemption charge, early repayment charge, early surrender charge, effluent charge, emission charge, excess mileage charge, finance charge, fixed charge 2), freight charges, handling charges, initial charge, insufficient funds charge, landing charge 2), late charge, late payment charge, load charge, management charge 1), 2), meter charge, mortgage indemnity charge, non-sufficient funds charge, NSF charge, passenger charge, passenger facility charge, penalty charge, policy charge, port charges, position charge, postage charge, postal charge, prepayment charge, reasonable and customary charge, redemption charge, rent charge, rental charge, returned check charge, sale charge, sales charge, salvage charges, service charge, sewage charge, space charge, storage charge 1), superannuation guarantee charge, surrender charge, take-off charge, talent charge, ten-year charge, terminal charge, transaction charge, transport charge, transportation charge, usage charge, user charge, usual and customary charge, usual, customary and reasonable charge, usual, customary and reasonable charge 2), usual, customary and reasonable charge, usual, customary and reasonable chargeб) эк. затраты, расходыATTRIBUTES:
incurred charges — понесенные расходы [издержки\]; произведенные затраты
shipping charge — затраты [расходы\] на транспортировку, затраты [расходы\] по перевозке
Syn:See:accrued charge, carrying charge 1), charges for delivery 1), deferred charge, departmental charges, depreciation charges, distribution charge 2), extraordinary charge, landing charge 1), management charge 2), noncash charge, non-recurring charge, overhead charges, packing charges, period charges, storage charge 2), warehouse charge 1) account of chargesв) учет занесение [запись\] на счет; запись в долг, долг; дебетовая запись, запись по дебету ( счета по учету расходов)There were many charges on his estate. — У него было много долгов.
This creates a charge ( debit entry) to the account. — Это приводит к дебетовой записи по счету.
A one time charge is a charge against earnings that is unusual in nature and not expected to reoccur.
See:6) общ. атака, нападение, наступлениеto lead [make\] a charge against — идти в атаку против кого-л.
to fight off [repel\] a charge — отражать атаку [нападение\]
7)а) юр. обвинениеATTRIBUTES:
The minister tried to answer the Opposition charges of corruption. — Министр пытался ответить на обвинения в коррупции, выдвинутые оппозицией.
They trumped up various charges against her. — Они сфабриковали против нее целый ворох обвинений.
to bring [to make\] a charge — предъявить обвинение
to press the charges — выдвинуть обвинения; обвинить
The judge dismissed all charges. — Судья снял все обвинения.
See:б) юр., разг. обвиняемыйOne by one the "charges" were brought in and set before him. — Обвиняемых вводили одного за другим и ставили перед ним.
8) фин., банк. залог ( актива в обеспечение кредита)See:2. гл.1) общ. заряжать (оружие, аккумулятор и т. д.)2)а) общ. нагружать, загружать (уголь в топку и т. п.)б) общ. насыщать, наполнять (напр., воду минеральными веществами, воздух парами и т. д.)в) общ. заполнять, наполнять; пронизывать; обременять3) общ. поручать, давать поручение, возлагать (ответственность и т. п.)They charged him with the job of finding a new meeting place. — Они поручили ему найти новое место для собраний.
The committee is charged with the task of examining witnesses. — Комитету было дано задание проверить доказательства.
party to be charged — сторона, обязанная по договору
4)а) общ. указывать, предписывать; приказывать, требоватьI charge you not to go. — Я требую, чтобы вы остались.
б) юр. напутствовать присяжных ( о судье)в) религ. наставлять паству5) эк. назначать [запрашивать, просить\] цену ( на товар или услугу), взимать платуThey charged us ten dollars for it. — Они взяли с нас за это десять долларов.
6)а) эк. записывать в долг [на счет\]to charge smth. on smb. — взимать, взыскивать
Charge the goods against [to\] my account. — Запишите эти вещи на мой счет.
б) учет дебетовать счет ( сделать дебетовую запись на счете)The journal entry will charge ( debit) your operating account (the funding source) and credit your capital equipment account. — Эта бухгалтерская проводка приведет к дебетовой записи по счету источников финансирования и к кредитовой записи по счету капитального оборудования.
See:7)а) общ. порицать, осуждать; обвинятьThey charge him with armed robbery. — Его обвиняют в вооруженном ограблении.
Opposition charged the Minister with acting too slowly. — Оппозиция осудила медлительность министра.
б) общ. возлагать ответственность, приписыватьto charge smb's failure to negligence — приписать чей-л. провал халатности
* * *
noun 1) плата, денежный сбор; 2) залог активов для получения кредита (конкретного актива или всех активов компании); 3) расход; 4) комиссия за услуги. v 1) дебетовать счет; 2) сделать дебитовую запись; 3) купить в кредит по счету у продавца.* * *долговое обязательство; залог; обеспечение; обременение; начисление; сбор; плата. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
10 expense
n1) расход; трата2) pl расходы, издержки, затраты
- absorbed expenses
- accommodation expenses
- accompanying expenses
- accrued expenses
- acquisition expenses
- actual expenses
- additional expenses
- administration expenses
- administrative expenses
- advertising expenses
- agreed expenses
- aggregate expenses
- amortization expenses
- annual expenses
- anticipated expenses
- arbitration expenses
- auditing expenses
- average expenses
- bad debt expenses
- bank expenses
- banking expenses
- bank operating expenses
- bloated expenses
- bloated operating expenses
- board expenses
- broker's expenses
- budget expenses
- budgetary expenses
- budgeted expenses
- building expenses
- business expenses
- business travel expenses
- cable expenses
- calculated expenses
- capitalized expenses
- carriage expenses
- cash expenses
- city's operating expenses
- clerical expenses
- collecting expenses
- collection expenses
- commercial expenses
- commission expenses
- compensation expenses
- computed expenses
- considerable expenses
- constant expenses
- contango expenses
- contract expenses
- contractual expenses
- controllable expenses
- current expenses
- current operating expenses
- customs expenses
- daily expenses
- dead expenses
- debt service expenses
- deductible expenses
- deferred expenses
- delivery expenses
- depreciation expenses
- direct expenses
- disbursement expenses
- discharging expenses
- discount expenses
- distribution expenses
- eligible expenses
- encashment expenses
- engineering expenses
- entertainment expenses
- equipment maintenance expenses
- establishment expenses
- estimated expenses
- everyday expenses
- exceptional expenses
- excess expenses
- executive expenses
- extra expenses
- extraordinary expenses
- extravagant expenses
- factory expenses
- federal expense
- fee and commission expenses
- financial expenses
- financing expenses
- fixed expenses
- flat expenses
- foreign exchange expenses
- formation expenses
- forwarding expenses
- freight expenses
- fringe benefit expenses
- funding expenses
- general expenses
- general and administrative expenses
- general average expenses
- general occuppancy expenses
- general operating expenses
- guardianship expenses
- harbour expenses
- hauling expenses
- heavy expenses
- high expenses
- hotel expenses
- identifiable additional expenses
- idle facility expenses
- idle plant expenses
- impairment-related expenses
- incidental expenses
- income expense on bonds
- income tax expense
- incurred expenses
- indirect expenses
- interest expenses
- initial expenses
- installation expenses
- insurance expenses
- interest expenses
- interest expense on current accounts in credit
- interest expense on debenture
- interest expense on demand deposits loans
- interest expenses on items with agreed maturity dates
- interest expense on special savings accounts
- itemized medical expenses
- job-hunting expenses
- job travel expenses
- lavish expenses
- law expenses
- legal expenses
- living expenses
- loading expenses
- lodging expenses
- mail expenses
- maintenance expenses
- management expenses
- manufacturing expenses
- marketing expenses
- material expenses
- maximum expenses
- medical expenses
- minimum expenses
- miscellaneous expenses
- monetary expenses
- monthly expenses
- mortgage expenses
- moving expenses
- necessary expenses
- noncash expenses
- noncontrollable expenses
- noninterest operating expenses
- nonoperating expenses
- nonproductive expenses
- nonrecurrent expenses
- nonrecurring expenses
- office expenses
- one-off expenses
- operating expenses
- operational expenses
- organizational expenses
- other expenses
- out-of-pocket expenses
- overall expenses
- overhead expenses
- overseas housing expenses
- packing expenses
- particular expenses
- payroll expenses
- per capita expenses
- period expenses
- permissible expenses
- personal expenses
- personal consumption expenses
- personnel expenses
- petty expenses
- planned expenses
- pocket expenses
- postage expenses
- postal expenses
- preliminary expenses
- prepaid expenses
- preparation expenses
- processing expenses
- production expenses
- promotion expenses
- promotional expenses
- protest expenses
- public expenses
- publicity expenses
- quality expenses
- reasonable expenses
- recovery expenses
- recurrent expenses
- recurring expenses
- reimbursable expenses
- reinvoiced expenses
- relocation expenses
- removal expenses
- removing expenses
- rent expense
- repair expenses
- representation expenses
- rework expenses
- running expenses
- running-in expenses
- sales promotion expense
- salvage expenses
- selling expenses
- selling, general and administrative expenses
- service expenses
- shipping expenses
- ship's expenses
- special expenses
- specific expenses
- standing expenses
- starting expenses
- start-up expense
- stationary expenses
- stevedoring expenses
- storage expenses
- subsistence expenses
- substituted expenses
- sundry expenses
- supplementary expenses
- tax expenses
- tax deductible interest expenses
- telephone expenses
- telex expenses
- testamentary expenses
- title expenses
- total expenses
- towage expenses
- trade expenses
- transfer expenses
- transhipment expenses
- transport expenses
- transportation expenses
- travel expenses
- travel and entertainment expenses
- travelling expenses
- trimming expenses
- uncontrollable expenses
- unforeseen expenses
- unit expenses
- unloading expenses
- unproductive expenses
- unreasonable expenses
- unreimbursed expenses
- unreimbursed job travel expenses
- unscheduled expenses
- unwarranted expenses
- upkeep expenses
- variable expenses
- wages expenses
- warehouse expenses
- warranty expenses
- wheeling expenses
- working expenses
- works general expenses
- expenses as percentage of sales
- expenses for the account of
- expenses for protesting a bill
- expenses in foreign exchange
- expenses of carriage
- expenses of the carrier
- expenses of circulation
- expenses of collection
- expenses of discharge
- expenses of haulage
- expenses of the insured
- expenses of the parties
- expenses of production
- expenses of protest
- expenses of reproduction
- expenses of shipping
- expenses of trackage
- expenses of transhipping
- expenses of transportation
- expenses on arbitration
- expenses on charter
- expenses on collection
- expenses on compensation for damage
- expenses on currency transactions
- expenses on customer transactions
- expenses on erection work
- expense on financing commitments
- expenses on guarantee commitments
- expenses on insurance
- expenses on materials
- expenses on off-balance-sheet transactions
- expenses on patenting procedure
- expenses on payment instruments
- expenses on repairs
- expenses on replacement
- expenses on scientific research
- expenses on security transactions
- expenses on selling
- expenses on selling effort
- expenses on setting-up
- expenses on storage
- expenses on technical service
- expenses on trading securities
- expenses on treasury operations and interbank transactions
- expenses per head of population
- at the expense of
- at great expense
- at the owner's expense and risk
- at the firm's expense
- less expenses
- minus expenses
- free of expenses
- free of all expenses
- expenses charged forward
- expenses connected with capital lease
- expenses connected with fund transfer
- expenses connected with obtaining credit
- expenses connected with the procedure in bankruptcy
- expenses deducted
- expenses incurred in searching for a job
- expenses prepaid
- expenses related to receivership
- absorb expenses
- account for the expenses
- advance expenses
- allocate expenses
- apportion expenses
- approve expenses
- assess expenses
- assume expenses
- authorize expenses
- avoid expenses
- avoid extra expenses
- bear expenses
- calculate expenses
- cause expenses
- charge expenses to the account of smb.
- compensate for expenses
- cover expenses
- curb expenses
- curtail expenses
- cut down expenses
- defray expenses
- determine expenses
- distribute expenses
- double expenses
- duplicate expenses
- entail expenses
- enter as expense
- estimate expenses
- experience extensive expenses
- go to expense
- halve expenses
- increase expenses
- incur expenses
- indemnify for expenses
- involve expenses
- itemize expenses
- limit expenses
- make expenses
- meet expenses
- offset expenses
- overestimate expenses
- participate in expenses
- pay expenses
- pile up expenses
- place expenses to smb.'s charge
- pool expenses
- prepay expenses
- put to expense
- put to great expense
- recognize expenses
- recompense expenses
- recover expenses
- reduce expenses
- refund the expenses
- reimburse smb. for expenses
- repay expenses
- run up expenses
- save expenses
- sequestrate expenses
- share expenses
- slash expenses
- spare no expense
- split expenses
- substantiate the expenses
- undertake expensesEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > expense
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