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См. также в других словарях:

  • pay lip service to — ► pay lip service to express superficial or insincere respect or support for. Main Entry: ↑lip …   English terms dictionary

  • pay lip service to something — phrase to say that you support something although you do not really, especially when you do nothing to prove your support Most people only paid lip service to the state religion. Thesaurus: to support an idea, plan or personsynonym Main entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pay lip service to (something) — give/pay lip service to (something) to say that you agree with and support an idea or plan but not do anything to help it to succeed. The company pays lip service to the notion of racial equality but you look around you and all you see are white… …   New idioms dictionary

  • pay lip service to — See: LIP SERVICE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pay lip service to — See: LIP SERVICE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pay\ lip\ service\ to — See: lip service …   Словарь американских идиом

  • pay lip service to something — to say that you support something although you do not really, especially when you do nothing to prove your support Most people only paid lip service to the state religion …   English dictionary

  • pay lip service to — express support for insincerely. → lip …   English new terms dictionary

  • pay lip service — make insincere professions of loyalty …   English contemporary dictionary

  • pay lip service to — express approval of or support for (something) without taking any significant action …   Useful english dictionary

  • lip service — lip .service n pay lip service to sb/sth to say that you support or agree with something without doing anything to prove it ▪ organizations that pay lip service to career development …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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