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См. также в других словарях:

  • Depth charge — For other uses, see Depth charge (disambiguation). Mark IX Depth Charge used by the U.S. Navy late in World War II. Unlike the cylindrical, barrel shaped depth charge used earlier, the Mark IX is streamlined and equipped with canted fins to… …   Wikipedia

  • Depth of field — The area within the depth of field appears sharp, while the areas in front of and beyond the depth of field appear blurry …   Wikipedia

  • depth charge — an explosive device that is used against submarines and other underwater targets, and is usually set to detonate at a predetermined depth. Also called depth bomb. [1915 20] * * * or depth bomb Weapon used by ships or aircraft to attack submerged… …   Universalium

  • Depth psychology — Historically, depth psychology, from a German term (Tiefenpsychologie), was coined by Eugen Bleuler to refer to psychoanalytic approaches to therapy and research that take the unconscious into account. The term has come to refer to the ongoing… …   Wikipedia

  • depth — noun 1》 the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something or to a specified point within it.     ↘the distance from the front to the back of something.     ↘the apparent existence of three dimensions in a two dimensional… …   English new terms dictionary

  • depth interview — / depθ ˌɪntəvju:/ noun an interview with no preset questions and following no fixed pattern, but which can last a long time and allows the respondent time to express personal views and tastes ● Depth interviews elicited some very original points… …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • Kinetic depth effect — [ Moon s libration shows the luminary s spherical shape, an example of the kinetic depth effect.] In perception, the kinetic depth effect refers to the phenomenon whereby the three dimensional structural form of an object viewed in projection can …   Wikipedia

  • dispersed movement pattern — A pattern for ship to shore movement which provides additional separation of landing craft both laterally and in depth. This pattern is used when nuclear weapon threat is a factor …   Military dictionary

  • R-Type Final — Infobox VG title = R Type Final developer = Irem publisher = Irem (JP) Eidos Interactive (NA) Metro3D (EU) designer = engine = released = vgrelease|Japan|JP|July 17, 2003 vgrelease|North America|NA|February 2, 2004 genre = Scrolling shooter modes …   Wikipedia

  • глубина рисунка протектора — Расстояние от поверхности выступа протектора до дна канавки или выемки. [ГОСТ 22374 77] Тематики шины пневматические Обобщающие термины параметры пневматических шин EN pattern depth DE Profiltiefe FR profondeur de sculpture …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • тип рисунка протектора — тип рисунка Характеристика рисунка протектора по эксплуатационному назначению. [ГОСТ 22374 77] Тематики шины пневматические Обобщающие термины элементы покрышки пневматической шины Синонимы тип рисунка EN tread pattern depth DE Profiltiefe FR… …   Справочник технического переводчика

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