101 CP
CP, Canadian patrol (aircraft)————————CP, central point————————CP, central procurement————————CP, checkpointориентир; контрольный пункт [точка]————————CP, chemical protective————————CP, collision probability————————CP, command paymaster————————CP, command pilot————————CP, command postкомандный пункт, КП————————CP, communications personnelЛС войск связи, связисты————————CP, component partsкомплектующие [составные] части————————CP, conceptual phase————————CP, concrete-piercing————————CP, constrained procedure————————CP, contact party————————CP, contact pointстык; пункт встречи; контрольный пункт связи; место обнаружения противника————————CP, control pointконтрольный [контрольно-пропускной] пункт; пункт управления, ПУ; пункт регулирования движения————————CP, control postконтрольный пост; пункт управления, ПУ; пункт наведения————————CP, control proceduresпорядок управления [контроля]————————CP, control program————————CP, copilotвторой летчик [пилот]————————CP, cross and point————————CP; C & P, cost and performances————————CP; C/P, control panelEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > CP
102 EP
EP, early production (phase)————————EP, earth penetrator————————EP, electric primer————————EP, electronic patrol (aircraft)————————EP, electronics packageконтейнер с электронной аппаратурой; комплект электронного оборудования————————EP, electronics panel————————EP, emergency planningпланирование действий в чрезвычайной обстановке; разработка чрезвычайных планов————————EP, emission policyосновные (организационные) принципы работы РЭС; порядок [режим] работы (своих) РЭС————————EP, ending period————————EP, enemy position————————EP, engine performance————————EP, engineer personnel————————EP, engineering personnel————————EP, engineering philosophy————————EP, engineering practice————————EP, engineering process————————EP, enlisted personnel————————EP, entrucking pointпункт погрузки [посадки] на автомобили————————EP, environmental protection————————EP, estimated position————————EP, expanding point (projectile)————————EP, explosion-proofEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > EP
103 LRMP
LRMP, long-range maritime patrol (aircraft)English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > LRMP
104 LRP
LRP, launching reference pointркт исходная точка старта [пуска]————————LRP, logistic research project————————LRP, long-range patrol (aircraft)————————LRP, long-range penetrationглубокое проникновение [вторжение]————————LRP, long-range planningEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > LRP
105 LRPA
LRPA, long-range patrol aircraftEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > LRPA
106 MP
MP, main parachute————————MP, maintainability plan————————MP, maintenance package————————MP, maintenance panel————————MP, maintenance parts————————MP, maintenance period————————MP, maintenance plan————————MP, maintenance point————————MP, maintenance procedure————————MP, maintenance program————————MP, management package————————MP, marching pack————————MP, Marine police————————MP, maritime patrol (aircraft)————————MP, master pilot————————MP, meeting pointместо встречи [сбора]————————MP, military pay————————MP, military police————————MP, military procurementзаготовки [закупки] военного имущества; военные поставки————————MP, military property————————MP, mine planterминный раскладчик; установщик мин; минный заградитель————————MP, Minuteman platform(пусковая) платформа МБР "Минитмен"————————MP, missile platform————————MP, missile positioning————————MP, missing personотсутствующий (в строю); пропавший без вести————————MP, mobilization plan————————MP, monitor(ing) panelпульт контроля, контрольный пульт [щиток]————————MP, motion picture production————————MP, motor potential————————MP, multipurposeмногоцелевой, универсальныйEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > MP
107 MPAC
MPAC, maritime patrol aircraft————————MPAC, Military Pay and Allowance Committee————————MPAC, military portable artillery computerEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > MPAC
MPAIR, maritime patrol aircraftEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > MPAIR
109 MRPA
MRPA, medium-range patrol aircraftEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > MRPA
NAMPA, NATO Maritime Patrol Aircraft AgencyEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > NAMPA
111 NMPA
NMPA, NATO maritime patrol aircraftEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > NMPA
NMPASC, NATO Maritime Patrol Aircraft Steering Committeeкоординационный комитет по использованию патрульных самолетов базовой авиации НАТОEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > NMPASC
113 PASU
PASU, patrol aircraft service unit————————PASU, preliminary approved for service use"предварительно утвержден для использования в войсках"English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > PASU
114 WP
WP, war planплан ведения войны; план военных действий————————WP, Warsaw Pactист Варшавский Договор————————WP, water point————————WP, way-point————————WP, weapons powerмощь [возможности] оружия————————WP, weapons practiceпрактическое занятие с оружием; огневая [стрелковая] подготовка; изучение (материальной части) оружия————————WP, weather patrol (aircraft)————————WP, weather permitting"при благоприятной погоде"————————WP, West Point (Academy)————————WP, white phosphorusбелый фосфор; снаряженный белым фосфором (о снаряде)————————WP, witness pointконтрольная точка [репер]————————WP, work packageкомплекс работ, комплексные работы————————WP, work program————————WP, working paper————————WP, working partyEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > WP
115 forest
forest patrol aircraftвоздушное судно для патрулирования лесных массивов -
116 squadron
батальон ( разведывательный) ; ав. эскадрилья; ркт. эскадрилья, дивизион; мор. эскадра; отряд; Бр. рота (танковая, БМ, разведывательная, парашютная, служб тыла) ; батальон ( армейской авиации) ; арт., ркт. батарея; дивизион; эскадрон; сводить в эскадрильиaerospace (defense) missile squadron — эскадрилья ракет воздушно-космической обороны, ракетная эскадрилья ПКО
air portable (mechanized) squadron — Бр. авиатранспортабельный мотопехотный батальон
engineer squadron, reserve — инженерная рота резерва
field squadron, RAF regiment — Бр. рота охраны полка ВВС
field survey squadron, RE — Бр. (полевая) топогеодезическая рота инженерных войск
light AA squadron, RAF Regiment — Бр. батарея легкой ЗА авиационного полка
ordnance squadron, RE — Бр. артиллерийскотехническая рота инженерных войск
parachute squadron, RE — Бр. инженерная парашютная рота
— engineers special squadron— field squadron airfields— photographic reconnaissance squadron— strategic airlift squadron— tactical airlift squadron* * *1) эскадрон; 2) эскадрилья; 3) эскадра -
117 AP
1) Общая лексика: Asia-Pacific, Accounts Payable2) Компьютерная техника: Artificial Paradise, Automation Protocol3) Авиация: airborne printer4) Медицина: aortopulmonary (аорто-легочный), action potential (потенциал действия), angina pectoris (стенокардия)5) Американизм: All Politics, Associated Propaganda6) Спорт: All Pain7) Военный термин: Admiralty pattern, Advance Party, Advanced Projectile, Advisory Panel on Administration, Air Police, All Purpose, Allied publications, Application Processor, Attack Position, Transport Ship, access panel, acidproof, acquisition plan, acquisition point, action post, advance pay, advanced park, advanced post, advanced procurement, agency procedures, aiming point, air panel, air pilotage, air position, air publication, aircraft park, airplane, airplane pilot, airport, airship, patrol, alignment periscope, alignment procedures, ambush patrol, ammunition point, antipersonnel, armor-piercing, armor-plated, armoured patrol, arrival point, assumed position, atomic power, atomic powered, attack plotter, automatic pistol, automatic programming, auxiliary patrol, aviation pilot, awaiting parts, ББ (снаряд) (armor-piercing; бронебойный)8) Техника: Arctic Pack, access permit, access permitee, acquisition phase, advanced plant, aft perpendicular, alkaline permanganate, all-propulsive mode, annulus pressurization, antenna pattern, apothecaries pound, arithmetic processor, arithmetic progression, astronomical photometry, atmospheric and space physics9) Сельское хозяйство: alkaline phosphatase, anterior-pituitary10) Шутливое выражение: Authenticity Police11) Химия: Archimedes Plutonium12) Математика: арифметическая прогрессия (arithmetic progression), свойство аддитивности (addition property)13) Религия: Aggregate Principles14) Юридический термин: Absent Parent, Age Progression, Another Parent15) Бухгалтерия: As Purchased, accounting period16) Австралийский сленг: Australia Party17) Автомобильный термин: accelerator pedal18) Телекоммуникации: Action Point, Application Program, ТД, точка доступа19) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Transport Ship, personnel, Access Point, Additional Premium, Aim Point, Aircraft Photo, All Points, Allied Publication, American plan, Analysis Processor, Anti-Personnel (mine), Anti-Personnel, Armada Peruana (Peruvian Navy), Armour-Piercing, Attack Plan, Civil aircraft marking (Pakistan), after peak, after perpendicular, air passage, argument programming, Associated Press (Agency, USA), Associated Press, anomalous propagation, anteroposterior, argument pointer, arithmetical progression, authority to pay, authority to purchase20) Университет: Advance Placement, Advanced Placement21) Физиология: Acellular Pertussis, After parturition, Agony And Pain, Angina Pectoris, Anterior-posterior, Antibiotic Protocol, Auscultation and Percussion22) Электроника: Adhesion promoter23) Вычислительная техника: Automatic Pagination, application process, attached processor, прикладной процессор, Associated Press (Corporate name), Access Provider (ETSI, ETSI 201 671), Auto Precharge (SDRAM), Access Point (WLAN)24) Нефть: afterpeak, специальный состав для заполнения кольцевого пространства между колоннами обсадных труб в интервале многолетнемёрзлых пород (Arctic Pack)26) Патенты: Патент АRIPO27) СМИ: American Pie, Anonymous Photographer, Artist Proof28) Деловая лексика: кредиторская задолженность29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: atmospheric pressure31) Образование: Academic Programmer, TESTS Advanced Placement Tests, Accommodation Plan (Section 504 Students)32) Сетевые технологии: acquisition processor, application profile33) Полимеры: American patent, ammonium perchlorate, ammonium picrate, aniline point, asbestos paper, axial pitch34) Автоматика: axis processor35) Сахалин Ю: activity plan36) Авиационная медицина: action potential37) Расширение файла: Adjunct Processor, Application Programs, Array Processor, Associative Processor, Datafile (Datalex EntryPoint 90)38) Имена и фамилии: Angela Parker, Anthony Purcell39) Общественная организация: Antarctica Project40) Должность: Addiction Professional, Award Program41) Чат: Ahh Phooey42) NYSE. Ampco- Pittsburg Corporation43) НАСА: Application Processors44) Программное обеспечение: Application Protocol -
118 Ap
1) Общая лексика: Asia-Pacific, Accounts Payable2) Компьютерная техника: Artificial Paradise, Automation Protocol3) Авиация: airborne printer4) Медицина: aortopulmonary (аорто-легочный), action potential (потенциал действия), angina pectoris (стенокардия)5) Американизм: All Politics, Associated Propaganda6) Спорт: All Pain7) Военный термин: Admiralty pattern, Advance Party, Advanced Projectile, Advisory Panel on Administration, Air Police, All Purpose, Allied publications, Application Processor, Attack Position, Transport Ship, access panel, acidproof, acquisition plan, acquisition point, action post, advance pay, advanced park, advanced post, advanced procurement, agency procedures, aiming point, air panel, air pilotage, air position, air publication, aircraft park, airplane, airplane pilot, airport, airship, patrol, alignment periscope, alignment procedures, ambush patrol, ammunition point, antipersonnel, armor-piercing, armor-plated, armoured patrol, arrival point, assumed position, atomic power, atomic powered, attack plotter, automatic pistol, automatic programming, auxiliary patrol, aviation pilot, awaiting parts, ББ (снаряд) (armor-piercing; бронебойный)8) Техника: Arctic Pack, access permit, access permitee, acquisition phase, advanced plant, aft perpendicular, alkaline permanganate, all-propulsive mode, annulus pressurization, antenna pattern, apothecaries pound, arithmetic processor, arithmetic progression, astronomical photometry, atmospheric and space physics9) Сельское хозяйство: alkaline phosphatase, anterior-pituitary10) Шутливое выражение: Authenticity Police11) Химия: Archimedes Plutonium12) Математика: арифметическая прогрессия (arithmetic progression), свойство аддитивности (addition property)13) Религия: Aggregate Principles14) Юридический термин: Absent Parent, Age Progression, Another Parent15) Бухгалтерия: As Purchased, accounting period16) Австралийский сленг: Australia Party17) Автомобильный термин: accelerator pedal18) Телекоммуникации: Action Point, Application Program, ТД, точка доступа19) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Transport Ship, personnel, Access Point, Additional Premium, Aim Point, Aircraft Photo, All Points, Allied Publication, American plan, Analysis Processor, Anti-Personnel (mine), Anti-Personnel, Armada Peruana (Peruvian Navy), Armour-Piercing, Attack Plan, Civil aircraft marking (Pakistan), after peak, after perpendicular, air passage, argument programming, Associated Press (Agency, USA), Associated Press, anomalous propagation, anteroposterior, argument pointer, arithmetical progression, authority to pay, authority to purchase20) Университет: Advance Placement, Advanced Placement21) Физиология: Acellular Pertussis, After parturition, Agony And Pain, Angina Pectoris, Anterior-posterior, Antibiotic Protocol, Auscultation and Percussion22) Электроника: Adhesion promoter23) Вычислительная техника: Automatic Pagination, application process, attached processor, прикладной процессор, Associated Press (Corporate name), Access Provider (ETSI, ETSI 201 671), Auto Precharge (SDRAM), Access Point (WLAN)24) Нефть: afterpeak, специальный состав для заполнения кольцевого пространства между колоннами обсадных труб в интервале многолетнемёрзлых пород (Arctic Pack)26) Патенты: Патент АRIPO27) СМИ: American Pie, Anonymous Photographer, Artist Proof28) Деловая лексика: кредиторская задолженность29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: atmospheric pressure31) Образование: Academic Programmer, TESTS Advanced Placement Tests, Accommodation Plan (Section 504 Students)32) Сетевые технологии: acquisition processor, application profile33) Полимеры: American patent, ammonium perchlorate, ammonium picrate, aniline point, asbestos paper, axial pitch34) Автоматика: axis processor35) Сахалин Ю: activity plan36) Авиационная медицина: action potential37) Расширение файла: Adjunct Processor, Application Programs, Array Processor, Associative Processor, Datafile (Datalex EntryPoint 90)38) Имена и фамилии: Angela Parker, Anthony Purcell39) Общественная организация: Antarctica Project40) Должность: Addiction Professional, Award Program41) Чат: Ahh Phooey42) NYSE. Ampco- Pittsburg Corporation43) НАСА: Application Processors44) Программное обеспечение: Application Protocol -
119 ap
1) Общая лексика: Asia-Pacific, Accounts Payable2) Компьютерная техника: Artificial Paradise, Automation Protocol3) Авиация: airborne printer4) Медицина: aortopulmonary (аорто-легочный), action potential (потенциал действия), angina pectoris (стенокардия)5) Американизм: All Politics, Associated Propaganda6) Спорт: All Pain7) Военный термин: Admiralty pattern, Advance Party, Advanced Projectile, Advisory Panel on Administration, Air Police, All Purpose, Allied publications, Application Processor, Attack Position, Transport Ship, access panel, acidproof, acquisition plan, acquisition point, action post, advance pay, advanced park, advanced post, advanced procurement, agency procedures, aiming point, air panel, air pilotage, air position, air publication, aircraft park, airplane, airplane pilot, airport, airship, patrol, alignment periscope, alignment procedures, ambush patrol, ammunition point, antipersonnel, armor-piercing, armor-plated, armoured patrol, arrival point, assumed position, atomic power, atomic powered, attack plotter, automatic pistol, automatic programming, auxiliary patrol, aviation pilot, awaiting parts, ББ (снаряд) (armor-piercing; бронебойный)8) Техника: Arctic Pack, access permit, access permitee, acquisition phase, advanced plant, aft perpendicular, alkaline permanganate, all-propulsive mode, annulus pressurization, antenna pattern, apothecaries pound, arithmetic processor, arithmetic progression, astronomical photometry, atmospheric and space physics9) Сельское хозяйство: alkaline phosphatase, anterior-pituitary10) Шутливое выражение: Authenticity Police11) Химия: Archimedes Plutonium12) Математика: арифметическая прогрессия (arithmetic progression), свойство аддитивности (addition property)13) Религия: Aggregate Principles14) Юридический термин: Absent Parent, Age Progression, Another Parent15) Бухгалтерия: As Purchased, accounting period16) Австралийский сленг: Australia Party17) Автомобильный термин: accelerator pedal18) Телекоммуникации: Action Point, Application Program, ТД, точка доступа19) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Transport Ship, personnel, Access Point, Additional Premium, Aim Point, Aircraft Photo, All Points, Allied Publication, American plan, Analysis Processor, Anti-Personnel (mine), Anti-Personnel, Armada Peruana (Peruvian Navy), Armour-Piercing, Attack Plan, Civil aircraft marking (Pakistan), after peak, after perpendicular, air passage, argument programming, Associated Press (Agency, USA), Associated Press, anomalous propagation, anteroposterior, argument pointer, arithmetical progression, authority to pay, authority to purchase20) Университет: Advance Placement, Advanced Placement21) Физиология: Acellular Pertussis, After parturition, Agony And Pain, Angina Pectoris, Anterior-posterior, Antibiotic Protocol, Auscultation and Percussion22) Электроника: Adhesion promoter23) Вычислительная техника: Automatic Pagination, application process, attached processor, прикладной процессор, Associated Press (Corporate name), Access Provider (ETSI, ETSI 201 671), Auto Precharge (SDRAM), Access Point (WLAN)24) Нефть: afterpeak, специальный состав для заполнения кольцевого пространства между колоннами обсадных труб в интервале многолетнемёрзлых пород (Arctic Pack)26) Патенты: Патент АRIPO27) СМИ: American Pie, Anonymous Photographer, Artist Proof28) Деловая лексика: кредиторская задолженность29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: atmospheric pressure31) Образование: Academic Programmer, TESTS Advanced Placement Tests, Accommodation Plan (Section 504 Students)32) Сетевые технологии: acquisition processor, application profile33) Полимеры: American patent, ammonium perchlorate, ammonium picrate, aniline point, asbestos paper, axial pitch34) Автоматика: axis processor35) Сахалин Ю: activity plan36) Авиационная медицина: action potential37) Расширение файла: Adjunct Processor, Application Programs, Array Processor, Associative Processor, Datafile (Datalex EntryPoint 90)38) Имена и фамилии: Angela Parker, Anthony Purcell39) Общественная организация: Antarctica Project40) Должность: Addiction Professional, Award Program41) Чат: Ahh Phooey42) NYSE. Ampco- Pittsburg Corporation43) НАСА: Application Processors44) Программное обеспечение: Application Protocol -
120 missile
управляемая ракета, УР; летящий осколок [обломок]; обстреливать ракетами; применять ракеты ( по цели) ; см. тж. rocketantiarmor(ed fighting vehicle) missile — противотанковая ракета, ПТУР
dual-capability (surface-to-air /surface-to-surface) missile — ракета наземного РК для поражения воздушных и наземных целей
forward area (air) defense missile — ракета войскового ЗРК; ракета комплекса ПВО передового района
HEAT-mine (scattering) multiple warhead AT missile — ПТУР с КБЧ, разбрасывающей ПТ кумулятивные мины
look-down, shoot-down missile — ракета, управляемая системой обеспечения, обнаружения и поражения целей в нижней полусфере (на фоне земли)
passive-radar homing warhead.air-toair missile — ракета воздушного боя с пассивной РЛ ГСН
— air interceptor missile— air-to-ground guided missile— antiair warfare missile— anti-antiaircraft missile— artillery ballistic missile— AT guided missile— battlefield support missile— chemical warhead missile— command guidance missile— counter-air-to-surface missile missile— counterballislic missile missile— counterradar homing missile— counterradiation homing missile— fast-reaction type missile— fire-and-forget guidance missile— fixed based missile— fixed land-based missile— free-flight missile— infantry-launched missile— mobile-based missile— multiple warheaded missile— nuclear warheaded missile— nuclear-armed missile— nuclear-fueled missile— penetration aid missile— radar-seeking standoff missile— rolling airframe missile— turbojet-propelled missile* * *• ракета• ракетный
См. также в других словарях:
Maritime patrol aircraft — Il 38 (A Soviet MPA) A maritime patrol aircraft (MPA), also known as a patrol aircraft, maritime reconnaissance aircraft, or by the older American term patrol bomber, is a fixed wing aircraft designed to operate for long durations over water in… … Wikipedia
Maritime Patrol Aircraft — British Aerospace Nimrod MR2 Antonow An 12 Cub Seeaufklärer (engl. Maritime Patrol Aircraft, MPA) sind Flugzeuge, die auf Patroullienflügen über dem Meer lange im Einsatz verbleiben und ein großes Gebiet … Deutsch Wikipedia
reconnaissance aircraft — patrol aircraft … English contemporary dictionary
Patrol boat — This article is about the naval vessel. For the Australian TV series, see Patrol Boat (TV series). Canadian Forces Kingston class Patrol boat … Wikipedia
Aircraft carrier — From bottom to top: Principe de Asturias, amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, USS Forrestal and light V/STOL carrier HMS Invincible, showing size differences of late 20th century carriers An aircraft … Wikipedia
Aircraft — An aircraft is a vehicle which is able to fly through the Earth s atmosphere or through any other atmosphere. Rocket vehicles are not aircraft if they are not supported by the surrounding air. All the human activity which surrounds aircraft is… … Wikipedia
patrol — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ routine ▪ special (BrE) ▪ armed ▪ foot ▪ Every police car and foot patrol in the area is on full alert … Collocations dictionary
patrol — n. & v. n. 1 the act of walking or travelling around an area, esp. at regular intervals, in order to protect or supervise it. 2 one or more persons or vehicles assigned or sent out on patrol, esp. a detachment of guards, police, etc. 3 a a… … Useful english dictionary
patrol — The organized employment of aircraft to detect enemy presence in a specific area or movement across a specific line. A standing patrol is one that is airborne either over a point to be defended or on the route through which the enemy is expected… … Aviation dictionary
patrol — noun 1》 a person or group sent to keep watch over an area, especially a detachment of guards or police. ↘a unit of six to eight Scouts or Guides forming part of a troop. 2》 the action of patrolling an area. 3》 an expedition to carry out… … English new terms dictionary
List of bomber aircraft — is organized by grouped years, countries, and bomber aircraft type.1914 1918*France ** Breguet Bre.4 ** Breguet Bre.5 ** Breguet 6 ** Breguet 14 (reconnaissance bomber) ** Breguet 16 (night bomber) ** Caudron G.4 ** Farman F.40 (reconnaissance… … Wikipedia