81 CPa
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Care Programme Approach2) Компьютерная техника: Computerized Personal Assistant3) Медицина: цветная ангиография (Color Power Angio), cerebello-pontine angle4) Американизм: Contract Price Adjustment, Cost Per Aquisition, Совет управления персонала, дипломированный бухгалтер-ревизор, аудитор5) Спорт: Can't Pass Again6) Военный термин: CJCS Preparedness Assessment, Chairman's Program Assessment, Civil Preparedness Agency, Coalition Provisional Authority, Collection Planning Aid, central purchasing authority, chief of public affairs, closest point of approach, command post aircraft, command post augmentees, contingency planning aid, continuous patrol aircraft, cost planning and appraisal8) Техника: color phase alternation, cylindrical parabola antenna9) Сельское хозяйство: Cattleman's Protective Association, Crop Protection Association, cyclophosphamide, p-хлорфеноксиуксусная кислота10) Шутливое выражение: Can't Produce Anything, Certified Publicly Acceptable, Condescending And Patronizing Americans, Corrupt Provisional Authority11) Химия: Co Polymer Alloy, chloroplatinic acid12) Религия: Church Planting Academy13) Юридический термин: Certified Public Annoyance, Consumer Protection Act, Couldn't Pass Again14) Бухгалтерия: Cheapest Price Available, дипломированный бухгалтер (certified public Accountants), дипломированный финансовый аналитик (Chartered Financial Analyst), общественный бухгалтер (certified public Accountants)15) Автомобильный термин: connector position assurance16) Сокращение: Canadian Pacific Airlines, Cocoa Producers Alliance, Combat Pilots Association, Combined Pensioners Association, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Communist Party of Australia, Consumer Protection Agency, Council of Professional Associations, Country Press Association, Creditors Protection Association, Critical Path Analysis, certified public accountant, colour phase alternation17) Университет: Comprehensive Performance Assessment, Cumulative Point Average19) Фото: Concurrent Photon Amplification20) Электроника: Central Provisional Authority, Charged Particle Analysis21) Вычислительная техника: channel port adapter, Collaboration Protocol Agreements (ebXML)22) Нефть: Canadian Petroleum Association, Канадская нефтяная ассоциация (Canadian Petroleum Association)23) Иммунология: colony-promoting activity24) Банковское дело: официальный счёт государственного учреждения (certified public account)25) Пищевая промышленность: Chocolate Pistachio Almond26) Реклама: cost-per-action (интернет-маркетинг)27) Деловая лексика: Corporate Piracy Accomplices, Cost Per Acquisition, дипломированный государственный бухгалтер-ревизор (certified public accountant)28) Образование: Close Personal Attention, Competent Personal Attention29) Инвестиции: certified public account30) Сетевые технологии: Content Provider Access, Cut Paste And Assemble32) Химическое оружие: Chairman Program Assessment33) Цветная металлургия: ПХВК (платинохлористоводородная кислота; chloric platinum acid)34) Расширение файла: Cost Per Action35) Должность: Candid Political Accountant, Cleaning, Pressing, and Altering36) Правительство: Child Placement Agency, Child Protective Agency37) НАСА: Control Panel Application -
82 cPA
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Care Programme Approach2) Компьютерная техника: Computerized Personal Assistant3) Медицина: цветная ангиография (Color Power Angio), cerebello-pontine angle4) Американизм: Contract Price Adjustment, Cost Per Aquisition, Совет управления персонала, дипломированный бухгалтер-ревизор, аудитор5) Спорт: Can't Pass Again6) Военный термин: CJCS Preparedness Assessment, Chairman's Program Assessment, Civil Preparedness Agency, Coalition Provisional Authority, Collection Planning Aid, central purchasing authority, chief of public affairs, closest point of approach, command post aircraft, command post augmentees, contingency planning aid, continuous patrol aircraft, cost planning and appraisal8) Техника: color phase alternation, cylindrical parabola antenna9) Сельское хозяйство: Cattleman's Protective Association, Crop Protection Association, cyclophosphamide, p-хлорфеноксиуксусная кислота10) Шутливое выражение: Can't Produce Anything, Certified Publicly Acceptable, Condescending And Patronizing Americans, Corrupt Provisional Authority11) Химия: Co Polymer Alloy, chloroplatinic acid12) Религия: Church Planting Academy13) Юридический термин: Certified Public Annoyance, Consumer Protection Act, Couldn't Pass Again14) Бухгалтерия: Cheapest Price Available, дипломированный бухгалтер (certified public Accountants), дипломированный финансовый аналитик (Chartered Financial Analyst), общественный бухгалтер (certified public Accountants)15) Автомобильный термин: connector position assurance16) Сокращение: Canadian Pacific Airlines, Cocoa Producers Alliance, Combat Pilots Association, Combined Pensioners Association, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Communist Party of Australia, Consumer Protection Agency, Council of Professional Associations, Country Press Association, Creditors Protection Association, Critical Path Analysis, certified public accountant, colour phase alternation17) Университет: Comprehensive Performance Assessment, Cumulative Point Average19) Фото: Concurrent Photon Amplification20) Электроника: Central Provisional Authority, Charged Particle Analysis21) Вычислительная техника: channel port adapter, Collaboration Protocol Agreements (ebXML)22) Нефть: Canadian Petroleum Association, Канадская нефтяная ассоциация (Canadian Petroleum Association)23) Иммунология: colony-promoting activity24) Банковское дело: официальный счёт государственного учреждения (certified public account)25) Пищевая промышленность: Chocolate Pistachio Almond26) Реклама: cost-per-action (интернет-маркетинг)27) Деловая лексика: Corporate Piracy Accomplices, Cost Per Acquisition, дипломированный государственный бухгалтер-ревизор (certified public accountant)28) Образование: Close Personal Attention, Competent Personal Attention29) Инвестиции: certified public account30) Сетевые технологии: Content Provider Access, Cut Paste And Assemble32) Химическое оружие: Chairman Program Assessment33) Цветная металлургия: ПХВК (платинохлористоводородная кислота; chloric platinum acid)34) Расширение файла: Cost Per Action35) Должность: Candid Political Accountant, Cleaning, Pressing, and Altering36) Правительство: Child Placement Agency, Child Protective Agency37) НАСА: Control Panel Application -
83 CPA
CPA, central purchasing authority————————CPA, chief of public affairs————————CPA, Civil Preparedness Agency————————CPA, closest point of approach————————CPA, command post aircraft————————CPA, command post augmentees————————CPA, contingency planning aid————————CPA, continuous patrol aircraftсамолет непрерывного патрулирования (вариант базирования МБР "МХ")————————CPA, cost planning and appraisalEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > CPA
84 MPA
MPA, man-powered aircraftЛА с мускульным движителем, мускулолет————————MPA, management problems analysis————————MPA, manpower and personnel administration————————MPA, maritime patrol aircraft————————MPA, maximum permissible amountпредельно допустимая [пороговая] доза————————MPA, Medical Procurement Agency————————MPA, military pay and allowance————————MPA, military pay area————————MPA, military personnel appropriation————————MPA, military personnel, Army————————MPA, missile procurement, Army————————MPA, mission phase analysisанализ этапов полета [выполнения задачи]————————MPA, mission profile analysis————————MPA, modification proposal and analysis————————MPA, mortar package assemblyEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > MPA
85 maritime
ˈmærɪtaɪm прил.
1) морской maritime insurance ≈ морское страхование maritime animals ≈ морские животные maritime forces ≈ военно-морские силы Syn: sea, naval
2) приморский maritime town ≈ приморский город maritime station Syn: coastal, seaside морской - * climate морской климат - * court морской суд - * law морское право - the (great) * powers( великие) морские державы приморский - * belt территориальные /прибрежные/ воды;
прибрежный район - * provinces приморские земли, области - * air war (военное) действия авиации в приморском районе - * patrol aircraft патрульный самолет береговой авиации maritime морской ~ приморский;
maritime station береговая станция ~ приморский ~ приморский;
maritime station береговая станцияБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > maritime
86 maritime
[ʹmærıtaım] a1. морской2. приморскийmaritime belt - а) территориальные /прибрежные/ воды; б) прибрежный район
maritime provinces - приморские земли, области
maritime air war - воен. действия авиации в приморском районе
2) Военный термин: adaptive multibeam phased array, advanced maritime patrol aircraft3) Техника: azimuth mark pulse amplifier4) Сокращение: Advanced Mission Planning Aid (UK), American Medical Publishers Association, alpha-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate -
Военный термин: commander, patrol aircraft service unit -
1) Военный термин: long-range patrol aircraft2) Железнодорожный термин: Little Rock Port Railroad -
1) Военный термин: Military Pay and Allowance Committee, maritime patrol aircraft, military portable artillery computer2) Техника: micro packet network interface3) Сокращение: Multi-Purpose ADATS console -
Военный термин: maritime patrol aircraft -
1) Военный термин: medium-range patrol aircraft2) Сокращение: Moscow Rail Passenger Agency, Московское железнодорожное агентство -
Военный термин: NATO Maritime Patrol Aircraft Agency -
1) Военный термин: NATO maritime patrol aircraft2) Вычислительная техника: National Music Publishing Association -
Военный термин: NATO Maritime Patrol Aircraft Steering Committee -
96 P-3H
Военный термин: Land-Based Anti-Submarine Warfare Patrol Aircraft (re-engined) -
Военный термин: patrol aircraft service unit, preliminary approved for service use -
AMPA, adaptive multibeam phased array————————AMPA, advanced maritime patrol aircraftEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > AMPA
COMPASU, commander, patrol aircraft service unitEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > COMPASU
См. также в других словарях:
Maritime patrol aircraft — Il 38 (A Soviet MPA) A maritime patrol aircraft (MPA), also known as a patrol aircraft, maritime reconnaissance aircraft, or by the older American term patrol bomber, is a fixed wing aircraft designed to operate for long durations over water in… … Wikipedia
Maritime Patrol Aircraft — British Aerospace Nimrod MR2 Antonow An 12 Cub Seeaufklärer (engl. Maritime Patrol Aircraft, MPA) sind Flugzeuge, die auf Patroullienflügen über dem Meer lange im Einsatz verbleiben und ein großes Gebiet … Deutsch Wikipedia
reconnaissance aircraft — patrol aircraft … English contemporary dictionary
Patrol boat — This article is about the naval vessel. For the Australian TV series, see Patrol Boat (TV series). Canadian Forces Kingston class Patrol boat … Wikipedia
Aircraft carrier — From bottom to top: Principe de Asturias, amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, USS Forrestal and light V/STOL carrier HMS Invincible, showing size differences of late 20th century carriers An aircraft … Wikipedia
Aircraft — An aircraft is a vehicle which is able to fly through the Earth s atmosphere or through any other atmosphere. Rocket vehicles are not aircraft if they are not supported by the surrounding air. All the human activity which surrounds aircraft is… … Wikipedia
patrol — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ routine ▪ special (BrE) ▪ armed ▪ foot ▪ Every police car and foot patrol in the area is on full alert … Collocations dictionary
patrol — n. & v. n. 1 the act of walking or travelling around an area, esp. at regular intervals, in order to protect or supervise it. 2 one or more persons or vehicles assigned or sent out on patrol, esp. a detachment of guards, police, etc. 3 a a… … Useful english dictionary
patrol — The organized employment of aircraft to detect enemy presence in a specific area or movement across a specific line. A standing patrol is one that is airborne either over a point to be defended or on the route through which the enemy is expected… … Aviation dictionary
patrol — noun 1》 a person or group sent to keep watch over an area, especially a detachment of guards or police. ↘a unit of six to eight Scouts or Guides forming part of a troop. 2》 the action of patrolling an area. 3》 an expedition to carry out… … English new terms dictionary
List of bomber aircraft — is organized by grouped years, countries, and bomber aircraft type.1914 1918*France ** Breguet Bre.4 ** Breguet Bre.5 ** Breguet 6 ** Breguet 14 (reconnaissance bomber) ** Breguet 16 (night bomber) ** Caudron G.4 ** Farman F.40 (reconnaissance… … Wikipedia