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  • 1 PAST

    (adj) vanwa (departed, lost, vanished, dead, no longer to be had), PAST (noun = past time) vanwië –WAN, Nam

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > PAST

  • 2 GO

    lelya- or lenna- (pa.t. lendë in both cases; the printed Etymologies gives "linna" instad of lenna-, but according to VT45:27 this is a misreading) (proceed, travel); \#men- (attested in the aorist: menë "goes"), vanya- (pa.t. vannë) (depart, disappear – it may be that Tolkien abandoned the verb vanya-, if it is regarded as the conceptual predecessor of auta-, see GO AWAY below), GO ROUND pel- (revolve, return; the Silmarillion Appendix also mentions “encircle” as a meaning of the root PEL, cf. also “Qenya” pele- “surround, fence in, pen in”; pa.t. pellë given, QL:73). GO OVER, see CROSS. GO ATHWART tara- (cross); GO AWAY auta- (leave, pass); pa.t. oantë, perf. oantië (in the physical sense "went away [to another place]", vánë ("the most frequently used past [tense]" – less "physical" than oantë, rather meaning to be lost or to disappear), also anwë (this pa.t. was "only found in archaic language"), perf. avánië (pl. avánier is attested); perf. vánië with no augment may occur in verse. GO FORTH TOWARDS (with the thing approached as direct object) tenta-, pa.t. tentanë (the verb can also mean “direct toward” or “be directed toward”, in the intransitive tense apparently with the pa.t. tenantë). CAUSE TO GO (in a desired direction) menta- (send), GONE vanwa (departed, vanished, dead, lost, past and over, no longer to be had) BE GONE! heca! – also with pronominal affixes: sg hecat, pl hecal "you be gone!" (stand aside!) LET GO lerya- (release, set free), sen- (let loose, free) –WJ:363, LED/VT45:27, VT47:11, 30, PEL, LT2:347, WAN, Nam, WJ:364, VT41:5, VT49:23, WJ:366, VT41:5, VT43:18

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > GO

  • 3 LAUGH

    lala- –PM:359 cf. 343. (Note: a homophone means "deny".) Past tense perhaps *landë, given the derivation stated (whereas lala "deny" might have the past tense *lalanë or *lallë).

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > LAUGH

  • 4 LEAVE

    (vb) auta- (go away, pass), pa.t. oantë, oantië (in the physical sense "went away [to another place]") or vánë ("the most frequently used past [tense]" – less "physical" than oantë, meaning "disappeared" rather than "went away"), perf. avánië (pl avánier is attested); perf. vánië with no augment may occur in verse. For "leave", Etym also has lesta, pa.t. lendë; this is also the past tense of "go". The stem from which lesta- is derived was "replaced" by another. Lesta has a wholly different meaning in later writings; see GIRDLE, MEASURE. LEAVE OUT hehta- (pa.t. hehtanë is given but seems perfectly regular) (put aside, exclude, abandon, forsake) –WJ:366, ELED (noun) – with leave of: lenémë (+ genitive)

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > LEAVE

  • 5 MAKE

    \#car- (1st pers. aorist carin "I make, build". The same verb is translated "form" in WJ:391: i carir quettar, "those who form words". According to Etym the past tense is carnë, though FS and SD:246 have cárë. Past participle \#carna *"made" is attested in Vincarna *"newly-made" in MR:305; the longer participial form carina occurs in VT43:15, read probably *cárina with a long vowel to go with such late participial forms like rácina "broken"). MAKING carmë (glossed "art" in UT:396 and is also translated "production", but cf. the following:) NAME-MAKING Essecarmë (an Eldarin seremony in which the father of a child announces its name.) MAKE FAST avalerya- (bind, restrain, deprive of liberty). TO (MAKE) FIT camta- (sic; the cluster mt seems unusual for Quenya, and while the source does not explicitly say that this word is Quenya, it is difficult to understand what other language could be intended) (suit, accomodate, adapt). MAKE FOR IT mína- (desire to go in some direction, to wish to go to a place, have some end in view). –KAR, WJ:391, MR:214, VT41:5, 6, VT44:14, VT39:11

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MAKE

  • 6 NO

    ui, possibly with uito as an emphatic variant (VT49:28-29), lá (also meaning "not)". Ui (uito) and lá are probably used to deny facts, or what others present as facts. In a context of refusal, the interjection vá is to be preferred. It is derived from a stem that "expressed refusal to do what others might wish or urge, or prohibition of some action by others”. Cf also lala, lau, laumë "no, no indeed not, on the contrary; also used for asking incredulous questions". Prefixes "no-, un-": ú-, il-. SAY NO váquet- (forbid, refuse) (1st pers. sg aorist and past váquetin, váquenten are given), ava- (refuse) (pa.t. avanë is given; this verb was "little used in ordinary language". Other forms occur in VT49:13, all with the ending -n “I”: Aorist avan, present ávan or ávëan, future avuvan > auvan, past avanen or aunen, perfect avávien. In one version, the forms ávëan and avanen are marked as poetic or archaic.) –LA, WJ:371 cf. 370, GŪ/UGU/VT46:20, WJ:370, KWET

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > NO

  • 7 OVER

    or. With reference to movement over something (hence in effect *“across”), Tolkien considered the form olla “over” (= beyond, of things passed over, as in “I went over a river” or “they went over the hill”) –PE17:65 For "over" in the sense past, see PAST AND OVER. –UT:305

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > OVER

  • 8 REFUSE

    váquet- (forbid, say no) (1st pers. sg aorist and past váquetin, váquenten are given) avaquet- (forbid) (pa.t. is no doubt *avaquentë; cf. quet- under SAY), ava- (say no). (Pa.t. avanë is given; this verb was "little used in ordinary language". Other forms occur in VT49:13, all with the ending -n “I”: Aorist avan, present ávan or ávëan, future avuvan > auvan, past avanen or aunen, perfect avávien. In one version, the forms ávëan and avanen are marked as poetic or archaic.) –WJ:370, KWET, VT49:13

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > REFUSE

  • 9 REMAIN

    lemya- (to tarry). Possibly this verb should have the past tense *lemnë rather than ?lemyanë, since intransitive verbs in –ya may seem to surrender this suffix in the past tense. REMAINS erin (evidently a verb; the ending -n for 3rd person rather than 1st person would not be valid in later Quenya. A verbal stem \#er- "remain" may perhaps be isolated, but the source is very early and writers should rather use lemya-.) –VT45:26, LT1:269

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > REMAIN

  • 10 SAY

    quet- (pa.t. quentë) (speak, talk), equë (the latter word "has no tense forms...being mostly used only before either a proper name...or a full independent pronoun, in the senses say / says or said. A quotation then follows, either direct, or less usually indirect after a 'that'-construction (...) Affixes appear in equen 'said I', eques 'said he / she'." (WJ:392, 415) Attested forms include the aorist quetë and its pl. form quetir (VT41:11, 49:11). Cf. also SAY NO váquet- (forbid, refuse) (1st pers. sg aorist and past váquetin, váquenten are given), ava- (refuse) (pa.t. avanë is given; this verb was "little used in ordinary language". Other forms occur in VT49:13, all with the ending -n “I”: Aorist avan, present ávan or ávëan, future avuvan > auvan, past avanen or aunen, perfect avávien. In one version, the forms ávëan and avanen are marked as poetic or archaic.) NOT TO BE SAID, THAT MUST NOT BE SAID avaquétima. SAYING eques (pl. equessi) (dictum, proverbial dictum, quotation) –Silm:436, WJ:370, LT2:348, WJ:392

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > SAY

  • 11 TARRY

    lemya- (remain). Possibly this verb should have the past tense *lemnë rather than ?lemyanë, since intransitive verbs in –ya may seem to surrender this suffix in the past tense. –VT45:26

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > TARRY

  • 12 YES

    ná (literally "is", i.e. "[so it] is"), also (in the “past tense”) né, with reference to something past, i.e. “yes” =” it was so, it was as you say/ask”. Náto is possibly an emphatic form of “yes”. – In one conceptual phase, Tolkien used lá for "yes", but in both earlier and later material, lá is the negation "no, not" instead. –QL:64, VT42:33, VT49:18, 28-29, 31

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > YES

  • 13 BE

    Quenya uses forms of ná as the copula used to join adjectives, nouns or pronouns “in statements (or wishes) asserting (or desiring) a thing to have certain quality, or to be the same as another” (VT49:28). It may also denote a position, as in tanomë nauvan “I will be there” (VT49:19). PE17:68 mentions návë “being” as a “general infinitive” form; the gloss would suggest that návë may also be regarded as a gerund. Present tense ná “is” (Nam), pl. nar or nár ”are" (PE15:36, VT49:27, 30), dual nát (VT49:30). Also attested with various pronominal endings: nányë/nanyë “I am”, nalyë or natyë “you (sg.) are” (polite and familiar, respectively), nás “it is”, násë “(s)he is”, nalmë “we are” (VT49:27, 30). Some forms listed in VT49:27 are perhaps intended as aorist forms (nain “I am”, naityë/nailyë “you are”); VT49:30 however lists aorist forms with no intruding i (nanyë *“I am”, nalyë *”thou art”, ná “is”, nassë *”(s)he is”, nalmë *“we are”, nar “are”). Pa.t. nánë or né “was”, pl. náner/nér and dual nét “were” (VT49:6, 10, 27, 30). According to VT49:31, né “was” cannot receive pronominal endings (though nésë “he was” is attested elsewhere, VT49:28-29), and such endings are rather added to the form ane-, e.g. anen “I was”, anel “you were”, anes “(s)he/it was” (VT49:28). Future tense nauva "will be" (VT42:34, VT49:19; alternative form uva only in VT49:30) Perfect anaië “has been” (VT49:27, first written as anáyë). The form na may be used as imperative (na airë "be holy", VT43:14, alcar...na Erun "glory...be to God", VT44:34); this imperative na is apparently incorporated in the word nai "be it that" (misleading translation "maybe" in LotR). This nai can be combined with a verb to express a hope that something will happen (Nam: nai hiruvalyë Valimar, “may you find Valimar”) or if the verb is in the present rather than the future tense, that it is already happening (VT49:39: nai Eru lye mánata “God bless you” or *”may God be blessing you”). According to PE17:58, imperative na is short for á na with the imperative particle included. – Ná "is" appears with a short vowel (na) in some sources, but writers should probably maintain the long vowel to avoid confusion with the imperative na (and with the wholly distinct preposition na "to"). The short form na- may however be usual before pronominal suffixes. By one interpretation, na with a short vowel represents the aorist (VT49:27). – The word ëa is variously translated "is", "exists", "it is", "let it be". It has a more absolute meaning than ná, with reference to existence rather than being a mere copula. It may also be used (with prepositional phrases) to denote a position: i ëa han ëa “[our Father] who is beyond [the universe of] Eä” (VT43:12-14), i Eru i or ilyë mahalmar ëa “the One who is above all thrones” (UT:305). The pa.t. of this verb is engë, VT43:38, perfect engië or rarely éyë, future euva, VT49:29. – Fíriel's Song contains a word ye "is" (compare VT46:22), but its status in LotR-style Quenya is uncertain. – NOT BE, NOT DO: Also attested is the negative copula uin and umin "I do not, am not" (1st pers. aorist), pa.t. úmë. According to VT49:29, forms like ui “it is not”, uin(yë) “I am not”, uil(yë) *“you are not”, *uis *”(s)he is not” and uilmë *”we are not” are cited in a document dating from about 1968, though some of this was struck out. The monosyllable ú is used for “was not” in one text. The negation lá can be inflected for time “when verb is not expressed”. Tense-forms given: (aorist) lanyë “I do not, am not”; the other forms are cited without pronominal suffixes: present laia, past lánë, perfect alaië, future lauva, imperative ala, alá. MAY IT BE SO, see AMEN. –VT49:27-34, Nam/RGEO:67, VT43:34/An Introduction to Elvish:5, VT42:34,Silm:21/391, FS, UGU/UMU, VT49:13

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BE

  • 14 BEAR

    (vb) \#col- (verb stem isolated from \#colindo "bearer". Cf. mel- "to love", melindo "lover"). \#Col- can also be translated *"wear" [of clothes], cf. the past participle colla "borne, worn". BEAR FRUIT yavin (which must mean *"I bear fruit", stem \#yav-. Tolkien often employs the 1st person aorist when mentioning a verb in his wordlists.) –LotR:989, cf. Letters:308 and MEL, MR:385, LT1:273 (noun) morco –MORÓK

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BEAR

  • 15 BREAK

    (vb) rac- (past participle rácina "broken" is attested); BREAK APART terhat- (pa.t. terhantë); BREAK ASUNDER hat- (pa.t. hantë) – but in earlier material, hat- meant “fling”, and Tolkien may have restored that meaning (see FLING). Since the status of hat- “break asunder” is uncertain, the alternative form \#ascat- (pa.t. ascantë) apparently from the same root may be preferred. –MC:223, SKAT, SD:310

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BREAK

  • 16 BUILD

    \#car- (cited as carin "I make, build", 1st pers. aorist – according to FS and SD:246 the past tense is cárë, but Etym has carnë; writers should probably use the latter form, not to be confused with the adjective carnë "red". The passive participle \#carna *"built, made" is attested in Vincarna *"newly-made" in MR:305.) BUILDING car (card-) (house), ampano (= especially building of wood, wooden hall; umpano in VT45:36 sems to be a variant form), ataquë (construction). BUILDER samno (Þ) (carpenter, wright) –KAR, PAN, VT45:36, TAK, STAB

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BUILD

  • 17 CLOAK

    colla (vestment, actually a past participle "borne, worn" used as a noun). GREY-CLOAK Sindacollo, Singollo (so in Silm:421; MR:217 has Sindicollo. Note that colla has become \#collo because –o is a masculine ending.) (Thingol). Verb "to cloak": fanta- (to veil, mantle) –MR:385, VT43:22

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > CLOAK

  • 18 DEAD

    firin (= dead by natural cause), qualin (related to qualmë "agony, death" and probably has darker connotations than firin), vanwa (departed, lost, past, gone, vanished, no longer to be had), hessa (withered). DEAD BODY loico (corpse) –KWAL, PHIR, MC:223, LT1:255, WJ:366

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > DEAD

  • 19 DENY

    lala- –LA (Note: a homophone means "laugh", but the past tense forms may differ. See LAUGH.)

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > DENY

  • 20 DEPART

    \#av- (cited in the form avin "he departs", read "I depart" in LotR-style Quenya), pa.t. ambë. Also vanya- (pa.t. vannë). (The latter verb Tolkien may have been abandoned in favour of auta-; see PASS.) Lendë pa.t. of lelya/lenna "go" is also glossed as "departed". DEPARTED (adj) vanwa (gone, vanished, lost, past, no longer to be had, dead) –QL:33, WAN, LED cf. VT45:27, WJ:366, Nam

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > DEPART

См. также в других словарях:

  • past — /past, pahst/, adj. 1. gone by or elapsed in time: It was a bad time, but it s all past now. 2. of, having existed in, or having occurred during a time previous to the present; bygone: the past glories of the Incas. 3. gone by just before the… …   Universalium

  • past — /past / (say pahst) verb 1. Rare past participle and occasional past tense of pass. –adjective 2. gone by in time. 3. belonging to, or having existed or occurred in time previous to this. 4. gone by just before the present time; just passed: the… …  

  • past — [past, päst] vi., vt. rare pp. of PASS2 adj. 1. gone by; ended; over [our past troubles] 2. of a former time; bygone 3. immediately preceding; just gone by [the past week] 4. having served formerly …   English World dictionary

  • Past — Past, prep. 1. Beyond, in position, or degree; further than; beyond the reach or influence of. Who being past feeling. Eph. iv. 19. Galled past endurance. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] Until we be past thy borders. Num. xxi. 22. [1913 Webster] Love,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • past — ► ADJECTIVE 1) gone by in time and no longer existing. 2) (of time) that has gone by. 3) Grammar (of a tense) expressing a past action or state. ► NOUN 1) a past period or the events in it. 2) a person s or thing s history or earlier life. 3) …   English terms dictionary

  • Past — Past, Present Future Past, Present Future сборник Rob Zombie Дата выпуска …   Википедия

  • past — Ⅰ. past UK US /pɑːst/ US  /pæst/ preposition ► above a particular age or outside a stated limit: »More and more people are working until past retirement age. »We re past the point where losing a couple of employees will save us. Ⅱ. past UK US… …   Financial and business terms

  • Past — (‚Vergangenheit‘) steht für: Simple Past, eine Zeitform des Englischen (Past Tense) Past heißen: Ambar Past (* 1949), US amerikanisch mexikanische Poetin und bildende Künstlerin Siehe auch Past Perfect, Past Progressive …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Past — Past, a. [From {Pass}, v.] Of or pertaining to a former time or state; neither present nor future; gone by; elapsed; ended; spent; as, past troubles; past offences. Past ages. Milton. [1913 Webster] {Past master}. See under {Master}. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • past — I adjective ancient, antediluvian, antiquated, archaic, back, defunct, departed, elapsed, expired, forgotten, former, gone, gone by, historical, irrecoverable, lapsed, last, late, lost, no longer functioning, obsolete, old, outdated, outmoded,… …   Law dictionary

  • Past — Past, n. A former time or state; a state of things gone by. The past, at least, is secure. D. Webster. [1913 Webster] The present is only intelligible in the light of the past, often a very remote past indeed. Trench. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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