1 passive guidance
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > passive guidance
2 passive guidance
1) Космонавтика: пассивное самонаведение2) Макаров: пассивная система наведения, пассивное наведение -
3 passive guidance
4 passive guidance
5 passive guidance
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > passive guidance
6 passive guidance
7 passive guidance receiver
Космонавтика: приёмник пассивной системы наведенияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > passive guidance receiver
8 final stage passive guidance system
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > final stage passive guidance system
9 semi-passive guidance
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > semi-passive guidance
10 guidance
управление; ркт. наведение; руководящие [директивные] указания; директива; руководствоstellar-inertia! guidance — астроинерциальное наведение, инерциальное наведение с астрокоррекцпей
terrain (contour) matching guidance — корреляционное наведение методом сопоставления эталонной картографической программы с РЛ отображением местности
— beam climber guidance— celestial navigation guidance— fixed lead-angle guidance— gravitational correlation guidance— gravitational guidance— hyperbolic navigation guidance— instrumental guidance— launching-phase guidance— lead-angle guidance— proportional closure guidance— tracking guidance* * * -
11 guidance
beam(-climber, -follower, -rider,-riding) guidance — наведение (ракеты) по лучу
reference trajectory reentry guidance — управление КЛА при возвращении в атмосферу с использованием опорной траектории
12 guidance
= gdnce1) наведение3) канализация (напр. волн)4) навигация•- guidance of waves
- active homing guidance
- aerial guidance
- azimuth guidance
- beam-rider guidance
- booster guidance
- bubble guidance
- cable guidance
- celestial guidance
- celestial-inertial guidance
- command guidance
- Doppler radar guidance
- drone-type guidance
- electronic guidance
- electronics guidance
- external guidance
- final guidance
- ground guidance
- heat-seeking guidance
- homing guidance
- hyperbolic guidance
- inertial guidance
- infrared guidance
- internal guidance
- laser guidance
- lateral guidance
- launching guidance
- launching phase guidance
- lock-on guidance
- loran guidance
- magnetic guidance
- map-matching guidance
- midcourse guidance
- mode guidance
- multimissile guidance
- optical guidance
- optical track command guidance
- passive guidance
- passive homing guidance
- photoelectric guidance
- preset guidance
- pursuit-course guidance
- quasi-active homing guidance
- radar guidance
- radar command guidance
- radar repeat-back guidance
- radar track command guidance
- radio guidance
- radio-inertial guidance
- radio navigation guidance
- reentry guidance
- semiactive homing guidance
- star-tracking guidance
- stellar guidance
- television repeat-back guidance
- terminal guidance
- terrain-matching guidance
- terrestrial-magnetic guidance
- terrestrial-reference guidance
- track-command guidance
- wire guidance -
13 guidance
1) наведение3) канализация (напр. волн)4) навигация•- aerial guidance
- azimuth guidance
- beam-rider guidance
- booster guidance
- bubble guidance
- cable guidance
- celestial guidance
- celestial-inertial guidance
- command guidance
- Doppler radar guidance
- drone-type guidance
- electronic guidance
- electronics guidance
- external guidance
- final guidance
- ground guidance
- guidance and control
- guidance of waves
- heat-seeking guidance
- homing guidance
- hyperbolic guidance
- inertial guidance
- infrared guidance
- internal guidance
- laser guidance
- lateral guidance
- launching guidance
- launching phase guidance
- lock-on guidance
- loran guidance
- magnetic guidance
- map-matching guidance
- midcourse guidance
- mode guidance
- multimissile guidance
- optical guidance
- optical track command guidance
- passive guidance
- passive homing guidance
- photoelectric guidance
- preset guidance
- pursuit-course guidance
- quasi-active homing guidance
- radar command guidance
- radar guidance
- radar repeat-back guidance
- radar track command guidance
- radio guidance
- radio navigation guidance
- radio-inertial guidance
- reentry guidance
- semiactive homing guidance
- star-tracking guidance
- stellar guidance
- television repeat-back guidance
- terminal guidance
- terrain-matching guidance
- terrestrial-magnetic guidance
- terrestrial-reference guidance
- track-command guidance
- wire guidanceThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > guidance
14 passive homing guidance
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > passive homing guidance
15 guidance
1) наведение; самонаведение2) управление3) навигация6) направленное распространение ( волн)7) правила; руководство•guidance on — правила по...-
active homing guidance
aerial guidance
antiradar guidance
antiradiation guidance
approach slope guidance
azimuth guidance
beam-rider guidance
blind guidance
booster guidance
cable guidance
celestial guidance
celestial-inertial guidance
command guidance
constant-wave radar guidance
electronics guidance
electronic guidance
external guidance
final guidance
fly-by-wire guidance
ground guidance
heat-seeking guidance
homing guidance
horizontal guidance
hyperbolic guidance
inertial guidance
infrared guidance
internal guidance
laser guidance
lateral guidance
lock-on guidance
magnetic guidance
mode guidance
nonrectilinear guidance
optical guidance
passive homing guidance
preset guidance
profile guidance
radar guidance
radar repeat-back guidance
radiation guidance
radio guidance
radioinertial guidance
radiometric guidance
reentry guidance
RF passive homing guidance
roll guidance
semiactive homing guidance
star-tracking guidance
stellar-inertial guidance
strapdown guidance
terminal guidance
terrestrial-reference guidance
terrestrial guidance
vertical guidance
wire guidance -
16 guidance
[ʹgaıd(ə)ns] n1. 1) руководство; водительствоunder the guidance of... - под руководством...
2) руководство, следование указаниямsent for your guidance - посланный вам в помощь /для руководства/ (об инструкциях, правилах пользования и т. п.)
this is for your guidance - это тебе для сведения и руководства; это тебе для (общей) ориентации
3) руководство, руководители2. тех. управление; наведение ( ракеты)terminal guidance - наведение ( ракеты) на конечном участке траектории
active [passive] homing guidance - активное [пассивное] самонаведение
17 passive homing guidance
PHG, passive homing guidanceEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > passive homing guidance
18 passive infrared guidance system
PIGS, passive infrared guidance systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > passive infrared guidance system
19 passive homing
20 passive homing
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > passive homing
См. также в других словарях:
Guidance system — A guidance system is a device or group of devices used to navigate a ship, aircraft, missile, rocket, satellite, or other craft. Typically, this refers to a system that navigates without direct or continuous human control. Systems that are… … Wikipedia
passive missile — One equipped with guidance that is able to home on emissions generated by the target. The missile is not dependent on mother aircraft for its guidance. See passive homing guidance … Aviation dictionary
passive homing guidance — pasyvusis nusitaikymas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Taikymo sistema, kurioje VNP bangų imtuvas reaguoja į taikinio spinduliuotę. Pirminę energiją (šviesą, šilumą, garsą, radijo bangas) spinduliuoja taikinys, ją priima VNP ir pagal tai… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
passive homing guidance — pasyvusis nusitaikymas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Nusitaikymo sistema, kurioje raketos imtuvas reaguoja į taikinio skleidžiamus spindulius. atitikmenys: angl. passive homing guidance pranc. guidage passif … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
passive homing guidance — A system of guidance in which a craft or a missile is directed toward a destination by means of natural radiations from the destination. See also homing guidance … Aviation dictionary
passive homing guidance — A system of homing guidance wherein the receiver in the missile utilizes radiation from the target … Military dictionary
passive radar — noun A receive only radar that uses ambient radio signals for search, tracking, surveillance, identification, guidance and mapping … Wiktionary
passive homing — /pæsɪv ˈhoʊmɪŋ/ (say pasiv hohming) noun a form of missile guidance in which the receiver in the missile utilises radiations from the target …
Missile guidance — A guided bomb strikes a practice target Missile guidance refers to a variety of methods of guiding a missile or a guided bomb to its intended target. The missile s target accuracy is a critical factor for its effectiveness. Guidance systems… … Wikipedia
homing guidance — i. A system in which devices built into a missile enable it to steer and keep on course toward a specific target by reacting to some distinguishing characteristic of the target, such as sound, heat, light, or radar reflectors. An infrared air to… … Aviation dictionary
homing guidance — A system by which a missile or torpedo steers itself towards a target by means of a self contained mechanism which is activated by some distinguishing characteristics of the target. See also active homing guidance; passive homing guidance; semi… … Military dictionary