Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 jeopardise

    verb (to put in danger: Bad spelling could jeopardize your chances of passing the exam.) pôr em risco
    * * *
    [dʒ'epədaiz] vt arriscar, aventurar, pôr em perigo, pôr em jogo, expor.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > jeopardise

  • 2 jeopardize

    verb (to put in danger: Bad spelling could jeopardize your chances of passing the exam.) pôr em risco
    * * *
    [dʒ'epədaiz] vt = link=jeopardise jeopardise.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > jeopardize

  • 3 qualify

    1) (to cause to be or to become able or suitable for: A degree in English does not qualify you to teach English; She is too young to qualify for a place in the team.) qualificar
    2) ((with as) to show that one is suitable for a profession or job etc, especially by passing a test or examination: I hope to qualify as a doctor.) qualificar-se
    3) ((with for) to allow, or be allowed, to take part in a competition etc, usually by reaching a satisfactory standard in an earlier test or competition: She failed to qualify for the long jump.) classificar-se
    4) ((of an adjective) to describe, or add to the meaning of: In `red books', the adjective `red' qualifies the noun `books'.) qualificar
    - qualified
    - qualifying
    * * *
    [kw'ɔlifai] vt+vi 1 qualificar, classificar. 2 capacitar, habilitar. 3 modificar. to qualify oneself qualificar-se, habilitar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > qualify

  • 4 jeopardise

    verb (to put in danger: Bad spelling could jeopardize your chances of passing the exam.) pôr em risco

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > jeopardise

  • 5 jeopardize

    verb (to put in danger: Bad spelling could jeopardize your chances of passing the exam.) pôr em risco

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > jeopardize

  • 6 qualify

    1) (to cause to be or to become able or suitable for: A degree in English does not qualify you to teach English; She is too young to qualify for a place in the team.) qualificar
    2) ((with as) to show that one is suitable for a profession or job etc, especially by passing a test or examination: I hope to qualify as a doctor.) habilitar-se
    3) ((with for) to allow, or be allowed, to take part in a competition etc, usually by reaching a satisfactory standard in an earlier test or competition: She failed to qualify for the long jump.) classificar-se
    4) ((of an adjective) to describe, or add to the meaning of: In `red books', the adjective `red' qualifies the noun `books'.) qualificar
    - qualified - qualifying

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > qualify

  • 7 pass

    1. verb
    1) (to move towards and then beyond (something, by going past, through, by, over etc): I pass the shops on my way to work; The procession passed along the corridor.) passar
    2) (to move, give etc from one person, state etc to another: They passed the photographs around; The tradition is passed (on/down) from father to son.) passar
    3) (to go or be beyond: This passes my understanding.) ultrapassar
    4) ((of vehicles etc on a road) to overtake: The sports car passed me at a dangerous bend in the road.) ultrapassar
    5) (to spend (time): They passed several weeks in the country.) passar
    6) ((of an official group, government etc) to accept or approve: The government has passed a resolution.) aprovar
    7) (to give or announce (a judgement or sentence): The magistrate passed judgement on the prisoner.) pronunciar
    8) (to end or go away: His sickness soon passed.) passar
    9) (to (judge to) be successful in (an examination etc): I passed my driving test.) passar
    2. noun
    1) (a narrow path between mountains: a mountain pass.) desfiladeiro
    2) (a ticket or card allowing a person to do something, eg to travel free or to get in to a building: You must show your pass before entering.) passe
    3) (a successful result in an examination, especially when below a distinction, honours etc: There were ten passes and no fails.) aprovação
    4) ((in ball games) a throw, kick, hit etc of the ball from one player to another: The centre-forward made a pass towards the goal.) passe
    - passing
    - passer-by
    - password
    - in passing
    - let something pass
    - let pass
    - pass as/for
    - pass away
    - pass the buck
    - pass by
    - pass off
    - pass something or someone off as
    - pass off as
    - pass on
    - pass out
    - pass over
    - pass up
    * * *
    [pa:s; pæs] n 1 passagem: a) ação ou efeito de passar. b) passadouro, desfiladeiro, caminho estreito, garganta. c) canal navegável. 2 estreito, vão. 3 condição, situação, conjuntura. he is at a fine pass / ele está em situação difícil. 4 passe: a) licença, permissão. b) salvo-conduto. c) bilhete gratuito. d) permanente, ingresso gratuito. e) ação de passar as mãos diante dos olhos para hipnotizar alguém. f) passe de mágica, escamoteação, truque. g) Sports ação de passar a bola a outro jogador. 5 Games recusa de jogar ou apostar por falta de cartas adequadas. 6 aprovação em exame (especialmente sem o grau de distinção). 7 nota ou certificado dessa aprovação. 8 Mil licença de curta duração. 9 Fencing estocada, venida. 10 abordagem amorosa ou sexual. 11 um ciclo completo de operações. • vt+vi 1 passar: a) transpor, atravessar. b) percorrer, transitar, andar por. c) ir além de, ultrapassar, exceder. d) correr, deslizar, fluir. e) ir de um lugar a outro. f) mudar de estado, situação ou proprietário. g) Jur ser transmitida (propriedade). h) transportar, reproduzir. i) mudar de lugar, transferir. j) não protestar, deixar passar. k) ser aprovado em exame. l) decorrer, escoar-se, esvair-se (tempo). m) consumir, empregar (tempo). n) passar por, ser tido na conta, ser considerado. o) morrer, falecer, expirar. p) ser votado como lei, receber sanção legal. q) Game não jogar ou não apostar por falta de cartas adequadas. r) Sports entregar a bola a um companheiro de equipe. s) ocorrer, acontecer, suceder. t) circular, ter curso. u) desaparecer, acabar, cessar. v) omitir pagamento de (dividendos). w) transmitir, legar. x) ratificar, sancionar, aprovar (projeto de lei). y) superar, sobrepujar. z) introduzir-se, infiltrar-se. aa) fazer escorregar, deslizar ou correr. she passed her hand across her hair / ela passou a mão pelo cabelo. bb) pôr em circulação (dinheiro, principalmente falso). cc) fazer transpor ou atravessar. 2 evacuar, expelir. 3 Fencing dar uma estocada. 4 omitir, passar sobre. 5 pronunciar, expressar. 6 serem trocadas (palavras). 7 proferir sentença. 8 ser proferida (sentença). 9 prometer, empenhar a palavra. 10 Jur transferir (direito de propriedade). matters have come to such a pass that... as coisas chegaram a tal ponto que... pass it over in silence não faça caso disso. pass me the butter, please! passe-me a manteiga, por favor! to bring to pass realizar, fazer. to come to a pretty pass ficar difícil, chegar a uma situação complicada. to hold the pass a) manter a posição. b) fig permanecer fiel à causa. to let pass deixar passar. to make a pass it fazer avanços amorosos (especialmente sexuais), dar em cima de. to pass a dividend deixar de distribuir um dividendo. to pass along passar ao longo de, passar para diante. to pass away a) ir embora, partir. b) morrer, falecer. c) escoar-se, decorrer (tempo). d) desaparecer, findar. e) consumir, deixar passar. to pass by a) passar por. b) ignorar, omitir, não tomar conhecimento de. c) preterir, não dar importância a. he passed me by / ele me preteriu. to pass for passar por, ser tomado por. to pass in a crowd a) servir, ser aceitável. b) passar despercebido. to pass in review passar em revista (tropas ou fig). to pass into law tornar-se lei. to pass judgement on criticar, fazer julgamentos. to pass muster ser aceitável, ser satisfatório. to pass off a) cessar, terminar, parar. b) transcorrer com sucesso. c) passar por. we passed ourselves off as rich / fizemo-nos passar por ricos. d) passar (dinheiro falso). e) ignorar, passar por cima. to pass on a) continuar, prosseguir. b) passar adiante. c) transmitir, legar. to pass over a) atravessar, transpor. he passed over the bridge / ele atravessou a ponte. b) ignorar, omitir. c) passar por cima ou por alto. she passed her eye over the table / ela relanceou a vista por sobre a mesa. d) não fazer caso de, tolerar. to pass the buck eximir-se de uma responsabilidade, jogar a responsabilidade sobre outra pessoa. to pass the hat coll coletar dinheiro, passar o chapéu. to pass the time of day cumprimentar, trocar cumprimentos. to pass through a) atravessar, transpor. we passed through London / passamos por Londres. b) passar por, ser submetido a. we passed through hard trials / passamos por provas difíceis. c) experimentar, sofrer. d) penetrar, passar através de. e) fazer atravessar ou transpor. to pass to account lançar em conta, assentar nos livros. to pass to someone’s credit lançar no crédito de alguém. to pass up Amer sl a) rejeitar. b) deixar passar, perder. to pass water urinar. to sell the pass a) entregar os pontos. b) trair uma causa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pass

  • 8 pass

    1. verb
    1) (to move towards and then beyond (something, by going past, through, by, over etc): I pass the shops on my way to work; The procession passed along the corridor.) passar por
    2) (to move, give etc from one person, state etc to another: They passed the photographs around; The tradition is passed (on/down) from father to son.) passar
    3) (to go or be beyond: This passes my understanding.) ultrapassar
    4) ((of vehicles etc on a road) to overtake: The sports car passed me at a dangerous bend in the road.) ultrapassar
    5) (to spend (time): They passed several weeks in the country.) passar
    6) ((of an official group, government etc) to accept or approve: The government has passed a resolution.) aprovar
    7) (to give or announce (a judgement or sentence): The magistrate passed judgement on the prisoner.) pronunciar
    8) (to end or go away: His sickness soon passed.) passar
    9) (to (judge to) be successful in (an examination etc): I passed my driving test.) passar em
    2. noun
    1) (a narrow path between mountains: a mountain pass.) desfiladeiro
    2) (a ticket or card allowing a person to do something, eg to travel free or to get in to a building: You must show your pass before entering.) passe
    3) (a successful result in an examination, especially when below a distinction, honours etc: There were ten passes and no fails.) aprovação
    4) ((in ball games) a throw, kick, hit etc of the ball from one player to another: The centre-forward made a pass towards the goal.) passe
    - passing - passer-by - password - in passing - let something pass - let pass - pass as/for - pass away - pass the buck - pass by - pass off - pass something or someone off as - pass off as - pass on - pass out - pass over - pass up

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  • 9 drip

    [drip] 1. past tense, past participle - dripped; verb
    (to (cause to) fall in single drops: Rain dripped off the roof; His hand was dripping blood.) pingar
    2. noun
    1) (a small quantity (of liquid) falling in drops: A drip of water ran down the tap.) pinga
    2) (the noise made by dripping: I can hear a drip somewhere.) pingo
    3) (an apparatus for passing a liquid slowly and continuously into a vein of the body.) dreno
    - drip-dry 3. verb
    (to dry in this manner.) lavar e vestir
    * * *
    [drip] n 1 gotejamento, ato de gotejar. 2 aquilo que goteja ou cai gota a gota. 3 Archit goteira, telha de beiral, biqueira, calha. 4 o som de gotas caindo, o gotejar. 5 Med gotejamento, equipamento (ou líquido) para administração gota a gota em um vaso sanguíneo. 6 sl pessoa chata, cacete. • vt+vi gotejar, pingar, cair gota a gota, estar ensopado.

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  • 10 graze

    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) pastar
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) arranhar
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) arranhar
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) arranhão
    * * *
    [greiz] n pasto. • vt+vi 1 pastar. 2 pastorear.
    [greiz] n esfoladura, arranhadura. • vt+vi 1 roçar, tocar levemente. 2 esfolar, arranhar (a pele).
    [greiz] vt+vi 1 comer continuamente em pequenas quantidades ao longo do dia, lambiscar. 2 Amer pegar e comer coisas no supermercado enquanto se fazem compras.

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  • 11 hail

    I 1. [heil] noun
    1) (small balls of ice falling from the clouds: There was some hail during the rainstorm last night.) saraiva
    2) (a shower (of things): a hail of arrows.) saraivada
    2. verb
    (to shower hail: It was hailing as I drove home.) cair saraiva
    II 1. [heil] verb
    1) (to shout to in order to attract attention: We hailed a taxi; The captain hailed the passing ship.) chamar
    2) (to greet or welcome (a person, thing etc) as something: His discoveries were hailed as a great step forward in medicine.) saudar
    2. noun
    (a shout (to attract attention): Give that ship a hail.) grito
    3. interjection
    (an old word of greeting: Hail, O King!) salve!
    * * *
    [heil] n granizo. • vi 1 chover granizo. 2 precipitar-se, metralhar como em chuva de granizo.
    [heil] n saudação, aclamação. • vt saudar, aclamar, chamar. they hailed her as a bride / saudaram-na como noiva. • interj Poet bem-vindo!, salve! within hail ao alcance da voz.

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  • 12 drip

    [drip] 1. past tense, past participle - dripped; verb
    (to (cause to) fall in single drops: Rain dripped off the roof; His hand was dripping blood.) pingar, gotejar
    2. noun
    1) (a small quantity (of liquid) falling in drops: A drip of water ran down the tap.) gota
    2) (the noise made by dripping: I can hear a drip somewhere.) gotejamento
    3) (an apparatus for passing a liquid slowly and continuously into a vein of the body.) gotímetro
    - drip-dry 3. verb
    (to dry in this manner.) secar ao vento

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  • 13 graze

    [ɡreiz] I verb
    ((of animals) to eat grass etc which is growing.) pastar
    II 1. verb
    1) (to scrape the skin from (a part of the body): I've grazed my knee on that stone wall.) esfolar
    2) (to touch lightly in passing: The bullet grazed the car.) roçar
    2. noun
    (the slight wound caused by grazing a part of the body: a graze on one's knee.) esfoladura

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > graze

  • 14 hail

    I 1. [heil] noun
    1) (small balls of ice falling from the clouds: There was some hail during the rainstorm last night.) granizo
    2) (a shower (of things): a hail of arrows.) saraivada
    2. verb
    (to shower hail: It was hailing as I drove home.) chover granizo
    II 1. [heil] verb
    1) (to shout to in order to attract attention: We hailed a taxi; The captain hailed the passing ship.) chamar
    2) (to greet or welcome (a person, thing etc) as something: His discoveries were hailed as a great step forward in medicine.) saudar
    2. noun
    (a shout (to attract attention): Give that ship a hail.) brado
    3. interjection
    (an old word of greeting: Hail, O King!) salve

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  • 15 border

    ['bo:də] 1. noun
    1) (the edge of a particular thing: the border of a picture/handkerchief.) orla
    2) (the boundary of a country: They'll ask for your passport at the border.) fronteira
    3) (a flower bed round the edge of a lawn etc: a flower border.) canteiro
    2. verb
    ((with on) to come near to or lie on the border of: Germany borders on France.) fazer fronteira
    3. noun
    (the border between one thing and another: He was on the borderline between passing and failing.) limite
    * * *
    [b'ɔ:də] n 1 margem, borda, beira. 2 fronteira, limite. 3 orla, extremidade, bainha, remate, debrum. 4 bordadura (de jardim). • vt+vi 1 limitar, formar fronteira. 2 confinar, limitar com. 3 debruar, bordar, orlar. 4 fig tocar, atingir, chegar às raias, beirar. his devotion to his dog borders on the ridiculous / sua devoção ao cachorro chega às raias do ridículo. the Border fronteira entre a Inglaterra e a Escócia.

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  • 16 brush

    1. noun
    1) (an instrument with bristles, wire, hair etc for cleaning, scrubbing etc: a toothbrush; He sells brushes.) escova
    2) (an act of brushing.) escovadela
    3) (a bushy tail of a fox.) cauda
    4) (a disagreement: a slight brush with the law.) altercação
    2. verb
    1) (to rub with a brush: He brushed his jacket.) escovar
    2) (to remove (dust etc) by sweeping with a brush: brush the floor.) varrer
    3) (to make tidy by using a brush: Brush your hair!) escovar
    4) (to touch lightly in passing: The leaves brushed her face.) roçar
    - brush away
    - brush up
    - give
    - get the brush-off
    * * *
    [br∧ʃ] n 1 escova. 2 escovadela, ato de escovar. 3 Mil escovilhão. 4 toque, ato de roçar. 5 escaramuça, luta, briga, combate. 6 rabo, cauda de raposa ou esquilo. 7 pincel, broxa. 8 feixe de luz. 9 Electr escova. 10 fig arte de pintar. • vt+vi 1 escovar, limpar, esfregar (com escova). he brushed his teeth / ele escovou os dentes. I must brush up my skirt / tenho de escovar (limpar) minha saia. 2 tirar, remover. 3 tocar, esbarrar, roçar levement. he brushed against me / ele esbarrou em mim. 4 correr, mover-se rapidamente. he brushed by me / ele passou correndo por mim. at a brush ao primeiro assalto, à primeira tentativa. by the same brush do mesmo artista ou pintor. he brushed off ele fugiu, ele não reagiu. to brush up a) recapitular, refrescar a memória. he must brush up his math / ele precisa recapitular seus conhecimentos de matemática. I must brush up my Latin / preciso recapitular meu latim. b) polir para eliminar imperfeições. c) refrescar-se. I must brush up / preciso refrescar-me. to give one a brush atacar alguém.
    [br∧ʃ] n Amer 1 galhos cortados ou quebrados. 2 mato, capoeira, moita. 3 interior, região de pouca população.

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  • 17 chain

    [ ein] 1. noun
    1) (a series of (especially metal) links or rings passing through one another: The dog was fastened by a chain; She wore a silver chain round her neck.) corrente
    2) (a series: a chain of events.) cadeia
    2. verb
    (to fasten or bind with chains: The prisoner was chained to the wall.) acorrentar
    - chain store
    * * *
    [tʃein] n 1 cadeia, corrente. 2 grilheta, algema. 3 cordilheira, cadeia de montanhas. 4 urdume, urdidura, cadilho. 5 trena, cadeia de agrimensura de 20,11 m. 6 fig cadeia, série, enfiada, encadeamento, série encadeada ou sucessiva. 7 Naut chains mesa da enxárcia. 8 fig chains algemas, escravidão, servidão, prisão, cativeiro, laços. • vt encadear, prender com cadeia, acorrentar, agrilhoar, escravizar, constranger. ball-and-chain sl a (própria) esposa. chain of operations série de operações. to bind in chains encadear, sujeitar. to chain up acorrentar. to pull someone’s chain sl enganar, fazer alguém de bobo. to shake off one’s chains livrar-se de seus vínculos.
    [tʃein] n Tech 1 sinônimo de múltiplo. 2 seqüência de bordas dirigidas conectadas de um gráfico. 3 medida que, para agrimensores, é igual a 100 elos ( links) ou 66 pés ( feet), equivalente a 20,12 metros e, para engenheiros, 30,48 metros.

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  • 18 congratulate

    ((often with on) to express pleasure and joy to (a person) at a happy event, a success etc: She congratulated him on passing his driving test.) felicitar
    - congratulation
    * * *
    [kəngr'ætʃuleit] vt+vi congratular(-se), felicitar, dar parabéns (on, upon something pelo, por alguma coisa).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > congratulate

  • 19 filter

    ['filtə] 1. noun
    1) (a strainer or other device through which liquid, gas, smoke etc can pass, but not solid material: A filter is used to make sure that the oil is clean and does not contain any dirt; ( also adjective) filter paper.) filtro
    2) (a kind of screening plate used to change or correct certain colours: If you are taking photographs in sun and snow, you should use a blue filter.) filtro
    2. verb
    1) ((of liquids) to (become) clean by passing through a filter: The rain-water filtered into a tank.) filtrar(-se)
    2) (to come bit by bit or gradually: The news filtered out.) sair
    * * *
    [f'iltə] n 1 filtro. 2 purificador. • vt+vi 1 filtrar, purificar. 2 filtrar-se. 3 infiltrar-se. to filter out remover. traffic filter sinal de trânsito que controla o fluxo do trânsito que se dirige à direita ou à esquerda.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > filter

  • 20 focus

    ['foukəs] 1. plurals - focuses, foci; noun
    1) (the point at which rays of light meet after passing through a lens.) foco
    2) (a point to which light, a look, attention etc is directed: She was the focus of everyone's attention.) foco
    2. verb
    1) (to adjust (a camera, binoculars etc) in order to get a clear picture: Remember to focus the camera / the picture before taking the photograph.) focar
    2) (to direct (attention etc) to one point: The accident focussed public attention on the danger.) focar
    - in
    - out of focus
    * * *
    [f'aukəs] n (pl foci) 1 foco (também Phys, Geom, Opt). 2 distância focal. 3 focagem, focalização (de lente), acomodação (do olho). 4 foco, centro, ponto de convergência, sede. • vt+vi (ps e pp focused, focussed) 1 focar, enfocar, pôr em foco, focalizar sobre. 2 focalizar, ajustar (lente, olho), acertar a lente de modo a obter uma imagem clara de algo. 3 pôr em evidência. 4 concentrar, tomar por foco, dirigir ou centralizar em. 5 coll pensar com clareza. in focus em foco, claro, distinto. out of focus turvo, opaco, indistinto, fosco.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > focus

См. также в других словарях:

  • Passing (gender) — Passing, in regard to gender identity, refers to a person s ability to be accepted or regarded as a member of the sex or gender with which they identify, or with which they physically present.Julia Serano. Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on… …   Wikipedia

  • Passing (sociology) — Passing is the ability of a person to be regarded as a member of a combination of sociological groups other than his or her own, such as a different race, ethnicity, social class, gender, and/or disability status, generally with the purpose of… …   Wikipedia

  • passing away — verb (to die) …   Wiktionary

  • passing — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ untimely VERB + PASSING ▪ lament, mourn ▪ Few will mourn his passing. ▪ mark …   Collocations dictionary

  • pass — [c]/pas / (say pahs) verb (passed or, Rare, past, passing) –verb (t) 1. to go by or move past (something). 2. to go by without acting upon or noticing; leave unmentioned. 3. to omit payment of (a dividend, etc.). 4. to go or get through (a… …  

  • glance — I. /glæns / (say glans), /glans / (say glahns) verb (glanced, glancing) –verb (i) 1. to look quickly or briefly. 2. to gleam or flash. 3. to go off in an oblique direction from an object struck: the blow glanced off his chest. 4. to allude… …  

  • fine — I. /faɪn / (say fuyn) adjective (finer, finest) 1. of the highest or of very high grade or quality. 2. free from imperfections or impurities. 3. (of weather) a. sunny. b. Meteorology without rain. 4. choice, excellent, or admirable: a fine sermon …  

  • pass off — verb 1. be accepted as something or somebody in a false character or identity (Freq. 1) She passed off as a Russian agent • Hypernyms: ↑look, ↑appear, ↑seem • Verb Frames: Something is ing PP …   Useful english dictionary

  • hitchhike — verb Date: 1923 intransitive verb 1. to travel by securing free rides from passing vehicles 2. to be carried or transported by chance or unintentionally < destructive insects hitchhiking on ships > transitive verb to solicit and obtain (a free… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • refer — verb PHRASAL VERB refer to sb/sth ADVERB ▪ briefly, in passing ▪ He referred to the report in passing. ▪ specifically ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • roll up — verb 1. form into a cylinder by rolling (Freq. 1) Roll up the cloth • Syn: ↑furl • Hypernyms: ↑change shape, ↑change form, ↑deform • Hyponyms …   Useful english dictionary

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