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  • 1 meet

    [mi:t] 1. past tense, past participle - met; verb
    1) (to come face to face with (eg a person whom one knows), by chance: She met a man on the train.) stretnúť
    2) ((sometimes, especially American, with with) to come together with (a person etc), by arrangement: The committee meets every Monday.) zísť sa
    3) (to be introduced to (someone) for the first time: Come and meet my wife.) zoznámiť sa (s)
    4) (to join: Where do the two roads meet?) stretnúť sa
    5) (to be equal to or satisfy (eg a person's needs, requirements etc): Will there be sufficient stocks to meet the public demand?) uspokojiť
    6) (to come into the view, experience or presence of: A terrible sight met him / his eyes when he opened the door.) zasiahnuť
    7) (to come to or be faced with: He met his death in a car accident.) nájsť
    8) ((with with) to experience or suffer; to receive a particular response: She met with an accident; The scheme met with their approval.) mať; stretnúť sa (s)
    9) (to answer or oppose: We will meet force with greater force.) reagovať (na)
    2. noun
    (a gathering, especially of sportsmen: The local huntsmen are holding a meet this week.) zhromaždenie
    - meet someone halfway
    - meet halfway
    * * *
    • vítat
    • vediet si poradit
    • uspokojovat
    • vhodný
    • vyjst v ústrety
    • vyhovovat
    • vyhoviet
    • zápas
    • zaplatit
    • zíst sa
    • zvládnut
    • zoznámit sa
    • zraz
    • zodpovedat
    • schádzat sa
    • splnit
    • správny
    • stretávat (sa)
    • súci
    • stretnút (sa)
    • stretnutie
    • stretnút (niekoho)
    • stretnút sa
    • uhradit
    • preteky
    • pristúpit
    • primeraný
    • prichádzat
    • dotýkat sa
    • jednat
    • íst naproti
    • celit
    • byt uspokojivým
    • dat si radu
    • dat si schôdzku
    • riešit
    • poznat
    • križovat sa
    • križovatka
    • miesto stretnutia
    • napájat sa
    • odpovedat

    English-Slovak dictionary > meet

См. также в других словарях:

  • requirements contract — see contract Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. requirements contract …   Law dictionary

  • Requirements contract — A requirements contract is a contract in which one party agrees to supply as much of a good or service as is required by the other party, and in exchange the other party expressly or implicitly promises that it will obtain its goods or services… …   Wikipedia

  • requirements contract — noun a contract in which you agree to purchase all your requirements of a particular sort from one party • Hypernyms: ↑contract …   Useful english dictionary

  • requirements contract —    An agreement in which a producer agrees to sell to a buyer all of a particular kind of product that the buyer needs, before the producer looks for other buyers, and the buyer agrees to buy the goods only from the producer. This kind of… …   Business law dictionary

  • System requirements — To be used efficiently, all computer software needs certain hardware components or other software resources to be present on a computer system. These pre requisites are known as (computer) system requirements and are often used as a guideline as… …   Wikipedia

  • Product requirements document — A PRD is often created after a market requirements document (MRD) has been written and been given approval by management, and is usually written before (or at least concurrently with) a technical requirements document. It is designed to allow… …   Wikipedia

  • System Requirements Specification — A System Requirements Specification (SRS) is a document where the requirements of a system that is planned to be developed are listed.A Business analyst (BA), sometimes titled System analyst, is responsible for analysing the business needs of… …   Wikipedia

  • Compliance requirements — are a series of directives established by United States Federal government agencies that summarize hundreds of Federal laws and regulations applicable to Federal assistance (also known as Federal aid or Federal funds). They are currently… …   Wikipedia

  • Functional requirements — In software engineering, a functional requirement defines a function of a software system or its component. A function is described as a set of inputs, the behavior, and outputs (see also ). Functional requirements may be calculations, technical… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-functional requirements framework — NFR (Non Functional Requirements) is a framework on Goal Modelling. The analysis begins with softgoals that represent NFR which stakeholders agree upon. Softgoals are goals that are hard to express, but tend to be global qualities of a software… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-Functional Requirements framework — NFR (Non Functional Requirements) is a framework on Goal Modelling. The analysis begins with softgoals that represent NFR which stakeholders agree upon. Softgoals are goals that are hard to express, but tend to be global qualities of a software… …   Wikipedia

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