1 pari passu
• rinta rinnan• yht' aikaa• samaan tahtiin• yhtä aikaa -
2 pari-mutuel
• vedonlyönti organisaatio -
3 al pari
finance, business, economy• nimellisarvo -
4 a couple
• pari -
5 a handful of
• pari -
6 handful of
• pari -
7 one of a pair
• pari -
8 one or two
• pari* * *(a few: I don't want a lot of nuts - I'll just take one or two.) pari -
9 a couple of days
• pari päivää -
10 couple of
• pari• parisen -
11 couple of days
• pari päivää -
12 pair
• yhdistää pareittain• yhdistää pariksi• kaksikko• muodostaa pari• paritella• parittaa• pari• pariutua• parittua* * *peə 1. noun1) (a set of two of the same thing which are (intended to be) used etc together: a pair of shoes/gloves.) pari2) (a single thing made up of two parts: a pair of scissors; a pair of pants.) sakset, housut3) (two people, animals etc, often one of either sex, who are thought of together for some reason: a pair of giant pandas; John and James are the guilty pair.) pari2. verb(to make into a pair: She was paired with my brother in the tennis match.) olla parina -
13 brace
• tukea• tukisidos• tuki• noja• jännittää• housunkannattimet• varsi• vinotuki• sidehirsi• aaltosulkuprinting (graphic) industry• aaltosulkumerkki• vahvistaa• yhdistää• poranvarsi• pora• pönkä• pönkkä• kiristää• kannattaja• jäykiste• kannatin• hammasraudat• hakanen• pari• piristää* * *breis 1. noun1) (something that draws together and holds tightly: a brace to straighten teeth.) tuki2) (a pair usually of game-birds: a brace of pheasants.) pari2. verb(to make (often oneself) firm or steady: He braced himself for the struggle.) koota voimansa- braces- bracing -
14 couple
• aviopari• yhdistää• koirapari• koiranvitjat• liittää• liittyä pariksi• pariskunta• pari• kytkeätechnology• kytkeä yhteen* * *1. noun1) (two; a few: Can I borrow a couple of chairs?; I knew a couple of people at the party, but not many.) pari, muutama2) (a man and wife, or a boyfriend and girlfriend: a married couple; The young couple have a child.) pariskunta2. verb(to join together: The coaches were coupled (together), and the train set off.) kytkeä yhteen- couplet- coupling -
15 twin
• jonkin pari• kaksois-• kaksoisveli• kaksonen• kaksinkertaistaa• kaksinkertainen• kaksois• pari-* * *twin1) (one of two children or animals born of the same mother at the same time: She gave birth to twins; ( also adjective) They have twin daughters.) kaksoset2) (one of two similar or identical things: Her dress is the exact twin of mine.) samanlainen -
16 emitter-coupled pair
• emitteriliitetty pari• emitterikytketty pari -
17 a few
• jonkin verran• jokunen• hiukan• vähän• muutamat• muutama• pari* * *(a small number (emphasizing that there are indeed some): There are a few books in this library about geology; We have only a few left.) muutama -
18 cell
• ontelo• osasto• ruutu• tyrmä• solukko• solu• solu(taulukkolaskenta)• solu-• alkio• alkion solu• vankikoppi• kenno• kammio• pari• sateenvarjosolu• selli• mehiläiskenno• soppi• pieni lokero• pieni kammio• koppi• lokero• luostarikammio* * *sel1) (a small room (especially in a prison or monastery).) selli, kammio2) (a very small piece of the substance of which all living things are made; the smallest unit of living matter: The human body is made up of cells.) solu3) ((the part containing the electrodes in) an electrical battery.) kenno4) (one of many small compartments making up a structure: the cells of a honeycomb.) kenno, lokero•- cellular- cellphone -
19 companion
• toveri• jäsen• vastaava kappale• elämäntoveri• pari• seuraneiti• seuralainen• saattaja• ystävä• kumppani• kollega* * *kəm'pænjən1) (a person etc who accompanies another person as a friend etc: She was his constant companion in his childhood.) kumppani, seuralainen2) (a helpful handbook on a particular subject: The Gardening Companion.) käsikirja•- companionship -
20 few
• jokunen• harvat• hiukan• vähälukuinen• vähän• harva• harvalukuinen• muutamat• muutama• pari* * *fju:adjective, pronoun(not many; a very small number of: Few people visit me nowadays; every few minutes (= very frequently); Such opportunities are few.) harvat- a few- few and far between
См. также в других словарях:
pari — pari … Dictionnaire des rimes
pari — [ pari ] n. m. • 1642; de parier 1 ♦ Convention par laquelle deux ou plusieurs parties s engagent à verser une certaine somme (⇒ enjeu) au profit de celle qui aura raison. Engager, faire un pari. ⇒ parier. Gagner, perdre un pari, son pari. Pari… … Encyclopédie Universelle
PARI/GP — in use on Windows XP Developer(s) … Wikipedia
pari (1) — {{hw}}{{pari (1)}{{/hw}}A agg. inv. 1 Uguale, che corrisponde esattamente: essere pari di età; essere pari per condizione sociale; essere pari in bellezza; un coraggio pari alla sua astuzia | Di pari passo, (fig.) contemporaneamente. 2 Privo di… … Enciclopedia di italiano
Päri — (auch: Lokoro) Gesprochen in Sudan Sprecher ca. 28.000 (Stand von 1987) Linguistische Klassifikation Nilo saharanische Sprachen Nilotische Sprachen Westnilotische Sprachen Luo Sprachen … Deutsch Wikipedia
pari — Pari. s. m. Gageure, promesse reciproque par laquelle deux ou plusieurs personnes qui soustiennent des choses contraires, s engagent de payer une certaine somme à celuy dont la proposition se trouvera veritable. On a fait un grand pari. le pari… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
pari — Element prim de compunere savantă cu semnificaţia egal . [< it. pari , cf. lat. par]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 12.07.2005. Sursa: DN PARI elem. egal . (< it. pari , cf. lat. par) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
pârî — PÂRÎ, pârăsc, vb. IV. tranz. (Folosit şi absol.) 1. A se plânge de faptele cuiva; a reclama. ♦ A acuza, a învinui. ♦ A da pe faţă în mod răutăcios faptele cuiva, adesea exagerând sau minţind; a vorbi de rău; a denunţa. 2. (înv.) A da pe cineva în … Dicționar Român
Pari — (ital.), 1) die völlige Gleichheit einer Anzahl verschiedener Münzsorten nach ihrem Gehalt an edlem Metall; als Maßstab wird dabei die Kölnische Mark zu 16 Loth sein Silber angenommen. Eine Münze steht über P., wenn sie höher ausgegeben wird, als … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Pari — (ital., franz. pair, engl. par), gleich, insbes. dem Nennwert oder Nominalgehalt gleich, vorzüglich zur Bezeichnung des Kursstandes von Geld und Wertpapieren gebraucht. Münzen stehen p. oder al pari (»auf dem gleichen«, franz. an pair), wenn ihr… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Pari — Pari, s. Al pari … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon