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  • 1 pardon

    interj. pardon, nasıl, buyur
    n. pardon, af, bağışlama, özür
    v. affetmek, bağışlamak, hayatını bağışlamak
    * * *
    1. bağışla (v.) 2. bağışlama (n.)
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) (to forgive: Pardon my asking, but can you help me?) affetmek, bağışlamak
    2) (to free (from prison, punishment etc): The king pardoned the prisoners.) affetmek
    2. noun
    1) (forgiveness: He prayed for pardon for his wickedness.) af(fetme), bağışlama
    2) (a (document) freeing from prison or punishment: He was granted a pardon.) afname, af emri
    3. interjection
    (used to indicate that one has not heard properly what was said: Pardon? Could you repeat that last sentence?) Efendim!; Affedersiniz!; Pardon
    - I beg your pardon
    - pardon me

    English-Turkish dictionary > pardon

  • 2 pardon me

    bağışlayın, afedersiniz
    * * *
    interjection (expressing a polite apology, especially for not agreeing with someone: Pardon me for interrupting you.) affedersiniz, bağışlayın

    English-Turkish dictionary > pardon me

  • 3 beg someone's pardon

    (to say one is sorry (usually for having offended someone else etc): I've come to beg (your) pardon for being so rude this morning.) özür dilemek

    English-Turkish dictionary > beg someone's pardon

  • 4 excuse

    n. özür, mazeret, bahane, gerekçe, izin, döküntü
    v. affetmek, muaf tutmak, bağışlamak, kusuruna bakmamak, hoşgörmek, göz yummak, mazur göstermek, izin vermek
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    1. affet (v.) 2. özür (n.)
    * * *
    1. [ik'skju:z] verb
    1) (to forgive or pardon: Excuse me - can you tell me the time?; I'll excuse your carelessness this time.) affetmek, bağışlamak
    2) (to free (someone) from a task, duty etc: May I be excused from writing this essay?) görevden affetmek / hariç tutmak
    2. [ik'skju:s] noun
    (a reason (given by oneself) for being excused, or a reason for excusing: He has no excuse for being so late.) özür, sebep

    English-Turkish dictionary > excuse

См. также в других словарях:

  • Pardon me for breathing! — Pardon me for breathing/living! informal something that you say when you are angry with someone because they are always criticizing you or getting annoyed with you. If you re just going to get in my way, James, can you leave the kitchen? Oh,… …   New idioms dictionary

  • Pardon me for living! — Pardon me for breathing/living! informal something that you say when you are angry with someone because they are always criticizing you or getting annoyed with you. If you re just going to get in my way, James, can you leave the kitchen? Oh,… …   New idioms dictionary

  • pardon — 1 interjection especially BrE 1 used when you want someone to repeat something because you did not hear it: Pardon, you ll have to talk louder, I can t hear you. | Is it hanging up in your bedroom? Pardon? I said is it in your bedroom? 2 used to… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • pardon — par|don1 S2 [ˈpa:dn US ˈpa:rdn] interjection also .pardon me 1.) used when you want someone to repeat something because you did not hear it ▪ Hurry up Jonathan! Pardon? I said hurry up! see usage note ↑excuse1 2.) BrE used to say sorry after you… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • pardon — par|don1 [ pardn ] verb transitive to officially forgive someone for committing a crime and free them from prison a. to forgive someone for doing or saying something bad or unpleasant: Please pardon the mess in the back room. if you ll pardon the …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • pardon — [[t]pɑ͟ː(r)d(ə)n[/t]] pardons, pardoning, pardoned 1) CONVENTION (formulae) You say Pardon? or I beg your pardon? or, in American English, Pardon me? when you want someone to repeat what they have just said because you have not heard or… …   English dictionary

  • Pardon — For the Breton religious festivals, see Pardon (ceremony). Clemency redirects here. For the town, see Clemency, Luxembourg …   Wikipedia

  • pardon — I UK [ˈpɑː(r)d(ə)n] / US [ˈpɑrd(ə)n] interjection 1) used for politely asking someone to repeat something you did not hear or did not understand 2) used for saying sorry when you make a rude noise with your body II UK [ˈpɑː(r)d(ə)n] / US… …   English dictionary

  • pardon — [ˈpɑːd(ə)n] interjection I 1) used for politely asking someone to repeat something that you did not hear or did not understand 2) used for saying ‘sorry when you make a rude noise with your body II verb [T] pardon [ˈpɑːd(ə)n] to officially… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • pardon me — 1) used for saying sorry when you do something rude, for example interrupt someone or make a rude noise with your body 2) used for politely disagreeing with what someone has said Pardon me, but those numbers aren t right. 3) mainly American used… …   English dictionary

  • free pardon — noun the formal act of liberating someone • Syn: ↑amnesty, ↑pardon • Derivationally related forms: ↑pardon (for: ↑pardon), ↑amnesty (for: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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