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См. также в других словарях:

  • paraffin oil — n any of various hydrocarbon oils (as mineral oil) obtained from petroleum …   Medical dictionary

  • paraffin oil — parafininė alyva statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Naftos aukštesniųjų sočiųjų angliavandenilių frakcija, verdanti ≥ 330 °C temperatūroje. atitikmenys: angl. liquid paraffin; paraffin oil; paraffinic oil rus. парафиновое масло …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • paraffin oil — vazelino aliejus statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Rūkstančia H₂SO₄ ir balinančiosiomis žemėmis išgryninta parafininė alyva. atitikmenys: angl. medicinal oil; paraffin oil; paraffinic oil; vaseline oil; white paraffine oil rus. белое… …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • paraffin oil — /ˈpærəfən ɔɪl/ (say paruhfuhn oyl) noun 1. Also, liquid paraffin. a thick colourless mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum used as a laxative. 2. any oil containing hydrocarbons obtained from the distillation of petroleum; mineral oil.… …  

  • paraffin oil — noun (British usage) kerosine • Syn: ↑paraffin • Hypernyms: ↑kerosene, ↑kerosine, ↑lamp oil, ↑coal oil …   Useful english dictionary

  • paraffin oil — (British) hydrocarbon oil derived from petroleum; fuel oil …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Paraffin oil — Парафиновое масло; Брит. керосин …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • paraffin — ► NOUN 1) (Brit. paraffin wax) a flammable waxy solid obtained from petroleum or shale and used for sealing and waterproofing and in candles. 2) (also paraffin oil or liquid paraffin) Brit. a liquid fuel made similarly, especially kerosene. 3)… …   English terms dictionary

  • Paraffin — For the fuel called paraffin in the United Kingdom and South Africa, see Kerosene. For other uses, see Paraffin (disambiguation). In chemistry, paraffin is a term that can be used synonymously with alkane , indicating hydrocarbons with the… …   Wikipedia

  • Paraffin — Metallisches Natrium unter Paraffinöl Industrielles Paraffinwachs in Pastillenform Para …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • paraffin wax — noun from crude petroleum; used for candles and for preservative or waterproof coatings • Syn: ↑paraffin • Hypernyms: ↑wax * * * noun see paraffin I, 1a * * * paraffin in its solid state. [1870 75] * * * paraffin wax …   Useful english dictionary

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