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  • 1 make

    [meik] 1. past tense, past participle - made; verb
    1) (to create, form or produce: God made the Earth; She makes all her own clothes; He made it out of paper; to make a muddle/mess of the job; to make lunch/coffee; We made an arrangement/agreement/deal/bargain.) gatavot; taisīt; radīt
    2) (to compel, force or cause (a person or thing to do something): They made her do it; He made me laugh.) likt, piespiest
    3) (to cause to be: I made it clear; You've made me very unhappy.) []darīt
    4) (to gain or earn: He makes $100 a week; to make a profit.) pelnīt
    5) ((of numbers etc) to add up to; to amount to: 2 and 2 make(s) 4.) veidot, sastādīt
    6) (to become, turn into, or be: He'll make an excellent teacher.) kļūt
    7) (to estimate as: I make the total 483.) lēst; uzskatīt
    8) (to appoint, or choose, as: He was made manager.) iecelt (amatā)
    9) (used with many nouns to give a similar meaning to that of the verb from which the noun is formed: He made several attempts (= attempted several times); They made a left turn (= turned left); He made (= offered) a suggestion/proposal; Have you any comments to make?) veikt, []darīt
    2. noun
    (a (usually manufacturer's) brand: What make is your new car?) fasons; modelis; marka
    - making
    - make-believe
    - make-over
    - makeshift
    - make-up
    - have the makings of
    - in the making
    - make a/one's bed
    - make believe
    - make do
    - make for
    - make it
    - make it up
    - make something of something
    - make of something
    - make something of
    - make of
    - make out
    - make over
    - make up
    - make up for
    - make up one's mind
    - make up to
    * * *
    izgatavošana, ražošana; produkcija, ražojums; fasons, konstrukcija, modelis; uzbūve; veidojums; ieslēgšana, saslēgšana; jaukšana; identificēšana; gatavot, taisīt; sastādīt, veidot; pelnīt; veidot; iegūt; uzpost, sakārtot; lēst, uzskatīt; iecelt; gatavoties, grasīties; likt, piespiest; paspēt, pagūt; veikt; trāpīt mērķī, sasniegt mērķi; celties; jaukt un dalīt kārtis; dzīvot kopā; nozagt; pavest; identificēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > make

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  • paper profit — or loss An unrealized profit (or loss) on a security or other investment still held. Paper profits (or losses) become realized profits (or losses) only upon the sale of the security + paper profit Profit not yet realized as derived from an… …   Black's law dictionary

  • paper profit — noun an unrealized gain on an investment calculated by subtracting the investor s cost from the current market price • Ant: ↑paper loss • Hypernyms: ↑gain * * * an unrealized profit due to the appreciation of something owned but not yet sold.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • paper profit — /ˌpeɪpə prɒfɪt/ noun a profit on an asset which has increased in price but has not been sold ● He is showing a paper profit of £25,000 on his investment. Also called paper gain, unrealised profit …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • paper profit — A profit shown by the books or accounts of an organization that is not a realized profit. This is usually for one of three reasons: • because the value of an asset has fallen below its book value; • because the asset, although nominally showing a …   Accounting dictionary

  • paper profit — A profit shown by the books or accounts of an organization that is not a realized profit This is usually for one of three reasons: • because the value of an asset has fallen below its book value; • because the asset, although nominally showing a… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • paper profit — / peɪpə ˌprɒfɪt/ noun a profit on an asset which has increased in price but has not been sold ● He is showing a paper profit of £25,000 on his investment …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • paper profit or loss — An unrealized profit (or loss) on a security or other investment still held. Paper profits (or losses) become realized profits (or losses) only upon the sale of the security + paper profit Profit not yet realized as derived from an appreciation… …   Black's law dictionary

  • paper profit or loss — n. Profit or loss that exists on the books but has not been converted into cash. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 …   Law dictionary

  • paper profit — profit which is impossible to realize, profit calculated but is not realistic …   English contemporary dictionary

  • paper profit — noun Apparent profit shown in accounts but not realized in an expendable form. The company had paper profits of two million dollars, but everyone knew that depreciation neant they had really lost 10 million …   Wiktionary

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