1 panel painting
2 panel painting
настенная живописьБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > panel painting
3 panel-painting
Архитектура: живописное панно -
4 panel-painting
5 triptych (A painting in three sections, usually an altarpiece, consisting of a central panel and two outer panels, or wings)
Религия: триптихУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > triptych (A painting in three sections, usually an altarpiece, consisting of a central panel and two outer panels, or wings)
6 C/P
1) Авиация: cleaning painting2) Морской термин: Charter Party3) Военный термин: control panel4) Юридический термин: charter-party5) Сокращение: contract price -
7 c/p
1) Авиация: cleaning painting2) Морской термин: Charter Party3) Военный термин: control panel4) Юридический термин: charter-party5) Сокращение: contract price -
8 triptych
1) Общая лексика: складень, складная икона с тремя створками2) Религия: (A painting in three sections, usually an altarpiece, consisting of a central panel and two outer panels, or wings) триптих3) Живопись: триптих -
9 belong
1. I coll.1) where do these chairs belong? откуда эти стулья?, где эти стулья [всегда] стоят?, куда поставить эти стулья?; the book is not where it belongs книга стоят не на месте; put things where they belong положи все на место /на свое место/2) at last I felt that I belonged наконец я почувствовал, что меня принимают за своего; I felt that I didn't belong у меня было ощущение, что я здесь чужой; where do you belong? вы откуда?, из каких вы краев?, где вы родились?2. IIbelong somewhere coll. belong here (there) а) происходить /быть родом/ отсюда (оттуда); б) постоянно жить или находиться здесь (там); we all belong here а) мы все из этих мест; б) мы все живем здесь; she doesn't belong here она нездешняя; this boll belongs here (there) этот ящик отсюда (оттуда)3. XVI1) belong to smb., smth. belong to her husband (to us all, to the government, to Great Britain, etc.) принадлежать ее мужу и т. д., быть собственностью ее мужа и т. д.; it belongs to him legally это принадлежит ему по закону; does this cap belong to you? Это ваша фуражка?; whom does this belong to? чье это?2) belong to smth. belong to a club (to this school, to the town council, to the Foreign Office, to a secret society, etc.) быть членом клуба и т. д.; do you belong to this group? вы состоите в этой группе?, вы входите в эту группу?, вы член этой группы?; belong to the dramatic (medical, etc.) profession быть актером и т. д.; belong to the same nationality принадлежать к той же нации; belong on smth. belong on a board (on a panel, etc.) быть членом совета и т. д.; belong on a university faculty быть членом профессорско-преподавательского состава университета3) belong in (to, among, etc.) smth., smb. belong to the same category (in a different classification, in /under/ this section, to this period, to the4. XVIII tth century, to the province of practical politics, etc.) относиться /принадлежать/ к той же категории и т.д.; he belongs in the same clans with those people он относится к тому же типу /к той же категории/, что и эти люди;. а man of his abilities belongs in painting человеку с его данными надо быть художником; he belongs among such writers as... его место среди таких писателей, как...; they belong to the vegetable kingdom (to the family of grasses) они принадлежат к растительному миру (к семейству трав); this case (the discussion of these problems, etc.) belongs to the High Court (to the local authorities, to a conciliation court, etc.) это дело и т. д. относится к компетенции Верховного Суда и т. д.; it belongs to imagination это из области выдумок4)belong to (in, on, etc.) smth. call. belong to the north (to this part of the country, etc.) происходить /быть родом/с севера и т. д.; the potato plant (this tobacco, this animal, etc.) belongs to South America родина картофеля и т. д. belong Южная Америка; belong to a respectable family происходить /быть родом/ из почтенной семьи, this book belongs to that shelf эта книга с той полки: this old chair belongs in the kitchen этот старый стул из кухни; а telephone belongs in every home в каждом доме должен быть телефон: the stopper that belongs to this bottle пробка cf этой бутылки; if a question-mark belongs with the quotation it goes inside final quotes если вопросительный знак относится к цитате, то кавычки ставятся после него; belong with smth. the belt (the hat, etc.) belongs with that coat Этот пояс и т. д. к этому пальто -
10 scraper
1) скребок2) скрепер; скреперная машина3) шабер5) цикля8) очистное устройство; грязесъёмник; илоскрёб•- blade scraper - boom scraper - bottom scraper - bottom sludge scraper - bristle scraper - buck scraper - cable drag scraper - carry scraper - caterpillar scraper - counterweight scraper - crawler scraper - dragging scraper - dragline scraper - elevating scraper - filter scraper - fluted scraper - half-round scraper - hand scraper - heavy-duty scraper - hoe scraper - mud scraper - one-axle scraper - painting scraper - panel cleaning scraper - pipeline scraper - power scraper - pull-type scraper - rake scraper - road scraper - roofing scraper - rotary thrust scraper - rotational scraper - scum scraper - self-loading wheeled scraper - self-propelled scraper - steel scraper - tandem scrapers - towed scraper - tractor scraper - tube scraper - two-axle scraper - unloading scraper - wheeled scraper* * *1. скрепер2. скребок3. илоскрёб, скребковый механизм отстойника- backward-dumping wheel scraperscraper powered by a crawler tractor — прицепной скрепер, буксируемый гусеничным (трактором-)тягачомтрактором-тягачом¦тягачом
- backward-dumping scraper
- boom scraper
- crawer-drawn scraper
- dragline scraper
- elevating scraper
- hooked scraper
- hydraulic operated scraper
- mud scraper
- pull-type scraper
- rubber-tired scraper
- scum scraper
- self-propelled scraper
- single-engine scraper
- surface scraper
- three-axle scraper
- towed scraper
- tractor scraper
- tractor-drawn scraper
- twin-engine scraper
- two-axle scraper
- two-engine scraper
- universal scraper
См. также в других словарях:
Panel painting — The Ghent Altarpiece by Jan Van Eyck and his brothers, 1432. A large altarpiece on panel. The outer wings are hinged, and painted on both sides. A panel painting is a painting made on a flat panel made of wood, either a single piece, or a number… … Wikipedia
panel painting — ▪ art painting executed on a rigid support ordinarily wood or metal as distinct from painting done on canvas. Before canvas came into general use at the end of the 16th century, the panel was the support most often used for easel painting. A… … Universalium
Panel — can refer to:*A committee or jury used to decide some matter. In a legal context it may refer to a subset of a full set of appeal court judges, in contrast to an En banc hearing, which involves them all. In accident investigations, a full… … Wikipedia
painting, Western — ▪ art Introduction history of Western painting from its beginnings in prehistoric times to the present. Painting, the execution of forms and shapes on a surface by means of pigment (but see also drawing for discussion of depictions in … Universalium
painting — /payn ting/, n. 1. a picture or design executed in paints. 2. the act, art, or work of a person who paints. 3. the works of art painted in a particular manner, place, or period: a book on Flemish painting. 4. an instance of covering a surface… … Universalium
painting — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Drawing with paint Nouns 1. painting, depicting; drawing; drafting; design; chiaroscuro; chihhua, chinoiserie; cerography; composition, treatment, perspective, balance, technique; coloration; impasto;… … English dictionary for students
Panel — Pan el, n. [Orig., a little piece; OF. panel, pannel, F. panneau, dim. of pan skirt, lappet, part or piece of a wall, side. See 2d {Pane}.] 1. (Arch.) A sunken compartment with raised margins, molded or otherwise, as in ceilings, wainscotings,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Panel game — Panel Pan el, n. [Orig., a little piece; OF. panel, pannel, F. panneau, dim. of pan skirt, lappet, part or piece of a wall, side. See 2d {Pane}.] 1. (Arch.) A sunken compartment with raised margins, molded or otherwise, as in ceilings,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Panel house — Panel Pan el, n. [Orig., a little piece; OF. panel, pannel, F. panneau, dim. of pan skirt, lappet, part or piece of a wall, side. See 2d {Pane}.] 1. (Arch.) A sunken compartment with raised margins, molded or otherwise, as in ceilings,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Panel saw — Panel Pan el, n. [Orig., a little piece; OF. panel, pannel, F. panneau, dim. of pan skirt, lappet, part or piece of a wall, side. See 2d {Pane}.] 1. (Arch.) A sunken compartment with raised margins, molded or otherwise, as in ceilings,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Panel thief — Panel Pan el, n. [Orig., a little piece; OF. panel, pannel, F. panneau, dim. of pan skirt, lappet, part or piece of a wall, side. See 2d {Pane}.] 1. (Arch.) A sunken compartment with raised margins, molded or otherwise, as in ceilings,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English