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См. также в других словарях:

  • Packet transfer delay — is a concept in router technology.The sum of store and forward delay that a packet experiences in each router gives the transfer or queuing delay of that packet across the network. Packet transfer delay is influenced by the level of network… …   Wikipedia

  • Packet delay variation — In computer networking, packet delay variation (PDV) is the difference in end to end delay between selected packets in a flow with any lost packets being ignored (RFC 3393).[1] The effect is sometimes referred to as jitter, although the… …   Wikipedia

  • Packet Layer Protocol — or PLP is the network layer protocol for X.25 protocol. PLP manages the packet exchanges between DTE (data terminal) devices across VCs (virtual circuits). PLP also can be used on ISDN using Link Access Procedures, D channel (LAPD).There are 5… …   Wikipedia

  • Packet switching — is a digital networking communications method that groups all transmitted data – regardless of content, type, or structure – into suitably sized blocks, called packets. Packet switching features delivery of variable bit rate data streams… …   Wikipedia

  • Packet Switch Stream — In the UK, PSS, was an X.25 based packet switched network, provided by the British Post Office Telecommunications and then British Telecom from 1980, onwards. After a period of pre operational testing with customers (mainly UK Universities and… …   Wikipedia

  • Packet switching — Die Paketvermittlung (engl. packet switching) ist ein spezielles Verfahren der Speichervermittlung in einem Netz. Hierbei werden längere Nachrichten in einzelne Datenpakete unterteilt und als Datagramm über eine vorher aufgebaute virtuelle… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Packet Burst Protocol —    Abbreviated PBP. A Novell NetWare protocol built on top of IPX that speeds up the transfer of multipacket NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) data transfers between a workstation and a server by removing the need to sequence and acknowledge every… …   Dictionary of networking

  • packet switching —    Process where long messages are broken down into small units called packets that are individually addressed and routed through the network; the channel is occupied only for the duration of the packet and is then available for the transfer of… …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • packet — A group of bits sent by a modem that comprise a byte of information. A group of bytes sent by a file transfer protocol …   Dictionary of telecommunications

  • packet — i. A single pulse of radar, digitized signal, or other ECM (electronic countermeasures) coded transmission. ii. The prepackaged quantity of chaff for loading into the dispenser. iii. A form of digital data transfer …   Aviation dictionary

  • Packet-level Procedure —    Abbreviated PAP. An X.25 full duplex protocol for the transfer of packets between a computer and a modem …   Dictionary of networking

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