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  • 1 own

    [əun] 1. verb
    1) (to have as a possession: I own a car.) turėti, valdyti
    2) (to admit that something is true: I own that I have not been working very hard.) pri(si)pažinti
    2. adjective, pronoun
    (belonging to (the person stated): The house is my own; I saw it with my own eyes.) savas, nuosavas; savo, paties
    - ownership
    - get one's own back
    - own up

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > own

  • 2 own up

    ( often with to) (to admit that one has done something: He owned up to having broken the window.) prisipažinti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > own up

  • 3 honesty

    noun Surely, if you own up to something, you should be praised for your honesty, not punished.) sąžiningumas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > honesty

  • 4 way

    [wei] 1. noun
    1) (an opening or passageway: This is the way in/out; There's no way through.) įėjimas, išėjimas
    2) (a route, direction etc: Which way shall we go?; Which is the way to Princes Street?; His house is on the way from here to the school; Will you be able to find your/the way to my house?; Your house is on my way home; The errand took me out of my way; a motorway.) kelias
    3) (used in the names of roads: His address is 21 Melville Way.) gatvė
    4) (a distance: It's a long way to the school; The nearest shops are only a short way away.) kelias, atstumas
    5) (a method or manner: What is the easiest way to write a book?; I know a good way of doing it; He's got a funny way of talking; This is the quickest way to chop onions.) būdas
    6) (an aspect or side of something: In some ways this job is quite difficult; In a way I feel sorry for him.) atžvilgis, būdas
    7) (a characteristic of behaviour; a habit: He has some rather unpleasant ways.) įprotis
    8) (used with many verbs to give the idea of progressing or moving: He pushed his way through the crowd; They soon ate their way through the food.)
    2. adverb
    ((especially American) by a long distance or time; far: The winner finished the race way ahead of the other competitors; It's way past your bedtime.) toli
    - wayside
    - be/get on one's way
    - by the way
    - fall by the wayside
    - get/have one's own way
    - get into / out of the way of doing something
    - get into / out of the way of something
    - go out of one's way
    - have a way with
    - have it one's own way
    - in a bad way
    - in
    - out of the/someone's way
    - lose one's way
    - make one's way
    - make way for
    - make way
    - under way
    - way of life
    - ways and means

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > way

  • 5 make

    [meik] 1. past tense, past participle - made; verb
    1) (to create, form or produce: God made the Earth; She makes all her own clothes; He made it out of paper; to make a muddle/mess of the job; to make lunch/coffee; We made an arrangement/agreement/deal/bargain.) (pa)daryti, (su)kurti, (pa)ruošti, sudaryti
    2) (to compel, force or cause (a person or thing to do something): They made her do it; He made me laugh.) (pri)versti
    3) (to cause to be: I made it clear; You've made me very unhappy.) padaryti
    4) (to gain or earn: He makes $100 a week; to make a profit.) uždirbti, gauti
    5) ((of numbers etc) to add up to; to amount to: 2 and 2 make(s) 4.) būti, sudaryti
    6) (to become, turn into, or be: He'll make an excellent teacher.) tapti, būti
    7) (to estimate as: I make the total 483.) apskaičiuoti, nustatyti (dydį)
    8) (to appoint, or choose, as: He was made manager.) paskirti, išrinkti
    9) (used with many nouns to give a similar meaning to that of the verb from which the noun is formed: He made several attempts (= attempted several times); They made a left turn (= turned left); He made (= offered) a suggestion/proposal; Have you any comments to make?) (pa)daryti
    2. noun
    (a (usually manufacturer's) brand: What make is your new car?) markė, fasonas, modelis
    - making
    - make-believe
    - make-over
    - makeshift
    - make-up
    - have the makings of
    - in the making
    - make a/one's bed
    - make believe
    - make do
    - make for
    - make it
    - make it up
    - make something of something
    - make of something
    - make something of
    - make of
    - make out
    - make over
    - make up
    - make up for
    - make up one's mind
    - make up to

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > make

  • 6 adopt

    1) (to take (a child of other parents) as one's own: Since they had no children of their own they decided to adopt a little girl.) įvaikinti
    2) (to take (something) as one's own: After going to France he adopted the French way of life.) priimti, įsisavinti
    - adoptive

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > adopt

  • 7 pile

    I 1. noun
    1) (a (large) number of things lying on top of each other in a tidy or untidy heap; a (large) quantity of something lying in a heap: There was a neat pile of books in the corner of the room; There was pile of rubbish at the bottom of the garden.) krūva, rietuvė, šūsnis
    2) (a large quantity, especially of money: He must have piles of money to own a car like that.) krūva
    2. verb
    (to make a pile of (something); to put (something) in a pile: He piled the boxes on the table.) sudėti, sukrauti
    - pile up II
    (a large pillar or stake driven into the ground as a foundation for a building, bridge etc: The entire city of Venice is built on piles.) polis
    III noun
    (the thick soft surface of carpets and some kinds of cloth eg velvet: The rug has a deep/thick pile.) pūkas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pile

  • 8 good

    [ɡud] 1. comparative - better; adjective
    1) (well-behaved; not causing trouble etc: Be good!; She's a good baby.) geras
    2) (correct, desirable etc: She was a good wife; good manners; good English.) geras
    3) (of high quality: good food/literature; His singing is very good.) geras
    4) (skilful; able to do something well: a good doctor; good at tennis; good with children.) geras
    5) (kind: You've been very good to him; a good father.) geras
    6) (helpful; beneficial: Exercise is good for you.; Cheese is good for you.) gerai veikiantis, naudingas
    7) (pleased, happy etc: I'm in a good mood today.) geras
    8) (pleasant; enjoyable: to read a good book; Ice-cream is good to eat.) geras, malonus
    9) (considerable; enough: a good salary; She talked a good deal of nonsense.) geras, gerokas
    10) (suitable: a good man for the job.) tinkamas
    11) (sound, fit: good health; good eyesight; a car in good condition.) geras
    12) (sensible: Can you think of one good reason for doing that?) protingas
    13) (showing approval: We've had very good reports about you.) geras
    14) (thorough: a good clean.) geras
    15) (healthy or in a positive mood: I don't feel very good this morning.) sveikas
    2. noun
    1) (advantage or benefit: He worked for the good of the poor; for your own good; What's the good of a broken-down car?) labas, nauda
    2) (goodness: I always try to see the good in people.) tai, kas gera
    3. interjection
    (an expression of approval, gladness etc.) gerai!
    4. interjection
    ((also my goodness) an expression of surprise etc.) vajetau!
    - goody
    - goodbye
    - good-day
    - good evening
    - good-for-nothing
    - good humour
    - good-humoured
    - good-humouredly
    - good-looking
    - good morning
    - good afternoon
    - good-day
    - good evening
    - good night
    - good-natured
    - goodwill
    - good will
    - good works
    - as good as
    - be as good as one's word
    - be up to no good
    - deliver the goods
    - for good
    - for goodness' sake
    - good for
    - good for you
    - him
    - Good Friday
    - good gracious
    - good heavens
    - goodness gracious
    - goodness me
    - good old
    - make good
    - no good
    - put in a good word for
    - take something in good part
    - take in good part
    - thank goodness
    - to the good

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > good

  • 9 hold

    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) laikyti
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) laikyti
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) laikyti
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) išlaikyti
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) laikyti
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) (kur) tilpti, laikyti
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) surengti
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) būti, laikytis
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) eiti (pareigas), užimti (vietą)
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) laikyti, manyti (kad), turėti
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) galioti
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) priversti, išpildyti
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) ginti
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) sulaikyti
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) patraukti, išlaikyti
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) laikyti
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) švęsti
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) turėti
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) išsilaikyti
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) palaukti
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) laikyti
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) laikyti
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?) žadėti
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) laikymas, nusitvėrimas
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) galia
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) suėmimas
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) triumas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > hold

  • 10 reward

    [rə'wo:d] 1. noun
    1) (something given in return for or got from work done, good behaviour etc: He was given a gold watch as a reward for his services to the firm; Apart from the salary, teaching children has its own particular rewards.) atlyginimas, atpildas, apdovanojimas
    2) (a sum of money offered for finding a criminal, lost or stolen property etc: A reward of $100 has been offered to the person who finds the diamond brooch.) atlygis
    2. verb
    (to give a reward to someone for something: He was rewarded for his services; His services were rewarded.) atlyginti, apdovanoti

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  • 11 risk

    [risk] 1. noun
    ((a person, thing etc which causes or could cause) danger or possible loss or injury: He thinks we shouldn't go ahead with the plan because of the risks involved / because of the risk of failure.) rizika, pavojus
    2. verb
    1) (to expose to danger; to lay open to the possibility of loss: He would risk his life for his friend; He risked all his money on betting on that horse.) rizikuoti
    2) (to take the chance of (something bad happening): He was willing to risk death to save his friend; I'd better leave early as I don't want to risk being late for the play.) rizikuoti
    - at a person's own risk
    - at own risk
    - at risk
    - at the risk of
    - run/take the risk of
    - run/take the risk
    - take risks / take a risk

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > risk

  • 12 run

    1. present participle - running; verb
    1) ((of a person or animal) to move quickly, faster than walking: He ran down the road.) bėgti, bėgioti
    2) (to move smoothly: Trains run on rails.) riedėti, važiuoti
    3) ((of water etc) to flow: Rivers run to the sea; The tap is running.) tekėti, leisti
    4) ((of a machine etc) to work or operate: The engine is running; He ran the motor to see if it was working.) veikti, paleisti
    5) (to organize or manage: He runs the business very efficiently.) organizuoti, vadovauti
    6) (to race: Is your horse running this afternoon?) dalyvauti lenktynėse, iškelti savo kandidatūrą
    7) ((of buses, trains etc) to travel regularly: The buses run every half hour; The train is running late.) kursuoti
    8) (to last or continue; to go on: The play ran for six weeks.) būti rodomam, trukti
    9) (to own and use, especially of cars: He runs a Rolls Royce.) važinėti
    10) ((of colour) to spread: When I washed my new dress the colour ran.) pasileisti
    11) (to drive (someone); to give (someone) a lift: He ran me to the station.) pavėžėti
    12) (to move (something): She ran her fingers through his hair; He ran his eyes over the letter.) perbėgti, perbraukti (kuo)
    13) ((in certain phrases) to be or become: The river ran dry; My blood ran cold (= I was afraid).) pasidaryti
    2. noun
    1) (the act of running: He went for a run before breakfast.) bėgimas
    2) (a trip or drive: We went for a run in the country.) išvyka, pasivažinėjimas
    3) (a length of time (for which something continues): He's had a run of bad luck.) tarpsnis, laikotarpis
    4) (a ladder (in a stocking etc): I've got a run in my tights.) nubėgusi akis
    5) (the free use (of a place): He gave me the run of his house.) naudojimasis, leidimas naudotis
    6) (in cricket, a batsman's act of running from one end of the wicket to the other, representing a single score: He scored/made 50 runs for his team.) perbėgimas
    7) (an enclosure or pen: a chicken-run.) aptvaras, žardis
    - running 3. adverb
    (one after another; continuously: We travelled for four days running.) iš eilės, be perstojo
    - runaway
    - rundown
    - runner-up
    - runway
    - in
    - out of the running
    - on the run
    - run across
    - run after
    - run aground
    - run along
    - run away
    - run down
    - run for
    - run for it
    - run in
    - run into
    - run its course
    - run off
    - run out
    - run over
    - run a temperature
    - run through
    - run to
    - run up
    - run wild

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > run

  • 13 sense

    [sens] 1. noun
    1) (one of the five powers (hearing, taste, sight, smell, touch) by which a person or animal feels or notices.) pojūtis
    2) (a feeling: He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance.) pajautimas
    3) (an awareness of (something): a well-developed musical sense; She has no sense of humour.) jausmas
    4) (good judgement: You can rely on him - he has plenty of sense.) sveika nuovoka
    5) (a meaning (of a word).) prasmė
    6) (something which is meaningful: Can you make sense of her letter?) mintis, prasmė
    2. verb
    (to feel, become aware of, or realize: He sensed that she disapproved.) (pa)justi
    - senselessly
    - senselessness
    - senses
    - sixth sense

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > sense

  • 14 stand

    [stænd] 1. past tense, past participle - stood; verb
    1) (to be in an upright position, not sitting or lying: His leg was so painful that he could hardly stand; After the storm, few trees were left standing.) stovėti
    2) ((often with up) to rise to the feet: He pushed back his chair and stood up; Some people like to stand (up) when the National Anthem is played.) atsistoti
    3) (to remain motionless: The train stood for an hour outside Newcastle.) stovėti
    4) (to remain unchanged: This law still stands.) galioti
    5) (to be in or have a particular place: There is now a factory where our house once stood.) stovėti
    6) (to be in a particular state, condition or situation: As matters stand, we can do nothing to help; How do you stand financially?) būti
    7) (to accept or offer oneself for a particular position etc: He is standing as Parliamentary candidate for our district.) sutikti būti, iškelti save
    8) (to put in a particular position, especially upright: He picked up the fallen chair and stood it beside the table.) pastatyti
    9) (to undergo or endure: He will stand (his) trial for murder; I can't stand her rudeness any longer.) stoti prieš (teismą), pakęsti, iškęsti
    10) (to pay for (a meal etc) for (a person): Let me stand you a drink!) pavaišinti
    2. noun
    1) (a position or place in which to stand ready to fight etc, or an act of fighting etc: The guard took up his stand at the gate; I shall make a stand for what I believe is right.) vieta, pozicija, požiūris
    2) (an object, especially a piece of furniture, for holding or supporting something: a coat-stand; The sculpture had been removed from its stand for cleaning.) stovas, pjedestalas
    3) (a stall where goods are displayed for sale or advertisement.) stendas, vitrina
    4) (a large structure beside a football pitch, race course etc with rows of seats for spectators: The stand was crowded.) tribūna
    5) ((American) a witness box in a law court.) liudytojo vieta
    - standing 3. noun
    1) (time of lasting: an agreement of long standing.) trukmė
    2) (rank or reputation: a diplomat of high standing.) rangas, padėtis
    4. adjective
    ((of an airline passenger or ticket) costing or paying less than the usual fare, as the passenger does not book a seat for a particular flight, but waits for the first available seat.) nerezervuojantis, nerezervuotas
    5. adverb
    (travelling in this way: It costs a lot less to travel stand-by.) nerezervavus
    - standing-room
    - make someone's hair stand on end
    - stand aside
    - stand back
    - stand by
    - stand down
    - stand fast/firm
    - stand for
    - stand in
    - stand on one's own two feet
    - stand on one's own feet
    - stand out
    - stand over
    - stand up for
    - stand up to

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > stand

  • 15 volunteer

    [volən'tiə] 1. verb
    1) (to offer oneself for a particular task, of one's own free will (often without being paid for such work): He volunteered to act as messenger; She volunteered for the dangerous job.) pasisiūlyti, pasiprašyti
    2) (to offer (eg an opinion, information etc): Two or three people volunteered suggestions.) pasiūlyti
    2. noun
    (a person who offers to do, or does, something (especially who joins the army) of his own free will: If we can get enough volunteers we shall not force people to join the Army.) savanoris

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > volunteer

  • 16 come

    1. past tense - came; verb
    1) (to move etc towards the person speaking or writing, or towards the place being referred to by him: Come here!; Are you coming to the dance?; John has come to see me; Have any letters come for me?) ateiti, atvykti
    2) (to become near or close to something in time or space: Christmas is coming soon.) artėti
    3) (to happen or be situated: The letter `d' comes between `c' and è' in the alphabet.) būti, eiti
    4) ((often with to) to happen (by accident): How did you come to break your leg?) atsitikti
    5) (to arrive at (a certain state etc): What are things coming to? We have come to an agreement.) pasiekti, susiklostyti
    6) ((with to) (of numbers, prices etc) to amount (to): The total comes to 51.) siekti
    2. interjection
    (expressing disapproval, drawing attention etc: Come, come! That was very rude of you!) kas tai matė! kaip taip galima?!
    - coming
    - comeback
    - comedown
    - come about
    - come across
    - come along
    - come by
    - come down
    - come into one's own
    - come off
    - come on
    - come out
    - come round
    - come to
    - come to light
    - come upon
    - come up with
    - come what may
    - to come

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > come

  • 17 condition

    [kən'diʃən] 1. noun
    1) (state or circumstances in which a person or thing is: The house is not in good condition; He is in no condition to leave hospital; under ideal conditions; living conditions; variable conditions.) būklė, padėtis, sąlygos
    2) (something that must happen or be done before some other thing happens or is done; a term or requirement in an agreement: It was a condition of his going that he should pay his own expenses; That is one of the conditions in the agreement.) sąlyga, išlyga
    2. verb
    1) (to affect or control: behaviour conditioned by circumstances.) sąlygoti, nulemti
    2) (to put into the required state: The footballers trained hard in order to condition themselves for the match.) palaikyti gerą būklę/formą
    - conditionally
    - conditioner
    - on condition that

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > condition

  • 18 dream

    1. [dri:m] noun
    1) (thoughts and pictures in the mind that come mostly during sleep: I had a terrible dream last night.) sapnas
    2) (a state of being completely occupied by one's own thoughts: Don't sit there in a dream!) svajojimas
    3) (something perfect or very beautiful: Your house is a dream!) svajonė
    4) (an ambition or hope: It's my dream to win a Nobel Prize.) svajonė
    2. [dremt] verb
    ((sometimes with of) to see visions and pictures in the mind, especially when asleep: For years I dreamed of being a great artist; I dreamt last night that the house had burnt down.) sapnuoti, svajoti
    - dreamless
    - dreamy
    - dreamily
    - dreaminess
    - dream up

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > dream

  • 19 expect

    1) (to think of as likely to happen or come: I'm expecting a letter today; We expect her on tomorrow's train.) laukti
    2) (to think or believe (that something will happen): He expects to be home tomorrow; I expect that he will go; `Will she go too?' `I expect so' / `I don't expect so' / `I expect not.') tikėtis
    3) (to require: They expect high wages for their professional work; You are expected to tidy your own room.) reikalauti
    4) (to suppose or assume: I expect (that) you're tired.) manyti
    - expectant
    - expectantly
    - expectation

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > expect

  • 20 get round

    1) (to persuade (a person etc) to do something to one's own advantage: She can always get round her grandfather by giving him a big smile.) papirkti, įkalbinti
    2) (to solve (a problem etc): We can easily get round these few difficulties.) išspręsti, įveikti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > get round

См. также в других словарях:

  • own up (to something doing something) — ˌown ˈup (to sth/to doing sth) derived to admit that you are responsible for sth bad or wrong Syn: ↑confess • I m still waiting for someone to own up to the breakages. • Why don t you just own up and hope she forgives you? Main  …   Useful english dictionary

  • have the devil's own job doing something — have the devil s own job (doing something/to do something) old fashioned to spend a long time trying to do something difficult. I had the devil s own job to find a parking space near here …   New idioms dictionary

  • own goal — noun count usually singular BRITISH 1. ) a goal you accidentally score against your own team 2. ) something you do that accidentally harms you, often when you intended to harm someone else …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • for its own sake or something for something's sake or for the sake of it — indicating something that is done as an end in itself rather than to achieve some other purpose. → sake …   English new terms dictionary

  • own goal — UK / US noun [countable, usually singular] Word forms own goal : singular own goal plural own goals British 1) a goal that you accidentally score against your own team 2) something you do that accidentally harms you, often when you intended to… …   English dictionary

  • own up — PHRASAL VERB If you own up to something wrong that you have done, you admit that you did it. [V P] The headmaster is waiting for someone to own up... [V P to n/ ing] Last year my husband owned up to a secret affair with his secretary …   English dictionary

  • ˌown ˈgoal — noun [C] British 1) a goal that you accidentally score against your own team 2) something you do that accidentally harms you …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Something Positive — logo, Mr. Personality. Author(s) R. K. Milholland Website http:/ …   Wikipedia

  • Something Wicked This Way Comes (novel) — Something Wicked This Way Comes   …   Wikipedia

  • own — [əʊn ǁ oʊn] verb [transitive] to have or possess something that is legally yours: • He still owns shares in the company. • The company is owned by a foreign consortium. * * * Ⅰ. own UK US /əʊn/ verb [T] ► to have something that legally belongs to …   Financial and business terms

  • Something Right — «Something Right» Сингл Westlife из альбома Ba …   Википедия

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