1 прожигать жизнь
2 пережить
1) General subject: experience, get through it, live (что-л.), live out, live through, meet (что-л.), outlast (что-либо), outlive (кого-либо, что-либо), outwear, overlive, overlive (кого-л.), pass through, rub through (трудности), see, see out (кого-л.), survive (современников, свою славу и т. п.), meet with, see out, undergo, live down (It's not easy to live it down), perdure (http://www.alphadictionary.com/goodword/word/perdure), brave it out (угрозы, подозрения и т. п.), brave it out (угрозы, подозрения и т.п.), weather (трудный период: As a credit union, we can't turn the economy around but we can help you weather it.), go through, make it through2) Religion: adventure -
3 выживать
1) General subject: do, drive, ease out (кого-л. с должности), freeze out, go through, hound (out of; откуда-л.), oust, overlive, pull through, stay, supplant, supplant (кого-л.), survive, get through2) Biology: persist4) Makarov: drive out, freeze out (кого-л.), (откуда-л.) hound (out of), outlive, do out of, drive out of a place (кого-л. откуда-л.), ease out (кого-л. с должности и т. п.), drive out (откуда-л.) -
4 выжить
1) General subject: keep head above ground, live out, make a place too hot for (кого-л., откуда-л.), make it warm for (кого-л.), make things warm for (кого-л.), outlive, overlive, preserve one's existence, pull through, supplant, survive, worm out, worry along, put nose out of joint (кого-л.), drive out (выгонять), hound out (выгонять), oust (выгонять), perdure2) Jargon: freeze out (кого-л.)3) Makarov: come through an illness, keep ( one's) head above ground, escape with life, drive out (откуда-л.) -
5 жить очень долго
General subject: overlive oneself -
6 прожигать жизнь
1) General subject: lead a fast life, live fast, live it up, overlive, riot, take life in both hands and eat it, wanton away life, (проводить бесцельно) waste life, run wild2) Literal: go the pace, hit the pace3) Makarov: burn the candle at both ends -
7 выжить
см. выживать* * ** * *выживать; выжить survive; live, go/pull through* * *outliveoverlivesurvive -
8 пережить
1) experience, go through; endure, suffer, ache; be upset, be worry без доп.
2) survive, outlive, outlast, self-survive (самого себя)* * *1) experience; 2) go through* * *experience, go through; endure, suffer, ache* * *abideoutlastoutliveoverliveseesurvive -
9 выживать
10 пережить
См. также в других словарях:
Overlive — O ver*live , v. t. To outlive. Sir P. Sidney. [1913 Webster] The culture of Northumbria overlived the term of its political supermacy. Earle. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Overlive — O ver*live , v. i. To live too long, too luxuriously, or too actively. Milton. Overlived in this close London life. Mrs. Browning. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
overlive — v., overlived, overliving. * * * … Universalium
overlive — verb a) To live too long, too luxuriously, or too actively. b) To outlive … Wiktionary
overlive — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ verb Etymology: Middle English overliven, from Old English oferlibban, from ofer, adverb, over + libban to live transitive verb archaic : outlive intransitive verb … Useful english dictionary
outlive — verb /aʊtˈlɪv/ a) To live longer than; continue to live after the death of; overlive; survive. And he that calls on thee, let him bring forth / Eternal numbers to outlive long date. b) To live through or past (a given time). If anything / it… … Wiktionary
outlast — adj 1. outlive, Archaic. overlive, live on, survive, remain after; stand, prevail, endure, endure beyond, perdure, defy or defeat time, last; last out, come through, live or last through, weather, weather the storm, live to fight another day,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
o|ver|live — «OH vuhr LIHV», verb, lived, liv|ing. –v.t. to live longer than or beyond; outlast; outlive: »The mighty Pyramids. have overlived the feeble generations of mankind (Robert Southey). –v.i. to continue to live; survive: » … Useful english dictionary