1 overall rate
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > overall rate
2 overall rate
1) Химия: скорость суммарной реакции2) Электрохимия: общая скорость процесса -
3 overall rate
• yleistariffi -
4 overall rate
5 overall rate of return
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > overall rate of return
6 overall rate of return
abbrev.: OAR общая ставка доходности: чистый операционный доход, деленный на цену покупки собственности; см. capitalization rate.Англо-русский экономический словарь > overall rate of return
7 overall rate constant
8 overall rate of evaporation
Теплотехника: напряжение поверхности нагрева по испарённой влагеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > overall rate of evaporation
9 overall rate of heat transfer
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > overall rate of heat transfer
10 overall rate of reaction
Физическая химия: общая скорость реакцииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > overall rate of reaction
11 overall rate of suspension
Автомобильный термин: общая жёсткость всех элементов подвескиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > overall rate of suspension
12 overall rate constant
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > overall rate constant
13 overall rate of heat transfer
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > overall rate of heat transfer
14 overall rate constant
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > overall rate constant
15 overall rate of heat transfer
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > overall rate of heat transfer
16 overall rate of suspension
English-russian automobile dictionary > overall rate of suspension
17 overall rate of suspension
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > overall rate of suspension
18 overall rate of return
Finthe yield of a bond held to maturity, expressed as a percentage -
19 overall rate constant
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > overall rate constant
20 overall rate of heat transfer
heat transfer — теплопередача; теплоперенос
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > overall rate of heat transfer
См. также в других словарях:
rate-determining step — noun (chem eng) The step, in a process involving a series of consecutive steps, with the slowest rate, largely determining the overall rate of the process • • • Main Entry: ↑rate … Useful english dictionary
Rate of return — In finance, rate of return (ROR), also known as return on investment (ROI), rate of profit or sometimes just return, is the ratio of money gained or lost (whether realized or unrealized) on an investment relative to the amount of money invested.… … Wikipedia
Overall (disambiguation) — Overall may be used in the following circumstances Overall (garment) Overall (surname) comprehensive, all embracing Overall length Length overall, where overall is sometimes abbreviated as o/a, o.a. or oa Overall pressure ratio for the term… … Wikipedia
Overall equipment effectiveness — (OEE) is a hierarchy of metrics which evaluates and indicates how effectively a manufacturing operation is utilized. The results are stated in a generic form which allows comparison between manufacturing units in differing industries. It is not… … Wikipedia
rate — of camber change rate of caster change rate of heat generation rate of track change amplitude rate critical cooling rate damping rate dynamic rate frequency rate overall steering rate ride rate … Mechanics glossary
Rate equation — The rate law or rate equation for a chemical reaction is an equation that links the reaction rate with concentrations or pressures of reactants and constant parameters (normally rate coefficients and partial reaction orders).[1] To determine the… … Wikipedia
Rate of exploitation — The rate of exploitation is a concept in Marxian political economy. It usually refers to the ratio of the total amount of unpaid labor done (surplus value) to the total amount of wages paid (the value of labour power). The rate of exploitation is … Wikipedia
overall mortality rate — an average mortality rate calculated over several length or age classes. May be an average of rates of several classes weighted by the time they have acted or an average of rates of several classes weighted by the number of individuals they have… … Dictionary of ichthyology
overall steering rate — the rate of change of steering wheel angle at a given steering wheel trim position, with respect to change in average steer angle of a pair of steered wheels, assuming an infinitely stiff steering system with no roll of the vehicle. Note: for… … Mechanics glossary
overall survival — The percentage of subjects in a study who have survived for a defined period of time. Usually reported as time since diagnosis or treatment. Also called the survival rate … English dictionary of cancer terms
Capitalization rate — (or cap rate ) is a measure of the ratio between the net operating income produced by an asset (usually real estate) and its capital cost (the original price paid to buy the asset) or alternatively its current market value. The rate is calculated … Wikipedia