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  • 1 ötede

    over there, beyond

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > ötede

  • 2 öte

    "1. the further side of, the other side of. 2. other, yonder, far (side). 3. the rest of. 4. the other side. -de over there, over yonder; further on. -si what follows; the rest. -ye further on, yonder; to the other side. -den beri for a long time. -de beride here and there. -si berisi 1. his goods and possessions. 2. here and there (on something or someone). -ye beriye here and there. -den beriden bahsetmek to talk of various things, talk of this and that. -si can sağlığı. colloq. (I´ve done what I could.) All I can do now is hope for the best! -si çıkmaz sokak. colloq. This plan (or way of doing things) will get you nowhere. - gün prov. a few days ago. -si var mı? colloq. 1. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it! 2. We can´t hope for anything worse than this. - yandan at the same time."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > öte

  • 3 sürmek

    "1. /ı/ to drive (a vehicle); to push (a vehicle). 2. /ı/ to drive (an animal). 3. /ı, a/ to let (one thing) touch (another): Elini oraya sürme! Don´t touch that bit over there! Atkını yere sürme! Don´t let your scarf touch the ground! 4. /ı/ to plow (a field). 5. /ı, a/ to exile (someone) to (a place). 6. /ı, a/ to send (soldiers) to (a place). 7. /ı, a/ to put (goods) on (the market); to put (money) into (circulation). 8. /ı, a/ to spread (something) on/over (something); to rub (something) on (something); to smear (something) on (something). 9. /ı, önüne/ to lay (something) before (someone), place (something) in front of (someone). 10. (for something) to continue, go on. 11. to lead (a good life): Adam orada son derece rahat bir hayat sürüyor. The fellow´s leading the life of Riley over there. 12. (for a plant) to put forth new leaves or shoots, begin to grow. 13. (for something) to take (a certain amount of time). "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > sürmek

  • 4 olmak

    ",-ur 1. to become, come to exist, come into being. 2. to happen, occur, be, take place. 3. to be (to have or occupy a place or position; to show a certain characteristic): Beşte orada olmalıyım. I ought to be there at five o´clock. Cesur olmalısın. You should be bold. 4. to have (used with possessives): Param olsaydı alırdım. If I´d had the money, I´d have bought it. Benim o semtte bir evim olmalı. I ought to have a house in that part of town. 5. (for time) to pass, elapse, be: Oraya gideli iki yıl oldu. It´s been two years since he went over there. 6. (for something) to be acceptable, be all right, be okay: Olur mu öyle? Can (something like) that be okay? Olur! Okay! Olmaz! No! 7. to ripen; (for food) to be cooked, be done. 8. /a/ (for an article of clothing) to fit. 9. /dan/ to lose, be deprived of: Canından oldu. He lost his life. Kumar yüzünden servetinden oldu. She lost her fortune by gambling. 10. to catch (a disease): Tifo oldu. He caught typhoid fever. 11. to undergo (something): Ameliyat oldu. He underwent an operation. Ahmet yarın imtihan olacak. Ahmet will take an exam tomorrow. 12. /a/ (for something) to be a source of (something) to (someone): Bu ilacın ona çok yararı oldu. This medicine has really helped her. 13. slang to get drunk: Sen bayağı oldun. You´re as drunk as a lord. Oldu. colloq. All right./OK./Very well./Agreed. -la beraber/birlikte although: Parlak bir zekâsı olmamakla beraber para kazanmasını biliyor. He´s no whiz kid, but he does know how to make money. olan/olup biten all (the events) that took place. olup bitmek to happen, take place. olduğu gibi 1. as (one) is, as (it) is: İnsanları olduğu gibi kabul etmelisin. You should accept people as they are. 2. as it (they) happened: Her şeyi olduğu gibi anlatacağım. I will explain everything as it happened. 3. besides being..., in addition to being...; besides having..., in addition to having...: Hasta olduğu gibi, yoksul da. Besides being sick, he is poor. olduğu kadar 1. besides being...; besides having...: Oda küçük olduğu kadar, karanlık da. Besides being small, the room is dark. 2. as much as possible: Hepsini bitirmek zorunda değilsin, olduğu kadar yap. You don´t have to finish it all; do what you can. Olan oldu. What´s done is done. olup olacağı all: Bendeki paranın olup olacağı bu kadar. This is all the money I´ve got on me. Onun olup olacağı bir köy muhtarı. He´ll never be anything more than the mayor of a village. Olup olacağımız toprak mı? Are we nothing more than dust? oldum bittim/oldum olası/oldum olasıya for as long as anyone can remember, from time immemorial, always. oldu olmadı It´s been just about...: Bu işe başlayalı on yıl oldu olmadı. It´s been just about ten years since he began this job. olmak üzere 1. being: İşyerimizde, ikisi Fransız olmak üzere, yirmi eleman var. In our firm we have twenty personnel, two of whom are French. 2. to be on the point of being: Kahven olmak üzere. Your coffee´s just about ready. olur olmaz 1. just any old, whatever, any... that: Olur olmaz her kitabı okuma! Don´t read any old book you happen to see! 2. at random, without thinking: Olur olmaz konuşma! Don´t just talk whenever you feel like it. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > olmak

  • 5 ta

    "from way back; ever since; right up to; way over on/in (used to emphasize the extent of something in distance or time): Onlar ta çocukluklarından beri arkadaştır. They´ve been friends ever since they were children./They´ve been friends from way back. Ta oraya kadar gitti. He went all the way over there. - içinden from way down deep inside. - kendisi his very self. - ki so that even: En sade bir üslupla yazdı, ta ki en aptal okuyucu anlasın. He wrote it in the simplest of styles, so that even the stupidest reader might understand it."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ta

  • 6 yapmak

    "1. /ı/ to make; to build, construct, fashion; to create; to manufacture; to produce; to prepare. 2. /ı/ to do; to busy oneself with (something); to do (something) (as one´s regular work or occupation); to carry out, perform; to effect, execute: Ne yapıyorsun? What´re you doing? Başka ne yapayım? What else can I do? Haldun öğretmenlik yapıyor. Haldun teaches./Haldun´s a teacher. 3. /ı/ to repair, fix (something). 4. /ı/ to cause, bring about (an illness). 5. /ı/ to be (used with reference to the weather): Geçen kış çok kar yaptı. It snowed a lot last winter. 6. /ı/ to make, acquire (money). 7. /ı/ to produce (offspring). 8. /ı/ (for a vehicle) to do, go, travel at (a specified speed). 9. /ı/ to make (someone, something) (reach a certain state): Bu ilaç beni iyi yaptı. This medicine made me well. İstanbul´u İstanbul yapan odur. That´s what makes Istanbul Istanbul./That´s what makes Istanbul what it is. Oğlumu doktor yapmak istiyorum. I want to make a doctor of my boy. Orayı muz bahçesi yapmalısınız. You ought to make that bit (of land) over there into a banana grove. 10. to do, act, behave: Gelmekle iyi yaptın. You did well to come. Fena mı yapmışım yani? So somebody reckons I´ve behaved badly, eh? 11. /ı/ to be occupied with (the doing of something): Stajımı o hastanede yaptım. I did my internship in that hospital. Lise öğrenimini Sen Jozef´te yaptı. He got his high school education at St. Joseph´s. 12. /a/ to defecate (in/on); to urinate, wet: Çocuk yine yatağına yapmış. The child´s wet the bed again. 13. /ı/ to harm, do (someone) harm: Beni kızdıran kişiyi yaparım! I don´t let anybody who crosses me get off easy!/The person who crosses me is in for it! 14. /ı/ to do, arrange: Şayeste, saçını Şahinde´ye yaptırdı. Şayeste had Şahinde do her hair. Gülfidan, bir daha yatağını yapmadan kahvaltıya gelme ha! Gülfidan, don´t you let me catch you coming to breakfast again without first making your bed! 15. /ı/ to make or describe (an arc, a curve, a bend, etc.): Yol orada viraj yapar. The road makes a bend there. 16. /ı/ slang to do it to, have sex with. Yapma! 1. Leave him/her/them alone! 2. Leave it alone!/Stop it!/Cut it out!: Yapma Eda, kırarsın! Leave it alone, Eda! You could break it! 3. Oh go on!/Go on! (used to express disbelief): Yapma! Şaka söylüyorsun! Go on now; you´re kidding me! yapmadığını bırakmamak/yapmadığı kalmamak to do everything in the book to annoy or upset someone: Ayhan yapmadığını bırakmadı; onun sepetleneceği kesin. Ayhan´s committed every crime in the book; he´s sure to be fired. O gün söylediklerine itiraz ettim; ondan bu yana bana yapmadığı kalmadı. I objected to what she said that day, and since then she´s done everything possible to harass me. yaptığı hayır ürküttüğü kurbağaya değmemek for (someone´s) well-meant help to do more harm than good."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > yapmak

  • 7 şu

    ",-nu this; that. -na bak! Just look at him! (said belittlingly). -nu bunu bilmem! colloq. But me no buts!/I´m not accepting any excuses! -ndan bundan konuşmak to talk of this and that. - günlerde 1. in the near future, any day now. 2. in these days: in those days. - halde 1. In that case.../If that´s the case.... 2. therefore. - kadar ki only, but (used to introduce a remark or a sentence). -nun şurası colloq. that place over there; this place right here. -nun şurasında colloq. just, only: Şunun şurasında Ramazan´a iki gün kaldı. There are only two days to go before Ramazan begins. - var ki only, however, and yet (used to introduce a remark or a sentence)."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > şu

  • 8 bankamatik orada

    The ATM is over there.

    Turkish-English dictionary > bankamatik orada

  • 9 benzin istasyonu orada

    The gas station is over there.

    Turkish-English dictionary > benzin istasyonu orada

  • 10 kasa orada

    The cash register is over there.

    Turkish-English dictionary > kasa orada

  • 11 metro istasyonu orada

    The subway station is over there.

    Turkish-English dictionary > metro istasyonu orada

  • 12 orada bulabilirsiniz

    You may find it over there.

    Turkish-English dictionary > orada bulabilirsiniz

  • 13 orada oturabilir miyim

    Can I sit over there

    Turkish-English dictionary > orada oturabilir miyim

  • 14 otobüs durağı orada

    The bus stop is over there.

    Turkish-English dictionary > otobüs durağı orada

  • 15 taksi durağı orada

    The taxi stand is over there.

    Turkish-English dictionary > taksi durağı orada

  • 16 tarifeyi orada bulabilirsiniz

    You can find the schedule over there.

    Turkish-English dictionary > tarifeyi orada bulabilirsiniz

  • 17 ötää

    [T öte, from OT *öt]: over there

    A Concise Gagauz Dictionary with etymologies and Turkish, Azerbaijani and Turkmen cognates > ötää

  • 18 oracıkta

    just over there

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > oracıkta

  • 19 öteki

    "the other; the other one; the one over there"

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > öteki

  • 20 öteye

    farther on, over there, beyond

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > öteye

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Over There — bezeichnet: Over There (Fernsehserie); australische Fernsehserie von 1972–1973 Over There – Kommando Irak, 13 teilige US amerikanische Fernsehserie von 2005 Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Over There — This article is about the song. For 2005 television series, see Over There (TV series). For the Fringe episode, see Over There (Fringe). 1917 sheet music cover with Nora Bayes Over There is a 1917 song popular with United States soldiers in both… …   Wikipedia

  • over there —    engaged in warfare on foreign soil    For the British, France in the First World War:     [Peter] was seventeen and a half; next year would see him fighting. He had learned much of what it was like over there from his brother. (S. Hastings,… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • Over There — a lively song written by George M Cohan to praise US soldiers serving abroad in World War I. He wrote it on 6 April 1917, the day on which the US entered the war, and it includes the words: ‘The Yanks are coming! And we won’t come home ’til it’s… …   Universalium

  • Over There (Fringe) — Over There Fringe episode …   Wikipedia

  • Over There (TV series) — Over There Over There s intertitle Genre Action Drama War Created by …   Wikipedia

  • over there — there, in that place …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Over There - Kommando Irak — Seriendaten Deutscher Titel: Over There – Kommando Irak Originaltitel: Over There Produktionsland: USA Produktionsjahr(e): 2005 Episodenlänge: etwa 45 Minuten Episodenan …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Over There – Kommando Irak — Seriendaten Deutscher Titel: Over There – Kommando Irak Originaltitel: Over There Produktionsland: USA Produktionsjahr(e): 2005 Episodenlänge: etwa 45 Minuten Episodenan …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Over there theatre league —    During World War I, theatre people pitched in to entertain American soldiers abroad. With the support of the YMCA, actors and variety artists traveled to perform at the front, in hospitals, and at 39 leave areas established in France for the… …   The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater

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