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  • 1 outer space

    out.er space
    [autə sp'eis] n espaço cósmico (interplanetário).
    outer space
    espaço exterior, espaço cósmico.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > outer space

  • 2 space

    [speis] 1. noun
    1) (a gap; an empty or uncovered place: I couldn't find a space for my car.) lugar
    2) (room; the absence of objects; the area available for use: Have you enough space to turn round?; Is there space for one more?) espaço
    3) ((often outer space) the region outside the Earth's atmosphere, in which all stars and other planets etc are situated: travellers through space.) espaço
    2. verb
    ((also space out) to set (things) apart from one another: He spaced the rows of potatoes half a metre apart.) espaçar
    - spacious
    - spaciously
    - spaciousness
    - space-age
    - spacecraft
    - spaceship
    - spacesuit
    * * *
    [speis] n 1 espaço, universo. he stared into space / ele olhou o vazio. 2 lugar, extensão. 3 área, superfície. 4 distância. 5 espaço de tempo, prazo. let it rest for a space / deixe isto em descanso por algum tempo. 6 intervalo. 7 folga, oportunidade. 8 Typogr material branco, espaço (também distância entre as letras na máquina de escrever). 9 Mus espaço entre duas linhas. 10 acomodação, lugar (para sentar num veículo). • vt 1 espaçar, fixar espaço, separar com espaço. 2 dividir em espaços. 3 Typogr espacejar, justificar linhas. outer space espaço exterior, espaço cósmico. time and space tempo e espaço. to be spaced out Amer sl estar atordoado, estonteado, baratinado (estado mental provocado pelo uso de drogas). to make space for... abrir espaço para... to space out Typogr espaçar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > space

  • 3 space

    [speis] 1. noun
    1) (a gap; an empty or uncovered place: I couldn't find a space for my car.) lugar
    2) (room; the absence of objects; the area available for use: Have you enough space to turn round?; Is there space for one more?) espaço
    3) ((often outer space) the region outside the Earth's atmosphere, in which all stars and other planets etc are situated: travellers through space.) espaço
    2. verb
    ((also space out) to set (things) apart from one another: He spaced the rows of potatoes half a metre apart.) espaçar
    - spacious - spaciously - spaciousness - space-age - spacecraft - spaceship - spacesuit

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > space

  • 4 outer

    adjective (outside; far from (the centre of) something: outer space.) exterior
    * * *
    ['autə] adj 1 exterior, externo. 2 distante, afastado. 3 Philos objetivo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > outer

  • 5 outer

    adjective (outside; far from (the centre of) something: outer space.) exterior, externo

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > outer

  • 6 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) nulo
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) vazio
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) vazio
    * * *
    [vɔid] n vácuo, vazio, lacuna. • vt 1 anular, cancelar, suspender, invalidar. 2 desocupar, esvaziar. 3 deixar, abandonar. 4 expelir, evacuar. • adj 1 vazio. 2 livre, isento (of de). 3 pobre. 4 que tem carência, destituído. 5 inútil, vão, à-toa, ineficiente. 6 fútil. 7 inválido, sem efeito ou força legal, nulo, anulável. 8 vago, desocupado, não preenchido (lugar, etc.). to fill a void preencher uma lacuna. to make void tornar sem efeito, anular. void of hope sem esperança, desesperado. void of pity impiedoso. void of sense que não tem ou não faz sentido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > void

  • 7 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) nulo
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) vazio de
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) vazio

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > void

  • 8 alien

    ['eiliən] 1. adjective
    (foreign: alien customs.) estrangeiro
    2. noun
    1) (a foreigner: Aliens are not welcome there.) estrangeiro
    2) (a creature from another planet: aliens from outer space; He claims that he was abducted by aliens.)
    - alienation
    * * *
    ['eiliən] n alienígena, estrangeiro. • adj 1 alienígeno, estranho, estrangeiro, forasteiro. 2 oposto, contrário, hostil. 3 divergente, discrepante, de natureza diferente. alien citizens cidadãos estrangeiros. an alien environment um ambiente hostil.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > alien

  • 9 being

    1) (existence: When did the Roman Empire come into being?) existência
    2) (any living person or thing: beings from outer space.) ser
    * * *
    [b'i:iŋ] n 1 existência, vida. 2 natureza, constituição, essência. his whole being / toda sua natureza, todo o seu ser. 3 ser, ente, criatura. it came into being / formou-se, tomou forma. human being / ser humano. 4 pessoa, ser vivo. • adj existente, presente. for the time being / por enquanto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > being

  • 10 cosmic

    (having to do with the universe or outer space: cosmic rays.) cósmico
    - the cosmos
    * * *
    [k'ɔzmik] adj 1 cósmico. 2 vasto, grandioso. 3 harmonioso. 4 universal.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cosmic

  • 11 unidentified flying object

    (often abbreviated to UFO [ju:ef'ou, 'ju:fou]) (an object from outer space, eg a flying saucer.) ovni
    * * *
    un.i.den.ti.fied fly.ing ob.ject
    [∧naidentifaid fl'aiŋ ɔbdʒikt] n (abreviatura: UFO) objeto voador não identificado (abreviatura: OVNI).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > unidentified flying object

  • 12 alien

    ['eiliən] 1. adjective
    (foreign: alien customs.) exótico
    2. noun
    1) (a foreigner: Aliens are not welcome there.) estrangeiro
    2) (a creature from another planet: aliens from outer space; He claims that he was abducted by aliens.) extraterrestre
    - alienation

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > alien

  • 13 being

    1) (existence: When did the Roman Empire come into being?) existência
    2) (any living person or thing: beings from outer space.) ser

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > being

  • 14 cosmic

    (having to do with the universe or outer space: cosmic rays.) cósmico
    - the cosmos

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > cosmic

  • 15 unidentified flying object

    (often abbreviated to UFO [ju:ef'ou, 'ju:fou]) (an object from outer space, eg a flying saucer.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > unidentified flying object

См. также в других словарях:

  • Outer Space (EP) — Outer Space EP by S Endz Released October 21, 2009 …   Wikipedia

  • outer space — Space Space (sp[=a]s), n. [OE. space, F. espace, from L. spatium space; cf. Gr. spa^n to draw, to tear; perh. akin to E. span. Cf. {Expatiate}.] 1. Extension, considered independently of anything which it may contain; that which makes extended… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • outer space — n [U] the space outside the Earth s air, where the ↑planets and stars are ▪ creatures from outer space (=from another planet) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • outer space — noun uncount the area outside the Earth s atmosphere containing the stars and planets: creatures from outer space …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • outer space — n. 1. space beyond the atmosphere of the earth 2. space outside the solar system …   English World dictionary

  • outer space — ► NOUN ▪ the physical universe beyond the earth s atmosphere …   English terms dictionary

  • Outer space — For other uses, see Outer space (disambiguation). The boundaries between the Earth s surface and outer space, at the Kármán line, 100 km (62 mi) and exosphere at 690 km (430 mi). Not to scale Outer space is the void that exists beyond any… …   Wikipedia

  • outer space — noun any location outside the Earth s atmosphere (Freq. 1) the astronauts walked in outer space without a tether the first major milestone in space exploration was in 1957, when the USSR s Sputnik 1 orbited the Earth • Syn: ↑space • Hypernyms:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Outer Space — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Outer Space est un jeu vidéo sorti en 1977. In Outer Space est un album du groupe rock Sparks sorti en 1983. From Outer Space est une bande dessinée de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • outer space — N UNCOUNT Outer space is the area outside the earth s atmosphere where the other planets and stars are situated. In 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik 1 into outer space …   English dictionary

  • outer space — {n.} What is outside of the earth s air. * /An astronaut cannot live without oxygen when he goes into outer space./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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