Перевод: со всех языков на язык хинди

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  • 1 defensive

    1. बचाने वाला
    The army was deployed along the border as a defensive matter.
    2. रक्षक
    He talked in defensive manner at the party meeting.
    3. defensively
    1. रक्षा के रुप में
    The speech was made defensively so that no body can point out the political party.

    English-Hindi dictionary > defensive

  • 2 deck

    1. डेक/जलपोत की छत
    The crew members go for a walk on the deck.
    2. बस की छत
    There was a great rush on the bus deck.
    3. ताश के पत्ते
    He took out the ace from the deck of the cards.
    4. रेकार्डिंग के लिए एक यंत्र
    He had a nice deck and a good collection of cassettes.
    1. सजाना
    She decked up nicely for the party.

    English-Hindi dictionary > deck

  • 3 deep

    1. गहरा
    She took out water from a deep well.
    He took a deep breath on seeing his sick friend.
    He wore a deep blue jacket for the party.
    He has got a deep insight into the subject.
    2. गम्भीर
    His sentences had deep meanings.
    He had a deep voice.
    3. मग्न
    His involvement in the affair was very deep.
    He was deep in thoughts.
    1. गहराई\deepसे[में]
    He was deep asleep when Ram came inside the house.
    He went deep inside the river.
    The prayer was performed by standing deep in the river.
    1. समुद्र
    Pacific is the deep.

    English-Hindi dictionary > deep

  • 4 deficit

    1. घाटा
    He has to face a deficit of Rs. 1500/- in order to carry out the work regularly.
    The budget deficit was brought in front of the party.

    English-Hindi dictionary > deficit

  • 5 invective

    1. अपवाद
    The opposition let out a stream of invectives against the ruling party.

    English-Hindi dictionary > invective

  • 6 plot

    1. भूभाग
    I saw a plot which was very beautiful with a small cottage and rose garden.
    2. कथानक
    The plot of this novel is to spot out the murderer.
    3. कुचक्र
    The rebels in the party hatched a plot to bring the government down.
    1. रूप रेखा बनाना
    I ploted a map of Asia on a paper.
    2. षड्यंत्र रचना
    Police plot a plan for the murderer.

    English-Hindi dictionary > plot

  • 7 pop

    1. जनसंख्या
    Pop explosion is worst than nuclear explosion.
    1. तडाका/फट
    The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop.
    2. शराब रहित झागदार पेय
    Come on! Let's drink this pop, it's alcohol free.
    3. पाप संगीत
    Now-a-days everyone is rushing towards pop madly.
    4. पॉप\{पिता के लिए संबोधन\}
    Pop! Please allow me to go to the party.
    We call him a pop because he is the oldest man in our colony.
    1. तडकना
    Champagne corks were popping throughtout the celebrations.
    2. पटक देना
    The children were popping ballons.

    English-Hindi dictionary > pop

  • 8 pull

    1. खिंचाई
    A pull of the chain will stop the train.
    2. दबाव
    Sensitiveness can not tolerate the pulls.
    3. प्रभाव
    I need not to use your pull to get this job.
    4. कश
    The magician took a long pull and finished the cigarette.
    5. घ्zऊट
    The man took a small pull of wine in the party.
    6. लंबी चडाई
    Mountaineers have to take several long pulls to reach their destination.
    7. हत्थी
    The door pull was got strucked by rust.
    1. खींचना
    He pulled the rope of well to lift up the bucket.
    He pulled back her hand when a thorn pierced her fingers.
    2. उखाडना
    Don't pull the plug out.
    After his father's death he started working in the local pub pulling punts.
    3. आकर्षित करना
    The contenstant paid oen thousand Rupees to a person who pulled in forty voters in his favour.
    4. आगे बढना
    The old machine pulled hard when it was operated after a time gap of one month.
    5. गैर कानूनी कार्य करना
    Ram was pulling some sort of work.

    English-Hindi dictionary > pull

  • 9 remember

    1. याद\rememberकरना/न\rememberभूलना
    You can't even remember her name.
    If I remember rightly the party starts at 8 pm.
    Remember that we are going out tonight.
    Please remember the maid before leaving.

    English-Hindi dictionary > remember

  • 10 whip

    1. चाबुक
    The man was punished with a whip.
    2. उपस्थित\whipहोने\whipके\whipलिए\whipलिखित\whipआदेश
    He was elected as the chief whip of the party.
    1. चाबुक\whipमारना
    The teacher whipped the boy.
    2. फेंटना
    She whipped the cream.
    3. दिशा\whipकी\whipओर\whipचलना
    Chill winds whipped the desert.
    4. झटके\whipसे\whipनिकालना
    The man whipped out a knife.

    English-Hindi dictionary > whip

См. также в других словарях:

  • out-party — see out 4 …   Useful english dictionary

  • coming-out party — coming out party, a formal party or reception celebrating the introduction of a young woman into the established polite society of a given city or region; debut …   Useful english dictionary

  • coming-out party — noun A celebratory social gathering, with music, dancing, and refreshments, at which a young debutante is formally introduced to society. Now tell me, when do you mean to have your coming out party? I ask because Ive nothing ready and want plenty …   Wiktionary

  • out-par|ty — «OWT PAHR tee», noun, plural ties. a political party not in power: »For a minority out party, any position except “me too” almost inevitably is going to become simple opposition (Tom Wicker) …   Useful english dictionary

  • coming out party — {n. phr.} A debutante party in which a young girl is formally introduced to society. * /Coming out parties used to be more popular in the early twentieth century than nowadays, primarily because they cost a lot of money./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • coming out party — {n. phr.} A debutante party in which a young girl is formally introduced to society. * /Coming out parties used to be more popular in the early twentieth century than nowadays, primarily because they cost a lot of money./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • coming\ out\ party — n. phr. A debutante party in which a young girl is formally introduced to society. Coming out parties used to be more popular in the early twentieth century than nowadays, primarily because they cost a lot of money …   Словарь американских идиом

  • chill-out party — /ˈtʃɪl aʊt pati/ (say chil owt pahtee) noun (plural chill out parties) a party intended to provide relaxation after a time of strenuous activity, such as a festival, a year of study, etc …  

  • out — /owt/, adv. 1. away from, or not in, the normal or usual place, position, state, etc.: out of alphabetical order; to go out to dinner. 2. away from one s home, country, work, etc., as specified: to go out of town. 3. in or into the outdoors: to… …   Universalium

  • out — [[t]aʊt[/t]] adv. 1) not in the usual place, position, state, etc.: out of alphabetical order[/ex] 2) away from one s home, country, work, etc., as specified: to go out of town[/ex] 3) in or into the outdoors: to go out for a walk[/ex] 4) to a… …   From formal English to slang

  • Party of Estonian Christian Democrats — Erakond Eesti Kristlikud Demokraadid Leader Aldo Vinkel …   Wikipedia

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