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  • 1 מחוץ לעיר

    out of town

    Hebrew-English dictionary > מחוץ לעיר

  • 2 עלל I

    עֲלַלI ch. sam(עלל to go about), esp. (corresp. to h. בּוֹא) to enter a town, a house ; to come in (interch. with עוּל). Targ. Prov. 11:2; a. fr.Y.Taan.I, 64b bot. מי ע׳ when he was going home. Ib. c top כד דאנא עָלֵילוכ׳ when I was coming home from the hill. Ib. כד דאתית למֵיעוֹל when thou wert about to go home. Y.Sabb.VI, 8c bot. בר קפרא אִיעֲלַל … מי ע׳וכ׳ B. Ḳ. was trying to enter a town; when he entered it Y.Erub.V, beg.22b תלת … עבר עָלֵיל קומיוכ׳ thirteen years he spent going in and out before his teacher without need (of his instruction). Koh. R. to I, 3 עָלְלִין ונפקין are brought in and taken out again; a. e. 2) (with שמשא) to set. Targ. O. Gen. 15:12; a. fr. 3) to be busy, have to do with, (euphem.) to sport. Esth. R. to II, 16 אנא יהיב … ועליל עמה I would give one hundred denars to I sport with her; Yalk. Gen. 67; (Gen. R. s. 40 ואִיעֲלַל Ithpa.). Pa. עַלֵּיל to go around searching; to glean. Targ. O. Lev. 19:10 (ed. Berl. תְעַלִיל; ed. Amst. תְעָליל); Deut. 24:21 תְעַלֵּיל ed. Berl. (ed. Amst. a. Y. תְעָלֵיל). Af. אָעֵיל (fr. עוּל), אָעוֹל, אֵ׳ to cause to go in; to carry in, bring in. Targ. Gen. 6:19 (Y. ed. Vien. תֵעוֹל). Targ. Ps. 66:11. Targ. O. Gen. 47:24 אָעוֹלֵי ed. Berl. (oth. ed. אַעוּלֵי, verbal noun). Targ. Hag. 1:9; a. fr. Ittaf. אִיתָּעַל, אִיתַּעַל to be carried in. Targ. Job 10:19 אֶתְּעָל. Ib. 21:32 יִתָּעֵל ed. Wil. (oth. ed. יִתְּעָל). Ib. 30 יִתָּעֲלוּן (some ed. יִתְעֲלוּן Ithpe.). Targ. O. Gen. 43:18 (Y. מִתְעֲל׳, ed. Vien. מִתְעָ׳); a. fr. Ithpe. אִתְעֲלַל, אִיעֲלַל 1) same, v. supra. 2) to attempt entrance. Y. Sabb. l. c., v. supra. 3) to busy ones self, to sport. Gen. R. l. c., v. supra.

    Jewish literature > עלל I

  • 3 עֲלַל

    עֲלַלI ch. sam(עלל to go about), esp. (corresp. to h. בּוֹא) to enter a town, a house ; to come in (interch. with עוּל). Targ. Prov. 11:2; a. fr.Y.Taan.I, 64b bot. מי ע׳ when he was going home. Ib. c top כד דאנא עָלֵילוכ׳ when I was coming home from the hill. Ib. כד דאתית למֵיעוֹל when thou wert about to go home. Y.Sabb.VI, 8c bot. בר קפרא אִיעֲלַל … מי ע׳וכ׳ B. Ḳ. was trying to enter a town; when he entered it Y.Erub.V, beg.22b תלת … עבר עָלֵיל קומיוכ׳ thirteen years he spent going in and out before his teacher without need (of his instruction). Koh. R. to I, 3 עָלְלִין ונפקין are brought in and taken out again; a. e. 2) (with שמשא) to set. Targ. O. Gen. 15:12; a. fr. 3) to be busy, have to do with, (euphem.) to sport. Esth. R. to II, 16 אנא יהיב … ועליל עמה I would give one hundred denars to I sport with her; Yalk. Gen. 67; (Gen. R. s. 40 ואִיעֲלַל Ithpa.). Pa. עַלֵּיל to go around searching; to glean. Targ. O. Lev. 19:10 (ed. Berl. תְעַלִיל; ed. Amst. תְעָליל); Deut. 24:21 תְעַלֵּיל ed. Berl. (ed. Amst. a. Y. תְעָלֵיל). Af. אָעֵיל (fr. עוּל), אָעוֹל, אֵ׳ to cause to go in; to carry in, bring in. Targ. Gen. 6:19 (Y. ed. Vien. תֵעוֹל). Targ. Ps. 66:11. Targ. O. Gen. 47:24 אָעוֹלֵי ed. Berl. (oth. ed. אַעוּלֵי, verbal noun). Targ. Hag. 1:9; a. fr. Ittaf. אִיתָּעַל, אִיתַּעַל to be carried in. Targ. Job 10:19 אֶתְּעָל. Ib. 21:32 יִתָּעֵל ed. Wil. (oth. ed. יִתְּעָל). Ib. 30 יִתָּעֲלוּן (some ed. יִתְעֲלוּן Ithpe.). Targ. O. Gen. 43:18 (Y. מִתְעֲל׳, ed. Vien. מִתְעָ׳); a. fr. Ithpe. אִתְעֲלַל, אִיעֲלַל 1) same, v. supra. 2) to attempt entrance. Y. Sabb. l. c., v. supra. 3) to busy ones self, to sport. Gen. R. l. c., v. supra.

    Jewish literature > עֲלַל

  • 4 פשט

    פָּשַׁט(b. h.) 1) to stretch, straighten. Sabb.I, 1, sq. פ׳ העני את ידווכ׳ if the recipient puts his hand forth to within (the house). Pes.118b, a. e. שפּוֹשְׁטִין, v. פַּס II. Gen. R. s. 28 לא פָשְׁטוּ ידיהם במצות they (the Sodomites) never stretched their hands forth for good deeds (charity); Lam. R. to IV, 6; Yalk. Ez. 351. Ber.3b; Snh.16a לכו פִשְׁטוּוכ׳, v. גְּדוּד. Men.I, 2 פושט את אצבעותיווכ׳ he stretches his fingers so as to reach his wrist. Lev. R. s. 2 פושטין לו יד we must reach forth our hands to him, v. כָּנָף. Keth.XIII, 5 הפוסק … ופ׳ לו את הרגל a man promises a certain amount to his intended son-in-law, and shows him the foot, i. e. refuses to give it to him; a. v. fr.Y.R. Hash. III, 58d top (ref. to פשוט, ib. III, 3) כדי שיִפְשְׁטוּוכ׳ (or שיְפַשְּׁטוּ, Pi.) (the horn is straight,) intimating that they must straighten their hearts through repentance.Part. pass. פָּשוּט, q. v. 2) to strip; (sub. בגדיו) to undress. Yoma III, 4; 6. Ib. 31b פּוֹשֵׁט … מקדש he (the high priest) undresses first and then sanctifies (washes his hands and feet). Ib. 32a כלום אדם פושט אלאוכ׳ can a man put off anything except what he has put on? Tam.I, 1; a. fr.Part. pass. פָּשוּט. Y.Yoma III, 40c bot. אחת פ׳ ואחת לבושוכ׳ whether he undresses or dresses, in either case the sanctification follows the act. 3) to make plain, to explain. Num. R. s. 18; Tanḥ. Ḥuck. 1 היה יושב ופושטוכ׳ was sitting at the gate of his town and explaining (teaching); (Gen. R. s. 10 ודורש). Ex. R. s. 47 היה למד … ופושט אותהוכ׳ he learned (the Torah) in day-time and explained it to himself at night; a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Lev. R. s. 16 (ref. to Ps. 34:13) כל ימי … היכן הוא פ׳ all my days I have read this verse (question), but I never knew where it is answered. 4) (neut. verb) to spread, be published. Hor.3b עד שתִּפְשוֹט הוראה בכלוכ׳ until the decision is spread (adopted) in the whole congregation of Israel. Ab. Zar.36a; a. fr. Pi. פִּישֵּׁט 1) to stretch, straighten out. Y.Snh.III, 21a bot. התחיל מְפַשִּׁטוכ׳ (interch. with פישט) he began to put forth his hands and deal in fruits of the Sabbatical year. Tosef.Neg.I, 8 מְפַשְּׁטִין את קומטיווכ׳ the creases are straightened out, and then the leprous spot is examined; a. e.Tosef.Nidd.VI, 4, v. infra.Part. pass. מְפוּשָּׁט. Y.Naz.IX, 57d רגליו מְפוּשָּׁטוֹת וידווכ׳ if the corpse is found with its feet stretched and its hands on the heart, opp. קמצוץ. 2) to strip, take off. Tosef.Kel.B. Kam.IV, 17 משיְפַשֵּׁט את חלוקו (not חלוקן) from the time that the coat (the plaster of the stove) is taken off. Nif. נִפְשַׁט 1) to be straightened out, be unfolded, become flat. Kel. XXVI, 2 נ׳ טהור when it (the bag) is straightened out (so as to be a plain piece of leather, v. פָּשוּט), it is not susceptible to uncleanness. Tosef. Neg. l. c. כקמיטשנ׳ like a creased garment that has been straightened out; a. e. 2) to be stripped. Pirké dR. El. ch. XIV נ׳ עור צפורןוכ׳ the horny skin was taken from Adam, and he saw himself naked. Midr. Till. to Ps. 92, v. infra. Hif. הִפְשִׁיט 1) to strip, flay. Pes.V, 9 כיצד תולין ומַפְשִׁיטִין how did they suspend and flay (the Passover Iamb)? Ib. מי … ולהַפְשִׁיט he that could find no place where to suspend and flay. Tam.IV, 2. Pesik. R. s. 28 הִפְשִׁיטוּ את עבדיהםוכ׳ they undressed their men servants and maid servants and presented them ; a. fr. 2) to shed the skin. Pirké dR. El. l. c. שיהא מַפְשִׁיט את עורווכ׳ that it (the serpent) should shed its skin once in seven years. Midr. Till. to Ps. 92 מן העור שה׳ הנחשוכ׳ ed. Bub. (oth. ed. שנפשט) of the skin which the serpent shed the Lord made garments of honor ; Pirké dR. El. ch. XX; Yalk. Gen. 34. Hof. הוּפְשַׁט to be stripped. Zeb.XI, 3 עד שלאה׳ before the hide was taken off. Ib. 93b; a. e. Hithpa. הִתְפַּשֵּׁט, Nithpa. נִתְפַּשֵּׁט to be straightened, become even; to flatten. Ḥag.9a חיגר … ונ׳וכ׳ if he was lame on the first day and became straight Y.Yeb.I, 2d bot. עד שתִּתְפַּשֵּׁט הכף, v. כַּף; Tosef.Nidd.VI, 4 עד שתְּפַשֵּׁט אתוכ׳. B. Bath. 120a נִתְפַּשְּׁטוּ הקמטיןוכ׳ the wrinkles became even, and her beauty returned ; a. e.

    Jewish literature > פשט

  • 5 פָּשַׁט

    פָּשַׁט(b. h.) 1) to stretch, straighten. Sabb.I, 1, sq. פ׳ העני את ידווכ׳ if the recipient puts his hand forth to within (the house). Pes.118b, a. e. שפּוֹשְׁטִין, v. פַּס II. Gen. R. s. 28 לא פָשְׁטוּ ידיהם במצות they (the Sodomites) never stretched their hands forth for good deeds (charity); Lam. R. to IV, 6; Yalk. Ez. 351. Ber.3b; Snh.16a לכו פִשְׁטוּוכ׳, v. גְּדוּד. Men.I, 2 פושט את אצבעותיווכ׳ he stretches his fingers so as to reach his wrist. Lev. R. s. 2 פושטין לו יד we must reach forth our hands to him, v. כָּנָף. Keth.XIII, 5 הפוסק … ופ׳ לו את הרגל a man promises a certain amount to his intended son-in-law, and shows him the foot, i. e. refuses to give it to him; a. v. fr.Y.R. Hash. III, 58d top (ref. to פשוט, ib. III, 3) כדי שיִפְשְׁטוּוכ׳ (or שיְפַשְּׁטוּ, Pi.) (the horn is straight,) intimating that they must straighten their hearts through repentance.Part. pass. פָּשוּט, q. v. 2) to strip; (sub. בגדיו) to undress. Yoma III, 4; 6. Ib. 31b פּוֹשֵׁט … מקדש he (the high priest) undresses first and then sanctifies (washes his hands and feet). Ib. 32a כלום אדם פושט אלאוכ׳ can a man put off anything except what he has put on? Tam.I, 1; a. fr.Part. pass. פָּשוּט. Y.Yoma III, 40c bot. אחת פ׳ ואחת לבושוכ׳ whether he undresses or dresses, in either case the sanctification follows the act. 3) to make plain, to explain. Num. R. s. 18; Tanḥ. Ḥuck. 1 היה יושב ופושטוכ׳ was sitting at the gate of his town and explaining (teaching); (Gen. R. s. 10 ודורש). Ex. R. s. 47 היה למד … ופושט אותהוכ׳ he learned (the Torah) in day-time and explained it to himself at night; a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Lev. R. s. 16 (ref. to Ps. 34:13) כל ימי … היכן הוא פ׳ all my days I have read this verse (question), but I never knew where it is answered. 4) (neut. verb) to spread, be published. Hor.3b עד שתִּפְשוֹט הוראה בכלוכ׳ until the decision is spread (adopted) in the whole congregation of Israel. Ab. Zar.36a; a. fr. Pi. פִּישֵּׁט 1) to stretch, straighten out. Y.Snh.III, 21a bot. התחיל מְפַשִּׁטוכ׳ (interch. with פישט) he began to put forth his hands and deal in fruits of the Sabbatical year. Tosef.Neg.I, 8 מְפַשְּׁטִין את קומטיווכ׳ the creases are straightened out, and then the leprous spot is examined; a. e.Tosef.Nidd.VI, 4, v. infra.Part. pass. מְפוּשָּׁט. Y.Naz.IX, 57d רגליו מְפוּשָּׁטוֹת וידווכ׳ if the corpse is found with its feet stretched and its hands on the heart, opp. קמצוץ. 2) to strip, take off. Tosef.Kel.B. Kam.IV, 17 משיְפַשֵּׁט את חלוקו (not חלוקן) from the time that the coat (the plaster of the stove) is taken off. Nif. נִפְשַׁט 1) to be straightened out, be unfolded, become flat. Kel. XXVI, 2 נ׳ טהור when it (the bag) is straightened out (so as to be a plain piece of leather, v. פָּשוּט), it is not susceptible to uncleanness. Tosef. Neg. l. c. כקמיטשנ׳ like a creased garment that has been straightened out; a. e. 2) to be stripped. Pirké dR. El. ch. XIV נ׳ עור צפורןוכ׳ the horny skin was taken from Adam, and he saw himself naked. Midr. Till. to Ps. 92, v. infra. Hif. הִפְשִׁיט 1) to strip, flay. Pes.V, 9 כיצד תולין ומַפְשִׁיטִין how did they suspend and flay (the Passover Iamb)? Ib. מי … ולהַפְשִׁיט he that could find no place where to suspend and flay. Tam.IV, 2. Pesik. R. s. 28 הִפְשִׁיטוּ את עבדיהםוכ׳ they undressed their men servants and maid servants and presented them ; a. fr. 2) to shed the skin. Pirké dR. El. l. c. שיהא מַפְשִׁיט את עורווכ׳ that it (the serpent) should shed its skin once in seven years. Midr. Till. to Ps. 92 מן העור שה׳ הנחשוכ׳ ed. Bub. (oth. ed. שנפשט) of the skin which the serpent shed the Lord made garments of honor ; Pirké dR. El. ch. XX; Yalk. Gen. 34. Hof. הוּפְשַׁט to be stripped. Zeb.XI, 3 עד שלאה׳ before the hide was taken off. Ib. 93b; a. e. Hithpa. הִתְפַּשֵּׁט, Nithpa. נִתְפַּשֵּׁט to be straightened, become even; to flatten. Ḥag.9a חיגר … ונ׳וכ׳ if he was lame on the first day and became straight Y.Yeb.I, 2d bot. עד שתִּתְפַּשֵּׁט הכף, v. כַּף; Tosef.Nidd.VI, 4 עד שתְּפַשֵּׁט אתוכ׳. B. Bath. 120a נִתְפַּשְּׁטוּ הקמטיןוכ׳ the wrinkles became even, and her beauty returned ; a. e.

    Jewish literature > פָּשַׁט

  • 6 רחוב

    רְחוֹבm. (b. h.) same. Taan.II, 1 (15a) מוציאין … לרְחוֹבָהּ של עיר (not לרחוב) (at public fasts) they carry the ark out to the open place of the town. Meg.III, 1 (25b) בני … רחובהוכ׳ if the citizens sold the open place of a town (which is used for public prayer meetings), they may buy a synagogue with the proceeds. Ib. בה״כ … את הר׳ if they sold a synagogue, they dare not buy an open place; a. e.

    Jewish literature > רחוב

  • 7 רְחוֹב

    רְחוֹבm. (b. h.) same. Taan.II, 1 (15a) מוציאין … לרְחוֹבָהּ של עיר (not לרחוב) (at public fasts) they carry the ark out to the open place of the town. Meg.III, 1 (25b) בני … רחובהוכ׳ if the citizens sold the open place of a town (which is used for public prayer meetings), they may buy a synagogue with the proceeds. Ib. בה״כ … את הר׳ if they sold a synagogue, they dare not buy an open place; a. e.

    Jewish literature > רְחוֹב

  • 8 בוצין

    בּוּצִין(בּוֹצִין) בּוּצִינָא m. (fr. בוץ to shine; orig. a plur. of בּוּצָא) 1) wicks; v. בּוּצָא.In gen. candle, lamp, light. Targ. 1 Sam. 3:3; a. e.Cant. R. to III, 4 (expl. Is. 21:5) אקימת מנרתא אדליקת ב׳ thou hast put up the lamp, lighted the wicks. Sabb.30a לכבות ב׳ דנורא to put out a lamp (Ms. M. omits דנורא).Snh.14a ב׳ דנהורא bright light (wise man). Gen. R. s. 85 (play on שוע, Gen. 38:2, v. שַׁעֲוָה) ב׳ דאתרא the light of the town (leader); a. fr.Pl. בֹּוצִינַיָּא. Targ. Ex. 30:7 sq.; a. e. 2) (in Bab. dialect; cmp. בטי) a young pumpkin, contrad. to קרא the full-grown one. Ber.48a (prov.) ב׳ ב׳ מקיניה ידיע Ar. a. Rashi (ed. מקטפיה; Ms. M. בוצינא מקיטפיה ידע, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) the young pumpkin is known by its shaft (by what oozes out of it, מקיטפיה), i. e. the future scholar is recognized by his utterings in childhood. Succ.56b a young pumpkin (now) is better than a large one (later); (differ. in Tosaf. a. l.); a. e.Pl. בֹּוצִינַיָּא, בֹּוצִינֵי. Targ. O. Num. 11:5.Ned.66b (a misunderstanding of בוציני betw. a Babylonian husband and a Palestinean wife). Yoma 78a מצטנן בב׳ Ms. M. (ed. בינוקא) cooled his hands with young pumpkins.Meg.12a sq. (prov.) איהו בקריוכ׳ (Var. בי וכו׳; Sot.10a בי קאריוכ׳) the husband between the old pumpkins, his wife between the young ones, i. e. a faithless husband makes a faithless wife. 3) (from its shape) ב׳ דריחייא the pivot (Rashi); the hole (socket) in the lower millstone (Ar.). Pes.94b (Var. סדנא).

    Jewish literature > בוצין

  • 9 בּוּצִין

    בּוּצִין(בּוֹצִין) בּוּצִינָא m. (fr. בוץ to shine; orig. a plur. of בּוּצָא) 1) wicks; v. בּוּצָא.In gen. candle, lamp, light. Targ. 1 Sam. 3:3; a. e.Cant. R. to III, 4 (expl. Is. 21:5) אקימת מנרתא אדליקת ב׳ thou hast put up the lamp, lighted the wicks. Sabb.30a לכבות ב׳ דנורא to put out a lamp (Ms. M. omits דנורא).Snh.14a ב׳ דנהורא bright light (wise man). Gen. R. s. 85 (play on שוע, Gen. 38:2, v. שַׁעֲוָה) ב׳ דאתרא the light of the town (leader); a. fr.Pl. בֹּוצִינַיָּא. Targ. Ex. 30:7 sq.; a. e. 2) (in Bab. dialect; cmp. בטי) a young pumpkin, contrad. to קרא the full-grown one. Ber.48a (prov.) ב׳ ב׳ מקיניה ידיע Ar. a. Rashi (ed. מקטפיה; Ms. M. בוצינא מקיטפיה ידע, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) the young pumpkin is known by its shaft (by what oozes out of it, מקיטפיה), i. e. the future scholar is recognized by his utterings in childhood. Succ.56b a young pumpkin (now) is better than a large one (later); (differ. in Tosaf. a. l.); a. e.Pl. בֹּוצִינַיָּא, בֹּוצִינֵי. Targ. O. Num. 11:5.Ned.66b (a misunderstanding of בוציני betw. a Babylonian husband and a Palestinean wife). Yoma 78a מצטנן בב׳ Ms. M. (ed. בינוקא) cooled his hands with young pumpkins.Meg.12a sq. (prov.) איהו בקריוכ׳ (Var. בי וכו׳; Sot.10a בי קאריוכ׳) the husband between the old pumpkins, his wife between the young ones, i. e. a faithless husband makes a faithless wife. 3) (from its shape) ב׳ דריחייא the pivot (Rashi); the hole (socket) in the lower millstone (Ar.). Pes.94b (Var. סדנא).

    Jewish literature > בּוּצִין

  • 10 ער

    adj. awake, alert, up, wakeful, keen, waking, astir; vigilant, watchful
    v. be awakened; commented on
    v. be joined, glued; rooted, based; involved
    v. to awake, wake up
    v. to comment, remark, observe
    v. to stick, attach, join; root, integrate
    v. to strip; destroy
    v. to strip; empty, pour out
    v. to transfuse, infuse, pour, empty
    v. to wake; rouse, stir up
    city, town, township, burg

    Hebrew-English dictionary > ער

  • 11 אפיטרופא

    אֶפִּיטְרוֹפָּא 1) m. (ch. form = next w.) 1) guardian, administrator; procurator (of a Roman district). B. Mets.39a א׳ לדיקנניוכ׳ we appoint no guardian for the bearded (adults). Y. ib. III, beg.9a לעשות בה א׳ to appoint another person as an administrator of the hired or loaned object. Lam. R. to V, 12 א׳ עליל לקרתא a governor (proconsul) entered a town.Pl. אֶפִּיטְרוֹפַּיָּא. Pesik. Asser p. 95b> אילין א׳וכ׳ those Roman proconsuls that go out visiting the country places (cmp. Ex. R. s. 31, end). 2) fem. administratrix; v. אֶפִּיטְרוֹפְיָא.

    Jewish literature > אפיטרופא

  • 12 אֶפִּיטְרוֹפָּא

    אֶפִּיטְרוֹפָּא 1) m. (ch. form = next w.) 1) guardian, administrator; procurator (of a Roman district). B. Mets.39a א׳ לדיקנניוכ׳ we appoint no guardian for the bearded (adults). Y. ib. III, beg.9a לעשות בה א׳ to appoint another person as an administrator of the hired or loaned object. Lam. R. to V, 12 א׳ עליל לקרתא a governor (proconsul) entered a town.Pl. אֶפִּיטְרוֹפַּיָּא. Pesik. Asser p. 95b> אילין א׳וכ׳ those Roman proconsuls that go out visiting the country places (cmp. Ex. R. s. 31, end). 2) fem. administratrix; v. אֶפִּיטְרוֹפְיָא.

    Jewish literature > אֶפִּיטְרוֹפָּא

  • 13 חוצה

    חוּצָהf. (b. h.) 1) = חוּץ II; (followed by ל־) outside of, out of. Ab. Zar. I, 4 ח׳ לה outside the town limits.ח׳ לארץ outside of Palestine, foreign territory. Ḥull.V, 1 בח׳ לא׳ abroad; a. v. fr. 2) an outskirt, not included in the Sabbath community ( ערוב). Erub.V, 6.

    Jewish literature > חוצה

  • 14 חוּצָה

    חוּצָהf. (b. h.) 1) = חוּץ II; (followed by ל־) outside of, out of. Ab. Zar. I, 4 ח׳ לה outside the town limits.ח׳ לארץ outside of Palestine, foreign territory. Ḥull.V, 1 בח׳ לא׳ abroad; a. v. fr. 2) an outskirt, not included in the Sabbath community ( ערוב). Erub.V, 6.

    Jewish literature > חוּצָה

  • 15 חיבור

    חִיבּוּר, חִבּוּרm. (חָבַר) junction, connection. Kel. III, 6 אינה ח׳ is not considered a connection (touching the stopper by an unclean person does not affect the contents of the cask). Ib. XVIII, 2; Sabb.44b; 46a.Ab. Zar.56b, a. e. נצוק ח׳ the jet produced by pouring out is a connection (the liquid at one end, if touched by a gentile, affects that in the vessel); Toh. VIII, 9; a. v. fr.Y.Sot.VIII, 22d אין … ח׳ לעיר we do not consider it as connected with the town (as regards Sabbath limits). Y.Kil.IX, end, 32d ח׳ לבגד considered as connected (woven) with the garment; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > חיבור

  • 16 חבור

    חִיבּוּר, חִבּוּרm. (חָבַר) junction, connection. Kel. III, 6 אינה ח׳ is not considered a connection (touching the stopper by an unclean person does not affect the contents of the cask). Ib. XVIII, 2; Sabb.44b; 46a.Ab. Zar.56b, a. e. נצוק ח׳ the jet produced by pouring out is a connection (the liquid at one end, if touched by a gentile, affects that in the vessel); Toh. VIII, 9; a. v. fr.Y.Sot.VIII, 22d אין … ח׳ לעיר we do not consider it as connected with the town (as regards Sabbath limits). Y.Kil.IX, end, 32d ח׳ לבגד considered as connected (woven) with the garment; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > חבור

  • 17 חִיבּוּר

    חִיבּוּר, חִבּוּרm. (חָבַר) junction, connection. Kel. III, 6 אינה ח׳ is not considered a connection (touching the stopper by an unclean person does not affect the contents of the cask). Ib. XVIII, 2; Sabb.44b; 46a.Ab. Zar.56b, a. e. נצוק ח׳ the jet produced by pouring out is a connection (the liquid at one end, if touched by a gentile, affects that in the vessel); Toh. VIII, 9; a. v. fr.Y.Sot.VIII, 22d אין … ח׳ לעיר we do not consider it as connected with the town (as regards Sabbath limits). Y.Kil.IX, end, 32d ח׳ לבגד considered as connected (woven) with the garment; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > חִיבּוּר

  • 18 חִבּוּר

    חִיבּוּר, חִבּוּרm. (חָבַר) junction, connection. Kel. III, 6 אינה ח׳ is not considered a connection (touching the stopper by an unclean person does not affect the contents of the cask). Ib. XVIII, 2; Sabb.44b; 46a.Ab. Zar.56b, a. e. נצוק ח׳ the jet produced by pouring out is a connection (the liquid at one end, if touched by a gentile, affects that in the vessel); Toh. VIII, 9; a. v. fr.Y.Sot.VIII, 22d אין … ח׳ לעיר we do not consider it as connected with the town (as regards Sabbath limits). Y.Kil.IX, end, 32d ח׳ לבגד considered as connected (woven) with the garment; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > חִבּוּר

  • 19 ירוד

    יָרוֹד(יָרוּדָא) יָרוֹדָא ch. (v. P. Sm. 1630) 1) same.Pl. יָרוֹדִין, יָרוֹדֵי. Targ. Mic. 1:8, a. fr. (ed. Lag. everywhere ירורין; h. text תַּנִּים).Targ. Job. 30:29 ירורין ed. Lag. (Var. יַלּוֹלִין). Targ. Ps. 74:14 לירודי (ed. Lag. לירורי, h. text לציים!). 2) (= עָרוֹד, עָרוֹדָא) wild ass. Targ. Jer. 2:24 כירודא (ed. Lag. כירורא, h. text תאנתה, v. Rashi a. l.). Keth.49b יארוד ילדה ואבניוכ׳ ed. (Ar. יר׳) a yarod gives birth and casts (her young) upon the people of the town, i. e. a parent must support his minor children. Snh.59b י׳ נאלא thou howling y. (talking out of the way; Yalk. Gen. 14 תנין שוטה h.).Pl. as ab. Targ. Jer. 14:6 (ed. Lag. ירור׳; h. text תנים). Targ. Y. I Deut. 32:10 שידין וי׳ (ed. Amst וִידוּרִין, corr. acc.). Targ. Is. 13:22 וי׳ (in connection with חתולין, ed. Lag. וירורין; h. text ותַנִּים).Fem. pl. יְרוֹדָאתָא. Lam. R. to IV, 3 (ref. to גם תניןוכ׳, ib.) אילין י׳ כמין מסווין פריסיןוכ׳ (Ar. אילין י׳ אית להון כמיןוכ׳) those yaruds (knowing their ferocious instincts) have a sort of mask spread over their faces when sucking their young ; (diff. interpret, of the verse in Tanḥ. Bḥuck. 3, ed. Bub. 5.

    Jewish literature > ירוד

  • 20 יָרוֹד

    יָרוֹד(יָרוּדָא) יָרוֹדָא ch. (v. P. Sm. 1630) 1) same.Pl. יָרוֹדִין, יָרוֹדֵי. Targ. Mic. 1:8, a. fr. (ed. Lag. everywhere ירורין; h. text תַּנִּים).Targ. Job. 30:29 ירורין ed. Lag. (Var. יַלּוֹלִין). Targ. Ps. 74:14 לירודי (ed. Lag. לירורי, h. text לציים!). 2) (= עָרוֹד, עָרוֹדָא) wild ass. Targ. Jer. 2:24 כירודא (ed. Lag. כירורא, h. text תאנתה, v. Rashi a. l.). Keth.49b יארוד ילדה ואבניוכ׳ ed. (Ar. יר׳) a yarod gives birth and casts (her young) upon the people of the town, i. e. a parent must support his minor children. Snh.59b י׳ נאלא thou howling y. (talking out of the way; Yalk. Gen. 14 תנין שוטה h.).Pl. as ab. Targ. Jer. 14:6 (ed. Lag. ירור׳; h. text תנים). Targ. Y. I Deut. 32:10 שידין וי׳ (ed. Amst וִידוּרִין, corr. acc.). Targ. Is. 13:22 וי׳ (in connection with חתולין, ed. Lag. וירורין; h. text ותַנִּים).Fem. pl. יְרוֹדָאתָא. Lam. R. to IV, 3 (ref. to גם תניןוכ׳, ib.) אילין י׳ כמין מסווין פריסיןוכ׳ (Ar. אילין י׳ אית להון כמיןוכ׳) those yaruds (knowing their ferocious instincts) have a sort of mask spread over their faces when sucking their young ; (diff. interpret, of the verse in Tanḥ. Bḥuck. 3, ed. Bub. 5.

    Jewish literature > יָרוֹד

См. также в других словарях:

  • out-of-town — out of town·er; …   English syllables

  • out-of-town — ˌout of ˈtown adjective [only before a noun] 1. to, from, or in another town: • out of town visitors 2. on the edge of a town: • the trend towards out of town shopping centres * * * out of town UK US /ˌaʊtəvˈtaʊn/ adjective [before noun] ► …   Financial and business terms

  • out of town — {adv. phr.} Having left one s usual residence or place of work on a longer trip. * / Mr. Smith is out of town until Monday, the secretary said. May I take a message? / …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • out of town — {adv. phr.} Having left one s usual residence or place of work on a longer trip. * / Mr. Smith is out of town until Monday, the secretary said. May I take a message? / …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • out-of-town — adj [only before noun] 1.) to, from, or in another town ▪ out of town visitors 2.) BrE on the edge of a town ▪ out of town shopping centres …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • out-of-town — adjective only before noun 1. ) happening in another town or city: The show had its out of town premiere in New Haven. 2. ) coming from another town or area: out of town visitors …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • out-of-town — adj. happening in or being of another town or city; as, an out of town tryout. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • out-of-town|er — «OWT uhv TOW nuhr», noun. Informal. a person who lives outside a town or city …   Useful english dictionary

  • out-of-town — 1) ADJ: ADJ n Out of town shops or facilities are situated away from the centre of a town or city. ...shopping at cheaper, out of town supermarkets. 2) ADJ: ADJ n Out of town is used to describe people who do not live in a particular town or city …   English dictionary

  • out-of-town — /owt euhv town /, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or from another city or town: We re expecting out of town visitors tomorrow. 2. taking place in another city or town: the out of town tryout of a new play. [1815 25] * * * …   Universalium

  • out-of-town — adjective happening in or being of another town or city (Freq. 3) an out of town tryout an out of town school • Similar to: ↑distant …   Useful english dictionary

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