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  • 1 out loud

    • nahlas

    English-Czech dictionary > out loud

  • 2 chant

    1. verb
    1) (to recite in a singing manner: The monks were chanting their prayers.) zpěvavě odříkávat
    2) (to repeat (a phrase, slogan etc) over and over out loud: The crowd was chanting `We want more!') skandovat
    2. noun
    1) (a kind of sacred song.) chvalozpěv (kostelní zpěv)
    2) (a phrase or slogan constantly repeated: `Stop the cuts!' was the chant.) skandování
    * * *
    • pokřik
    • skandovat

    English-Czech dictionary > chant

  • 3 roar

    [ro:] 1. verb
    1) (to give a loud deep cry; to say loudly; to shout: The lions roared; The sergeant roared (out) his commands.) řvát
    2) (to laugh loudly: The audience roared (with laughter) at the man's jokes.) burácet (smíchy)
    3) (to make a loud deep sound: The cannons/thunder roared.) burácet, dunět
    4) (to make a loud deep sound while moving: He roared past on his motorbike.) rachotit kolem
    2. noun
    1) (a loud deep cry: a roar of pain/laughter; the lion's roars.) řev
    2) (a loud, deep sound: the roar of traffic.) burácení
    * * *
    • řev
    • řvát
    • hučení
    • hulákat
    • hukot
    • hřmět

    English-Czech dictionary > roar

  • 4 hoot

    [hu:t] 1. verb
    1) (to sound the horn of a car etc: The driver hooted (his horn) at the old lady.) (za)troubit
    2) ((of car etc horns, sirens etc) to make a loud noise, as a warning, signal etc: You can't leave the factory till the siren hoots.) houkat
    3) ((of owls) to call out: An owl hooted in the wood.) houkat
    4) ((of people) to make a loud noise of laughter or disapproval: They hooted with laughter.) řehtat se; řvát
    2. noun
    1) (the sound of a car etc horn, a siren etc.) houkání
    2) (the call of an owl.) houkání
    3) (a loud shout of laughter or disapproval.) řehot; řev
    - not care a hoot / two hoots
    * * *
    • zatroubení
    • zatroubit
    • houkat

    English-Czech dictionary > hoot

  • 5 scream

    [skri:m] 1. verb
    (to cry or shout in a loud shrill voice because of fear or pain or with laughter; to make a shrill noise: He was screaming in agony; `Look out!' she screamed; We screamed with laughter.) řvát
    2. noun
    1) (a loud, shrill cry or noise.) výkřik
    2) (a cause of laughter: She's an absolute scream.) šprýmař
    * * *
    • výkřik
    • zakřičet
    • ječet
    • jekot
    • křičet

    English-Czech dictionary > scream

  • 6 blast

    1. noun
    1) (a strong, sudden stream (of air): a blast of cold air.) závan, poryv
    2) (a loud sound: a blast on the horn.) zadutí
    3) (an explosion: the blast from a bomb.) výbuch
    2. verb
    1) (to tear (apart etc) by an explosion: The door was blasted off its hinges.) rozstřelit, odstřelit
    2) ((often with out) to come or be sent out, very loudly: Music (was being) blasted out from the radio.) vyřvávat
    - blast furnace
    - at full blast
    - blast off
    * * *
    • výbuch
    • výstřel
    • odstřel

    English-Czech dictionary > blast

  • 7 cry

    1. verb
    1) (to let tears come from the eyes; to weep: She cried when she heard of the old man's death.) plakat
    2) ((often with out) to shout out (a loud sound): She cried out for help.) křičet
    2. noun
    1) (a shout: a cry of triumph.) (vý)křik
    2) (a time of weeping: The baby had a little cry before he went to sleep.) plačtivá chvilka
    3) (the sound made by some animals: the cry of a wolf.) řev, vytí
    - cry off
    * * *
    • vykřiknout
    • zapláče
    • zaplakat
    • pláče
    • plakat
    • křiknout
    • křičet
    • brečet

    English-Czech dictionary > cry

  • 8 pop

    I 1. [pop] noun
    1) (a sharp, quick, explosive noise, such as that made by a cork as it comes out of a bottle: The paper bag burst with a loud pop.) bouchnutí
    2) (fizzy drink: a bottle of pop.) šumivý nápoj
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) make a pop: He popped the balloon; My balloon has popped.) (nechat) bouchnout
    2) (to spring upwards or outwards: His eyes nearly popped out of his head in amazement.) vylézat (z důlků)
    3) (to go quickly and briefly somewhere: He popped out to buy a newspaper.) vyběhnout
    4) (put quickly: He popped the letter into his pocket.) vsunout
    - pop-gun
    - pop up
    II [pop] adjective
    1) ((of music) written, played etc in a modern style.) pop
    2) (of, or related to, pop music: a pop group; a pop singer; pop records.) pop
    * * *
    • populární

    English-Czech dictionary > pop

  • 9 blare

    [bleə] 1. verb
    (often with out) to make a loud, harsh sound: The radio blared (out music). řvát, vytrubovat
    2. noun
    the blare of trumpets.) vřeštění, troubení
    * * *
    • vřískat
    • řvát
    • hluk

    English-Czech dictionary > blare

  • 10 ring

    I 1. [riŋ] noun
    1) (a small circle eg of gold or silver, sometimes having a jewel set in it, worn on the finger: a wedding ring; She wears a diamond ring.) prsten
    2) (a circle of metal, wood etc for any of various purposes: a scarf-ring; a key-ring; The trap-door had a ring attached for lifting it.) kroužek, prstenec, kolečko
    3) (anything which is like a circle in shape: The children formed a ring round their teacher; The hot teapot left a ring on the polished table.) kolo, kolečko
    4) (an enclosed space for boxing matches, circus performances etc: the circus-ring; The crowd cheered as the boxer entered the ring.) manéž, ring, aréna
    5) (a small group of people formed for business or criminal purposes: a drugs ring.) banda, gang
    2. verb
    ( verb)
    1) (to form a ring round.) obklopit dokola
    2) (to put, draw etc a ring round (something): He has ringed all your errors.) zakroužkovat
    3) (to put a ring on the leg of (a bird) as a means of identifying it.) okroužkovat
    - ringlet
    - ring finger
    - ringleader
    - ringmaster
    - run rings round
    II 1. [riŋ] past tense - rang; verb
    1) (to (cause to) sound: The doorbell rang; He rang the doorbell; The telephone rang.) (za)zvonit
    2) ((often with up) to telephone (someone): I'll ring you (up) tonight.) zavolat
    3) ((often with for) to ring a bell (eg in a hotel) to tell someone to come, to bring something etc: She rang for the maid.) zazvonit
    4) ((of certain objects) to make a high sound like a bell: The glass rang as she hit it with a metal spoon.) zazvonit
    5) (to be filled with sound: The hall rang with the sound of laughter.) znít, zvučet
    6) ((often with out) to make a loud, clear sound: His voice rang through the house; A shot rang out.) zaznít
    2. noun
    1) (the act or sound of ringing: the ring of a telephone.) zvonění
    2) (a telephone call: I'll give you a ring.) telefonní hovor
    3) (a suggestion, impression or feeling: His story has a ring of truth about it.) tón, přízvuk
    - ring back
    - ring off
    - ring true
    * * *
    • zazvonit
    • zvonit
    • prsten
    • ring
    • okruh
    • kruh

    English-Czech dictionary > ring

  • 11 knock

    [nok] 1. verb
    1) (to make a sharp noise by hitting or tapping, especially on a door etc to attract attention: Just then, someone knocked at the door.) klepat
    2) (to cause to move, especially to fall, by hitting (often accidentally): She knocked a vase on to the floor while she was dusting.) shodit, srazit
    3) (to put into a certain state or position by hitting: He knocked the other man senseless.) ztlouci
    4) ((often with against, on) to strike against or bump into: She knocked against the table and spilt his cup of coffee; I knocked my head on the car door.) vrazit do; narazit
    2. noun
    1) (an act of knocking or striking: She gave two knocks on the door; He had a nasty bruise from a knock he had received playing football.) úder, rána
    2) (the sound made by a knock, especially on a door etc: Suddenly they heard a loud knock.) klepání
    - knock-kneed
    - knock about/around
    - knock back
    - knock down
    - knock off
    - knock out
    - knock over
    - knock up
    - get knocked up
    * * *
    • zaklepat
    • klepat
    • bušit

    English-Czech dictionary > knock

  • 12 page

    [pei‹] I noun
    (one side of a sheet of paper in a book, magazine etc: page ninety-four; a three-page letter.) strana
    II 1. noun
    1) ((in hotels) a boy who takes messages, carries luggage etc.) poslíček, sluha
    2) ((also page boy) a boy servant.) páže
    2. verb
    (to try to find someone in a public place by calling out his name (often through a loud-speaker system): I could not see my friend in the hotel, so I had him paged.) vyvolat
    * * *
    • vyvolat jménem
    • stránka
    • strana
    • očíslovat stránky
    • páže
    • list

    English-Czech dictionary > page

  • 13 siren

    (a kind of instrument that gives out a loud hooting noise as a (warning) signal: a factory siren.) siréna
    * * *
    • siréna

    English-Czech dictionary > siren

См. также в других словарях:

  • Out Loud — may refer to: Out Loud (Boom Boom Satellites album), album by Boom Boom Satellites Out Loud (Naio Ssaion album), album by Naio Ssaion This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an …   Wikipedia

  • out loud — loud enough to hear, spoken clearly    Dad was very angry, but he didn t swear out loud …   English idioms

  • out loud — ► out loud audibly. Main Entry: ↑loud …   English terms dictionary

  • out loud — adverb using the voice; not silently (Freq. 2) please read the passage aloud he laughed out loud • Syn: ↑aloud * * * adverb : aloud * * * out loud Audibly …   Useful english dictionary

  • out loud — {adv. phr.} In an ordinary speaking voice and not whispering or talking quietly; so everybody can hear; aloud. * /The teacher read the final grades out loud./ * /Mary spoke out loud so the people standing nearby would hear./ * /Sometimes I find… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • out loud — {adv. phr.} In an ordinary speaking voice and not whispering or talking quietly; so everybody can hear; aloud. * /The teacher read the final grades out loud./ * /Mary spoke out loud so the people standing nearby would hear./ * /Sometimes I find… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • out\ loud — adv. phr. In an ordinary speaking voice and not whispering or talking quietly; so everybody can hear; aloud. The teacher read the final grades out loud. Mary spoke out loud so the people standing nearby would hear. Sometimes I find it helpful to… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • out loud — clearly, so it can be heard by other people. My reaction to her suggestion was to laugh out loud. If you have something to say, you should say it out loud so the whole class can hear it …   New idioms dictionary

  • out loud — adverb Using the voice; not silently; aloud. Can you say red leather, yellow leather out loud several times, without a mistake? …   Wiktionary

  • out loud — See aloud, out loud …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • out loud — in a way that other people can hear Each child reads out loud …   English dictionary

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