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  • 1 mind one's own business

    (to attend to one's own affairs, not interfering in other people's: Go away and mind your own business!) a-şi vedea de treburile sale

    English-Romanian dictionary > mind one's own business

  • 2 interfere

    1) ((often with in, with) to (try to) become involved in etc, when one's help etc is not wanted: I wish you would stop interfering (with my plans); Don't interfere in other people's business!) a (se) amesteca
    2) ((with with) to prevent, stop or slow down the progress of: He doesn't let anything interfere with his game of golf on Saturday mornings.) a împiedica
    - interfering

    English-Romanian dictionary > interfere

  • 3 poke one's nose into

    (to interfere with other people's business: He is always poking his nose into my affairs.) a-şi vârî nasul în

    English-Romanian dictionary > poke one's nose into

  • 4 snoop

    ((often with around or into) to make secretive investigations into things that do not concern oneself: She's always snooping into other people's business.) a-şi băga nasul peste tot

    English-Romanian dictionary > snoop

  • 5 aloof

    [ə'lu:f] 1. adverb
    (apart or at a distance from other people: I kept aloof from the whole business.) departe (de)
    2. adjective
    (not sociable and friendly: People find the new teacher rather aloof.) distant

    English-Romanian dictionary > aloof

  • 6 interested

    1) ((often with in) showing attention or having curiosity: He's not interested in politics; Don't tell me any more - I'm not interested; I'll be interested to see what happens next week.) interesat
    2) ((often with in) willing, or wanting, to do, buy etc: Are you interested in (buying) a second-hand car?) interesat (de)
    3) (personally involved in a particular business, project etc and therefore likely to be anxious about decisions made regarding it: You must consult the other interested parties (= the other people involved).) interesat

    English-Romanian dictionary > interested

  • 7 pry

    (to try to find out about something that is secret, especially other people's affairs: He is always prying into my business.) a se ameteca (în); a-şi băga nasul (în)

    English-Romanian dictionary > pry

См. также в других словарях:

  • Other People's Money And How the Bankers Use It — (1914) is a collection of essays written by Louis Brandeis first published as a book in 1914, and reissued in 1933. Contents 1 Contents 2 Synopsis 3 Significance 4 See …   Wikipedia

  • Other People's Photographs — is a public art piece located in Folkestone, and was installed in February 2008 by the arts charity Strange Cargo[1]. The project has been funded by the Arts Council England South East [2] Arts Business[3], Shepway District Council [4], Kent… …   Wikipedia

  • Other People's Money and How the Bankers Use It — is a collection of essays written by Louis Brandeis published as a book in 1914. The book attacked the use of investment funds to promote the consolidation of various industries under the control of a small number of corporations, which Brandeis… …   Wikipedia

  • Other People's Money — This article is about the film. For the 1914 book, see Other People s Money and How the Bankers Use It. Other People s Money Theatrical release poster Directed by …   Wikipedia

  • Business communication — Business Communication: communication used to promote a product, service, or organization; relay information within the business; or deal with legal and similar issues. It is also a means of relaying between a supply chain, for example the… …   Wikipedia

  • Other peoples photographs — Other People s Photographs Other peoples photographs is a public art piece located in Folkestone, and was installed in February 2008 by the arts charity Strange Cargo [Strange Cargo Arts Company] [http://strangecargo.org.uk] . The project has… …   Wikipedia

  • Business stature — is a term describing the different levels associated to an invividuals position or prominence in a business, market or group of associated business professionals. For example if a person in a company serves in a director level for a given… …   Wikipedia

  • List of University of Oxford people in business — This is a list of people from the University of Oxford involved from the world of business. Many were students at one (or more) of the colleges of the University, and others held fellowships at a college. This list forms part of a series of lists …   Wikipedia

  • people skills — plural noun (informal) The ability to work or deal with others harmoniously • • • Main Entry: ↑people * * * people skills UK US noun [plural] the ability to communicate effectively with people in a friendly way, especially in business Thesaurus:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • business card — business cards N COUNT: oft poss N A person s business card or their card is a small card which they give to other people, and which has their name and details of their job and company printed on it …   English dictionary

  • Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview        Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… …   Universalium

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