1 orthorhombic crystal system
1) Техника: ортотриметрическая кристаллическая система, ортотриметрическая кристаллографическая система2) Электроника: ромбическая кристаллографическая системаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > orthorhombic crystal system
2 orthorhombic crystal system
English-Russian electronics dictionary > orthorhombic crystal system
3 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
4 system
system of conjugated fractures система взаимно связанных трещин
system of faults система сбросов
system of joints система трещин
ABC system сейсм. способ определения поправок за мощность зоны малых скоростей
active system активная система
ambulacral system Ech. амбулакральная система
amphidromic system амфидромная система
Anthracolithic system антраколитовая система (объединяющая карбон и пермь)
apical system Echin. апикальная система
aquifer system водная система
aquiferous system водопроводящая система
artesian system артезианская система
artificial drainage system искусственная дренажная система
Cambrian system кембрийская система
cave system сеть [система] пещер
Comanchean system команчская система
conjugate fold system сопряжённая система складок
consequent drainage system консеквентная дренажная система
coordinate system система координат
Cretaceous system меловая система
crystal system кристаллографическая система
cubic system кубическая сингония
Devonian system девонская система
differential infrared line-scan system система дифференцированной инфракрасной строчной развёртки
directional system направленная система
dismembered river system расчленённая речная система
double-fronted mountain system двухфронтальная горная система
drainage system дренажная система
Ediacarian system эдиакарская система
equator system of coordinates экваториальная система координат
fault system система сбросов
fault trellis drainage system сетчатый дренаж, образованный системой сбросов
fold system система складо
geosynclinal system геосинклинальная система
glide system система скольжения, оползневая система
Gondwana system гондванская система, система Гондвана
Gothlandian system готландская система
hexagonal system гексагональная система
Holocenic system голоценовая система
horizon system of coordinates горизонтальная система координат
hydrologic system гидрологическая система
image-forming system система получения фото- или телеизображения
intermitting system периодическая система
island arc system островодужная система
isometric system кубическая сингония
joint system система трещин
Karroo system система Карру (континентальные отложения Южной Африки)
key-well system система опорных скважин
line-scan system линейное развёртывающее устройство
Lovenian system Echin. ловенская система
mining system система горных разработок
Mississippian system миссисипская система
monoclinic system моноклинная сингония
monovariant system моновариантная система
mountain system горная система
multibranched orogenic system горная система с многочисленными ответвляющимися хребтами
multilayer system многослойная система
multistage system многоступенчатая система
Munsell color system система классификации цветов Мунселла
number system числовая система
optical system оптическая система
Ordovician system ордовикская система
orthorhombic system ромбическая сингония
passive system пассивная система
Pennsylvanian system пенсильванская система
percussion system канатная система бурения
Permian system пермская система
petrogeny's residual system петрогенная остаточная система (NaAlSi04—KAlSi04—S1O2)
phenetic system фенетическая система
point system система точек, точечная система
pore system система пор, поровая система
postglacial system послеледниковая система
Potsdam system потсдамская система (система величины силы тяжести)
Present system современная эпоха; новейшая эпоха послеледникового периода; современная система
prismatic system призматическая сингония
pyramidal system тетрагональная сингония
Quaternary system четвертичная система
reef system рифовая система
regmatic system регматическая система
remote control system система телеуправления, система дистанционного управления
rhombic system ромбическая сингония
rhombohedral system ромбоэдрическая сингония
river system речная система
Silurian system силурийская система, силур
Sinian system синийская система; рифейская система
Siwalik system сиваликская система (неогеновые и нижнечетвертичные отложения, Индия)
solar system Солнечная система
spectra-zonal system спектрозональная система
subvective system Ech. субвективная [направляющая] система
temperature-compensated system температурно-компенсационная система
ternary system тройная [трёхкомпонентная] система
Tertiary system третичная система
tetragonal system тетрагональная сингония
three-age system система трёх веков
timing system система маркировки времени, отметчик времени
top-slicing system система разработки с обрушением кровли
Triassic system триасовая система
triclinic system триклинная сингония
trigonal system тригональная сингония
unary [unicomponent] system одинарная [однокомпонентная] система
valley system система долин
vein system система жил
Vindhyan system виндийская серия, виндийская система
water vascular system Ech. водно-сосудистая система
weight dropping system сейсм. система падающего груза
well-data system банк буровых данных
world geodetic system мировая геодезическая система
world rift system мировая рифтовая система
Younger Tertiary system неогеновая система
* * *• пакет• сингония• система• станция -
5 structure
1) сооружение; конструкция2) конструкция; устройство; схема3) структура; строение4) система6) форма; вид7) эл. опора•- accordion stitch structure -
acicular structure
active substrate structure
air-inflated structure
air structure
aligned structure
alignment structure
all-metal structure
angle structure
antiavalanche structure
appurtenant structure
Aran structure
arborescent structure
aromatic structure
array structure
as-hardened structure
atlas structure
atomic structure
austenitic structure
automatically erectable structure
avalanche injection structure
backbone structure
backward-wave structure
balanced atlas structure
balloon structure
band structure
barrier injection structure
base-coupled structure
basic structure
bearing structure
bearing-wall structure
benzene-like structure
bipolar diffused structure
bipolar junction structure
bird's eye backing jacquard structure
blackberry stitch structure
blister structure
block structure
block-graft structure
body structure
boundary structure
bourrelet structure
box-like space structure
braced structure
branched structure
bubble stitch structure
building structure
bulk structure
buried structure
buried-collector structure
buried-gate structure
buried-oxide MOS structure
bus-organized structure
bus structure
cable stitch structure
cable-stayed structure
camera structure
catenary suspension structure
cellular structure
chain structure
chain-packed structure
charge injection structure
charge transfer structure
charge-coupled structure
check structure
chemical structure
cholesteric structure
circus-support structure
closed structure
close-grained structure
close-packed structure
clustered structure
coagulation structure
coast-protecting structure
collector-coupled structure
columnar structure
complementary MOS structure
compliance structure
condensation structure
continuous structure
control structure
controlled eutectic structure
core support structure
course structure
crest structure
cross plating structure
cross-armless structure
cross-linked structure
cross-miss structure
cross-rope suspension structure
cross-tuck structure
crystalline structure
crystal structure
cubic structure
cutting structure
daisy-chain structure
dangerous structure
data structure
dead-end structure
debris retaining structure
deep structure
delay-line structure
dendrite structure
determinate structure
diffused-gate structure
disordered structure
docking module launch support structure
domain structure
dotted structure
double epitaxial structure
double-avalanche structure
double-diffused MOS structure
double-implanted structure
double-polysilicon structure
double-poly structure
drawing file structure
drilling bit bearing structure
drill bit bearing structure
drop structure
dropped stitch structure
duplex structure
earth structure
earthquake-proof structure
earth-retaining structure
eightlock structure
embroidery plating structure
emitter-coupled structure
energy-band structure
engineering structure
epitaxial structure
evermonte structure
exterior structure
eyelet structure
fabric structure
fabricated structure
fail-safe structure
fancy stitch structure
faulted structure
fendering structure
fibrous structure
field structure
field-interleaved structure
file structure
filiform molecule structure
filler structure
film guiding structure
film handling structure
film structure
fine structure
fine-grain structure
fire-tree structure
fish protection structure
flaky structure
flexible structure
float plated fishnet structure
float plated structure
float stitch structure
floated-in structure
floating dock structure
floating gate MOS structure
floating gate structure
flood-regulating structure
floor structure
flow-measuring structure
folded-plate structure
frame structure
framed structure
frame-like structure
French pique structure
fringe structure
full cardigan rib structure
full cardigan structure
full tricot structure
full-jacquard structure
functional structure
gate-operation structure
gel structure
geological structure
glass structure
glass-like structure
grade separation structure
graded structure
graphoepitaxial structure
gravity-dependent structure
gravity structure
grid structure
groundwater intake structure
guard-ring structure
guide structure
hairpin structure
half-cardigan structure
half-transfer stitch structure
herringbone twill structure
heteroepitaxial structure
heterogeneous structure
heterojunction structure
H-frame structure
hierarchical sensory-control structure
hierarchical structure
highly refined structure
high-performance MOS structure
homogeneous structure
honeycomb structure
horizontal striped backing jacquard structure
hydraulic structure
hydrodynamic dissipative structure
hyperfine structure
hyperstatic structure
image structure
indeterminate structure
industrial structure
inflatable structure
ingot structure
inlay lap stitch structure
in-line structure
instruction structure
insulated gate structure
insulated substrate structure
intake structure
interdigital structure
interior structure
interlock stitch structure
ionic gating structures
ion gating structures
ion-implanted structure
ion-selective field-effect structure
isle structure
jacquard structure
jersey structure
jointless structure
jumbo structure
junction field-effect structure
junction-isolated structure
knitted structure
knock-off lap stitch structure
lace stitch structure
ladder structure
ladderproof structure
lamellar structure
laminated structure
lateral structure
lattice structure
layer-like structure
light-trapping structure
line structure
linear structure
line-interleaved structure
line-locked structure
line-quincunx structure
linked structure
links-links structure
liquid-like structure
list structure
locknit structure
logical structure
logic structure
looped plush structure
looped tuck structure
loosely packed structure
macromolecular structure
magnetic structure
mammoth structure
manipulator erectable structure
manually erectable structure
marine structure
marquisette structure
mat structure
mesa strip structure
mesa structure
mesh structure
metal-insulator-semiconductor structure
metallized semiconductor gate structure
metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor structure
metal-nitride-semiconductor structure
metal-oxide-metal structure
metal-oxide-semiconductor structure
microgel structure
micromesh structure
Milano rib structure
mock rib structure
mode structure
modular structure
mosaic structure
moss stitch structure
multicollector structure
multiemitter structure
multilayer structure
multilevel structure
multi-microprocessor structure
multispan structure
multituck structure
n-channel structure
nematic structure
net structure
netting structure
network structure
nipple stitch structure
n-MOS structure
nonbearing structure
n-p-n structure
nuclear structure
ocean structure
ocean thermal structure
offshore marine structure
offshore structure
open stitch structure
open structure
open-neck structure
open-pile braced structure
orbiting structure
ordered structure
orthogonal structure
orthorhombic structure
ottoman structure
overaged structure
pattern purl stitch structure
patterned structure
p-channel structure
pelerine structure
periodic structure
permanent structure
photovoltaic equipped parking and shade structure
p-i-n structure
pin tuck structure
planar structure
p-MOS structure
p-n-p structure
polycrystalline structure
polycrystal structure
ponte di Roma structure
popcorn stitch structure
portal structure
power system structure
pressurized structure
prestressed structure
primary structure
protecting structure
purification structure
purl structure
quarternary structure
queenscord structure
quenched-and-tempered structure
rack stitch structure
racked full-cardigan structure
racked half-cardigan structure
racked rib structure
random structure
reactor top structure
redundant structure
reflecting structure
regular crystal structure
regular structure
reticular structure
reverse locknit structure
reversed mesa structure
reversible jacquard structure
reversible racked rib structure
rhombic structure
rhombohedral structure
rib structure
rib transfer stitch structure
rib-jacquard structure
rigid structure
ring structure
ring-like structure
ripple stitch structure
rod-like structure
rotorcraft flight structure
rugged structure
run-resist structure
sandwich structure
satin stripe structure
Schottky-gate structure
screwdown structure
seam structure
secondary structure
segregation-free structure
selected backing jacquara structure
self-aligned gate structure
self-floating structure
self-registered gate structure
semiconductor structure
semiconductor-metal-semiconductor structure
separation structure
shaft structure
sharkskin structure
shell stitch structure
shell structure
shutter structure
silicon-on-insulator structure
silicon-on-sapphire structure
simple structure
single Lacoste structure
single-crystal structure
single-layer structure
single-level structure
single-pique structure
sinker mesh structure
skeleton structure
skin-core structure
slaty structure
slowing structure
sluiceway structure
smectic structure
soil structure
solar animal structure
solid-state structure
solid structure
space structure
spiral cloud structure
stable structure
stacked structure
star-type structure
star structure
statically determinate structure
statically indeterminate structure
stockinette structure
streaky structure
stressed-skin structure
stress-relieved structure
subgrain structure
submerged structure
submicrometer structure
substatic structure
subsurface ingot structure
superlattice structure
supporting structure
surface structure
suspension structure
Swiss pique structure
tailrace structure
tangent structure
tank supporting structure
temporary structure
terry stitch structure
tertiary structure
test structure
tetragonal structure
texipique structure
thin-slab structure
three-dimensional structure
tidal regulating structure
tied-in floats structure
torsion box structure
tower-base structure
track structure
training structure
transferred sinker stitch structure
trashrack structure
tree-type structure
tree structure
triclinic structure
trigonal structure
tuck purl structure
tuck rib honeycomb structure
tuck ripple structure
tuck-interlock structure
tunnel access structure
turnout structure
twill backing jacquard structure
twin structure
twist nematic structure
two-needle overlap stitch structure
underground structure
underlying structure
unipolar structure
unstable structure
variable-gap structure
vesicular structure
V-groove MOS structure
void structure
warp knit meshes structure
water conveyance structure
water-diverting structure
waterflow retarding structure
waterfront structure
water-retaining structure
waterside structure
weft insertion structure
welt structure
woody structure
wrap embroidery structure
wrought structure
См. также в других словарях:
Orthorhombic crystal system — An example of the orthorhombic crystals, aragonite In crystallography, the orthorhombic crystal system is one of the seven lattice point groups. Orthorhombic lattices result from stretching a cubic lattice along two of its orthogonal pairs by two … Wikipedia
crystal system — n. any of the seven groups (cubic, hexagonal, rhombohedral, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic) of crystals classified on the basis of the relationships of their crystallographic axes (imaginary lines of reference used to… … English World dictionary
Crystal system — Diamond crystal structure consists of face centered cubic lattice. In crystallography, the terms crystal system, crystal family, and lattice system each refer to one of several classes of space groups, lattices, point groups, or crystals.… … Wikipedia
Monoclinic crystal system — An example of the monoclinic crystals, orthoclase In crystallography, the monoclinic crystal system is one of the 7 lattice point groups. A crystal system is described by three vectors. In the monoclinic system, the crystal is described by… … Wikipedia
Cubic crystal system — A rock containing three crystals of pyrite (FeS2). The crystal structure of pyrite is simple cubic, and this is reflected in the cubic symmetry of its natural crystal facets … Wikipedia
Triclinic crystal system — [ thumb|right|200px|An example of the triclinic crystals, microcline] In crystallography, the triclinic crystal system is one of the 7 lattice point groups. A crystal system is described by three basis vectors. In the triclinic system, the… … Wikipedia
crystal system — noun : any of the six or sometimes seven main groups into which crystals are commonly classified according to the relative lengths and inclinations of their axes or according to their respective symmetries see hexagonal system, isometric system,… … Useful english dictionary
crystal system — Crystall. any of the six main classifications of crystals and of crystal lattices according to their symmetry: isometric, hexagonal, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic. * * * … Universalium
crystal system — noun each of seven categories of crystals (cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, trigonal, hexagonal, monoclinic, and triclinic) classified according to the possible relations of the crystal axes … English new terms dictionary
orthorhombic — [ôr΄thō räm′bik] adj. [ ORTHO + RHOMBIC] designating or of a crystal system having three axes of unequal length, each of which intersects at right angles with the others: see CRYSTAL SYSTEM … English World dictionary
Crystal structure — In mineralogy and crystallography, crystal structure is a unique arrangement of atoms or molecules in a crystalline liquid or solid. A crystal structure is composed of a pattern, a set of atoms arranged in a particular way, and a lattice… … Wikipedia