1 ornamental
Adj. KUNST ornamental, decorative* * *ornamental* * *or|na|men|tal [ɔrnamɛn'taːl]1. adjornamental2. advornamentally* * *or·na·men·tal[ɔrnamɛnˈta:l]I. adj ornamental, decorativeII. adv ornamentally, decoratively* * * -
2 ornamental
3 zierend
ornamental -
4 Zierpflanze
f ornamental plant* * *Zier|pflan|zefornamental plant* * *Zier·pflan·zef ornamental plant* * *die ornamental plant* * *Zierpflanze f ornamental plant* * *die ornamental plant* * *f.ornamental plant n. -
5 Zierstrauch
m ornamental shrub* * *Zier|strauchmornamental shrub* * *Zier·strauchm ornamental shrub* * *der ornamental shrub* * *Zierstrauch m ornamental shrub* * *der ornamental shrub -
6 Ziergarten
m ornamental garden* * *der Ziergartenornamental garden* * *Zier|gar|tenmornamental garden* * *Zier·gar·tenm ornamental garden* * *Ziergarten m ornamental garden* * *m.flower garden n. -
7 Beschlag
m; -(e)s, Beschläge1. an Möbeln, Koffer: metal fitting(s Pl.); an Türen, Fenstern: fittings Pl., furniture; (Schließe) clasp; (Scharnier) hinge; selten: (Hufeisen) shoes Pl.2. nur Sg.; (Überzug) film; (Feuchtigkeit) condensation; CHEM. efflorescence, bloom; das Silber / der Spiegel hat einen Beschlag the silver is tarnished / the mirror is misted up3. nur Sg., ohne Art.: in Beschlag nehmen oder mit Beschlag belegen (Plätze etc.) reserve, bag umg.; fig. (jemanden, Unterhaltung, Badezimmer etc.) monopolize; seine Arbeit / sein Hobby nimmt ihn ganz in Beschlag his work / hobby takes up all his time* * *der Beschlag(Ausblühen) efflorescence; bloom;(Feuchtigkeit) mist; condensation; tarnish* * *Be|schlagm1) (an Koffer, Truhe, Buch) (ornamental) fitting; (an Tür, Fenster, Möbelstück, Sattel) (ornamental) mounting; (= Scharnier/Schließe) ornamental hinge/clasp; (von Pferd) shoes pl2) (=das Beschlagen von Pferd) shoeing3) (auf Metall) tarnish; (auf Speisen) layer of mould (Brit) or mold (US); (auf Glas, Spiegel etc) condensationder Löffel hat einen Beschlág — the spoon is tarnished
4)jdn/etw mit Beschlág belegen, jdn/etw in Beschlág nehmen — to monopolize sb/sth
* * *Be·schlag<-[e]s, Beschläge>[bəˈʃla:k, pl bəˈʃlɛ:gə]m1. (Metallstück) fastening, [metal] fitting; Koffer lock; Buch clasp; Tür, Fenster, Möbelstück fitting, mounting, [ornamental] hinge3.▶ etw/jdn mit \Beschlag belegen, etw/jdn in \Beschlag nehmen to monopolize [or seize] sth/sbdie Polizei nahm das Auto in \Beschlag the police impounded the carwir sollten schon einmal unsere Plätze in \Beschlag nehmen we had better secure our seats▶ jd ist mit \Beschlag belegt, jd wird in \Beschlag genommen sb is up to their eyeballs in it, sb's hands are full [with sth]* * *1) fitting2)jemanden/etwas mit Beschlag belegen od. in Beschlag nehmen — monopolize somebody/something
* * *1. an Möbeln, Koffer: metal fitting(s pl); an Türen, Fenstern: fittings pl, furniture; (Schließe) clasp; (Scharnier) hinge; selten: (Hufeisen) shoes pldas Silber/der Spiegel hat einen Beschlag the silver is tarnished/the mirror is misted up3. nur sg, ohne art:mit Beschlag belegen (Plätze etc) reserve, bag umg; fig (jemanden, Unterhaltung, Badezimmer etc) monopolize;seine Arbeit/sein Hobby nimmt ihn ganz in Beschlag his work/hobby takes up all his time* * *1) fitting2)jemanden/etwas mit Beschlag belegen od. in Beschlag nehmen — monopolize somebody/something
* * *-¨e m.binder n.metal fitting n. -
8 dekorativ
Adj. decorative* * *ornamental; decorative* * *de|ko|ra|tiv [dekora'tiːf]1. adjdecorative2. advdecoratively* * *(ornamental or beautiful (especially if not useful): a decorative arrangement of flowers.) decorative* * *de·ko·ra·tiv[dekoraˈti:f]I. adj decorativerein \dekorativ purely ornamentalII. adv decoratively* * *1.Adjektiv decorative2.adverbial decoratively* * *dekorativ adj decorative* * *1.Adjektiv decorative2.adverbial decoratively* * *adj.decorative adj.ornamental adj. adv.decoratively adv.ornamentally adv. -
9 Zierfisch
m ornamental fish* * *Zier|fischmornamental fish* * *Zier·fischm ornamental fish* * *Zierfisch m ornamental fish* * *m.aquarium fish n. -
10 Sammeltasse
f collector’s (ornamental) cup (and saucer)* * *Sạm|mel|tas|sefornamental cup, saucer and plate* * * -
11 Zierkürbis
m ornamental (dried) gourd* * *Zier·kür·bism ornamental gourd* * *Zierkürbis m ornamental (dried) gourd -
12 Eberraute
f BOT. southernwood, European ( oder ornamental) sage* * * -
13 Kunstschmied
* * * -
14 ornamentartig
15 Ornamentform
16 Schmuckring
17 Übertopf
18 Zierbuchstabe
19 Ziergräser
20 Zierleiste
* * *die Zierleisteborder* * *Zier|leis|tefborder; (an Auto) trim; (an Möbelstück) edging; (an Wand) moulding (Brit), molding (US)* * *Zier·leis·te* * *
См. также в других словарях:
ornamental — ORNAMENTÁL, Ă, ornamentali, e, adj. Care serveşte ca ornament, ca podoabă; decorativ. ♢ Plante ornamentale = grup de plante cultivate în parcuri, grădini sau locuinţe în scopuri decorative. – Din fr. ornamental. Trimis de RACAI, 21.10.2003. Sursa … Dicționar Român
Ornamental — may refer to: Ornamental grass, a type of grass grown as a decoration Ornamental iron, mild steel that has been formed into decorative shapes, similar to wrought iron work Ornamental plant, a plant that is grown for its ornamental qualities… … Wikipedia
ornamental — or na*men tal, a. [Cf. F. ornemental.] Serving to ornament; characterized by ornament; beautifying; embellishing. [1913 Webster] Some think it most ornamental to wear their bracelets on their wrists; others, about their ankles. Sir T. Browne.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ornamental — adjetivo 1. Uso/registro: elevado. Que sirve para adornar o decorar: motivos ornamentales. 2. Uso/registro: elevado. Que no tiene una función o un valor reales o necesarios, sino puramente superfluos: Su cargo es puramente ornamental, no tiene… … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
ornamental — [ôr΄nə ment′ l] adj. serving as or pertaining to an ornament; decorative n. something ornamental; specif., a plant or shrub grown for its decorative effect ornamentally adv … English World dictionary
ornamental — index aesthetic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
ornamental — 1640s, partly formed in English from ORNAMENT (Cf. ornament) (n.) + AL (Cf. al) (1); partly from Latin ornamentalis, from ornamentum … Etymology dictionary
ornamental — adj. 2 g. 1. Relativo a ornamentos. 2. Dos ornamentos. 3. Que serve de ornamento … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
ornamental — [adj] decorative accessory, adorning, attractive, beautiful, beautifying, decking, decorating, delicate, dressy, elaborate, embellishing, enhancing, exquisite, fancy, festooned, florid, for show*, furbishing, garnishing, heightening, luxurious,… … New thesaurus
ornamental — adj. Perteneciente o relativo a la ornamentación o adorno … Diccionario de la lengua española
ornamental — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ serving or intended as an ornament. ► NOUN ▪ a plant grown for its attractive appearance. DERIVATIVES ornamentally adverb … English terms dictionary