1 orig(inal)
оригинал; законченный вариант рекламы, с которого производится тиражирование; подлинник; первоисточник; первоначальный♦ continuous tone orig(inal) полутоновый оригинал
См. также в других словарях:
original sin — orig′inal sin′ n. rel a depravity, or tendency to evil, held to be innate in humankind and transmitted from Adam to the race in consequence of his sin • Etymology: 1300–50; ME; trans. of ML peccātum orīgināle … From formal English to slang
Kamakhya — Situated near the top of Nilachal Hill in Guwa hati, overlooking the majestic Brahmaputra River, Kamakhya Temple is a famous pilgrimage site. It is the most important of the SHAKTI PITHAS, or centers of devotion for the GODDESS. According to… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism