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  • Organizational citizenship behavior — (hereafter, OCB) has been studied since the late 1970s. Over the past three decades, interest in these behaviors has increased substantially. Organizational behavior has been linked to overall organizational effectiveness, thus these types of… …   Wikipedia

  • Organizational learning — is an area of knowledge within organizational theory that studies models and theories about the way an organization learns and adapts. In Organizational development (OD), learning is a characteristic of an adaptive organization, i.e., an… …   Wikipedia

  • Organizational ethics — is the ethics of an organization, and it is how an organization ethically responds to an internal or external stimulus. Organizational ethics is interdependent with the organizational culture. Although, it is akin to both organizational behavior… …   Wikipedia

  • Organizational conflict — is a state of discord caused by the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests between people working together. Conflict takes many forms in organizations. There is the inevitable clash between formal authority and power and… …   Wikipedia

  • Organizational behavior and human resources — (OBHR) is a field of study housed in most business schools that has evolved from the overlap in offerings and objectives from courses taught in organizational behavior and human resource management.[1] Organizational Behavior studies human… …   Wikipedia

  • Personnel selection — is the process used to hire (or, less commonly, promote) individuals. Although the term can apply to all aspects of the process (recruitment, selection, hiring, acculturation, etc.) the most common meaning focuses on the selection of… …   Wikipedia

  • Organizational structure of the Central Intelligence Agency — A CIA Organizational Chart from May 2009 The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a vast and complicated organization with many divisions and subdivisions, consisting mainly of an executive office, four major directorates, and a variety of… …   Wikipedia

  • Organizational identification — Contents 1 Definitions of Identification and Organizational Identification 2 Why is Organizational Identification Important? 3 Differences and Similarities between OI and Affective Organizational Commitment …   Wikipedia

  • Organizational theory in public administration — The thematic evolution of organizational theory is yet another way one might capture the development of the field. Modern public sector organizational theory can be thought of as the product of two fields of study: management and government. Each …   Wikipedia

  • Organizational justice — The term organizational justice was coined by Greenberg (1987) and is defined as an individual’s perception of and reactions to fairness in an organization. Justice or fairness refers to the idea that an action or decision is morally right, which …   Wikipedia

  • Organizational analysis — Contents 1 Organizational Analysis 1.1 Examples of Organizational Analysis Models 1.1.1 Rational Model 1.1.2 Natural System Model …   Wikipedia

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